3,673 research outputs found

    A new genus of neobatrachian frog from southern Patagonian forests, Argentina and Chile

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    In 1975 Lynch named a new species of frog based on two specimens from Puerto Eden, Wellington Island, southern Chile, tentatively allocated to the genus Telmatobius. Telmatobius grandisonae Lynch was later included by the same author in his genus Atelognathus. Based on a reappraisal of the type material and the description of the internal and external morphology, karyotype, tadpole morphology and molecular evidence from recently discovered specimens collected at Lago del Desierto, southern Argentina, we describe the monotypic genus Chaltenobatrachus, with Telmatobius grandisonae (Lynch) serving as the type species. Chaltenobatrachus differs from Atelognathus mainly in having a uniform bright green dorsal coloration, with brown to reddish warts; orange iris with gold spots; fingers with interdigital membrane; frontoparietals well developed, small nasals; well ossified sphenethmoid; anteriorly expanded homosternum; skin of tadpole transparent; oral disc with protruding anterior and lateral papillae; diploid number 2n = 32 chromosomes. The genetic distances between Chaltenobatrachus and Atelognathus meet or exceed most other intergeneric comparisons.Fil: Basso, Nestor Guillermo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Úbeda, Carmen A.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universidad Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; ArgentinaFil: Bunge, Maria M.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universidad Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; ArgentinaFil: Martinazzo Giménez, Liza Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentin

    Analyzing the land and labour productivity of farms producing renewable energy: the Italian case study

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    The paper computes and analyses some relevant indicators of economic performance of Italian farms producing/not producing renewable energy, and compares the economic results of the two set of farms. The source of data is the European Farm Accountant Data Network; the farms belonging to this network are analysed in relation to their structural differences, type of farming, geographical areas, economic size, as well as the type of renewable energy produced. After an in-depth statistical investigation, the main economic ratios are computed and analysed using also multivariate regression models, with a special focus on the production of solar and biogas energy. In terms of land and labour productivity and fixed factor remuneration, the results show that farms producing renewable energy perform better than the other farms. This positive effect is particularly accentuated in large companies that produce biogas, followed by farms that produce solar energy. There are still many obstacles that limit the production of renewable energy in agriculture; among these, still insufficient research and information on best practices in agriculture and, in Italy, the complexity and dispersion of the institutional legislative framework and of the public support systems. However, the need to increase the production of renewable energy has become a priority for many European countries both in the short- and in the medium term, especially in light of recent events related to the war in Ukraine

    Crystallization heat treatment curves of barium disilicate glass / Curvas de tratamento térmico de cristalização de vidro de dissilicato de bário

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    The transformation of glasses into glass-ceramics by heat treatment has been widely studied to increase the toughness of glasses. Barium disilicate is a material that can be toughened this way, greatly increasing its range of applications. To predict the fraction of crystals as a function of heat treatment time and temperature, it is necessary to draw the curves relating these three quantities. For this, data on the nucleation rate and growth rate of barium disilicate crystals were obtained from the literature and processed in order to obtain equations as a function of temperature. These equations were applied to the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami (JMA) equation and integrated in the intervals corresponding to the isothermal treatments, constant cooling from the melting temperature and constant heating from the glass transition temperature, thus obtaining the curves for these three types of heat treatment. 

    Prospective validation of an automated chemiluminescence-based assay of renin and aldosterone for the work-up of arterial hypertension

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    AbstractBackground:The availability of simple and accurate assays of plasma active renin (DRC) and aldosterone concentration (PAC) can improve the detection of secondary forms of arterial hypertension. Thus, we investigated the performance of an automated chemiluminescent assay for DRC and PAC in referred hypertensive patients.Methods:We prospectively recruited 260 consecutive hypertensive patients referred to an ESH Center for Hypertension. After exclusion of six protocol violations, 254 patients were analyzed: 67.3% had primary hypertension, 17.3% an aldosterone producing adenoma (APA), 11.4% idiopathic hyperaldosteronism (IHA), 2.4% renovascular hypertension (RVH), 0.8% familial hyperaldosteronism type 1 (FH-1), 0.4% apparent mineralocorticoid excess (AME), 0.4% a renin-producing tumor, and 3.9% were adrenalectomized APA patients. Bland-Altman plots and Deming regression were used to analyze results. The diagnostic accuracy (area under the curve, AUC of the ROC) of the DRC-based aldosterone-renin ratio (ARRCL) was compared with that of the PRA-based ARR (ARRRIA) using as reference the conclusive diagnosis of APA.Results:At Bland-Altman plot, the DRC and PAC assay showed no bias as compared to the PRA and PAC assay. A tight relation was found between the DRC and the PRA values (concordance correlation coefficient=0.92, p&lt;0.0001) and the PAC values measured with radioimmunoassay and chemiluminescence (concordance correlation coefficient=0.93, p&lt;0.001). For APA identification the AUC of the ARRCLwas higher than that of the ARRRIA[0.974 (95% CI 0.940–0.991) vs. 0.894 (95% CI 0.841–0.933), p=0.02].Conclusions:This rapid automated chemiluminescent DRC/PAC assay performed better than validated PRA/PAC radioimmunoassays for the identification of APA in referred hypertensive patients.</jats:sec

