156 research outputs found

    Spontaneous physical activity down-regulates Pax7 in cancer cachexia

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    Emerging evidence suggests that the muscle microenvironment plays a prominent role in cancer cachexia. We recently showed that NF-kB - induced Pax7 overexpression impairs the myogenic potential of muscle precursors in cachectic mice, suggesting that lowering Pax7 expression may be beneficial in cancer cachexia. We evaluated the muscle regenerative potential after acute injury in C26 colon carcinoma tumor-bearing mice and healthy controls. Our analyses confirmed that the delayed muscle regeneration observed in muscles form tumor-bearing mice was associated with a persistent local inflammation and Pax7 overexpression. Physical activity is known to exert positive effects on cachectic muscles. However, the mechanism by which a moderate voluntary exercise ameliorates muscle wasting is not fully elucidated. To verify if physical activity affects Pax7 expression, we hosted control and C26-bearing mice in wheel-equipped cages and we found that voluntary wheel running down-regulated Pax7 expression in muscles from tumor-bearing mice. As expected, down-regulation of Pax7 expression was associated with a rescue of muscle mass and fiber size. Our findings shed light on the molecular basis of the beneficial effect exerted by a moderate physical exercise on muscle stem cells in cancer cachexia. Furthermore, we propose voluntary exercise as a physiological tool to counteract the over-expression of Pax7observed in cancer cachexia

    Detection of stiff nanoparticles within cellular structures by contact resonance atomic force microscopy subsurface nanomechanical imaging

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    Detecting stiff nanoparticles buried in soft biological matrices by atomic force microscopy (AFM) based techniques represents a new frontier in the field of scanning probe microscopies, originally developed as surface characterization methods. Here we report the detection of stiff (magnetic) nanoparticles (NPs) internalized in cells by using contact resonance AFM (CR-AFM) employed as a potentially non-destructive subsurface characterization tool. Magnetite (Fe3O4) NPs were internalized in microglial cells from cerebral cortices of mouse embryos of 18 days by phagocytosis. Nanomechanical imaging of cells was performed by detecting the contact resonance frequencies (CRFs) of an AFM cantilever held in contact with the sample. Agglomerates of NPs internalized in cells were visualized on the basis of the local increase in the contact stiffness with respect to the surrounding biological matrix. A second AFM-based technique for nanomechanical imaging, i.e., HarmoniX™, as well as magnetic force microscopy and light microscopy were used to confirm the CR-AFM results. Thus, CR-AFM was emonstrated as a promising technique for subsurface imaging of nanomaterials in biological samples

    XANES study of iron displacement in the haem of myoglobin

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    The XANES (X‐ray absorption near edge structure) spectra of deoxy human adult haemoglobin (HbA) and myoglobin (Mb) have been measured at the wiggler beam line of the Frascati synchrotron radiation facility. The XANES are interpreted by the multiple scattering cluster theory. The variations in the XANES between HbA and Mb are assigned to changes in the Fe‐porphyrin geometry

    Advances in thermosonication for the inactivation of endogenous enzymes in foods

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    The main objective of food pasteurization is to inactivate pathogens and reduce spoilage organisms. For certain foods (e.g. orange juice) and in particular with emerging non-thermal technologies such as ultrasound and high pressure processing, endogenous and deteriorative enzymes can be very resistant. Therefore, enzymes should also be used as pasteurization references to avoid spoilage of processed foods during storage. Thus, endogenous food enzymes should be inactivated to increase its shelf life. In this chapter a review of the effects of thermo-sonication (simultaneous ultrasound and heat) on food enzymes was carried out. The ultrasound treatment denatures the enzyme, resulting in enzyme conformational changes and decrease in its activity. A variety of foods has been processed by ultrasound without heat, thermos-sonication and mano-thermo-sonication and the effect on enzymes is reviewed. Thermo-sonication and mano-thermo-sonication are recommended for enzyme inactivation, since ultrasound at room temperature is often ineffective against most food enzymes. The most relevant plant endogenous enzymes are pectinmethylesterase (PME), polygalacturonase (PG), polyphenoloxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (PRO), which are important for fruit and vegetable products. In addition lactoperoxidase (LPO), γ-glutamyltranspeptidase (GTP) and alkaline phosphatase (AP) from milk and dairy products are also reviewe

    Transposons played a major role in the diversification between the closely related almond and peach genomes: Results from the almond genome sequence

