276 research outputs found

    Revegetation of Tropical Peat Swamp Forest of Former Fires Using Local Tree Species in South Sumatra (Indonesia)

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    Revegetation of tropical peat swamp forests (PSF) from former fires with local tree species has strategic value for the recovery of PSF, which has been largely lost and severely degraded by logging, conversion, drainage, and repetitive fires. The PSF recovery will be followed by increased forest cover, CO2 sequestration, O2 production, and peat ecosystem biodiversity. The method of revegetation that guarantees successful planting is still very lacking and has not been widely publicized. The study aimed to analyze the growth of revegetated plants on PSF of former fires. It used a field experiment design with four types of local peat plants, namely ramin (Gonystylus bancanus), punak (Tetramerista glabra), tembesu (Fragraea fragrans), and pulai (Alstonia pneumatophora). The results of the study showed that until the age of 2 years, the survival rate of revegetated plants ranged from 92.56%–94.69%, with growth of 32.53–44.94 cm/year and diameter growth of 0.87–1.21 cm/year. The growth of revegetated plants still accelerated in observations until the age of 3 years. This study provides optimism that PSF revegetation degraded by the fires could be carried out with satisfactory results


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    The purpose of this study is to find out what alternative strategies are needed in the development of sheep business that are suitable to be applied in Cirebon Regency, which are expected to have implications for increasing sheep productivity and welfare of farmers. The location of the study was carried out in Cirebon Regency, from March to August 2018. The research method was a survey method to collect primary data from respondents and secondary data. The study sample was determined randomly as many as 43 farmers from three PUSKESWAN regions in Cirebon Regency. Data analysis uses internal environment analysis, external environment analysis, and SWOT analysis. The results of the SWOT matrix analysis are in quadrant II where this stage can grow and be fostered. This business can experience good growth if 1) strengthen the function and role of the group, 2) sheep breeders get continuous guidance and guidance both about the technical, introduction of appropriate technology and marketing from Government Agencies, especially the Agriculture and Livestock Services, Universities and private parties


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    This research focused at problem “Yuridis Review to Execution of Lifting of Child of Post Implementation of Number 3, 2006. By taking specification of discussion about First, how penal Islam concept of child lifting. Second, how lifting legal consequences of child of through religion justice. Third, needs lifting record-keeping of child of in office is note of Sipil based on stipulating religion justice. Research applies approach yuridis-normatif. Its the data collecting technique for document study through data is written by utilizing deductive conclusion, data which collected analyzed in kualitatif deskriptif. Result from this research is as follows: Firstly, based on Islam concept, lifting a child may not break lineage between the child with old fellow contains it. This thing later relates to heir system and marriage. In marriage for example, becoming lineage sponsor priority for daughter is father contains his own. In heir, foster child is not be including heir. Lifting of child of based on Islam law is lifting of child coming from Al-Qur'an and sunnah and result ijtihad applied in Indonesia formulated in so many idea product of Islamic law, good in the form of fikih, religious advices, justice decision, and also law and regulation, included in of Kompilasi Hukum Islam (KHI). Second, borns it invitors Nomor 3, 2006 about reformation to invitors number 7, 1989 about religion court has brought basic change to religion court authority. One of the change is lifting case of child of is including new authority of justice of religion as determined in clarification of section 49 numeral 20. The affirmative, in one sides shows existence of confession from country to lifting institute existence of child of in perspective punished Islam. On the other side at the time of the same parries doubtfulness of moslem public and the religion court law practitioners to exploit the institute. Islamic law marks that contractual terms between foster parents with limited foster child as relation between parenthood with child of mothering extended, and not at all creates the relation of lineage. Legal consequences from lifting of child of in Islam creation relation of love and darling and the relation of responsibility as fellow being. For absense of the relation of lineage, hence other law consequence is between foster parents with foster child must take care of mahram, dank arena there is no the relation of lineage, hence both can pass off marriage. Very necessary for the parties which have interest written its the foster child to in note of civi

    Penggunaan Beton Styrofoam Ringan Dengan Tulangan Dari Tali Tambang Plastik Untuk Panel Plat Atap

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    The utilization of lightweight material will decrease the structural weight that in turn will benefit to the overall structures. Styrofoam with specific gravity range from 13 to15 kg/m3 is appropriate to be used as aggregate for lightweight concrete among other as the material for roof slab. Prior to utilization research is required in order to understood the feasibility of the material for applicationThe aimed of this research is to study the characteristic of lightweight styrofoam concrete with string of plastic inside the panel as a roof material. In this study, there are 6 pieces as testing material with 1500 mm long, 500 mm wide and 70 mm thick at various reinforcement; without string of plastic, with reinforced diameter10 mm and14 mm. The slab panel is made up from sand, portland pozolan cement and styrofoam at 200, 350 and 15 kilograms, respectively with water cement ratio is 0.45 for 1 m3 and each specimens were reinforced by string of plastic with 10 mm diameter and distance 84 mm ; 14 mm diameter with distance 165 mm. The testing material is tested its flexural strength with four–point loading at 450 mm from each bearings.Value of tension stress of string plastic 10 mm diameter = 51.938 MPa and 14 mm diameter = 48.331 MPa, bond strength between the reinforcement and the concrete is 0.491 MPa for string plastic 10 mm diameter and 14 mm diameter is 0.341 MPa, value of modulus of rupture is 0.459 MPa. The result from the flexural test show that maximum loading for plate without string of plastic were 450 N; with string of plastic 10 mm diameter = 470 N and 14 mm diameter is 545 N and value maximum deflection of plate without string of plastic = 0.495 mm; with string of plastic 10 mm diameter = 4.745 mm and 14 mm diameter = 1.655 mm. Based on allowable maximum deflection specified by SK SNI, which is Dmax = 7.5 mm (L/180). Heavy of roof plate with reinforcement from string of plastic light progressively with existence reinforcement


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    The utilization of lightweight material will decrease the structural weight that in turn will benefit to the overall structures. Styrofoam with specific gravity range from 13 to15 kg/m3 is appropriate to be used as aggregate for lightweight concrete among other as the material for roof slab. Prior to utilization research is required in order to  understood the feasibility of the material  for applicationThe aimed of this research is to study the characteristic of lightweight styrofoam concrete with string of plastic inside  the panel as a roof material. In this study, there are 6 pieces as testing material with 1500 mm long, 500 mm wide and 70 mm thick at various reinforcement; without string of plastic, with reinforced  diameter10 mm and14 mm. The slab panel is made up from sand, portland pozolan cement and styrofoam at 200, 350 and 15 kilograms, respectively with water cement ratio is 0.45 for 1 m3 and each specimens were reinforced by string of plastic with 10 mm diameter and distance 84 mm ; 14 mm diameter with distance 165 mm. The testing material is tested its flexural strength  with four–point loading at 450 mm from each bearings.Value of tension stress of string plastic 10 mm diameter = 51.938 MPa and 14 mm  diameter = 48.331 MPa, bond strength between the reinforcement and the concrete is 0.491 MPa for string plastic 10 mm diameter and  14 mm diameter is 0.341 MPa, value of modulus of rupture is 0.459 MPa. The result from the flexural test show that maximum loading for plate without string of plastic were 450 N; with string of plastic 10 mm diameter = 470 N and 14 mm diameter is 545 N and value maximum deflection of plate without string of plastic = 0.495 mm; with string of plastic 10 mm diameter = 4.745 mm and 14 mm diameter = 1.655 mm. Based on allowable maximum deflection specified by SK SNI, which is Dmax = 7.5 mm (L/180). Heavy of roof plate with reinforcement from string of plastic light progressively with existence reinforcement.


