840 research outputs found

    Creating and Maintaining Consistent Documents with Elucidative Development

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    Software systems usually consist of multiple artefacts, such as requirements, class diagrams, or source code. Documents, such as specifications and documentation, can also be viewed as artefacts. In practice, however, writing and updating documents is often neglected because it is expensive and brings no immediate benefit. Consequently, documents are often outdated and communicate wrong information about the software. The price is paid later when a software system must be maintained and much implicit knowledge that existed at the time of the original development has been lost. A simple way to keep documents up to date is generation. However, not all documents can be fully generated. Usually, at least some content must be written by a human author. This handwritten content is lost if the documents must be regenerated. In this thesis, Elucidative Development is introduced. It is an approach to create documents by partial generation. Partial generation means that some parts of the document are generated whereas others are handwritten. Elucidative Development retains manually written content when the document is regenerated. An integral part of Elucidative Development is a guidance system, which informs the author about changes in the generated content and helps him update the handwritten content.:1 Introduction 1.1 Contributions 1.2 Scope of the Thesis 1.3 Organisation 2 Problem Analysis and Solution Outline 2.1 Redundancy and Inconsistency 2.2 Improving Consistency with Partial Generation 2.3 Conclusion 3 Background 3.1 Grammar-Based Modularisation 3.2 Model-Driven Software Development 3.3 Round-Trip Engineering 3.4 Conclusion 4 Elucidative Development 4.1 General Idea and Running Example 4.2 Requirements of Elucidative Development 4.3 Structure and Basic Concepts of Elucidative Documents 4.4 Presentation Layer 4.5 Guidance 4.6 Conclusion 5 Model-Driven Elucidative Development 5.1 General Idea and Running Example 5.2 Requirements of Model-Driven Elucidative Development 5.3 Structure and Basic Concepts of Elucidative Documents in Model-Driven Elucidative Development 5.4 Guidance 5.5 Conclusion 6 Extensions of Elucidative Development 6.1 Validating XML-based Elucidative Documents 6.2 Backpropagation-Based Round-Trip Engineering for Computed Text Document Fragments 6.3 Conclusion 7 Tool Support for an Elucidative Development Environment 7.1 Managing Active References 7.2 Inserting Computed Document Fragments 7.3 Caching the Computed Document Fragments 7.4 Elucidative Document Validation with Schemas 7.5 Conclusion 8 Related Work 8.1 Related Documentation Approaches 8.2 Consistency Approaches 8.3 Compound Documents 8.4 Conclusion 9 Evaluation 9.1 Creating and Maintaining the Cool Component Specification 9.2 Creating and Maintaining the UML Specification 9.3 Feasibility Studies 9.4 Conclusion 10 ConclusionSoftwaresysteme setzen sich üblicherweise aus vielen verschiedenen Artefakten zusammen, zum Beispiel Anforderungen, Klassendiagrammen oder Quellcode. Dokumente, wie zum Beispiel Spezifikationen oder Dokumentation, können auch als Artefakte betrachtet werden. In der Praxis wird aber das Schreiben und Aktualisieren von Dokumenten oft vernachlässigt, weil es zum einen teuer ist und zum anderen keinen unmittelbaren Vorteil bringt. Dokumente sind darum häufig veraltet und vermitteln falsche Informationen über die Software. Den Preis muss man später zahlen, wenn die Software gepflegt wird, weil viel von dem impliziten Wissen, das zur Zeit der Entwicklung existierte, verloren ist. Eine einfache Möglichkeit, Dokumente aktuell zu halten, ist Generierung. Allerdings können nicht alle Dokumente generiert werden. Meist muss wenigstens ein Teil von einem Menschen geschrieben werden. Dieser handgeschriebene Inhalt geht verloren, wenn das Dokument neu generiert werden muss. In dieser Arbeit wird das Elucidative Development vorgestellt. Dabei handelt es sich um einen Ansatz zur Dokumenterzeugung mittels partieller Generierung. Das bedeutet, dass Teile eines Dokuments generiert werden und der Rest von Hand ergänzt wird. Beim Elucidative Development bleibt der handgeschriebene Inhalt bestehen, wenn das restliche Dokument neu generiert wird. Ein integraler Bestandteil von Elucidative Development ist darüber hinaus ein Hilfesystem, das den Autor über Änderungen an generiertem Inhalt informiert und ihm hilft, den handgeschriebenen Inhalt zu aktualisieren.:1 Introduction 1.1 Contributions 1.2 Scope of the Thesis 1.3 Organisation 2 Problem Analysis and Solution Outline 2.1 Redundancy and Inconsistency 2.2 Improving Consistency with Partial Generation 2.3 Conclusion 3 Background 3.1 Grammar-Based Modularisation 3.2 Model-Driven Software Development 3.3 Round-Trip Engineering 3.4 Conclusion 4 Elucidative Development 4.1 General Idea and Running Example 4.2 Requirements of Elucidative Development 4.3 Structure and Basic Concepts of Elucidative Documents 4.4 Presentation Layer 4.5 Guidance 4.6 Conclusion 5 Model-Driven Elucidative Development 5.1 General Idea and Running Example 5.2 Requirements of Model-Driven Elucidative Development 5.3 Structure and Basic Concepts of Elucidative Documents in Model-Driven Elucidative Development 5.4 Guidance 5.5 Conclusion 6 Extensions of Elucidative Development 6.1 Validating XML-based Elucidative Documents 6.2 Backpropagation-Based Round-Trip Engineering for Computed Text Document Fragments 6.3 Conclusion 7 Tool Support for an Elucidative Development Environment 7.1 Managing Active References 7.2 Inserting Computed Document Fragments 7.3 Caching the Computed Document Fragments 7.4 Elucidative Document Validation with Schemas 7.5 Conclusion 8 Related Work 8.1 Related Documentation Approaches 8.2 Consistency Approaches 8.3 Compound Documents 8.4 Conclusion 9 Evaluation 9.1 Creating and Maintaining the Cool Component Specification 9.2 Creating and Maintaining the UML Specification 9.3 Feasibility Studies 9.4 Conclusion 10 Conclusio

    Biennial Scientific Report 2007-2008 : Volume 1: Advanced Materials Research

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    Biennial Scientific Report 2007-2008 : Volume 2: Cancer Research

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    The Role of Extracellular Vesicles and PIBF in Embryo-Maternal Immune-Interactions

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    Pregnancy represents a unique immunological situation. Though paternal antigens expressed by the conceptus are recognized by the immune system of the mother, the immune response does not harm the fetus. Progesterone and a progesterone induced protein; PIBF are important players in re-adjusting the functioning of the maternal immune system during pregnancy. PIBF expressed by peripheral pregnancy lymphocytes, and other cell types, participates in the feto-maternal communication, partly, by mediating the immunological actions of progesterone. Several splice variants of PIBF were identified with different physiological activity. The full length 90 kD PIBF protein plays a role in cell cycle regulation, while shorter splice variants are secreted and act as cytokines. Aberrant production of PIBF isoforms lead to the loss of immune-regulatory functions, resulting in and pregnancy failure. By up regulating Th2 type cytokine production and by down-regulating NK activity, PIBF contributes to the altered attitude of the maternal immune system. Normal pregnancy is characterized by a Th2-dominant cytokine balance, which is partly due to the action of the smaller PIBF isoforms. These bind to a novel form of the IL-4 receptor, and induce increased production of IL-3, IL-4, and IL-10. The communication between the conceptus and the mother is established via extracellular vesicles (EVs). Pre-implantation embryos produce EVs both in vitro, and in vivo. PIBF transported by the EVs from the embryo to maternal lymphocytes induces increased IL-10 production by the latter, this way contributing to the Th2 dominant immune responses described during pregnancy

    NebuFlask: Advancing Usability of Nebulizers to Increase Patient Compliance

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    Nebulizers are ubiquitous in the world of medicine. Any patient diagnosed with asthma, pneumonia, cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), or any other severe lung disease often use a nebulizer in order to deliver medication to the lungs. Although these technologies are quite common, they are surprisingly outdated. The most commonly used nebulizers today are bulky, loud, awkward to carry around, and must be plugged into an outlet. These aspects of the nebulizer make it a nuisance to use in general and almost impossible to use outside of the home or clinic. The ultrasonic and mesh nebulizers do address most of these issues, however the cost and maintenance required for these types of nebulizers prevent them from being used popularly. By redesigning the jet nebulizer into a water bottle form with a quieter air compressor, we were able to build a prototype that is lighter, quieter, and more discreet than commercially available nebulizers today. This human-centered design empowers users to nebulize in any setting, effectively increasing patient compliance with prescribed medications

    Strategi Komunikasi Oleh Komunitas Earth Hour Jogja dalam Kampanye “Switch Off 2018”

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    Peneitian ini akan membahas mengenai strategi komunikasi yang digunakan untuk melakukan kegiatan kampaye "switch OOFF 2018" Tujuan utama daam Penelitan ini adalah untuk medeskripkan, menganalisa proses strategi komunikasi oleh komunitas Earth Hour Jogja dalam kampaye "SWITCH OFF 2018' Harspsnnya adalah penelitian ini dapat memberikan penetahuan bagi komunitas yang lainnya dalam persiapan melakukan kampaye atau even yang serupa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskritif kualitatif. Penelitian dilakiukan dengan wawancara tiga nara sumber yang merupakan anggota komunitas EARTH HOUR JOGJA yang menjadi panitia "Switch off 2018" Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan analisis data dilakuan dengan pengumpulan data , penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa strategi komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh panitia " SWICH OFF 2018" dalam persiapan kampanye yang akan dilakukan . Sebagai cara untuk menarik masyarakat yogyakarta dalam mendukung gaya hemat listrik melalui kampanye' "SWITCH OFF 2018" target dalam kegiatan kampanye adalah warga Jogja karena luasnya ruang lingkup kalayak yang dimaksud maka itu komunitas Earth HOUR JOGJA menargetkan yang ada dijogja. Komunitas yang dimaksud baik komunitas lingkungan budaya sosisal dan lingkungan. komunitas menjadi target sasaran agar dapat mencakup khalayak yang cukup luas. Mengenai pemilihan yang digunakan pemilihan media yang digunakan ada tiga media cara medi masa , media sosial dan juga melakukan mesia tatap muka. Dalam tujuaan pesan yang sebagai slogan dalam kampanye" SWITCH OFF 2018" adalah bersinergi dalam aksi dengan memamakai tema Harmoni Hijau .Bersinergi dalam dengan memakai harmoni Hijau. bersinergi dalam aksi krgiatan mematikan lampu bersama sama untuk bumi yang lebih baik lagi .Peasn yang dibuat oleh EARTH HOUR Jogja YANG merupakan pesan yang tidak langsung karena diharapakan khalayak dapat tergugah dengan pesan yang dibuat dan jika pesan dibuaT secara langsung terlihat lebih memaksa atau menyuruh.Dalam perencanaan pesan yang dibuat komunitas tidak mencari isu lingkungan dengan harapan dapat merubah lingkungan yang lebih baik lagi.dalam komunikator untuk menjadi kunci yang diandalkan oleh komunitas EARTH HOUR JOGJA dalam panyampaian pesan kampanye :"SWITCH OFF 2018" Adalah OLIVIA GUNAWAN selaku KEtua panitia "SWITH OFF 2018

    Statistical image properties predict aesthetic ratings in abstract paintings created by neural style transfer

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    Artificial intelligence has emerged as a powerful computational tool to create artworks. One application is Neural Style Transfer, which allows to transfer the style of one image, such as a painting, onto the content of another image, such as a photograph. In the present study, we ask how Neural Style Transfer affects objective image properties and how beholders perceive the novel (style-transferred) stimuli. In order to focus on the subjective perception of artistic style, we minimized the confounding effect of cognitive processing by eliminating all representational content from the input images. To this aim, we transferred the styles of 25 diverse abstract paintings onto 150 colored random-phase patterns with six different Fourier spectral slopes. This procedure resulted in 150 style-transferred stimuli. We then computed eight statistical image properties (complexity, self-similarity, edge-orientation entropy, variances of neural network features, and color statistics) for each image. In a rating study, we asked participants to evaluate the images along three aesthetic dimensions (Pleasing, Harmonious, and Interesting). Results demonstrate that not only objective image properties, but also subjective aesthetic preferences transferred from the original artworks onto the style-transferred images. The image properties of the style-transferred images explain 50 – 69% of the variance in the ratings. In the multidimensional space of statistical image properties, participants considered style-transferred images to be more Pleasing and Interesting if they were closer to a “sweet spot” where traditional Western paintings (JenAesthetics dataset) are represented. We conclude that NST is a useful tool to create novel artistic stimuli that preserve the image properties of the input style images. In the novel stimuli, we found a strong relationship between statistical image properties and subjective ratings, suggesting a prominent role of perceptual processing in the aesthetic evaluation of abstract images

    Distância Entre Curvas Algébricas: Uma Discussão para o Ensino Médio

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    O presente trabalho teve como problema de investigação o ensino da Distância entre Curvas Planas Fechadas, no Ensino Médio, por meio da conexão entre conceitos diferentes e abstratos com objetos que são estudados nesse nível escolar. Dessa forma, foram propostos a introdução de noções básicas sobre Topologia no Ensino Básico. Distância entre Curvas Algébricas Planas Fechadas foi o centro de interesse. A questão que moveu esta pesquisa foi: Como colocar uma Distância entre Curvas? Para uma transposição didática, buscou-se relacionar saberes básicos presentes em alunos do Ensino Médio a uma noção abstrata de Distância entre Curvas no plano. A Ąm de ampliar a investigação central, delimitaram-se outras duas perguntas que podem complementar a primeira: O que é Distância? Como utilizar a noção intuitiva de Distância no plano para colocar uma Distância entre objetos que estão no plano? Metodologicamente, esta pesquisa baseou-se em estudos bibliográĄcos e na elaboração de sequências didáticas, utilizando ferramentas tecnológicas educacionais, com o propósito de otimizar e assegurar a aprendizagem deste assunto, mesmo estando no Ensino Básico. Os Resultados desta pesquisa apontam que há ligação entre Curvas Algébricas Planas, espaço das Curvas, espaço métrico, Distância de Hausdorff e Distâncias entre Curvas, que, se trabalhados de forma articulada pelo professor, pode levar o aluno a associar o conceito de Distância entre Conjuntos em um espaço métrico à Distância entre Curvas planas Fechadas. A partir disso, conclui-se que, embora tenham sido consideradas condições ideais para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem, como a existência de programas de computador ao alcance do professor e dos alunos, é possível o trabalho dessa temática complexa no Ensino Médio, auxiliando o desenvolvimento de diversas noções matemáticas.This research investigates the various methods used to teach ŞDistance between Closed CurvesŤ in High School, by the association between abstract mathematical concepts and the various objects which are taught at this school level. Hence, the introduction of basic topology concepts was proposed for the elementary and middle school grades. Distance between Closed Curves was the main focus was this study. The guiding question for this investigation was: how can we determine the distance between curves? For a didactic transposition, this project sought to promote a relationship between high school studentsŠ elementary mathematical knowledge and abstract notions of distance between curves on a plane. To further expand this analysis, other questions were asked to complement the Ąrst one. They were: what is distance?; and, how can students use the intuitive understanding of distance to place it between objects on a plane? Methodically, this study was based on bibliographic studies, on the elaboration of didactic sequences and on the use of technology to optimize and ensure studentsŠ successful learning of this subject even in elementary and middle school grades. The results show that there is a connection between plane algebraic curves, curve spacing, metric space, Haudorff distance, and distance between curves that may, if presented in an articulated manner, help students to associate the concept of distance between sets in metric space and the distance between closed plane curves. Therefore, although this research assumed the existence of ideal teaching conditions, such as accessibility to computer programs in the classroom, teaching these complex contents in High School is feasible, contributing to the development of diverse mathematical notions. Keywords: Plane Curves, Metric Space, Hausdorff Measures, Didatics, Mathematics (High School) - Study and teaching - Methodology.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio