211 research outputs found

    Riyadhah: The model of the character education based on sufistic counseling

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    The purpose of education did not only build intelligent people, but also built a strong character and noble character based on the noble values of the nation and religion. Then, a quality and holistic character education becomes a necessity for the Indonesian people who want to develop the potential of the nations to have spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed by themselves, society, nation and state. Character education in Islam is a moral education which is the essence of Islamic teachings. For example, the character education applied by the Sufis with various riyadhah in their zawiyah or ribath under the guidance of the murshid who becomes a role model in the process of habituating and disciplining students. This study aimed to explore the model of the character education based on sufistic counseling with the various riyadhah in guiding students to have noble character. This descriptive study used a qualitative approach by a literature study and case study in the field. The research found that the process of character internalization carried out through various riyadhah is a spiritual practice covering all aspects of life, both worship and muamalah in an effort to maintain a harmonious relationship between humans and Allah, humans with other humans, humans with their environment, and humans with themselves. Therefore, it is be able to clean the spirit and to devote themselves to the Divine, by having character or noble character and always doing good in life. Tujuan Pendidikan selain membentuk insan cerdas, juga membentuk karakter kuat dan akhlak mulia yang berpedoman kepada nilai-nilai luhur bangsa dan agama. Maka pendidikan karakter yang bermutu dan holistik menjadi sebuah keniscayaan bagi bangsa Indonesia yang ingin mengembangkan potensi diri anak bangsa agar memiliki kekuatan spiritual keagamaan, pengendalian diri, kepribadian, kecerdasan, akhlak mulia, serta keterampilan yang diperlukan dirinya, masyarakat, bangsa dan Negara.Pendidikan karakter dalam Islam adalah pendidikan akhlak yang menjadi esensi ajaran Islam. Diantara pendidikan karakter adalah yang dilakukan para sufi dengan berbagai riyadhah di zawiyah atau ribath mereka dibawah bimbingan  guru mursyid yang menjadi role model dan teladan dalam proses pembiasaan dan pembinaan disiplin para murid. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali model pendidikan karakter berbasis konseling sufistik melalui berbagai riyadhah dalam membimbing para murid agar memiliki karakter atau akhlak mulia.Penelitian deskriptif ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan mengadakan Studi Kepustakaan dan  studi kasus di lapangan. Penelitian menemukan bahwa Proses internalisasi karakter yang dilakukan melalui berbagai riyadhah, merupakan latihan spiritual mencakup seluruh aspek kehidupan, baik ibadah maupun muamalah dalam upaya menjaga hubungan harmonis manusia dengan Allah, manusia dengan manusia lain, manusia dengan lingkunganny, dan manusia dengan dirinya sendiri. Sehingga mampu membersihkan ruhani dan mampu mengabdikan diri kepada Ilahi, dengan memiliki karakter atau akhlak mulia dan senantiasa melakukan kebaikan dalam hidup

    Riyadhah: The model of the character education based on sufistic counseling

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    The purpose of education did not only build intelligent people, but also built a strong character and noble character based on the noble values of the nation and religion. Then, a quality and holistic character education becomes a necessity for the Indonesian people who want to develop the potential of the nations to have spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed by themselves, society, nation and state. Character education in Islam is a moral education which is the essence of Islamic teachings. For example, the character education applied by the Sufis with various riyadhah in their zawiyah or ribath under the guidance of the murshid who becomes a role model in the process of habituating and disciplining students. This study aimed to explore the model of the character education based on sufistic counseling with the various riyadhah in guiding students to have noble character. This descriptive study used a qualitative approach by a literature study and case study in the field. The research found that the process of character internalization carried out through various riyadhah is a spiritual practice covering all aspects of life, both worship and muamalah in an effort to maintain a harmonious relationship between humans and Allah, humans with other humans, humans with their environment, and humans with themselves. Therefore, it is be able to clean the spirit and to devote themselves to the Divine, by having character or noble character and always doing good in life. Tujuan Pendidikan selain membentuk insan cerdas, juga membentuk karakter kuat dan akhlak mulia yang berpedoman kepada nilai-nilai luhur bangsa dan agama. Maka pendidikan karakter yang bermutu dan holistik menjadi sebuah keniscayaan bagi bangsa Indonesia yang ingin mengembangkan potensi diri anak bangsa agar memiliki kekuatan spiritual keagamaan, pengendalian diri, kepribadian, kecerdasan, akhlak mulia, serta keterampilan yang diperlukan dirinya, masyarakat, bangsa dan Negara.Pendidikan karakter dalam Islam adalah pendidikan akhlak yang menjadi esensi ajaran Islam. Diantara pendidikan karakter adalah yang dilakukan para sufi dengan berbagai riyadhah di zawiyah atau ribath mereka dibawah bimbingan  guru mursyid yang menjadi role model dan teladan dalam proses pembiasaan dan pembinaan disiplin para murid. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali model pendidikan karakter berbasis konseling sufistik melalui berbagai riyadhah dalam membimbing para murid agar memiliki karakter atau akhlak mulia.Penelitian deskriptif ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan mengadakan Studi Kepustakaan dan  studi kasus di lapangan. Penelitian menemukan bahwa Proses internalisasi karakter yang dilakukan melalui berbagai riyadhah, merupakan latihan spiritual mencakup seluruh aspek kehidupan, baik ibadah maupun muamalah dalam upaya menjaga hubungan harmonis manusia dengan Allah, manusia dengan manusia lain, manusia dengan lingkunganny, dan manusia dengan dirinya sendiri. Sehingga mampu membersihkan ruhani dan mampu mengabdikan diri kepada Ilahi, dengan memiliki karakter atau akhlak mulia dan senantiasa melakukan kebaikan dalam hidup