    Mechanochemistry of von Willebrand factor

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    AbstractVon Willebrand factor (VWF), a blood multimeric protein with a very high molecular weight, plays a crucial role in the primary haemostasis, the physiological process characterized by the adhesion of blood platelets to the injured vessel wall. Hydrodynamic forces are responsible for extensive conformational transitions in the VWF multimers that change their structure from a globular form to a stretched linear conformation. This feature makes this protein particularly prone to be investigated by mechanochemistry, the branch of the biophysical chemistry devoted to investigating the effects of shear forces on protein conformation. This review describes the structural elements of the VWF molecule involved in the biochemical response to shear forces. The stretched VWF conformation favors the interaction with the platelet GpIb and at the same time with ADAMTS-13, the zinc-protease that cleaves VWF in the A2 domain, limiting its prothrombotic capacity. The shear-induced conformational transitions favor also a process of self-aggregation, responsible for the formation of a spider-web like network, particularly efficient in the trapping process of flowing platelets. The investigation of the biophysical effects of shear forces on VWF conformation contributes to unraveling the molecular mechanisms of many types of thrombotic and haemorrhagic syndromes

    Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Saúde Pública em Caxias do Sul (RS) e a Política Nacional de Informação e Informática em Saúde

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    O uso de sistemas de informações na área da saúde pública sofreu uma expansão desordenada desde a adoção dos primeiros sistemas pelos órgãos públicos, acarretando diversos problemas como a falta de interoperabilidade e duplicação de dados, entre outras deficiências que ocasionam uma subutilização dos recursos de tecnologia da informação para subsidiar ações governamentais. Para contornar os problemas causados por essa segmentação, o município de Caxias do Sul (RS) adquiriu um sistema integrado de gestão de saúde pública para gerenciar suas informações de forma centralizada. O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se o sistema que está sendo implantado no município está alinhado com a Política Nacional de Informação e Informática em Saúde (PNIIS). A metodologia adotada foi a pesquisa documental a partir de portarias, resoluções e notas técnicas relacionadas aos sistemas de informação em saúde pública e documentos que compõe o edital do processo licitatório para aquisição do sistema integrado de gestão de saúde pública para o município. O estudo identificou aderência dos requisitos do sistema integrado com as ações relacionadas ao uso das informações previstas na PNIIS e que alguns sistemas específicos de abrangência nacional ainda apresentam problemas como a falta de interoperabilidade. O estudo conclui que o município demonstra interesse em avançar na gestão da saúde pública através do uso da tecnologia da informação para qualificar os processos de trabalho dos profissionais da saúde pública e gestores. Porém, mesmo com o uso de um sistema integrado, persistirão desafios como subsidiar ações de promoção e prevenção na saúde, ampliar a participação da população no acompanhamento e monitoramento dos resultados das políticas públicas em saúde e construir de novos conhecimentos clínicos.The use of information systems in the area of public health has undergone a disorderly expansion since the adoption of the first systems by public agencies, causing several problems such as the lack of interoperability and duplication of data, among other deficiencies that lead to underutilization of information technology for subsidize government actions. To overcome the problems caused by this segmentation, the city of Caxias do Sul (RS, Brazil) has acquired an integrated public health management system to manage information centrally. The objective of this work is verify if this system implemented in the municipality is in line with the National Health Informatics and Information Policy (PNIIS). The methodology adopted was the documentary research based on ordinances, resolutions and technical notes related to the public health information systems and documents that compose the public bidding process for the acquisition of the integrated public health management system for the municipality. The study identified adherence of the integrated system requirements with actions related to the use of PNIIS information, and that some specific national information systems still present problems such as lack of interoperability. The study concludes that the municipality demonstrates interest in advancing the public health management using information technology to qualify the work processes of public health professionals and managers. Although, even with the use of an integrated system, challenges remain such as subsidizing health promotion and prevention actions, expanding the participation of the population in monitoring and monitoring the results of public health policies and building new clinical knowledge


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    A economia brasileira sob restrição do balanço de pagamentos

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    Resumo: A dissertação consiste da aplicação de modelos de crescimento sob restrição do balanço de pagamentos, na vertente de Thirlwall (1979), à economia brasileira no período da alta internacional de preços dos principais itens de exportações do país (2002-2013), a fim de verificar a aderência da Lei de Thirlwall à realidade observada no Brasil no mencionado período. A Lei de Thirlwall sustenta que existe uma taxa máxima à qual é possível crescer a longo prazo, em função da limitação de divisas disponíveis, e que a renda é a variável de ajuste para equilibrar o balanço de pagamentos. Thirlwall avalia as exportações como o elemento gerador de recursos, que podem contar com um coadjuvante (os fluxos de capitais), para financiar as importações, sem prescindir do condicionante que estrutura produtiva exerce sobre as demandas tanto de importação quanto de exportação, expresso através das elasticidades-renda. Os modelos adotados abordam os determinantes da demanda dos dois lados dessa equação de equilíbrio: as elasticidades-renda são o principal, porém variáveis como renda externa e componentes do balanço de pagamentos entram na análise. O presente estudo parte de um reconhecimento das proposições da Lei de Thirlwall e de três modelos que a estenderam para, na sequência, os testar, a partir das elasticidades estimadas pela da técnica de cointegração de Johansen e por um vetor de correção de erro. Segue-se a uma avaliação da validade do modelo bem como de seus determinantes, no período de 2002 a 2013. O resultado empírico obtido no presente trabalho permite concluir que a Lei de Thirlwall é válida na economia brasileira no boom das commodities


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