273 research outputs found

    Nanopoudres de ferrite de nickel produites par plasma inductif et analyse in situ de leur comportement thermochimique

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    Des nanoparticules de ferrite de nickel ont été produites par une technique de plasma induc-tif à jet de solution. En contrôlant le ratio Ni/(Ni+Fe) dans la solution de précurseurs, une grande gamme de nanoparticules monophasées de ferrite de nickel NixFe3-xO4-δ (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) peuvent être produites, ainsi que des nanoparticules multiphasées de NiFe2O4 + (Ni,Fe)O. Des nanoparticules avec deux types de morphologie peuvent être obtenues dépendant de l’endroit où elles sont recueillies dans le réacteur : des octaèdres tronqués facettés, ayant une taille moyenne de 30 nm, ou un petit agglomérat de forme aléatoire, ayant une taille caractéristique de ~3-5 nm. Pour les nanoparticules multiphasées, il est démontré que la phase (Ni,Fe)O se dépose de façon sélective sur les facettes {110} et {111} de la ferrite de nickel, tout en laissant les facettes {100} exposées. En utilisant la même procédure, il est également possible de produire des nanocubes de NiO. Ces résultats démontrent la flexibilité des réacteurs à plasma inductif pour la production de nanoparticules mono ou multiphasées organisées avec un grand rendement. Des analyses de DRX in situ sur ces nanoparticules montrent que la réduction avec H2 enlève l'excès d'oxygène de la maille spinelle, si présent initialement, suivi d'une réduction vers les alliages métalliques (Ni,Fe). Leur réoxydation subséquente avec CO2 mène à un renversement partiel du processus de réduction par H2. Les expériences in situ ont été analysées avec un modèle cristallin qui lie le paramètre de maille d'un spinelle à sa déviation de sa stœchiométrie en oxygène (δ).Abstract : Nickel ferrite spinel nanoparticles were produced by the solution spray induction plasma technique. By controlling the Ni/(Ni+Fe) ratio in the precursor solution, a wide range of single-phased nickel ferrite NixFe3-xO4-δ (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) nanoparticles can be produced, along with multiphased NiFe2O4 + (Ni,Fe)O nanoparticles. Nanoparticles with two types of morphologies can be obtained depending on where they are collected in the reactor: facetted truncated octa-hedrons, with an average size of about 30 nm, or a small-sized random agglomerate, with a characteristic length of ~3-5 nm. For the multiphased nanoparticles, it is demonstrated that the (Ni,Fe)O phase selectively deposits on the {110} and {111} facets of nickel ferrite, while leaving its {100} facet exposed. Using the same procedure, it is also possible to produce nanocubes of NiO. These results show the flexibility of the induction plasma method for the production of organized single or multiphased nanoparticles with a high throughput. In situ XRD catalytic experiments on those nanoparticles show that reduction with H2 will cause the removal of excess oxygen from the spinel lattice, if present initially, followed by a reduction to metallic (Ni,Fe) alloys. Their subsequent reoxidation with CO2 leads to a partial reversal of the H2 reduction process. In situ experiments were enhanced by the development of a crystal-lographic model that links the lattice parameter of a spinel to its deviation from oxygen stoechiometry (δ)

    L’avant-corps de la tour philippienne du château de Chinon (Indre-et-Loire) : un exemple d’adaptation d’un standard architectural aux contraintes topographiques

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    Le “ donjon du Coudray ” est une tour circulaire de type philippien dont le donjon n’est pas entièrement classique, puisque, contrairement aux autres érigés par les ingénieurs de Philippe Auguste, elle est desservie par un avant-corps rectangulaire donnant accès au premier étage. Sa fouille et l’étude fine de ses élévations ont permis de s’assurer que cet avant-corps atypique était bien contemporain de la tour. On a pu en reconstituer avec certitude les parties disparues. Plus qu’un archaïsme contredit par le soin apporté à l’édifice tout entier, les auteurs l’interprètent comme une réponse ponctuelle à une contrainte topographique.The Coudray keep is a circular tower of the Philippe Auguste type. The tower type is not entirely classic, since, as opposed to others erected by the engineers of Philippe Auguste, it is served by a rectangular projection which gives access to the first floor. The excavation and detailed study of its elevations have enabled us to ensure that the unusual projection was really comptemporary with the tower. It was possible to reconstruct its missing sections with certainty. More than just an archaism contradicted by the care given to the building as a whole, the creators construed it as a short term answer to a topographic constraint

    L’avant-corps de la tour philippienne du château de Chinon (Indre-et-Loire) : un exemple d’adaptation d’un standard architectural aux contraintes topographiques