    The Effect of Inflation Rate, Exchange Rate, The Certificate of Bank Indonesia (SBI) Interest Rate and Sharia Stock Trading Volume on Sharia Stock Performance in Companies Listed on the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI)

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    This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of the inflation rate, exchange rate, SBI interest rate and Sharia stock trading volume on the performance of Sharia stocks in companies listed on the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index. In this study, a research model was created using Sharia stock performance as the dependent variable. While the independent variables are the inflation rate, exchange rate, certificate of Bank Indonesia (SBI) interest rate and Sharia stock trading volume. The research method used is quantitative research method with multiple regression models using panel data. The research object employs Sharia stocks from companies that are in the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI), namely Sharia stocks that are listed on the stock exchange, active, and meet the requirements of the Capital Market in Indonesia during the period January 2014 to December 2018. The object of this research includes all 392 companies using purposive sampling technique. Further, the samples used are 278 companies that meet the requirements. Based on the results, it shows that the inflation rate has no effect on the performance of Sharia stocks. Next, the exchange rate and the SBI interest rate have a significant negative effect on the performance of Sharia stocks, while the trading volume of Sharia stocks has no effect on the performance of Sharia stocks


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    Didalam sistem penyaluran tenaga listrik, mulai dari pembangkitan sampai kepusat beban pasti akan terjadi suatu kerugian, baik itu kerugian tegangan maupun kerugian daya. Kerugian tersebut diantaranya disebabkan oleh panjangnya saluran, Besarnya arus yang mengalir pada saluran, impedansi saluran, dan faktor lainnya.Untuk mengetahui besar kecilnya suatu kerugian maka dibutuhkan suatu perhitungan dan analisa yang akurat, ada beberapa literatur yang dapat digunakan untuk menghitung kerugian tegangan dan daya sehingga data yang dihasikan tepat dan mendetail. Nilai kerugian tegangan dan daya yang ada di setiap penyulang di Gardu Induk Bukit Siguntang beberapa masih dibawah standar PLN dan ada satu penyulang yang sudah melebihi standar yaitu penyulang Banteng.Hal ini perlu dilakukan perbaikan sistem distribusi dan efektifitas titik beban


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    Pada project akhir ini penulis membahas masalah yang berjudul “Pengembangan Multimedia 3D Sebagai Sarana Praktikum Alat Ukur dan Pengukuran dengan Proses Coding Berbasis Virtual Reality”. Dalam melakukan praktikum Alat Ukur dan Pengukuran terdapat berbagai alat dan bahan yang harus disiapkan. Namun terkadang alat dan bahan yang disediakan lembaga pendidikan sangat terbatas. Dengan kerterbatasan tersebut, lembaga pendidikan mengalihkan beberapa pokok bahasan dalam pembelajaran praktikum ke pembelajaran teori. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan pembelajaran praktikum yang kurang efektif. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dibutuhkan bantuan teknologi bernama Virtual Reality. Virtual Reality adalah teknologi yang akan menampilkan penggambaran suatu tempat atau objek yang disajikan dalam bentuk 3 dimensi. Tujuan dalam pembuatan laporan akhir ini adalah untuk memaksimalkan kegiatan pembelajaran praktikum Alat Ukur dan Pengukuran. Proses pembuatan animasi pada alat ini menggunakan aplikasi Blender untuk mendesain ruang dan peralatan praktikum. Dan menggunakan aplikasi Verge3D untuk menggerakkan animasi dengan proses coding. Kemudian agar lebih terlihat nyata animasi ditampilkan menggunakan Virtual Reality Oculus Quest 2

