204 research outputs found

    Rayleigh-Ritz variation method and connected-moments polynomial approach

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    We show that the connected-moments polynomial approach proposed recently is equivalent to the well known Rayleigh-Ritz variation method in the Krylov space. We compare the latter with one of the original connected-moments methods by means of a numerical test on an anharmonic oscillato

    Effect of H on the crystalline and magnetic structures of the YCo3-H(D) system. I. YCo3 from neutron powder diffraction and first-principles calculations

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    This paper reports investigations into the influence of hydrogen on the magnetic properties of the YCo3-H system. We report results on the magnetic structure and magnetic transitions of YCo3 using a combination of neutron powder diffraction measurements and first-principles full potential augmented plane wave + local orbital calculations under the generalized gradient approximation. The ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic structures are examined on an equal footing. However, we identify that, no matter which structure is used as the starting point, the neutron diffraction data always refines down to the ferrimagnetic structure with the Co2 atoms having antiparallel spins. In the ab initio calculations, the inclusion of spin-orbit coupling is found to be important in the prediction of the correct magnetic ground state. Here, the results suggest that, for zero external field and sufficiently low temperatures, the spin arrangement of YCo3 is ferrimagnetic rather than ferromagnetic as previously believed. The fixed spin moment calculation technique has been employed to understand the two successive field-induced magnetic transitions observed in previous magnetization measurements under increasing ultrahigh magnetic fields. We find that the magnetic transitions start from the ferrimagnetic phase �0.61�B/Co� and terminate with the ferromagnetic phase �1.16�B/Co�, while the spin on the Co2 atoms progressively changes from antiparallel ferrimagnetic to paramagnetic and then to ferromagnetic. Our neutron diffraction measurements, ab initio calculations, and the high field magnetization measurements are thus entirely self-consistent

    Solution to the Equations of the Moment Expansions

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    We develop a formula for matching a Taylor series about the origin and an asymptotic exponential expansion for large values of the coordinate. We test it on the expansion of the generating functions for the moments and connected moments of the Hamiltonian operator. In the former case the formula produces the energies and overlaps for the Rayleigh-Ritz method in the Krylov space. We choose the harmonic oscillator and a strongly anharmonic oscillator as illustrative examples for numerical test. Our results reveal some features of the connected-moments expansion that were overlooked in earlier studies and applications of the approach

    Analysis of quality of life in patients with disturbances of purine metabolism: the background of changes using both eating behaviour and way of life

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    The paper discusses the role of a diet and the changing of a way of live of patients with hyperuricemia and gout. This research included 55 patients. We managed to decrease the level of uric acid and body mass index, decreased coronary risk factor, improved quality of the life of these patients using special diet, fitness and cesation of alcohol and smoking intake.В статье обсуждается роль диеты и изменения образа жизни у пациентов с бессимптомной гиперурикемией (БГУ) и подагрой. В этом исследовании приняло участие 55 пациентов с нарушением пуринового обмена (НПО). На фоне основной стандартной диеты, увеличения физической активности, отказа от алкоголя и курения удалось снизить уровень мочевой кислоты (МК), снизить индекс массы тела (ИМТ), коэффициент коронарного риска (ККР), улучшить качество жизни

    On the solution to a two-dimensional boundary value problem of heat conduction in a degenerating domain

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    The article considers a homogeneous boundary - value problem for the heat equation in the non - cylindrical domain, namely, in an inverted pyramid with a vertex at the origin of coordinates, two faces of which lie in coordinate planes.A solution to the problem is sought in the form of a sum of generalized thermal potentials. There is a need to study the system of two Volterra integral equations of the second kind with singularities of the kernel. It is assumed that densities (heat intensity) depend only on a time variable, i.e. the density in each time section is considered constant. As a result, the system of integral equations is reduced to the homogeneous Volterra integral equation of the second kind. It is shown that this equation is uniquely solvable in the class of continuous functions

    Very large scale high performance computing and instrument management for high availability systems through the use of virtualization at the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope

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    The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) Telescope, is an ongoing project set to start its building phase in 2018 and be ready for first light in 2020. The first part of the project, the SKA1 will be comprised of 130.000 low frequency antennas (50 MHz to 350 MHz) and 200 mid frequency antennas (350 MHz to 15.5 GHz). The SKA1 will produce a raw data rate of ~10 Tb/s, require a computing power of 100 Pflop/s and an archiving capacity of hundreds of PB/year. The next phase of the project, the SKA2, is going to increase the number of both low and mid antennas by a factor of 10 and increase the computing requirements accordingly. The key requirements for the project are a very demanding availability of 99.9%, computing scalability and result reproducibility. We propose an approach to enforce these requirements - with an optimal use of resources - by using highly distributed computing and virtualization technologies.publishe


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    The analysis of media content for children is one of the most demanded expert ethical tasks from the moan of society and requires special training of experts.  A scientific seminar in the format of a roundtable was held with the aim of developing and testing a methodology for the ethical expertise of children's media and media content addressed to a children's audience.  The research group proposed to the participants of the roundtable in advance the methodology for conducting the ethical review.  The 3rd year students of the Applied Ethics direction of training took part in the roundtable. Students presented the ethical review of children's media.  As an object of assessment, students chose animated films that have a large audience coverage and affect the consciousness of the child.  The scientific seminar made it possible to identify the most difficult and problematic areas of ethical expertise of such a cultural product as children's media.Анализ медийного контента для детей является одной из наиболее востребованных со стоны общества экспертных этических задач и требует особой подготовки экспертов. Научный семинар в формате круглого стола был проведен с целью разработки и апробирования методологии этической экспертизы детских медиа и медийного контента, адресованного детской аудитории. Исследовательской группой участникам круглого стола была заранее предложена методология проведения эти-ческой экспертизы. В работе круглого стола приняли участие студенты 3 курса направления подготовки «Прикладная этика», представив этическую экспертизу детских медиа. В качестве объекта оценки студентами были выбраны мультипликационные фильмы, имеющие большой охват аудитории и оказывающие влияние на сознание ребенка. Научный семинар позволил выявить наиболее сложные и проблемные сферы этической экспертизы такого культурного продукта, как детские медиа