810 research outputs found

    Development and population growth of Alabama argillacea on cotton of white and colored fibers

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desenvolvimento e a reprodução do curuquerê-do-algodoeiro [Alabama argillacea (Hübner)], em cultivares de algodoeiro de fibras branca (BRS 201 e Acala 90) e verde (BRS Verde). O experimento consistiu de três tratamentos (cultivares), com dez repetições em laboratório e oito em campo, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Em laboratório, as lagartas do curuquerê foram alimentadas com folhas das cultivares, enquanto no campo, as posturas foram confinadas sobre as plantas e monitoradas até completar a geração. A cultivar BRS 201 ocasionou: prolongamento da fase larval de dois dias, em comparação às outras cultivares, em laboratório e no campo; menor sobrevivência da fase larval, em laboratório; menor peso de pupas e produção de ovos, em laboratório e campo. O crescimento populacional do curuquerê-do-algodoeiro, estimado após quatro gerações sucessivas, mostrou que uma fêmea fertilizada tem capacidade de produzir 1.776,6, 47,19 e 6,51 indivíduos em Acala 90, BRS Verde e BRS 201, respectivamente. O menor desempenho no desenvolvimento e na reprodução do curuquerê, criado na cultivar BRS 201, é importante no controle desta praga no campo. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe aim of this work was to evaluate the developmental rates and reproductive output of the cotton leafworm [Alabama argillacea (Hübner)], fed on leaves of cultivars with white fibers (BRS 201 and Acala 90) and colored ones (BRS Verde). The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design, with three treatments (cultivars) and ten and eight replications in laboratory and in field, respectively. In the laboratory, larvae were fed with cotton leaves, while in the field, eggs were caged on plant terminals and monitored until one generation was completed. Compared to the other cultivars, BRS 201 caused, both in laboratory and in the field: prolongation of larval development of A. argillacea in about two days; and lower pupal weight and egg production. In laboratory, the cotton leafworm reared on BRS 201 showed the lower survival index (46%). Population growth of A. argillacea estimated after four successive generations showed that one fertilized female has the potential for producing 1,776.6, 47.19 and 6.51 individuals colonizing Acala 90, BRS Verde and BRS 201, respectively. Lower performance in development and reproduction of cotton leafworm fed on BRS 201 can offer additional control to this pest in the field

    New bounds for Tsallis parameter in a noncommutative phase-space entropic gravity and nonextensive Friedmann equations

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    In this paper, we have analyzed the nonextensive Tsallis statistical mechanics in the light of Verlinde's formalism. We have obtained, with the aid of a noncommutative phase-space entropic gravity, a new bound for Tsallis nonextensive (NE) parameter (TNP) that is clearly different from the ones present in the current literature. We derived the Friedmann equations in a NE scenario. We also obtained here a relation between the gravitational constant and the TNP.Comment: 15 pages. Final version to appear in Physica

    Estudo dos povoamentos litorais no sítio Natura 2000 litoral norte

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    Mestrado em Biologia MarinhaO objectivo do presente trabalho foi o de compilar uma metodologia, recorrendo à fotografia digital, que permitisse uma distinção do elenco biológico na faixa litoral rochosa, no que respeita à natureza rochosa ou arenosa das praias de uma zona representativa do Sitio Natura 2000 Litoral Norte. Foram seleccionados 28 locais confinados à área de estudo, tendo por base a continuidade da zona de recife exposto. A pesquisa foi levada a cabo pela realização de transectos em cada um dos locais. Em cada um dos transectos foram seleccionados pontos aos quais se associou um registo fotográfico e a respectiva coordenada angular. Observaram-se 20 espécies de organismos já previamente descritas para o litoral costeiro português distribuídas nos 396 pontos, ao longo das 28 linhas de amostragem. Observou-se uma clara sequencia nos padrões de colonização dos organismos e uma diferenciação evidente nos casos em que o substrato alternava entre areia e pedra. Foram identificadas duas espécies dominantes em cada um dos substratos: Mytillus galloprovincialis(rocha) e Sabellaria alveolata(areia). O desenho experimental focou-se numa tentativa de aprofundamento dos dados existentes à situação actual dos povoamentos costeiros do Sítio Natura 2000 Litoral Norte. ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to compile a methodology using digital phototgraphy and allowing a distinction of colonization patterns in a rocky shore, regarding to the rocky or sandy nature of the beach composition. The survey took place in an representative area of the Natura 2000 Site Litoral Norte. We selected 28 sites confined to the study area, based on the continuity of the area of exposed reef. The research was carried out by the completion of transects in each of the locations. In the several transects we sampled a total of 396 points with an associated photographic record and angular coordinate. We identified 20 species of organisms along the 28 locations that have been previously described for the Portuguese coast There was a clear sequence in the patterns of species colonization and a strong differentiation in cases where the substrate was sand or stone. Two species were identified as being dominant in each of the substrata: Mytillus alloprovincialis(rock) and Sabellaria alveolata(sand). The experimental design focused on an attempt to deepen the existing data to the current situation of the coastal settlements of the Natura 2000 Site Litoral Norte

