555 research outputs found

    A Silent Crisis: The Misidentification of English Language Learners as Students with Learning Disabilities

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    As more people immigrate to the United States, more students who speak languages other than English enter the U.S. school system, and since English language learners (ELLs) have unique strengths and challenges, they must be educated according to their needs. Unfortunately, many educators do not have the knowledge or training on how to effectively educate ELLs. ELLs may display lower achievement in academics because of ineffective accommodations in their education or because of the difficulties and demands of second language acquisition. Therefore, numerous ELLs are misidentified as students with learning disabilities and thus placed into special education. While special education may seem like a solution that tends to the needs of ELLs, placing students into the program may actually worsen the situation and neglect the students from receiving the education that they deserve. While various solutions have been offered as a means to eradicate the issue of misidentification, each set of solutions comes with its own advantages and shortcomings. Moreover, two solutions, education and awareness, stand above the rest. Education is the training of teachers and other educators so that they are able to fully tend to the educational needs of ELLs, and awareness consists of the general public’s understanding and knowledge of the issue of misidentification as a whole. Together education and awareness offer a real sense of hope for ending misidentification

    Polidocência: perception of distance education teachers

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Curso de Graduação em Língua e Literatura Estrangeira.Esta pesquisa exploratória e qualitativa tem o propósito de investigar como os professores dos programas de Letras Inglês e Letras Espanhol - modalidade a distância - veem a coletividade da sua equipe, responsável pela concepção e desenvolvimento das disciplinas. Baseado no conceito de Polidocência proposto por Mill (2010), que, diferentemente do conceito de professor coletivo proposto por Belloni (2006), pode compreender todos os papéis da Educação a Distância, respeitando a hierarquia presente nas funções envolvidas no processo de ensino/aprendizagem. Dados foram coletados através de um questionário com questões abertas, que foi respondido por seis professores que trabalharam ou estão atualmente trabalhando nos programas de Letras. Da análise, emergiram 10 categorias. Os resultados mostraram que o trabalho na Educação/Ensino a Distância pode ser visto como coletivo, em menor ou maior grau, dependendo especialmente de características individuais dos envolvidos no trabalho. Pôde ser concluído também que os professores observados neste estudo não consideraram as outras funções envolvidas no conceito de Polidocência, como a equipe multidisciplinar e a equipe coordenadora, como parte do trabalho coletivo.This exploratory and qualitative has the purpose of investigating how teachers in the Letras Inglês and Letras Espanhol Distance Education programs see the collectiveness of their team, responsible for the conception and development of the courses. Based on the concept of Polidocência proposed by Mill (2010), which, different from the collective teacher concept proposed by Belloni (2006), can comprise every role in distance learning, respecting the hierarchy present in the functions involved in the process of teaching/learning. Data was collected through an open-ended questionnaire, which was answered by six teachers who have worked or are currently working in the Letras programs. From the analysis, 10 categories emerged. The results showed that the work in Distance Learning/Education can be seen as collective, in a lower or higher degree, depending specially on individual characteristics of the ones involved in the work. It could also be concluded that the teachers observed in this study did not consider the other functions involved in the Polidocência concept, such as the multidisciplinary team and coordination-team, as part of the collective work

    Parametric entry corridors for lunar/Mars aerocapture missions

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    Parametric atmospheric entry corridor data are presented for Earth and Mars aerocapture. Parameter ranges were dictated by the range of mission designs currently envisioned as possibilities for the Human Exploration Initiative (HEI). This data, while not providing a means for exhaustive evaluation of aerocapture performance, should prove to be a useful aid for preliminary mission design and evaluation. Entry corridors are expressed as ranges of allowable vacuum periapse altitude of the planetary approach hyperbolic orbit, with chart provided for conversion to an approximate flight path angle corridor at entry interface (125 km altitude). The corridor boundaries are defined by open-loop aerocapture trajectories which satisfy boundary constraints while utilizing the full aerodynamic control capability of the vehicle (i.e., full lift-up or full lift-down). Parameters examined were limited to those of greatest importance from an aerocapture performance standpoint, including the approach orbit hyperbolic excess velocity, the vehicle lift to drag ratio, maximum aerodynamic load factor limit, and the apoapse of the target orbit. The impact of the atmospheric density bias uncertainties are also included. The corridor data is presented in graphical format, and examples of the utilization of these graphs for mission design and evaluation are included

    Efficacy of Two Common Methods of Application of Residual Insecticide for Controlling the Asian Tiger Mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse), in Urban Areas

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    After its first introduction in the 1980's the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse), has spread throughout Southern Europe. Ae. albopictus is considered an epidemiologically important vector for the transmission of many viral pathogens such as the yellow fever virus, dengue fever and Chikungunya fever, as well as several filarial nematodes such as Dirofilaria immitis or D. repens. It is therefore crucial to develop measures to reduce the risks of disease transmission by controlling the vector populations. The aim of the study was to compare the efficacy of two application techniques (mist vs. stretcher sprayer) and two insecticides (Etox based on the nonester pyrethroid Etofenprox vs. Microsin based on the pyrethroid type II Cypermetrin) in controlling adult tiger mosquito populations in highly populated areas. To test the effect of the two treatments pre- and post-treatment human landing rate counts were conducted for two years. After one day from the treatment we observed a 100% population decrease in mosquito abundance with both application methods and both insecticides. However, seven and 14 days after the application the stretcher sprayer showed larger population reductions than the mist sprayer. No effect of insecticide type after one day and 14 days was found, while Etox caused slightly higher population reduction than Microsin after seven days. Emergency measures to locally reduce the vector populations should adopt adulticide treatments using stretcher sprayers. However, more research is still needed to evaluate the potential negative effects of adulticide applications on non-target organisms

    A new time dependent density functional algorithm for large systems and plasmons in metal clusters

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    A new algorithm to solve the Time Dependent Density Functional Theory (TDDFT) equations in the space of the density fitting auxiliary basis set has been developed and implemented. The method extracts the spectrum from the imaginary part of the polarizability at any given photon energy, avoiding the bottleneck of Davidson diagonalization. The original idea which made the present scheme very efficient consists in the simplification of the double sum over occupied-virtual pairs in the definition of the dielectric susceptibility, allowing an easy calculation of such matrix as a linear combination of constant matrices with photon energy dependent coefficients. The method has been applied to very different systems in nature and size (from H2 to [Au147] 12). In all cases, the maximum deviations found for the excitation energies with respect to the Amsterdam density functional code are below 0.2 eV. The new algorithm has the merit not only to calculate the spectrum at whichever photon energy but also to allow a deep analysis of the results, in terms of transition contribution maps, Jacob plasmon scaling factor, and induced density analysis, which have been all implemente

    Theoretical description of photoabsorption spectra: TDDFT development and applications