    Pathways to global-change effects on biodiversity: new opportunities for dynamically forecasting demography and species interactions

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    In structured populations, persistence under environmental change may be particularly threatened when abiotic factors simultaneously negatively affect survival and reproduction of several life cycle stages, as opposed to a single stage. Such effects can then be exacerbated when species interactions generate reciprocal feedbacks between the demographic rates of the different species. Despite the importance of such demographic feedbacks, forecasts that account for them are limited as individual-based data on interacting species are perceived to be essential for such mechanistic forecasting-but are rarely available. Here, we first review the current shortcomings in assessing demographic feedbacks in population and community dynamics. We then present an overview of advances in statistical tools that provide an opportunity to leverage population-level data on abundances of multiple species to infer stage-specific demography. Lastly, we showcase a state-of-the-art Bayesian method to infer and project stage-specific survival and reproduction for several interacting species in a Mediterranean shrub community. This case study shows that climate change threatens populations most strongly by changing the interaction effects of conspecific and heterospecific neighbours on both juvenile and adult survival. Thus, the repurposing of multi-species abundance data for mechanistic forecasting can substantially improve our understanding of emerging threats on biodiversity.12 página

    The Role of Religion Teacher and Students' Interest in Islamic Spiritual Activites at SMPN 17 Bandung

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    Among the roles of religion teachers are directing students and animating religious extracurricular activities. What motivates the students to take part in Rohis (Kerohanian Islam) extracurricular activities is the students' interest in Islamic religious lessons, and the direction from the religion teacher. The purpose of this study, to examine the role of religion teachers and student interests. relation to spiritual activity. This study uses a descriptive quantitative approach with multiple variables. The respondents are active 8th grade students. Data collection through questionnaires, interviews, observation. Then the data was analyzed, then the correlation was calculated using SPSS 20 and then concluded. The find research religion teachers in guiding and motivating, as well as students' interest in learning religion is closely related to the spiritual activities

    Co-evolution as Tool for Diversifying Flavor and Aroma Profiles of Wines

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    The products of microbial metabolism form an integral part of human industry and have been shaped by evolutionary processes, accidentally and deliberately, for thousands of years. In the production of wine, a great many flavour and aroma compounds are produced by yeast species and are the targets of research for commercial breeding programs. Here we demonstrate how co-evolution with multiple species can generate novel interactions through serial co-culture in grape juice. We find that after 65 generations, co-evolved strains and strains evolved independently show significantly different growth aspects and exhibit significantly different metabolite profiles. We show significant impact of co-evolution of Candida glabrata and Pichia kudriavzevii on the production of metabolites that affect the flavour and aroma of experimental wines. While co-evolved strains do exhibit novel interactions that affect the reproductive success of interacting species, we found no evidence of cross-feeding behaviour. Our findings yield promising avenues for developing commercial yeast strains by using co-evolution to diversify the metabolic output of target species without relying on genetic modification or breeding technologies. Such approaches open up exciting new possibilities for harnessing microbial co-evolution in areas of agriculture and food related research generally

    Individual differences determine the strength of ecological interactions

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    Biotic interactions are central to both ecological and evolutionary dynamics. In the vast majority of empirical studies the strength of intraspecific interactions is estimated using simple measures of population size. Biologists have long known that these are crude metrics, with experiments and theory suggesting that interactions between individuals should depend on traits, such as body size. In spite of this, it has been difficult to estimate the impact of traits on competitive ability from ecological field data, and this explains why the strength of biotic interactions has empirically been treated in a simplistic manner. Using long-term observational data from four different populations, we show that large Trinidadian guppies impose a significantly larger competitive pressure on conspecifics than individuals that are smaller; in other words, competition is asymmetric. When we incorporate this asymmetry into integral projection models the predicted size-structure is much closer to what we see in the field compared with models where competition is independent of body size. This difference in size-structure translates into a 2 fold difference in reproductive output. This demonstrates how the nature of ecological interactions drives the size structure which in turn will have important implications for both the ecological and evolutionary dynamics