    Quality of life, work ability and oral health among patients with chronic liver diseases

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    This study aimed to explore the associations between health-related quality of life and work ability with the oral health status of patients with chronic liver disease. A cross-sectional study included 150 patients with chronic liver disease, consecutively seen at University Hospital, Salvador, Brazil. Oral health was evaluated by the Decayed, Missing, and Filled Teeth (DMFT) index and by the presence of gingivitis and periodontitis. Salivary flow was ?reduced? when <1.0 mL/min. Health-related quality of life was evaluated by using the 36-Item Short Form Health Survey questionnaire (SF-36); work ability was evaluated by the Work Ability Index questionnaire. All health-related quality of life indicators were systematically lower among the 99 patients with reduced salivary flow than among the 51 patients with normal salivary flow. Physical Functioning, Role-Physical, and Physical Component Summary scores were strongly correlated (P< 0.005 or less) with the number of Missing Teeth and with DMFT index. Reduced salivary flow was associated (P< 0.05) with poor work ability. Patients with poor or moderate work ability presented higher (P< 0.001) means of the DMFT index than those with good or excellent work ability. Patients with chronic liver disease who present poor oral health presented low health-related quality of life and poor work ability. These findings reinforce the need of these patients for specialized stomatological care

    Inherited and acquired risk factors and their combined effects in pediatric stroke

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    The aim of this study was to identify hereditary and acquired risk-factors as they are related to the occurrence of stroke in children. We identified 21 children with stroke. A search of the Factor V Leiden mutation, the Factor II G20210A variant, and the thermolabile variant of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase was performed in patients and in a control group (n = 115).We identified risk factors of acquired and/or hereditary nature for stroke in 19 of 21 children. Eleven children had three or more risk factors, seven had two risk factors, and one child had only one risk factor. We found three carriers (14.3%) of the Factor V Leiden mutation, two carriers (9.5%) of the Factor II G20210A variant, eleven (52.4%) thermolabile variant of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase heterozygote carriers, and one (4.8%) homozygotes for this variant.Frequencies of the Factor V Leiden mutation and the Factor II variant were higher in patients than in controls, suggesting that these variants are associated with an increased risk of stroke in childhood. Homozygosity for the thermolabile variant of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase was equally frequent amongst patients and controls.Our study confirms that stroke in children is commonly associated with a combination of multiple risk factors, both genetic and acquired, and that the Factor V Leiden mutation and the Factor II G20210A variant are predisposing factors for this situation

    Ajustamento emocional em doentes com sarcoma e a perceção de suporte autónomo dado pelos enfermeiros