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    We sequenced the genome of the highly heterozygous almond Prunus dulcis cv. Texas combining short and long‐read sequencing. We obtained a genome assembly totaling 227.6 Mb of the estimated 238 Mb almond genome size, of which 91% is anchored to eight pseudomolecules corresponding to its haploid chromosome complement, and annotated 27,969 protein‐coding genes and 6,747 non‐coding transcripts. By phylogenomic comparison with the genomes of 16 additional close and distant species we estimated that almond and peach (P. persica) diverged around 5.88 Mya. These two genomes are highly syntenic and show a high degree of sequence conservation (20 nucleotide substitutions/kb). However, they also exhibit a high number of presence/absence variants, many attributable to the movement of transposable elements (TEs). TEs have generated an important number of presence/absence variants between almond and peach, and we show that the recent history of TE movement seems markedly different between them. TEs may also be at the origin of important phenotypic differences between both species, and in particular, for the sweet kernel phenotype, a key agronomic and domestication character for almond. Here we show that in sweet almond cultivars, highly methylated TE insertions surround a gene involved in the biosynthesis of amygdalin, whose reduced expression has been correlated with the sweet almond phenotype. Altogether, our results suggest a key role of TEs in the recent history and diversification of almond and its close relative peach.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impact of transposition on the generation of genetic variability in Prunus crop species