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    ABSTRACT BASTONI LAMHOT HUTABARAT. Relation Between Job Stress And Turnover Intentions on PT. Serasi Tunggal Mandiri. Skripsi, Jakarta : Study Program of Economics Education, Concentration of Office, Administration Education, Department of Economics And Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. 2012. The purpose of this research is to know more about relation between job stress and turnover intentions on PT. Serasi Tunggal Mandiri. This research has been done during two months from October until November 2011. The research method use survey method with correlation approach. The research of population are employers who working in seven department about 161 person, The reached population is 54 person, respondent taken 48 sample according to level of error 5%, which use Proportional Random Sampling. The X variable data (Job Stress) and Y variable data (Turnover Intentions), using Questioner of Likert Scale. Then, it has constructed validity test using validation process, that is correlation coefficient valuing score with the total score and reliability test with Alpha Cronbach formula. Reliability X variable (Job Stress) is 0,900 and Y variable (Turnover Intentions) is 0,837. The analyse test was found regression equation, that is Y = 17,74 + 0,761X. And then, normality data test using Liliefors formula and the result is L count = 0,125 in significant level 0,05 and L table =0,128, so L F (4,05). Shows that the regression is significance. Regression linearity test, F (1,49) < F (2,03), showed that regression is linear. After that, the Product Moment result of correlations coefficient test, is rxy = 0,513. Then used correlations coefficient significance t-test. The result of t table count = 4,05 while t = 1,68 and so, t count > t . It means that the research is significance and positive relation between job stress and turnover intentions. Next, the result of determination coefficient test is 0,2631. It means that variation of turnover intentions variable determination by 26,31% variation of job stress variable. The conclusion, there is a positive relation between job stress with turnover intentions on PT. Serasi Tunggal Mandiri at South Jakarta


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    abstractMusi IV Bridge is one of the new bridges currently under construction in Palembang City. The construction of the bridge is aimed to unravel the congestion that occurs at the Ampera bridge and is also useful to increase the accessibility of the community movement from ilir to ulu plaju so as to reduce the waste of time, energy and costs.This bridge has a total length of 1130 m and 12 m width. But the calculation is only calculated from A1 (Abutment 1) to P1 (Pillar 1) or Musi IV Bridge STA 0 + 114.5 - 0 + 153, where the span length is 38.5 m, width is 12 m, and has an elongated girder 4 pieces with a distance between girder 3.1 m.The main structure of this bridge is in the form of Strategic U Block (PCU), with post-pull method and 29.05 MPa concrete quality. For floor slabs using reinforced concrete construction using the insitu method, so there will be a composite action between precast beams and cast plates in place. The bridge abutment and pillar building also uses the method of insitu (cast in place). Based on the results of SPT (Drill Log) testing, hard soil is at a depth of 35 meters. The relatively deep hard soil location is used pile foundation with carrying capacity utilizing the ground stress below and shear stress around the pile foundation blanket.This bridge construction refers to RSI T-02-2005 (Loading Regulations for Bridges), RSNI T-03-2004 (Concrete Structure Planning for Bridges). In addition, this bridge planning also takes several library resources as reference material.Key Word : Transportation, Musi IV Bridge, Prestressed Concrete ABSTRAKJembatan Musi IV  adalah salah satu jembatan baru yang sedang dalam proses pembangunan yang berada di Kota Palembang. Pembangunan jembatan terserbut bertujuan untuk menguraikan kemacetan yang terjadi di jembatan Ampera dan juga bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan aksebilitas pergerakan masyarakat dari arah ilir ke ulu plaju sehingga mengurangi pemborosan waktu, energi dan biaya.Jembatan ini memiliki total panjang 1130 m dan lebar 12 m. Namun perhitungan yang dilakukan hanya di hitung dari A1 (Abutment 1)  sampai P1 (Pilar 1) atau Jembatan Musi IV STA 0+114,5 – 0+153, dimana panjang bentangnya 38,5 m, lebar 12 m, dan memiliki gelagar memanjang 4 buah dengan jarak antar gelagar 3,1 m.Struktur utama dari jembatan ini berupa Balok Prategang U (PCU), dengan metode pasca tarik dan mutu beton 29,05 Mpa. Untuk pelat lantai menggunakan konstruksi beton bertulang dengan metode insitu, sehingga akan terjadi aksi komposit antar balok pracetak dan pelat cor ditempat. Bangunan abutment dan pilar jembatan ini juga menggunakan metode insitu (cor ditempat). Berdasarkan hasil pengujian SPT (Bor Log) tanah keras berada pada kedalaman 35 meter. Letak tanah keras yang relatif dalam maka digunakan pondasi tiang pancang dengan daya dukung memanfaatkan tegangan tanah dibawahnya dan tegangan geser disekitar selimut pondasi tiang pancang.Perencanaan jembatan ini mengacu pada RSI T-02-2005 (Peraturan Pembebanan untuk Jembatan), RSNI T-03-2004 (Perencanaan Struktur Beton untuk Jembatan). Selain itu perencanaan jembatan ini juga mengambil beberapa sumber pustaka sebagai bahan referansi.Kata kunci : Transportasi, Jembatan Musi IV, Beton Prategan

