3,840 research outputs found

    Exercise intensity agreement, need satisfaction, and exercise behavior: A sex-moderated mediation model

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    The European Journal of Sport Science (EJSS) is an open access journal and the official journal of the European College of Sport Science. EJSS shares the College’s multi-disciplinary aims, publishing on topics of contemporary, worldwide importance across the sub-disciplines of: Applied Sport Science; Biomechanics and Motor Control; Physiology and Nutrition; Psychology, Social Sciences and Humanities; and Sport and Exercise Medicine and Health.No funding to report.No conflict of interest to declare.Several theoretical frameworks have been used to understand exercise adherence. Basic psychological needs (BPN), grounded on self‐determination theory, have received large attention for this purpose. More recently, the hedonic theory and the assumptions related to the exercise characteristics (e.g., intensity) that can bolster positive affective responses have been revitalized. This study aimed to explore the associations between the agreement of current exercise intensity and the one individually preferred, BPN satisfaction/frustration, enjoyment, the intention to continue exercise, and exercise frequency. Additionally, an exploration of the direct and indirect effects while testing sex as a moderator was performed. A sample of 369 exercisers (Mage = 43.6, standard deviation = 12.96; 214 females) enrolled in 26 health clubs participated in this study voluntarily. Data were received in a firstapproach descriptive and correlational analyses. Next, a moderated mediation was performed using model 15 (PROCESS v.4.2). As a result, agreement in preference for exercise intensity was positively associated with enjoyment (r = 0.35), intention (r = 0.43), and all needs satisfaction (ranging from r = 0.12 to r = 0.45) and negatively associated with all needs frustration (ranging from r = −0.15 to r = −0.31). In the moderated mediation analysis, the same pattern of results emerged in direct effects. Indirect effects were significant for autonomy in the enjoyment and frequency models. Findings suggest that promoting an individually adjusted training intensity may foster BPN satisfaction. It appears to be present an independent (of needs) and positive association with exercise enjoyment and intention to continue exercising.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Coating of Magnetite Nanoparticles with Fucoidan to Enhance Magnetic Hyperthermia Efficiency

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    Magnetic nanoparticles (NP), such as magnetite, have been the subject of research for application in the biomedical field, especially in Magnetic Hyperthermia Therapy (MHT), a promising technique for cancer therapy. NP are often coated with different compounds such as natural or synthetic polymers to protect them from oxidation and enhance their colloidal electrostatic stability while maintaining their thermal efficiency. In this work, the synthesis and characterization of magnetite nanoparticles coated with fucoidan, a biopolymer with recognized biocompatibility and antitumoral activity, is reported. The potential application of NP in MHT was evaluated through the assessment of Specific Loss Power (SLP) under an electromagnetic field amplitude of 14.7 kA m−1 and at 276 kHz. For fucoidan-coated NP, it was obtained SLP values of 100 and 156 W/g, corresponding to an Intrinsic Loss Power (ILP) of 1.7 and 2.6 nHm2kg−1, respectively. These values are, in general, higher than the ones reported in the literature for non-coated magnetite NP or coated with other polymers. Furthermore, in vitro assays showed that fucoidan and fucoidan-coated NP are biocompatible. The particle size (between ca. 6 to 12 nm), heating efficiency, and biocompatibility of fucoidan-coated magnetite NP meet the required criteria for MHT application

    Performance of grain sorghum hybrids under drought stress using GGE biplot analyses.

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    The objective of this study was to estimate the adaptability and stability of grain sorghum hybrids grown under post-flowering water stress and non-stress conditions. The trials were carried out in Nova Porteirinha-MG during the season of 2014 and 2015, and in Teresina-PI in the 2014 season. Twenty-nine-grain sorghum hybrids were evaluated, in a randomized complete block design, with three replications. Plots consisted of four lines with 3 m long. The grain yield data were submitted to the individual variance analysis, having considered the effects of the hybrids as fixed and the other effects as random. The joint analysis was carried out, and when the interaction genotypes x environments was significant, the grain yield data were submitted to the adaptability and stability analysis by the GGE biplot method. A substantial reduction in the grain yield in environments with water stress was found. The highest yielding hybrids under water stress conditions in Nova Porteirinha-MG were 50A50, AG1080, AG1090, DKB550, DKB590, Jade, and BM737, and the highest yielding hybrids under the water stress in Teresina-PI were 1G282, 1G244, and A9721R. Considering all environments, the highest yielding hybrids were 1G282, DKB540, A9721R, 1G100, and AG1090

    Non-Commutative Correction to Thin Shell Collapse in Reissner Nordstro¨\ddot{o}m Geometry

