27 research outputs found

    Real-time observation of epitaxial graphene domain reorientation.

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    Graphene films grown by vapour deposition tend to be polycrystalline due to the nucleation and growth of islands with different in-plane orientations. Here, using low-energy electron microscopy, we find that micron-sized graphene islands on Ir(111) rotate to a preferred orientation during thermal annealing. We observe three alignment mechanisms: the simultaneous growth of aligned domains and dissolution of rotated domains, that is, 'ripening'; domain boundary motion within islands; and continuous lattice rotation of entire domains. By measuring the relative growth velocity of domains during ripening, we estimate that the driving force for alignment is on the order of 0.1 meV per C atom and increases with rotation angle. A simple model of the orientation-dependent energy associated with the moiré corrugation of the graphene sheet due to local variations in the graphene-substrate interaction reproduces the results. This work suggests new strategies for improving the van der Waals epitaxy of 2D materials

    Origin of the Mosaicity in Graphene Grown on Cu(111)

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    We use low-energy electron microscopy to investigate how graphene grows on Cu(111). Graphene islands first nucleate at substrate defects such as step bunches and impurities. A considerable fraction of these islands can be rotationally misaligned with the substrate, generating grain boundaries upon interisland impingement. New rotational boundaries are also generated as graphene grows across substrate step bunches. Thus, rougher substrates lead to higher degrees of mosaicity than do flatter substrates. Increasing the growth temperature improves crystallographic alignment. We demonstrate that graphene growth on Cu(111) is surface diffusion limited by comparing simulations of the time evolution of island shapes with experiments. Islands are dendritic with distinct lobes, but unlike the polycrystalline, four-lobed islands observed on (100)-textured Cu foils, each island can be a single crystal. Thus, epitaxial graphene on smooth, clean Cu(111) has fewer structural defects than it does on Cu(100).Comment: Article revised following reviewer comment

    Kinetics and thermodynamics of carbon segregation and graphene growth on Ru(0001)

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    We measure the concentration of carbon adatoms on the Ru(0001) surface that are in equilibrium with C atoms in the crystal's bulk by monitoring the electron reflectivity of the surface while imaging. During cooling from high temperature, C atoms segregate to the Ru surface, causing graphene islands to nucleate. Using low-energy electron microscopy (LEEM), we measure the growth rate of individual graphene islands and, simultaneously, the local concentration of C adatoms on the surface. We find that graphene growth is fed by the supersaturated, two-dimensional gas of C adatoms rather than by direct exchange between the bulk C and the graphene. At long times, the rate at which C diffuses from the bulk to the surface controls the graphene growth rate. The competition among C in three states - dissolved in Ru, as an adatom, and in graphene - is quantified and discussed. The adatom segregation enthalpy determined by applying the simple Langmuir-McLean model to the temperature-dependent equilibrium concentration seriously disagrees with the value calculated from first-principles. This discrepancy suggests that the assumption in the model of non-interacting C is not valid

    Extraordinary epitaxial alignment of graphene islands on Au(111)

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    Pristine, single-crystalline graphene displays a unique collection of remarkable electronic properties that arise from its two-dimensional, honeycomb structure. Using in-situ low-energy electron microscopy, we show that when deposited on the (111) surface of Au carbon forms such a structure. The resulting monolayer, epitaxial film is formed by the coalescence of dendritic graphene islands that nucleate at a high density. Over 95% of these islands can be identically aligned with respect to each other and to the Au substrate. Remarkably, the dominant island orientation is not the better lattice-matched 30^{\circ} rotated orientation but instead one in which the graphene [01] and Au [011] in-plane directions are parallel. The epitaxial graphene film is only weakly coupled to the Au surface, which maintains its reconstruction under the slightly p-type doped graphene. The linear electronic dispersion characteristic of free-standing graphene is retained regardless of orientation. That a weakly interacting, non-lattice matched substrate is able to lock graphene into a particular orientation is surprising. This ability, however, makes Au(111) a promising substrate for the growth of single crystalline graphene films

    Current-induced transition from particle-by-particle to concurrent intercalation in phase-separating battery electrodes

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    Many battery electrodes contain ensembles of nanoparticles that phase-separate on (de)intercalation. In such electrodes, the fraction of actively intercalating particles directly impacts cycle life: a vanishing population concentrates the current in a small number of particles, leading to current hotspots. Reports of the active particle population in the phase-separating electrode ​lithium iron phosphate (​LiFePO4; ​LFP) vary widely, ranging from near 0% (particle-by-particle) to 100% (concurrent intercalation). Using synchrotron-based X-ray microscopy, we probed the individual state-of-charge for over 3,000 ​LFP particles. We observed that the active population depends strongly on the cycling current, exhibiting particle-by-particle-like behaviour at low rates and increasingly concurrent behaviour at high rates, consistent with our phase-field porous electrode simulations. Contrary to intuition, the current density, or current per active internal surface area, is nearly invariant with the global electrode cycling rate. Rather, the electrode accommodates higher current by increasing the active particle population. This behaviour results from thermodynamic transformation barriers in ​LFP, and such a phenomenon probably extends to other phase-separating battery materials. We propose that modifying the transformation barrier and exchange current density can increase the active population and thus the current homogeneity. This could introduce new paradigms to enhance the cycle life of phase-separating battery electrodes

    How metal films de-wet substrates - identifying the kinetic pathways and energetic driving forces

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    We study how single-crystal chromium films of uniform thickness on W(110) substrates are converted to arrays of three-dimensional (3D) Cr islands during annealing. We use low-energy electron microscopy (LEEM) to directly observe a kinetic pathway that produces trenches that expose the wetting layer. Adjacent film steps move simultaneously uphill and downhill relative to the staircase of atomic steps on the substrate. This step motion thickens the film regions where steps advance. Where film steps retract, the film thins, eventually exposing the stable wetting layer. Since our analysis shows that thick Cr films have a lattice constant close to bulk Cr, we propose that surface and interface stress provide a possible driving force for the observed morphological instability. Atomistic simulations and analytic elastic models show that surface and interface stress can cause a dependence of film energy on thickness that leads to an instability to simultaneous thinning and thickening. We observe that de-wetting is also initiated at bunches of substrate steps in two other systems, Ag/W(110) and Ag/Ru(0001). We additionally describe how Cr films are converted into patterns of unidirectional stripes as the trenches that expose the wetting layer lengthen along the W[001] direction. Finally, we observe how 3D Cr islands form directly during film growth at elevated temperature. The Cr mesas (wedges) form as Cr film steps advance down the staircase of substrate steps, another example of the critical role that substrate steps play in 3D island formation