    Analisis Pendapatan Usaha Ternak Domba Secara Intensif di Kabupaten Cirebon

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    Kelompok Tani Ternak Haur Kuning berada di desa Ciawigajah Kabupaten Cirebon. Kelompok ini tata laksana pemeliharaan secara intensif dan masih bisa bertahan walaupun dari sisi produksinya kurang maksimal. Produksi yang kurang maksimal akan menjadi kendala dalam memperoleh pendapatan. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berapa pendapatan dari usaha ternak domba selama satu tahun buku atau siklus untuk mengetahui faktor harga jual, jumlah ternak yang dijual dan biaya pakan yang mempengaruhi besarnya pendapatan. Metode penentuan lokasi dengan purposive sampling. Metode purposive sampling yaitu pemilihan lokasi dipilih secara sengaja oleh peneliti karena kelompok tani ternak Haur Kuning memiliki sistem pemeliharaan domba secara intensif dan merupakan kelompok domba yang masih bertahan di Kabupaten Cirebon. Metode Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara dan observasi. Data primer berasal dari pengamatan langsung dan hasil wawancara dengan kelompok mengenai aspek teknis dan keuangan (dalam satu tahun buku atau siklus). Data sekunder berasal dari Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Cirebon dan literatur (jurnal penelitian, buku, dan artikel ilmiah). Hasil wawancara (secara teknis dan keuangan) kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan rumus analysis pendapatan dan regresi berganda. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan rata-rata pendapatan yang diterima dalam satu tahun sebesar Rp 2.979.456 dengan rata-rata penjualan ternak domba 3 ekor, rata-rata R/C ratio sebesar 2,83. Pendapatan yang diterima berpengaruh nyata terhadap harga jual ternak, jumlah ternak yang dijual dan biaya pakan

    Bauran Pemasaran di Tempat Pemotongan Hewan (TPH) Sumber Rezeki

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    Tempat pemotongan hewan (TPH) Sumber Rejeki berada di Desa Batembat Kecamatan Tengah Tani Kabupaten Cirebon usaha ini sudah berdiri sejak tahun 2000 pusat penjualan daging kerbau dan sapi dan tahun TPH Sumber Rejeki tahun 2005 sampai sekarang juga menjual hewan qurban, menyediakan jasa pemotongan hewan qurban dan pusat penjualan daging kerbau dan sapi. Oleh sebab penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bauran pemasaran di TPH Sumber Rejeki. Penelitian dilaksanakan di bulan September – Desember 2018 dan menggunakan metode studi kasus. Pemilihan lokasi ini menggunakan purposive random sampling dikarenakan 1. Pemilik TPH Sumber Rezeki merupakan Ketua dari Perkumpulan Para Pengusaha Tempat Pemotongan Hewan, 2. TPH ini mendapat pengawasan dan pembinaan dari Dinas Pertanian, Perkebunan, Peternakan, dan Kehutanan (DISTANBUNNAKHUT) Kabupaten Cirebon, Jawa Barat, 3. TPH Sumber Rejeki telah terdaftar sebagai perusahaan perorangan dengan nomor TDP 102255208696 (DISPERIDAG Kabupaten Cirebon). Hasil dari penelitian ini kegiatan marketing mix yang modern terdiri 7P (product, place, price, promotion people, physical evidence dan customer service), sedangkan bauran pemasaran yang ada di TPH Sumber Rejeki masih semi tradisional dimana sistemnya sudah menggunakan teknologi tetapi belum semuanya
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