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    This paper investigates the polytropic matter shell collapse in the non-commutative Reissner-Nordstro¨\ddot{o}m geometry. Using the Israel criteria, equation of motion for the polytropic matter shell is derived. In order to explore the physical aspects of this equation, the most general equation of state, p=kρ(1+1n)p=k{\rho}^{({1+\frac{1}{n}})}, has been used for finite and infinite values of nn. The effective potentials corresponding to the equation of motion have been used to explain different states of the matter shell collapse. The numerical solution of the equation of motion predicts collapse as well as expansion depending on the choice of initial data. Further, in order to include the non-commutative correction, we modify the matter components and re-formulate the equation of motion as well as the corresponding effective potentials by including non-commutative factor and charge parameter. It is concluded that charge reduces the velocity of the expanding or collapsing matter shell but does not bring the shell to static position. While the non-commutative factor with generic matter favors the formation of black hole.Comment: 18 pages,17 figure


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    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo aplicar a teoria de modelos mistos para predizer os valores genotípicos e estimar os parâmetros de adaptabilidade e estabilidade de clones de cana-de-açúcar avaliados no delineamento de blocos aumentados em vários ambientes e, também, avaliar a correlação existente entre estes valores preditos e, ou estimados. Foram utilizadas as metodologias de Wricke (Wricke & Webber, 1986), Eberhart & Russell (1966) e Carneiro (1998). Os valores genotípicos preditos livres dos efeitos da interação genótipos x ambientes mostraram-se fortemente correlacionados com os parâmetros estimados pela metodologia de Carneiro, moderadamente correlacionados com os parâmetros de adaptabilidade ( ) do método de Eberhart and Russel e fracamente correlacionados com o parâmetro ωi (%) de Wricke e com o parâmetro R2i (%) de Eberhart and Russel. O parâmetro ωi (%) apresentou correlação significativa apenas com o parâmetro R2i (%) de Eberhart e Russell, indicando a semelhança de ambos em avaliar a estabilidade dos genótipos. Esses resultados revelam que os valores genotípicos preditos livres dos efeitos da interação genótipos x ambientes correlacionam-se mais com a adaptabilidade do que com a estabilidade.The objective of the present study was to apply the mixed model theory to predict the genotypic values and to estimate the adaptability and stability parameters of sugarcane clones evaluated in augmented blocks designs in several environments and to assess the correlation among these predicted and estimated values. Methodologies by Wricke (Wricke & Webber, 1986), Eberhart & Russell (1966) and Carneiro (1998) were used. The predicted genotypic values free from genotype x environment interaction were strongly correlated with the parameters estimated by the Carneiro’s methodology, moderately correlated with adaptability parameter ( ) of Eberhart and Russel and weakly correlated with the Wricke ωi (%) parameter and with R2i (%) parameter of Eberhart and Russell. The Wricke ωi (%) parameter only presented significant correlation with the R2i (%) parameter of Eberhart and Russell, indicating the similarity of both in assessing the stability of genotypes. These results show that the predicted genotypic values free from genotype x environment interaction effects correlate better with adaptability than with stability

    a consensus statement from the Portuguese Pulmonology Society

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an emerging infectious disease caused by a novel SARS-CoV-2 pathogen. Its capacity for human-to-human transmission through respiratory droplets, coupled with a high-level of population mobility, has resulted in a rapid dissemination worldwide. Healthcare workers have been particularly exposed to the risk of infection and represent a significant proportion of COVID-19 cases in the worst affected regions of Europe. Like other open airway procedures or aerosol-generating procedures, bronchoscopy poses a significant risk of spreading contaminated droplets, and medical workers must adapt the procedures to ensure safety of both patients and staff. Several recommendation documents were published at the beginning of the pandemic, but as the situation evolves, our thoughts should not only focus on the present, but should also reflect on how we are going to deal with the presence of the virus in the community until there is a vaccine or specific treatment available. It is in this sense that this document aims to guide interventional pulmonology throughout this period, providing a set of recommendations on how to perform bronchoscopy or pleural procedures safely and efficiently.proofpublishe

    Manual de boas práticas de fabricação de polpa de fruta congelada.

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    Ambito de aplicacao; Definicoes; Condicoes higienico-sanitarias dos estabelecimentos produtores de polpas de frutas congeladas; Requisitos essenciais para estabelecimentos produtores de polpas de frutas; Requisitos essenciais para equipamentos e utensilios utilizados na producao de polpa de frutas; Requisitos de higiene do estabelecimento; Higiene pessoal e requisito sanitario; higiene na producao; Controle de alimentos.bitstream/item/33976/1/Dc-030.pd