3,092 research outputs found

    Separation of azeotropic mixtures using high ionicity ionic liquids

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímic

    Tecnologías de Información Geográfica aplicadas al estudio del Arte Rupestre en la Zona Sur de la Península Ibérica

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    Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica, JIA (3as : 5-7 de mayo 2010 : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Sesión 1. Nuevas perspectivas de Arte Rupestre.En este artículo, y como hicieron también nuestros compañeros de sesión, aparte de realizar una descripción de las pinturas, con su significado, posible funcionalidad, todo lo que, en las distintas publicaciones, se ha dicho sobre ellas, utilizamos las nuevas tecnologías y los SIG para situarlos en el contexto de su entorno y ampliar así nuestro conocimiento sobre ellas.In this article, and as our companions also did, apart from conducting a description of the paintings, with their meaning, possible functionality, everything that in the various publications has been said about them, we used new technologies and GIS to locate them in the context of their environment and thus extend our knowledge about them.En aquest article, i com van fer també els nostres companys de sessió, a part de realitzar una descripció de les pintures, amb el seu significat, possible funcionalitat, tot el que, en les diferents publicacions, s'ha dit sobre elles, utilitzem les noves tecnologies i els SIG per situar-los en el context del seu entorn i ampliar així el nostre coneixement sobre elles

    Estudio teórico y experimental del comportamiento del hormigón con materiales no convencionales: fibras de vidrio y fibras de carbono, sometido a esfuerzos de compresión

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónSe realiza un estudio experimental, donde el objetivo principal es estudiar el comportamiento del concreto sometido a esfuerzos de compresión, con materiales no convencionales: Fibras de Vidrio y de Carbono. En la práctica de laboratorio se realizan 24 probetas cilíndricas de 300mm x 150mm, con dosificación 1:2:3. Donde 8 de ellos son de concreto simple, utilizados como patrón para la comparación, los 8 siguientes tiene las mismas características pero esta vez con el 0,8% de la fibra de vidrio del peso total de la mezcla, los 8 especímenes finales se realizan con 0,24% de la fibra de carbono del peso total de la mezcla, luego de realizar el diseño de mezcla y obtener las 24 probetas, se inicia el proceso de curado a los 7, 14, 21 y 28 días.PregradoIngeniero Civi

    Chemodiversity of dissolved organic matter in the Amazon Basin

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    Regions in the Amazon Basin have been associated with specific biogeochemical processes, but a detailed chemical classification of the abundant and ubiquitous dissolved organic matter (DOM), beyond specific indicator compounds and bulk measurements, has not yet been established. We sampled water from different locations in the Negro, Madeira/Jamari and Tapajós River areas to characterize the molecular DOM composition and distribution. Ultrahigh-resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS) combined with excitation emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy and parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) revealed a large proportion of ubiquitous DOM but also unique area-specific molecular signatures. Unique to the DOM of the Rio Negro area was the large abundance of high molecular weight, diverse hydrogen-deficient and highly oxidized molecular ions deviating from known lignin or tannin compositions, indicating substantial oxidative processing of these ultimately plant-derived polyphenols indicative of these black waters. In contrast, unique signatures in the Madeira/Jamari area were defined by presumably labile sulfur- and nitrogen-containing molecules in this white water river system. Waters from the Tapajós main stem did not show any substantial unique molecular signatures relative to those present in the Rio Madeira and Rio Negro, which implied a lower organic molecular complexity in this clear water tributary, even after mixing with the main stem of the Amazon River. Beside ubiquitous DOM at average H ∕ C and O ∕ C elemental ratios, a distinct and significant unique DOM pool prevailed in the black, white and clear water areas that were also highly correlated with EEM-PARAFAC components and define the frameworks for primary production and other aspects of aquatic life

    Direito de imagem do praticante desportivo : a imagem do atleta no contexto dos videojogos

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    A presente dissertação tem como escopo a análise do direito de imagem do praticante desportivo no âmbito da indústria dos videojogos. Esta indústria de entretenimento não fica alheia ao crescente mediatismo dos intervenientes desportivos, e existem algumas problemáticas resultantes do facto de as personagens virtuais, fruto da crescente capacidade de criação tridimensional, se assemelharem cada vez mais aos atletas representados. Primeiramente é enquadrado o regime geral do direito de imagem no ordenamento jurídico português, e discute-se de que forma é possível operar a transmissão do direito de imagem. De seguida, faz-se uma breve referência ao ordenamento jurídico espanhol e estado-unidense. Por fim é explorada a relação do direito de imagem com os videojogos, especialmente no que concerne a simuladores desportivos, com a finalidade de proceder a uma análise sobre algumas das questões emergentes deste ponto de contacto.The goal of analysis of the present dissertation is the image right in the scope of the videogames industry. This entertainment industry is not unaware of the growing media coverage of sports players, and there are some conflicts with the artistic creation of virtual characters that, as a result of the growing capacity for three-dimensional creation, increasingly resemble the represented athletes. Firstly, the general regime of image rights is framed in the Portuguese legal system, and how is it possible to operate the transmission of the image right. Then, a brief reference is made to the Spanish and United States legal system. Finally, the relationship between image rights and videogames is explored, especially with regard to sports simulators, with the purpose of analyzing some of the issues emerging from this point of contact

    Afetação de cargas no transporte rodoviário de mercadorias

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    Trabalho de projecto de mestrado, Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016Para uma empresa cuja operação envolva o transporte de cargas, é fundamental que se recorra a processos de planeamento de rotas com bons desempenhos. A qualidade inerente a estes processos é determinante para que a utilização de recursos, em particular a frota de veículos disponíveis, permita alcançar as metas definidas. Neste trabalho é realizada uma análise comparativa da aplicação de diferentes métodos heurísticos ao planeamento de rotas. É considerado um cenário em que existe um conjunto de pedidos que deverão ser servidos por uma frota de veículos. Os pedidos são colocados progressivamente ao longo do tempo, provocando a necessidade de se aplicarem alterações a rotas de forma a permitir que esses pedidos possam ficar afetados a alguma das viaturas. Para cada pedido é conhecida uma quantidade, um local de carga, e um local de descarga, e a cada local estão associados intervalos temporais que impõe limites para os instantes em que se pode iniciar a respetiva carga ou descarga. Os cenários considerados foram obtidos através de um gerador de instâncias, concebido para o efeito, e que permite a definição de diferentes parametrizações para as instâncias a gerar. Os algoritmos implementados podem ser divididos em três conjuntos. Num primeiro conjunto, são consideradas heurísticas de inserção que se pretende que sirvam como enquadramento para decisões humanas, tomadas de uma forma intuitiva. Num segundo conjunto, é usado um Algoritmo Genético, sendo pretendido obter conjuntos de rotas com maior qualidade do que as obtidas com as heurísticas de inserção. Num terceiro conjunto, em que também se recorre ao Algoritmo Genético, é adicionado um método de seleção de rotas que recorre a cenários previsionais obtidos a partir de pedidos conhecidos, com o qual se pretende alcançar benefícios num prazo mais alargado. Os resultados obtidos apontam para um melhor desempenho por parte do Algoritmo Genético, face às heurísticas de inserção. Verificou-se que o desempenho dos algoritmos em que se introduz a componente previsional é fortemente afetado pela parametrização das instâncias, na medida em que essa parametrização restringe a qualidade das previsões. São também propostos desenvolvimentos e alterações ao trabalho realizado, que se considera poderem conduzir a melhores desempenhos por parte dos algoritmos considerados, bem como permitir a obtenção de resultados mais conclusivos.For companies where transportation is a significant part of the business process, high performance route planning methods are mandatory. The quality of these methods is crucial in achieving the best use of the available resources, in particular the fleet of vehicles. This thesis work involves a comparative analysis of different heuristic methods for route planning problems. Several requests are considered, which should be fulfilled by a fleet of vehicles. These requests are progressively known over time, thus requiring the need for route modifications in order to allow those requests to be fulfilled. Each request is characterized by a load, a pickup location, a delivery location, and time-windows which limit the instants when each pickup or delivery may begin. The used scenarios were obtained by an instance generator, which was designed for that purpose, which allows the previous definition of different parametrizations for the generated instances. Three groups of algorithms were considered. The first group includes three insertion heuristics, which are thought of as a framework for the outcome of human decisions. In the second group a Genetic Algorithm is used, with the purpose of obtaining better results in comparison to the first group. A third group of algorithms, also using the Genetic Algorithm, incorporate a method for route selection based on sets of predicted requests using previously known requests, with the purpose of achieving longer term benefits. Overall, the results which were achieved using the Genetic Algorithm were better than those obtained using the insertion heuristic. The performance gain of incorporating the scenario generation is highly influenced by the parametrization defined for each instance, which affects the quality of the predicted requests. Modifications regarding several aspects of the current thesis work are proposed, hoping these might lead to a performance increase for the Genetic Algorithm, and also allowing more relevant results

    Immediate effects of a rhino-pharyngeal clearance protocol in nasal obstruction and middle ear condition of children under 3 years of age with upper respiratory infections: A randomized controlled trial

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    Introduction and objectives Children up to 2 years old are at high risk of respiratory infections and nasal irrigation is often prescribed. Yet, to date there is no sufficient knowledge about its immediate effects on the nasopharynx and middle ear. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the effect of a rhino-pharyngeal clearance intervention protocol on nasal obstruction and middle ear condition in children under 3 years of age with URTI. Materials and methods Randomized controlled trial in a day-care centre of Porto, including 44 children randomized to Intervention Group (IG) and Control Group (CG). Nasal auscultation and tympanometry were performed at baseline (M0) as well as after the intervention (M1), which consisted of nasal irrigation (NaCl .9%) followed by a forced nasal inspiration in the IG, and after 30 min of normal activities, in the CG. Results In M1 there was a lower frequency of children classified as having an obstructed nasal sound in the IG when compared to the CG (IG = 33.3%; CG = 68.4%; p = 0.042). We also observed an improvement of mean peak pressure (PP) in the IG (Left ear: M0 = −124daPa; M1 = −92daPa; p = 0.022. Right ear: M0 = −102daPa; M1 = −77daPa; p = 0.021), which was not observed in the CG (Left ear: M0 = −105daPa; M1 = −115daPa; p = 0.485. Right ear: M0 = −105daPa; M1 = −131daPa; p = 0.105). There were no significant results concerning the compliance of the tympanic membrane. Conclusions The rhino-pharyngeal clearance improved the nasal obstruction and PP of the middle ear of children under 3 years of age with URTI.Introducción y objetivos Los niños corren un alto riesgo de infecciones respiratorias superiores (IRS) y con frecuencia se prescriben irrigaciones nasales. Hasta hoy no hay suficiente conocimiento sobre sus efectos inmediatos en la nasofaringe y el oído medio. Por lo tanto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar el efecto de un protocolo de intervención de limpieza nasal en la obstrucción y en el estado del oído medio de niños menores de 3 años con IRS. Material y métodos Ensayo controlado aleatorizado en una guardería de Oporto, incluidos 44 niños asignados al Grupo de intervención (IG) y al Grupo de control (CG). La auscultación nasal y la timpanometría se realizaron al inicio (M0) y después de la intervención (M1), que consistió en irrigación nasal (NaCl 0,9%) seguido de una inspiración nasal forzada en IG, y después de 30 min de actividades normales en CG. Resultados En M1 hubo una menor frecuencia de niños clasificados como con un sonido nasal obstruido en IG en comparación con CG (IG = 33,3%; CG = 68,4%; p = 0,042). También se observó una mejora de la presión máxima media (PP) en IG (oído izquierdo: M0 = −124 daPa; M1 = −92 daPa; p = 0,022; oído derecho: M0 = −102 daPa; M1 = −77 daPa; p = 0,021), que no se observó en CG (oído izquierdo: M0 = −105 daPa; M1 = −115 daPa; p = 0,485; oído derecho: M0 = −105 daPa; M1 = −131 daPa; p = 0,105). No hubo resultados significativos con respecto al cumplimiento de la membrana timpánica. Conclusiones La limpieza nasal mejoró la obstrucción y la PP del oído medio de niños menores de 3 años con IRS.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The low molecular weight phenolic metabolites and their concentrations in human circulation

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    Funding Information: European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 804229. iNOVA4Health Research Unit (LISBOA‐01‐0145‐FEDER‐007344), which is cofunded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) / Ministério da Ciéncia e do Ensino Superior, through national funds, and by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement, European Research Council (Starting Grant: FunKeyGut 741623). FCT (2020.04630.BD). Funding Information: This work has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 804229. iNOVA4Health Research Unit (LISBOA‐01‐0145‐FEDER‐007344), which is cofunded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) / Ministério da Ciência e do Ensino Superior, through national funds, and by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement, is acknowledged. D.B. acknowledges funding by the European Research Council (Starting Grant: FunKeyGut 741623). Authors would like to acknowledge FCT for financial support of D.C. (2020.04630.BD). Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Authors. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of Institute of Food Technologists.A large number of epidemiological studies have shown that consumption of fruits, vegetables, and beverages rich in (poly)phenols promote numerous health benefits from cardiovascular to neurological diseases. Evidence on (poly)phenols has been applied mainly to flavonoids, yet the role of phenolic acids has been largely overlooked. Such phenolics present in food combine with those resulting from gut microbiota catabolism of flavonoids and chlorogenic acids and those produced by endogenous pathways, resulting in large concentrations of low molecular weight phenolic metabolites in human circulation. Independently of the origin, in human intervention studies using diets rich in (poly)phenols, a total of 137 low molecular weight phenolic metabolites have been detected and quantified in human circulation with largely unknown biological function. In this review, we will pinpoint two main aspects of the low molecular weight phenolic metabolites: (i) the microbiota responsible for their generation, and (ii) the analysis (quali- and quantitative) in human circulation and their respective pharmacokinetics. In doing so, we aim to drive scientific advances regarding the ubiquitous roles of low molecular weight phenolic metabolites using physiologically relevant concentrations and under (patho)physiologically relevant conditions in humans.publishersversionepub_ahead_of_prin

    Analysis of pathologies caused by humidity in civil construction

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    In search of better comfort and productivity, man has sought information, since antiquity, about civil construction, because, as society has become more complex, knowledge about construction has become an essential skill for human beings. In this context, the present work aims to present a simplified theoretical review on pathologies caused by humidity, and added to these characteristics, to approach ways for possible solutions, seeking to remedy the different problems caused. The present study was written through a bibliographic review on the different problems caused by pathologies caused by humidity, with a focus on solutions. For this, research was carried out on the subject, through a survey of theoretical sources (journals, scientific articles, books, theses, among others) and a theoretical framework that underlies the history of civil construction and the different characteristics acquired over the years. time. Humidity is a pathology that causes some problems in construction and mainly impacts the financial management of the project, as the final value of the work can undergo major changes until the final solution of the problem. Humidity can cause fissures and cracks, compromising part of the construction structure, in addition to other problems that affect aesthetics, such as mold, efflorescence, mildew, blisters in the paint, loss of plaster and rust. As the main causes identified for the appearance of this pathology, we can mention the lack of prevention, since the lack of waterproofing products compromises the quality of the work, causing infiltrations. The lack of ventilation and high humidity in the environment must also be observed, as they generate moisture by condensation resulting in problems such as stains and mold on ceilings and walls. The hydraulic installation is also considered, since it is important that this system has the correct and necessary sealing to avoid contact of water with the structure