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    Os sarcomas são tumores malignos raros, com consequências negativas para a funcionalidade e autoimagem, e que se associam a um maior risco de perturbação emocional, revelando-se fundamental estudar o papel dos enfermeiros no suporte fornecido a estes doentes. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a relação entre o ajustamento emocional e a perceção sobre o ambiente terapêutico, em três momentos do processo de tratamento. Realizou-se um estudo longitudinal, numa amostra de 24 pessoas com sarcoma (ósseo ou dos tecidos moles), com uma média de 41 anos de idade e de 10 anos de escolaridade. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: questionário de caracterização sociodemográ!ca e clínica, a versão portuguesa da Escala de Ansiedade e Depressão Hospitalar (EADH) e o Questionário de Perceção do Cliente sobre o Ambiente Terapêutico (QPCAT). Globalmente foram identi!cados níveis baixos de ansiedade e de depressão ao longo do tratamento. Os doentes demonstraram uma perceção favorável sobre o suporte proporcionado pelos enfermeiros, com repercussões positivas no seu ajustamento emocional, em especial nas fases mais avançadas do tratamento. Os resultados sugerem que os enfermeiros apoiam e encorajam os doentes na gestão do seu tratamento, sendo este suporte promotor de um bom ajustamento psicossocial. São ainda evidenciados alguns indicadores de maior vulnerabilidade que requerem um suporte terapêutico ajustado às suas necessidades ao longo do percurso da doença e do tratamento.Sarcomas are a rare type of solid cancer associated with several negative psychological outcomes in terms of functionality and self-image. "ere is an increased risk of emotional distress in sarcoma patients therefore it´s important to study how nurses can assist these patients. "is is a longitudinal study aimed to study the association between emotional adjustment of patients with sarcoma and the perceived autonomy supportiveness provided by nurses Participants were 24 adult patients of both sexes, mean age of 41 (SD = 16,8), diagnosed with sarcoma. "e instruments used were: Sociodemographic and Clinical Questionnaire, the Health Care Climate Questionnaire (HCCQ) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Overall, low levels of emotional distress were found during treatment. Patients reported a positive perception of perceived autonomy support provided by nurses, which proved to be associated with lower emotional distress, especially during the advanced phases of treatment. "e study emphasizes the importance of the autonomous support provided by nurses in the disease management process, and gives clues to the identi!cation of the most vulnerable patients in terms of emotional distress, in order to plan psychosocial interventions to promote patients´ wellbeing.Los sarcomas son tumores malignos raros, con consecuencias negativas para la funcionalidad y la propia imagen. Los sarcomas se asocian a un mayor riesgo de Trastorno emocional, e es indispensable estudiar el papel de enfermería en el apoyo a estos pacientes. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la relación entre ajuste emocional y la percepción de autonomía en el ambiente terapéutico, en dos momentos del tratamiento. Se realizó un estudio longitudinal en una muestra de 24 personas con sarcoma de tejidos blandos o hueso, con una media de 41 años de edad y 10 años de escolaridad. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: un cuestionario encuesta sociodemográ!co y caracterización clínica, la versión portuguesa de la escala de ansiedad e depresión en el hospital (HADS) e la escala sobre el medio ambiente terapéutico (QPCAT). Los pacientes demostraron un apoyo favorable de los enfermeros, con repercusiones positivas en su ajuste emocional, particularmente en las etapas posteriores del tratamiento. Los resultados sugieren que las enfermeras apoyan y animan los pacientes en el manejo de su tratamiento, que es un buen promotor del ajuste psicosocial. Aún se evidencian algunos indicadores de mayor vulnerabilidad que requieren de un apoyo terapéutico ajustado a sus necesidades a través del curso de la enfermedad y el tratamiento.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    O uso, controle e monitoramento dos recursos hídricos a cada ano se mostram mais detalhados e importantes para manutenção e proteção das bacias que abastecem a indústria, população e agropecuária. As características geográficas e ambientais de macro e microescala são decisivas para o microclima e disponibilidade hídrica. Para classificar o microclima e balanço hídrico foi utilizado o método de Thornthwaite para as cidades do Vale do Paraíba Paulista: Paraibuna, São José dos Campos e São Luiz do Paraitinga com a entrada de dados de 1940 a 1970. Os municípios estudados são geograficamente próximos, e analisando o uso e ocupação da terra e dados do IBGE encontramos suas características que diferenciam o clima dos municípios, a interferência antropogênica em áreas do município destinadas ao crescimento urbano e populacional, vegetação florestal e a construção da represa Paraibuna/Paraitinga. O objetivo deste trabalho é classificar e apontar possíveis alterações no microclima de cada município, e que foram encontrados microclimas úmidos, porém de subclassificações diferentes, que o uso e ocupação do solo aumentam algumas características naturais como temperatura e armazenamento hídrico