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    ls Elements transposables (ETs) són unitats genètiques mòbils aptes a canviar la seva posició en el genoma i difondre autònomament. En els eucariotes, els ETs constitueixen una part considerable del DNA genòmic. Diversos estudis relacionen la seva difusió al creixement de la mesura i de la variabilitat genètica dels genomes eucariotes. No obstant això, el abast de l’impacte d’aquests elements sobre l’estructura i funció del genoma deixa moltes preguntes sense resposta. Malgrat el gran desenvolupament de camps com la genòmica i l’anàlisi computacional de dades massius, encara cal un esforç en el desenvolupament i l’avaluació de software i protocols computacionals dedicat a l’estudi genòmic de ETs. En aquest sentit, la tesi de doctorat dipositada mitjançant aquesta sol·licitud es divideix entre l’esforç de mesurar l’impacte de ETs en la generació de variabilitat genètica en les espècies de cultius préssec (Prunus persica) i ametlla(Prunus dulcis), i l’avaluació tècnica de software dedicat a la detecció i caracterització de ETs a partir de dades NGS. La tesi es desenvolupa en tres capítols. El primer capítol presenta els resultats d’un benchmarking de diferents programes designats per detectar polimorfismes estructurals deguts a transposició. El segon capítol discuteix els resultats de l’anotació de ETs en ametller i presseguer. Després d’una anotació global del contingut de ETs en els dos genomes seqüenciats, hem refinat l’anotació dels retrotransposons LTR (RT-LTR), una subclasse de ETs habitualment molt actius en planta. Cadascun dels RT-LTR han estat associats a dues variables: el temps d’inserció i la seva conservació en una població de 16 varietats de presseguer i 19 varietats d’ametller, el genoma quedava disponible en forma de mostres Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS). La combinació d’aquestes dues variables indica que el precursor del presseguer va patir una reducció de la mida de població abans que la seva separació des ametller. Aquesta separació va ser seguida per un increment dramàtic del nombre d’insercions RT-LTR en presseguer. Per això, reconeixem la dinàmica de transposició de RT-LTR com distincta en les dues espècies i com a font potencial de diferenciació genètica entre elles. En el tercer capítol, aquest resultat es detalla des del punt de vista de l’expressió dels RT-LTR. A partir de dades públiques de RNA-seq, hem provat el Software TE-transcripts. Els resultats indiquen l’activitat transcripcional de 11 famílies de RT-LTR. En el seu conjunt, aquest treball de tesi representa un esforç tant en la direcció de la millora tècnica dels protocols computacional per a l’estudi de la transposició a nivell genòmic, com en l’avaluació biològica de l’impacte dels ETs en la diferenciació genètica de dos importants espècies de cultiu.Los Elementos Transponibles (ETs) son unidades genéticas móviles aptas a cambiar su posición en el genoma y difundirse autónomamente. En los eucariotas, los ETs constituyen una parte considerable del DNA genómico. Diversos estudios relacionan su difusión al crecimiento del tamaño del genoma y al incrementar de la variabilidad genética. Sin embargo, la medida del impacto de estos elementos sobre la estructura y función del genoma deja muchas preguntas sin respuesta. No obstante el gran desarrollo de campos como la genómica y el análisis computacional de datos masivos, se necesita todavía un esfuerzo en el desarrollo y la evaluación de software dedicado al estudio genómico de ETs. En este sentido, la tesis de doctorado depositada mediante esta solicitud se divide entre el esfuerzo de medir el impacto de ETs en la generación de variabilidad genética en las especies de cultivos melocotón (Prunus persica) y almendra (Prunus dulcis), y la evaluación técnica de software dedicado a la detección y caracterización de ETs a partir de datos NGS. La tesis se desarrolla en tres capítulos. El primer capítulo presenta los resultados de un benchmarking de distintos programas designados para detectar polimorfismos estructurales debidos a transposición. El segundo capítulo discute los resultados de la anotación de ETs en almendro y melocotonero. Tras una anotación global del contenido de ETs en los dos genomas secuenciados, hemos refinado la anotación de los retrotransposones LTR (RT-LTR), una subclase de ETs habitualmente muy activos en planta. Cada uno de los RT-LTR han sido asociados a dos variables: el tiempo de inserción y su conservación en una población de 16 variedades de melocotonero y 19 variedades de almendro, cuyo genoma quedaba disponible en forma de muestras Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS). La combinación de estas dos variables indica que el precursor del melocotonero sufrió una reducción del tamaño de población antes que su separación desde almendro. Dicha separación fue seguida por un incremento dramático del número de inserciones RT-LTR en melocotonero. Por esto, reconocemos la dinámica de transposición de RT-LTR como distincta en las dos especies y como fuente potencial de diferenciación genética entre ellas. En el tercer capítulo, este resultado se detalla desde el punto de vista de la expresión de los RT-LTR. A partir de datos públicos de RNA-seq, hemos probado el software TE-transcripts. Los resultados indican la actividad transcripcional de 11 familias de RT-LTR. En su conjunto, este trabajo de tesis representa un esfuerzo tanto en la dirección de la mejora técnica de los protocolos computacional para el estudio de la transposición a nivel genómico, cuanto en la evaluación biológica del impacto de los ETs en la diferenciación genética de dos importantes especies de cultivo.Transposable Elements (TEs) are mobile genetic units that are capable to change their position in the genome and to spread autonomously. In eukaryotes, TEs make up a considerable part of the genomic DNA and their spread has been linked to the growth of the genome size and the increase of genetic variability during evolution. However, the extent of their impact on genome structure, function and disease remains a matter of open investigation. Despite the rise of genomics and large-scale bioinformatics allowed to unravel several aspects of these mobile elements, the increasing amount of complex genomics data calls for efforts in developing and testing more efficient software implementations. In this optics, the PhD thesis submitted through this application unfolds on a double track. On one side, the dissertation discusses the impact of TEs in the generation of genetic variability in the major crops peach (Prunus persica) and almond (Prunus dulcis). On the other side, a technical assessment of the performance of software dedicated to the detection and characterisation of TEs from NGS data. The dissertation is divided into three chapters. The first chapter discusses the results of the benchmarking of several software packages designed to detect structural polymorphisms from DNA-seq data. The second chapter reports the results from the annotation of TEs in peach and almond. After a global annotation of the TEs content in both genomes, we have refined the annotation of the LTR- retrotransposons (LTR-RTs), a subclass of retrotransposons that are usually active in plant genomes. Each of the resulting elements, identified on the reference genomes, has been then associated with two variables: their inferred insertion time, and their conservation within a population of 16 peach and 19 almond cultivated varieties, made available as Whole-Genome re-Sequencing (WGS) samples. The combination of these two variables indicates that peach precursor underwent a serious population shrinkage before its separation from sister species almond and that a burst of new insertions affected the peach genome after the separation of these two species. The LTR-RTs dynamics is hereby different in Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Doctorat en Biologia i Biotecnologia Vegetal peach and almond, represents a major genetic difference between two very close species and it is a potential source of genetic differentiation between these two species. This result is further investigated in Chapter 3, where we perform a transcriptional quantitation of LTR-RTs elements in Peach. Starting from publicly available RNA-seq data of a Xanthomonas arboricola infection time-course experiment in two peach varieties (JH Hale and Redkist), we have tried the package TEtranscripts, that is specifically dedicated to the assessment of the transcriptional level of TEs. Results confirm the high transcriptional activity of 11 LTR-RTs families. Also, the potential impact of transposition on gene regulation is indicated by the proximity to a LTR-RTs insertion of a considerable proportion of the genes that are differentially expressed during the course of the infection. Globally, this thesis work represents both an effort in the technical improvement of the computational protocols to study transposition and a biological assessment of the impact of TEs in the genetic differentiation of two important crop species