620 research outputs found

    Study of inducer load and stress Interim report, 15 Feb. 1968 - 15 Oct. 1968

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    Literature survey, analytic formulations, and test rig designs for cavitating inducers in rocket engine turbopump

    Families in movement: transformation of the family in urban Mali, with a focus on intercontinental mobility

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    This Masters thesis is the winner of the ASC's Africa Thesis Award 2008. It deals with changing family relations in African society in the context of intercontinental mobility. Based on many stories of migrants in both Mali and the Netherlands, the book reveals some of the negative sides of close family relations and the resulting everyday dilemmas for migrants. In doing so, the concept of family as used in social sciences is criticised, stressing the dynamics of global family practices and an upcoming individualism in Africa. Janneke Barten graduated in International Development Studies at Wageningen University in 2008. She is currently working at IDA Foundation, a non-profit organisation selling medicines in developing countries.ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde

    Subharmonic bifurcation cascade of pattern oscillations caused by winding number increasing entrainment

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    Convection structures in binary fluid mixtures are investigated for positive Soret coupling in the driving regime where solutal and thermal contributions to the buoyancy forces compete. Bifurcation properties of stable and unstable stationary square, roll, and crossroll (CR) structures and the oscillatory competition between rolls and squares are determined numerically as a function of fluid parameters. A novel type of subharmonic bifurcation cascade (SC) where the oscillation period grows in integer steps as n(2π)/(ω)n (2\pi)/(\omega) is found and elucidated to be an entrainment process.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Attractive Interaction Between Pulses in a Model for Binary-Mixture Convection

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    Recent experiments on convection in binary mixtures have shown that the interaction between localized waves (pulses) can be repulsive as well as {\it attractive} and depends strongly on the relative {\it orientation} of the pulses. It is demonstrated that the concentration mode, which is characteristic of the extended Ginzburg-Landau equations introduced recently, allows a natural understanding of that result. Within the standard complex Ginzburg-Landau equation this would not be possible.Comment: 7 pages revtex with 3 postscript figures (uuencoded

    Bistability of Slow and Fast Traveling Waves in Fluid Mixtures

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    The appearence of a new type of fast nonlinear traveling wave states in binary fluid convection with increasing Soret effect is elucidated and the parameter range of their bistability with the common slower ones is evaluated numerically. The bifurcation behavior and the significantly different spatiotemporal properties of the different wave states - e.g. frequency, flow structure, and concentration distribution - are determined and related to each other and to a convenient measure of their nonlinearity. This allows to derive a limit for the applicability of small amplitude expansions. Additionally an universal scaling behavior of frequencies and mixing properties is found. PACS: 47.20.-k, 47.10.+g, 47.20.KyComment: 4 pages including 5 Postscript figure

    New approaches in the management of multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a central nervous system chronic inflammatory disease that is characterized by an extensive and complex immune response. Scientific advances have occurred in immunology, pathophysiology, and diagnostic and clinical assessment tools, and recent discovery of unique therapeutic targets has spurred numerous Phase II and Phase III clinical trials. Reductions in MS relapse rates and improvements in T2 or gadolinium-enhancing lesion burdens have been reported from Phase III trials that include fingolimod, alemtuzumab, cladribine, and rituximab. Promising Phase II trial data exist for teriflunomide, daclizumab, laquinimod, and fumarate. The optimism created by these favorable findings must be tempered with evaluation of the adverse effect profile produced by these new agents. Given the discovery of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy with the use of natalizumab, ongoing vigilance for rare and life-threatening reactions due to new agents should be paramount. Patients with MS often experience difficulty with ambulation, spasticity, and cognition. Recent clinical trial data from two Phase III dalfampridine-SR trials indicate certain patients receive benefits in ambulation. This article provides an overview of data from clinical trials of newer agents of potential benefit in MS

    Web-Based Spatial Decision Support System and Watershed Management with a Case Study

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    In order to maintain a proper balance between development pressure and water resources protection, and also to improve public participation, efficient tools and techniques for soil and water conservation projects are needed. This paper describes the development and application of a web-based watershed management spatial decision support system, WebWMPI. The WebWMPI uses the Watershed Management Priority Indices (WMPI) approach which is a prioritizing method for watershed management planning and it integrates land use/cover, hydrological data, soils, slope, roads, and other spatial data. The land is divided into three categories: Conservation Priority Index (CPI) land, Restoration Priority Index (RPI) land, and Stormwater Management Priority Index (SMPI) land. Within each category, spatial factors are rated based on their influence on water resources and critical areas can be identified for soil conservation, water quality protection and improvement. The WebWMPI has user-friendly client side graphical interfaces which enable the public to interactively run the server side Geographic Information System to evaluate different scenarios for watershed planning and management. The system was applied for Dry Run Creek watershed (Cedar Falls, Iowa, US) as a demonstration and it can be easily used in other watersheds to prioritize crucial areas and to increase public participation for soil and water conservation projects

    Сучасні концепції і стратегії підвищення популярності українських періодичних видань: боротьба за ринок

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    У статті розглядаються особливості розвитку сучасного українського ринку друкованих засобів масової інформації. Увага акцентована на специфіці просування українського інформаційного “продукту", успішному веденню газетної справи як бізнесової сфери діяльності.В статье рассматриваются особенности развития рынка печатных средств массовой информации Украины. Внимание акцентировано на специфике продвижения украинского информационного "продукта", особенностях организации печатного издания как бизнес-проекта.This article searches features of market development of printing mass medias of Ukraine are examined in the article. Attention is accented on the specific of advancement of the Ukrainian informative "product", to the features of organization of printing edition as business of project