92 research outputs found

    L’apprenant dit avancĂ© et son acquisition d’une langue Ă©trangĂšre

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    Cet article prĂ©sente les caractĂ©ristiques de l’apprenant dit avancĂ©, dĂ©fini comme un apprenant ayant un niveau Ă©levĂ© d’instruction. L’étude propose aussi une synthĂšse des traits de la variĂ©tĂ© « avancĂ©e », tels qu’ils se dĂ©gagent massivement dans les donnĂ©es empiriques des corpus Ă©tudiĂ©s. Ces traits typiques sont contrastĂ©s Ă  ceux de la variĂ©tĂ© de base (cf. Klein & Perdue, Ă  paraĂźtre) et Ă  ceux de quasi-bilingues. Cette comparaison aboutit Ă  la proposition d’un continuum d’acquisition. La variĂ©tĂ© appelĂ©e « avancĂ©e » montre des zones de fragilitĂ© en morphologie fonctionnelle mais aussi des ressources considĂ©rables dans les domaines discursifs, dialogiques et sociolinguistiques. Le projet InterFra (Stockholm) est prĂ©sentĂ© Ă  titre d’illustration de l’acquisition d’une langue Ă©trangĂšre par des apprenants au niveau universitaire.This article describes the typical features of the so-called advanced learner defined as a learner who has had a high level of language training. The study proposes a broad picture of the « advanced » variety as opposed to the basic variety (cf. Klein & Perdue, to appear) and the near-native level. An acquisitional continuum is proposed. The results show that there are weak areas in functional morphology but underline also the considerable ressources in the learner’s discourse and sociolinguistic competence. Results from the InterFra project (Stockholm) are given to illustrate some features of the « advanced » variety

    Itinéraires acquisitionnels et stades de développement en français L2

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    Abstract in French Nous proposons ici des stades de dĂ©veloppement du français acquis par les adultes suĂ©dophones, formulĂ©s comme profils grammaticaux d'apprenants Ă  des niveaux diffĂ©rents. Cette proposition se fonde sur les rĂ©sultats empiriques des travaux menĂ©s au sein de deux projets diffĂ©rents sur l'acquisition du français L2 des apprenants suĂ©dophones. À partir d'itinĂ©raires acquisitionnels nous proposons six stades, qui s'Ă©tendent des dĂ©buts de l'acquisition jusqu'Ă  la production d'apprenants quasi-natifs. Ces itinĂ©raires, et les stades que nous essayons d'en dĂ©duire, reflĂštent l'acquisition du français de l'apprenant suĂ©dophone, dans des situations orales spontanĂ©es oĂč elle/il doit avoir recours Ă  ses connaissances automatiques. Le cadre de cette Ă©tude est donc descriptif et empirique. Un objectif ultĂ©rieur est de servir de base Ă  une Ă©valuation du niveau grammatical d'un certain apprenant Ă  un moment donnĂ©

    Le développement de la compétence textuelle à travers les stades acquisitionnels en français L2

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    Dans le cadre d’un travail plus vaste sur les stades acquisitionnels des suĂ©dophones en français L2 nous examinons de maniĂšre pluridimensionnelle trois dimensions de la compĂ©tence textuelle de 24 apprenants prĂ©- avancĂ©s et avancĂ©s : la complexitĂ© syntaxique des Ă©noncĂ©s, le rĂŽle des connecteurs au niveau textuel et l’analyse fonctionne des propositions relatives. Les rĂ©sultas sont prĂ©sentĂ©s sous forme de faisceaux de traits caractĂ©ristiques du dĂ©veloppement de la compĂ©tence textuelle des stades intermĂ©diaires Ă  avancĂ©s en mettant l’accent sur ce que sont les derniers bastions Ă  acquĂ©rir. Ces recherches sont effectuĂ©es au sein du nouveau projet InterFra La dynamique des stades acquisitionnels en français L2 financĂ© par Le Conseil SuĂ©dois de la Recherche.This article proposes to investigate the textual competence of 24 intermediate and advanced learners from a pluridimensional perspective. The study is carried out accordingly along three dimensions of textual competence : syntactic complexity, the role of connectors at the textual level and a functional analysis of the acquisition of relative clauses. The results, which are presented as bundles of features characteristic of textual competence through the acquisitional stages, focus on the last ramparts to be acquired by advanced and very advanced learners and show that learners go from local to global planning, reproduce native macro-syntactic patterns. The research is being carried out within the new InterFra project Developmental stages in French L2 financed by The Swedish Rese arch Council

    Factors Affecting Grammatical and Lexical Complexity of Long-Term L2 Speakers’ Oral Proficiency

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    There remains considerable disagreement about which factors drive second language (L2) ultimate attainment. Age of onset (AO) appears to be a robust factor, lending support to theories of maturational constraints on L2 acquisition. The present study is an investigation of factors that influence grammatical and lexical complexity at the stage of L2 ultimate attainment. Grammatical and lexical complexity were assessed in 102 spontaneous oral interviews. Interviewees' AOs ranged from 7 to 17 years old. Multifactorial analyses yielded consistently significant effects of gender and level of education for grammatical and lexical complexity. Additionally, native language use at work was a significant predictor for lexical complexity; conversely, AO did not emerge as a significant factor. We conclude that grammatical and lexical complexity at the stage of L2 ultimate attainment is the result of a complex interplay of variables that are general to language learning and performance rather than L2 specific

    Measuring linguistic complexity in long-term L2 speakers of English and L1 attriters of German

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    Linguistic complexity is neither easily defined nor measured. The challenge in finding reliable ways to measure linguistic complexity is even more pronounced when the variation of contexts in which complexity is measured is taken into account. This paper therefore aims at finding measures for assessing syntactic and lexical complexity that are sensitive and non-overlapping even in a less frequently studied context: spontaneous speech of L1 attriters and highly proficient L2 English speakers. To evaluate operationalizations of syntactic and lexical complexity, several previously proposed measures are applied to a corpus of spontaneous speech and a principal component analysis is conducted. The results show which of the measures group together as underlying variables of syntactic and lexical complexity and how this can inform future operationalizations of complexity

    Eléments pour une typologie des SN complexes en de en français

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    Inge Bartning : An Interpretation Typology of French complex nominals with de This paper presents a two level interpretation model of French noun phrases with de. On the basis of semantic and argumentai properties of the head noun and the interrelationship between the two nouns it is argued that there is a limited set of prototypical semantic interpretations at the level of the NP itself, the micro-level. These prototypical relations are covered by two essential meanings, namely possession and origin. Syntactic tests support this dichotomy. The second interpretation level is a textual one where the complex NP is interpreted by contextual clues (salient themes in the preceding discourse) or by extra-linguistic knowledge of the referents of the two NPs and their interrelations. In the last two cases the interpretation demands a larger context (at the macro-level) than that of the complex NP itself.Bartning Inge. Eléments pour une typologie des SN complexes en de en français. In: Langue française, n°109, 1996. Un bien grand mot de. De la préposition au mode de quantification., sous la direction de Lucien Kupferman. pp. 29-43

    Aspects of the Teaching and Learning of Communicative Competense in French

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