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    Lo scopo principale di questa tesi \ue8 la simulazione teorica e quindi l\u2019interpretazione di spettri di fotoassorbimento. Questo progetto pu\uf2 essere suddiviso in due argomenti: il calcolo di spettri Near Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (NEXAFS) a livello DFT per molecole in fase gassosa e lo sviluppo di un nuovo algoritmo per il calcolo di spettri di fotoassorbimento a livello TDDFT per sistemi di grandi dimensioni (>100 atomi). Gli spettri NEXAFS C1s e XPS in fase gassosa di due idrocarburi policiclici aromatici (fenantrene e coronene) sono stati calcolati, interpretati e confrontati con i dati sperimentali. Gli spettri calcolati a livello \u394KS considerando solo le transizioni elettroniche presentano delle differenze significative rispetto all\u2019esperimento, in particolare per quanto riguarda la distribuzione delle intensit\ue0. L\u2019inclusione dell\u2019accoppiamento vibronico a livello Frank-Condon nel modello di calcolo migliora fortemente l\u2019accordo della distribuzione dell\u2019intensit\ue0 rispetto all\u2019esperimento. Inoltre sono stati calcolati e interpretati gli spettri NEXAFS in fase gassosa a livello \u394KS per una serie di tiofeni (tiofene, ditiofene e tertiofene), i dati teorici sono in buon accordo con i dati sperimentali. La seconda parte di questa tesi verte sullo sviluppo di un nuovo algoritmo TDDFT per il calcolo di spettri di fotoassorbimento che superi i limiti intrinseci degli attuali codici che utilizzano l\u2019algoritmo di Casida e quindi la diagonalizzazione di Davidson. Infatti quando si studiano sistemi di grandi dimensioni (>100 atomi) come ad esempio cluster metallici la densit\ue0 degli stati \ue8 molto elevata e di conseguenza con algoritmi che utilizzino la diagonalizzazione di Davidson \ue8 possibile il calcolo di una regione limitata di spettro, il nuovo algoritmo risolve le equazioni TDDFT nello spazio del set di base ausiliaria delle funzioni di fitting della densit\ue0, questo metodo estrae lo spettro punto per punto dalla parte immaginaria della polarizzabilit\ue0. L\u2019idea principale che rende praticabile questo metodo \ue8 la semplificazione della doppia somma occupato-virtuale per il calcolo della suscettibilit\ue0 dielettrica, rendendo il calcolo di questa matrice una combinazione lineare tra matrici costanti e coefficienti dipendenti dall\u2019energia. Questo metodo \ue8 stato applicato per lo studio di diversi sistemi per natura e dimensioni (da H2 a [Au147]-) e presenta un buon accordo con calcoli effettuati utilizzando il codice ADF (massima differenza di 0.2eV). Inoltre \ue8 stata implementata la possibilit\ue0 di analisi dei risultati tramite la Transition Contribution Maps, il fattore di scala di Jacob e l\u2019analisi della densit\ue0 indotta. Il nuovo algoritmo \ue8 stato infine applicato allo studio di diversi sistemi di cluster metallici, simulando i fenomeni di risonanza plasmonica e gli andamenti rispetto alle dimensioni e alla natura dei leganti. In particolare \ue8 stata studiata una serie di icosaedri di argento e oro (M13, M55, M147, M309), una serie di cluster di Au30 con diversi leganti tiolici (terbutiltiolo, feniltiolo, nitrofeniltiolo), inoltre \ue8 stato possibile studiare sistemi di grandi dimensioni e a bassa simmetria come Au144(SH)60

    Global patterns in anaphylaxis due to specific foods: a systematic review

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    Background There are increasing global data relating to prevalence of food allergy and food-induced anaphylaxis, however this is often based on surrogate measures of sensitization rather than objective symptoms at food challenge. In terms of protecting food-allergic consumers from reactions, there has been no global survey assessing geographical differences in the proportion of anaphylaxis triggered by specific foods. Objective To identify common triggers for food-induced anaphylaxis, and how these vary from country to country. Methods Systematic review of relevant reports published between January 2010 and November 2020. Results were reported following PRISMA guidelines. Publications were screened and data extracted by two independent reviewers, and risk of bias assessed. Results Sixty-five studies (encompassing 41 countries and all 6 regions as defined by the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) were included. Significant regional variations in the most common triggers of food-anaphylaxis were seen, however, in general there was good agreement between local legislative requirements for allergen disclosure and the commonest allergens for each region/nation. Conclusions Local legislation for allergen disclosure generally reflect those allergens commonly responsible for food-anaphylaxis. Cow’s milk and crustacea appear to be cause a higher proportion of anaphylaxis compared to peanut in some regions

    Generazione dei riferimenti per algoritmi di motion cueing basato su MPC

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    Scopo dei simulatori dinamici di veicolo è quello di riprodurre in modo più fedele possibile gli stimoli di guida che un pilota avrebbe in un abitacolo reale e che vengono percepiti attraverso il sistema vestibolare collocato sull’orecchio. In questo lavoro di tesi si descrive un algoritmo innovativo di motion cueing basato su MPC. Sono stati risolte due delle principali problematiche legato all’utilizzo di tale tecnica di controllo nel contesto in questione: l’abbattimento dei tempi di calcolo utilizzando un procedimento di decimazione della predizione e la generazione real time dei riferimenti per la predizione basata su una strategia di matching con una telemetria ideale. I risultati ottenuti sono molto incoraggianti e offrono prospettive concrete per l’implementazione sulla piattaforma reale del controllo propostoopenMotivi di segretezza e/o di proprietà dei risultati e informazioni di enti esterni o aziende private che hanno contribuito alla realizzazione del lavoro di ricerca relativo alla tes
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