


ABSTRACT BASTONI LAMHOT HUTABARAT. Relation Between Job Stress And Turnover Intentions on PT. Serasi Tunggal Mandiri. Skripsi, Jakarta : Study Program of Economics Education, Concentration of Office, Administration Education, Department of Economics And Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. 2012. The purpose of this research is to know more about relation between job stress and turnover intentions on PT. Serasi Tunggal Mandiri. This research has been done during two months from October until November 2011. The research method use survey method with correlation approach. The research of population are employers who working in seven department about 161 person, The reached population is 54 person, respondent taken 48 sample according to level of error 5%, which use Proportional Random Sampling. The X variable data (Job Stress) and Y variable data (Turnover Intentions), using Questioner of Likert Scale. Then, it has constructed validity test using validation process, that is correlation coefficient valuing score with the total score and reliability test with Alpha Cronbach formula. Reliability X variable (Job Stress) is 0,900 and Y variable (Turnover Intentions) is 0,837. The analyse test was found regression equation, that is Y = 17,74 + 0,761X. And then, normality data test using Liliefors formula and the result is L count = 0,125 in significant level 0,05 and L table =0,128, so L F (4,05). Shows that the regression is significance. Regression linearity test, F (1,49) < F (2,03), showed that regression is linear. After that, the Product Moment result of correlations coefficient test, is rxy = 0,513. Then used correlations coefficient significance t-test. The result of t table count = 4,05 while t = 1,68 and so, t count > t . It means that the research is significance and positive relation between job stress and turnover intentions. Next, the result of determination coefficient test is 0,2631. It means that variation of turnover intentions variable determination by 26,31% variation of job stress variable. The conclusion, there is a positive relation between job stress with turnover intentions on PT. Serasi Tunggal Mandiri at South Jakarta

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