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    Le “ donjon du Coudray ” est une tour circulaire de type philippien dont le donjon n’est pas entièrement classique, puisque, contrairement aux autres érigés par les ingénieurs de Philippe Auguste, elle est desservie par un avant-corps rectangulaire donnant accès au premier étage. Sa fouille et l’étude fine de ses élévations ont permis de s’assurer que cet avant-corps atypique était bien contemporain de la tour. On a pu en reconstituer avec certitude les parties disparues. Plus qu’un archaïsme contredit par le soin apporté à l’édifice tout entier, les auteurs l’interprètent comme une réponse ponctuelle à une contrainte topographique.The Coudray keep is a circular tower of the Philippe Auguste type. The tower type is not entirely classic, since, as opposed to others erected by the engineers of Philippe Auguste, it is served by a rectangular projection which gives access to the first floor. The excavation and detailed study of its elevations have enabled us to ensure that the unusual projection was really comptemporary with the tower. It was possible to reconstruct its missing sections with certainty. More than just an archaism contradicted by the care given to the building as a whole, the creators construed it as a short term answer to a topographic constraint

    The psychological science accelerator's COVID-19 rapid-response dataset

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    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Psychological Science Accelerator coordinated three large-scale psychological studies to examine the effects of loss-gain framing, cognitive reappraisals, and autonomy framing manipulations on behavioral intentions and affective measures. The data collected (April to October 2020) included specific measures for each experimental study, a general questionnaire examining health prevention behaviors and COVID-19 experience, geographical and cultural context characterization, and demographic information for each participant. Each participant started the study with the same general questions and then was randomized to complete either one longer experiment or two shorter experiments. Data were provided by 73,223 participants with varying completion rates. Participants completed the survey from 111 geopolitical regions in 44 unique languages/dialects. The anonymized dataset described here is provided in both raw and processed formats to facilitate re-use and further analyses. The dataset offers secondary analytic opportunities to explore coping, framing, and self-determination across a diverse, global sample obtained at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, which can be merged with other time-sampled or geographic data

    Plastid thylakoid architecture optimizes photosynthesis in diatoms

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    Photosynthesis is a unique process that allows independent colonization of the land by plants and of the oceans by phytoplankton. Although the photosynthesis process is well understood in plants, we are still unlocking the mechanisms evolved by phytoplankton to achieve extremely efficient photosynthesis. Here, we combine biochemical, structural and in vivo physiological studies to unravel the structure of the plastid in diatoms, prominent marine eukaryotes. Biochemical and immunolocalization analyses reveal segregation of photosynthetic complexes in the loosely stacked thylakoid membranes typical of diatoms. Separation of photosystems within subdomains minimizes their physical contacts, as required for improved light utilization. Chloroplast 3D reconstruction and in vivo spectroscopy show that these subdomains are interconnected, ensuring fast equilibration of electron carriers for efficient optimum photosynthesis. Thus, diatoms and plants have converged towards a similar functional distribution of the photosystems although via different thylakoid architectures, which likely evolved independently in the land and the ocean.ISSN:2041-172

    Domestication of different varieties in the cheese-making fungus Geotrichum candidum

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    Domestication is an excellent model for studying adaptation processes, involving recent adaptation and diversification, convergence following adaptation to similar conditions, as well as degeneration of unused functions. Geotrichum candidum is a fungus used for cheese making and is also found in other environments such as soil and plants. By analyzing whole-genome data from 98 strains, we found that all strains isolated from cheese formed a monophyletic clade. Within the cheese clade, we identified three genetically differentiated populations and we detected footprints of recombination and admixture. The genetic diversity in the cheese clade was similar as that in the wild clade, suggesting the lack of strong bottlenecks. Commercial starter strains were scattered across the cheese clade, thus not constituting a single clonal lineage. The cheese populations were phenotypically differentiated from other populations, with a slower growth on all media, even cheese, a prominent production of typical cheese volatiles and a lower proteolytic activity. One of the cheese clusters encompassed all soft goat cheese strains, suggesting an effect of cheese-making practices on differentiation. Another of the cheese populations seemed to represent a more advanced stage of domestication, with stronger phenotypic differentiation from the wild clade, harboring much lower genetic diversity, and phenotypes more typical of cheese fungi, with denser and fluffier colonies and a greater ability of excluding cheese spoiler fungi. Cheese populations lacked two beta lactamase-like genes present in the wild clade, involved in xenobiotic clearance, and displayed higher contents of transposable elements, likely due to relaxed selection. Our findings suggest the existence of genuine domestication in G. candidum, which led to diversification into different varieties with contrasted phenotypes. Some of the traits acquired by cheese strains indicate convergence with other, distantly related fungi used for cheese maturation

    Situational factors shape moral judgements in the trolley dilemma in Eastern, Southern and Western countries in a culturally diverse sample

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    The Psychological Science Accelerator's COVID-19 rapid-response dataset

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