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    Este trabalho visa identificar quais os resultados de um diagnóstico sobre a gestão estratégica de uma pequena empresa do setor de serviços da cidade de Itapeva, SP. Foi realizado um estudo de caso, por meio da aplicação da Análise Estratégica Tridimensional descrita por Santos (2014), que visa identificar como se desenvolvem as ações estratégicas na organização, tendo como embasamento os modelos de Planejamento Estratégico Tradicional e Planejamento Estratégico Situacional. A relevância do estudo consiste no tocante que as micro e pequenas empresas possuem grandes dificuldades em institucionalizar métodos de planejamento estratégico levando a problemas de competitividade. Os resultados demonstram que embora não tenha um método formal de planejamento estratégico instituído, a empresa desenvolve diversas ações estratégicas que a mantém atuante no mercado e que a gestão pode ser ajustada em alguns aspectos para aprimorar os conceitos estratégicos praticados

    Seabird abundance and distribution off western iberian waters estimated through aerial surveys

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    Western Iberian waters are important migratory flyways, stopover sites, and wintering areas for several of the world’s seabird species. To describe seabird species composition, distribution, and abundance in these waters, we performed six aerial surveys in September and/or October of each year, 2010–2015, covering 74 840 km2. Using line transect methodology, 27 396 seabird sightings from 17 taxonomic groups were recorded along 10 496.3 nautical miles (19 433 km). Using the program “Distance,” annual and overall abundance estimates were obtained for nine taxonomic groups: Balearic Shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus, Great Shearwater Ardenna gravis, Cory’s Shearwater Calonectris borealis, shearwaters, Northern Gannet Morus bassanus, Sabine’s Gull Xema sabini, Great Skua Stercorarius skua, storm petrels, and Red Phalarope Phalaropus fulicarius. For the six-year period, Northern Gannet was the most abundant species (89 630 individuals, coefficient of variation [CV] = 6.28%), followed by Cory’s Shearwater (25 044 individuals, CV = 7.56%) and Balearic Shearwater (13 632 individuals, CV = 20.81%). The remaining taxonomic groups exhibited variable abundances. Results confirm that the study area is important to several seabird species, providing baseline estimates to inform conservation policies and instruments, such as the Birds Directive or the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Monitoring Abundance and Distribution of Northern Gannets Morus bassanus in Western Iberian Waters in Autumn by Aerial Surveys

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    AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS - Study conception HA and CE; Investigation HA, PCR, jBS, MF, ATP, JMC, JV and CE; Methodology HA, PCR, JBS, JV and CE; Resources HA, JBS, JV and CE; Data curation HA, PCR, JBS, JV; Writing initial draft HA; Writing critical review and commentary of revision HA, PCR, jBS, MF, ATP, JMC and CE; Supervision PCR, JV and CE; Project Administration JV and CE.Several North Atlantic breeding seabirds, such as the Northern Gannet Morus bassanus, use Western Iberian Waters for wintering and migration. In this study, we aimed at producing absolute population estimates of post-breeding Gannets and evaluating the importance of the study area within the species’ migration range. We performed six aerial surveys in September and/or October each year between 2010 and 2015, covering 74,840km2 in total. Using line transect methodology, 3,672 Gannet sightings were recorded along 10,496.3 nautical miles (nm). Immature individuals and adults comprised approximately 87% of all sightings. Using Distance sampling, overall abundance was estimated at 89,930 birds, ranging from 58,010 individuals in 2014 to 128,140 in 2015. the highest densities per sector areas were recorded in the North and Centre sectors whereas the lowest densities were registered in the Galicia sector, the Spanish region within the study area. Gannets were mostly present in shallow shelf waters of the continental shelf, particularly between 3 and 20 nautical miles offshore. Habitat suitability models for Gannets in the study area were tested using several eco-geographical variables and chlorophyll concentrations were found to contribute most to explaining annual Gannet occurrence probabilities. A global interannual spatial analysis demonstrated the core areas for conservation of the Northern Gannet in Western Iberian Waters. Moreover, our results demonstrate that Western Iberian waters are used by almost 10% of the global Northern Gannet population, corroborating the existence of seabird hotspots during the non-breeding period, along migration corridors and at their wintering grounds.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio