61 research outputs found

    Local Government and Citizen Engagement in Environmental Activism in Spanish and English Cities

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    Conference posterEnvironmental issues have played a part in citizens’ concerns and protests and these issues have played a greater role in political agendas (Levy and Zint, 2013; Dalton, Recchia and Rohrschneider, 2003). As result, grassroots community resistance emerged in response to practices, policies, and conditions that residents have judged to be unfair or illegal (Bullard and Johnson, 2000, p.557). Following the approach of issues management and environmental activism, and considering public relations as a social activity (Ihlen, Fredriksson & van Ruler, 2009), we will investigate if local governments are using issues management “to reduce friction and increase harmony between organisations and their publics” (Heath, 2005, p.460) and how public relations are empowering and engaging citizens to play an active role in their cities' destiny.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    La comunicación en organizaciones sostenibles como objeto de estudio: estado del arte y principales antecedentes

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    El reporte recientemente publicado por el Panel Intergubernamental por el Cambio Climático (IPCC) de Naciones Unidas es contundente: el clima en la tierra está cambiando y el papel de la influencia humana en este fenómeno es indiscutible1. En respuesta, John Elkington, conocido como el ―padre‖ del triple impacto, se pregunta en su cuenta personal de Twitter: ―¿Será esta la última advertencia?‖2. Este empresario y divulgador inglés lleva más de veinte años hablando sobre el rol de los negocios en la sociedad y el planeta en que vivimos. En 1997, propuso un modelo empresarial que busca el equilibrio económico, social y ambiental en los negocios. Pocos años más tarde, esta perspectiva fue impulsada con fuerza por B Lab, una ONG norteamericana que creó un proceso de gestión y medición de impactos para certificar como B Corporations (o B Corps) a aquellas empresas que están utilizando la fuerza de los mercados para resolver problemas de las personas y el medio ambiente.Esta nueva manera de ser y de hacer negocios requiere una forma tangencialmente diferenttanto, constituye también un objeto de estudio que requiere esfuerzo, sistematización y rigor científico. En esa línea, este artículo procura ser un aporte que permita dar cuenta de un análisis y sistematización de los principales antecedentes sobre las Relaciones Públicas y la Comunicación estratégica en empresas que se inscriben en el emergente cuarto sector de la economía, donde cohabitan las B Corps y otras empresas de triple impacto o con propósito. Los resultados dejan ver una vacancia en la investigación que existe al respecto y, por ende, la oportunidad de profundizarla para acompañar la transición hacia una comunicación que acelere el impacto de las mejores empresas para el mundo (y no del mundo).e de planificar, gestionar y evaluar la comunicación organizacional; y, por lo

    Active citizenship, companies and purpose: the perspective of Spanish society.

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    There is a debate about the need to reframe the current economic system (Canvas, 2022) towards one that is more inclusive and sustainable, providing an opportunity to take action and move towards the 2030 Agenda. In this emerging scenario, citizenship assumes an active and pollinating role (Fernández & Díaz, 2020; Theben et al., 2021), encouraging organizations to rethink their purpose, measuring beyond the financial dimensions. Previous studies have shown that companies that follow this approach have a positive impact on business, society and the planet. Purpose-driven companies are aligned with the triple impact (Elkington, 2020;) and stakeholder capitalism (Freeman, 1984). The research was designed with the aim of analyzing Spanish society's perception of the capitalist system; of purpose-driven companies; and the role of citizenship. Following a mixed approach, the survey technique was chosen, consisting of 25 closed questions following the three axes of the research: current economic system; purpose-driven companies and active citizenship. The fieldwork was carried out in the last quarter of 2022 (1004 valid responses from a representative sample. There is a clear need for transformation and the realization of a general crisis in the way we organize ourselves as a society. 55.6% of Spanish citizens do not approve of the current capitalist system and 77% believe that the current system should undergo a major transformation, at the very least. The lack of knowledge about purpose-driven companies is the same throughout Spain. However, it can be observed that there are people who have heard of them and who have had dealings with this type of company. In line with this lack of knowledge, a certain generalized distrust of the role of these companies is also observed. 64.5% of people say that they make small decisions in their daily lives to take care of the planet's resources, but 34.2% are not entirely satisfied with their own actions to impact the planet.II Plan propio de Investigación y Transferencia de la Universidad de Málaga. Ciudadanía activa y empresas con propósito. La configuración del cuarto sector en la reinvención del capitalismo y la búsqueda de la sostenibilidad - B2-2022_01. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Analytical Characterization and Sensory Analysis of Distillates of Di erent Varieties of Grapes Aged by an Accelerated Method

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    The wine spirits used for the elaboration of Brandy de Jerez are mainly obtained from wines produced from the Airen type of grape, which comes from the vineyards located in the region of La Mancha (Central Spain). This entails a limitation when achieving a product classified as "protected geographic designation". For that purpose, it is necessary that the grape used for the wine spirit comes from the area and not from Castile la Mancha, as has happened until now. Due to this fact, it is necessary to search for a possible alternative grape variety which allows the produced brandy to be eligible for a "protected geographic designation". For that purpose, an accelerated ageing process has been implemented with a method previously optimized to distillates obtained from wines from different varieties of grapes (Airen, Colombard, Corredera, Doradilla, Garrido Fino, Jaen blanco, Moscatel de Alejandria, Palomino Fino, Ugni Blanc, and Zalema) grown in the Jerez Area. They were evaluated, both from the analytical and sensory points of view. The distillates made from Jaen Blanco and Zalema have properties that make them interesting for future development and incorporation into oenological practice

    Las narrativas transmedia en la educación para la integración del adulto mayor

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    En el actual escenario de la sociedad posmoderna, se vuelve imprescindible una redefinición de las estrategias educativas que apunten al desarrollo de nuevas competencias para la acción y el relacionamiento a partir de la construcción colectiva del conocimiento. En esto radica la importancia de comprender a la comunicación y la educación como estrategias de aprendizaje significativo (Ausubel, 1963), que utilizadas correctamente, se convierten en motores para el cambio social y la disrupción del modelo cuasi obsoleto del sistema educativo actual. Por esta razón, a partir de la aplicación de la teoría de la complejidad y de una lectura crítica de los procesos históricos y sociales, la educación tiene la oportunidad de aprender de la crisis, de aprovechar el cambio para sensibilizar, divulgar y apuntar a la integración de los estudiantes en su contexto desde la creatividad; la explotación de los recursos tecnológicos disponibles; la formulación de "preguntas legítimas" y el debate reflexivo. Para enriquecer este proceso, es importante abordar los contenidos por medio del diálogo disciplinar generando una visión más completa e integradora (Mayer, 1998). La teoría de la complejidad aplicada a la educación y a la comunicación se configura de este modo como un sistema modelizante para la acción transformadora de cada individuo y del mundo en el que habita.Eje 2. Comunicación/educación.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Ferramentas de comunicação digital no contexto COVID 19. O impacto na relação entre estudantes e instituições educacionais na Argentina

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    Las condiciones en las que los y las estudiantes están atravesando sus procesos de aprendizaje en el contexto de excepcionalidad debido al Aislamiento Social Preventivo (ASPO) y Obligatorio (Decreto Presidencial N°297/2020) ante la pandemia COVID-19 son atípicas y complejas. Por ello, la presente investigación procura analizar las experiencias de aprendizaje virtual que permitirán planificar la comunicación educativa en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje; y a su vez, identificar perspectivas y expectativas a futuro sobre un sistema educativo turbulento e hipermediático. Para el logro de los objetivos, se aplicó un cuestionario aleatorio a 194 estudiantes de los niveles educativos primario, secundario y superior/universitario de la Provincia de Córdoba (Argentina). A partir de los datos recopilados se evidencian oportunidades de mejora, así como obstáculos a superar; además la continuidad de problemáticas preexistentes se profundiza a partir de la pandemia y surgen nuevos cuestionamientos sobre cómo generar una educación comprometida con el pleno desarrollo de las personas y sociedades. Una educación con conciencia de las transformaciones del entorno y la evolución tecnológica, pero a la vez con eje en las personas, sus libertades y potencialidades. Escuchar lo que tienen para decir las y los jóvenes protagonistas del sistema educativo es un primer paso hacia la conquista de una educación que, sin olvidar el pasado, habite su tiempo y avance en la construcción de la sociedad que cada persona merece.The conditions in which students are going through their learning processes in the context of exceptionality due to Preventive Social Isolation (ASPO) and Mandatory (Presidential Decree No. 297/2020) in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic are atypical and complex. Therefore, this research attempts to analyze virtual learning experiences that will allow planning educational communication in the teaching-learning processes; and at the same time, to identify future perspectives and expectations about a turbulent and hypermedia educational system. To achieve the objectives, a random questionnaire was applied to 194 students of the primary, secondary and higher / university educational levels of the Province of Córdoba (Argentina). From the data collected, opportunities for improvement are evident as well as obstacles to overcome; Furthermore, the continuity of pre-existing problems deepens from the pandemic and new questions arise about how to generate an education committed to the full development of people and societies. An education with awareness of the transformations of the environment and technological evolution, but at the same time focused on people, their freedoms and potentialities. Listening to what the young protagonists of the educational system have to say is a first step towards the achievement of an education that, without forgetting the past, inhabits its time and advances in the construction of the society that each person deserves.As condições em que os alunos estão a vivenciar os seus processos de aprendizagem em contexto de excepcionalidade por Isolamento Social Preventivo (ASPO) e Obrigatório (Decreto Presidencial n.º 297/2020) face à pandemia COVID-19 são atípicas e complexas. Portanto, esta pesquisa busca analisar experiências de aprendizagem virtual que possibilitem o planejamento da comunicação educacional nos processos de ensinoaprendizagem; e, ao mesmo tempo, identificar as perspectivas e expectativas futuras sobre um sistema educacional turbulento e hipermídia. Para atingir os objetivos, um questionário aleatório foi aplicado a 194 alunos dos níveis de ensino fundamental, médio e superior / universitário da Província de Córdoba (Argentina). A partir dos dados coletados, as oportunidades de melhoria são evidentes, bem como os obstáculos a superar; Além disso, a continuidade dos problemas pré-existentes se profunda a partir da pandemia e surgem novas questões sobre como gerar uma educação comprometida com o desenvolvimento integral das pessoas e das ociedades. Uma educação com consciência das transformações do meio ambiente e da evolução tecnológica, mas ao mesmo tempo voltada para as pessoas, suas liberdades e potencialidades. Ouvir o que dizem os jovens protagonistas do sistema educativo é um primeiro passo para se conseguir uma educação que, sem esquecer o passado, habite o seu tempo e avance na construção da sociedade que cada um merece.http://www.comhumanitas.org/index.php/comhumanitas/article/view/251publishedVersionFil: Ardini, Claudia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación; Argentina.Fil: Barroso, María Belén. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación; Argentina.Fil: Corzo, Leonardo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación; Argentina.Educación General (incluye capacitación, pedagogía y didáctica

    The DNA damage response acts as a safeguardagainst harmful DNA–RNA hybrids ofdifferent origins

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    Despite playing physiological roles in specific situations, DNA–RNA hybrids threat genome integrity. To investigate how cells do counteract spontaneous DNA–RNA hybrids, here we screen an siRNA library covering 240 human DNA damage response (DDR) genes and select siRNAs causing DNA–RNA hybrid accumulation and a significant increase in hybrid‐dependent DNA breakage. We identify post‐replicative repair and DNA damage checkpoint factors, including those of the ATM/CHK2 and ATR/CHK1 pathways. Thus, spontaneous DNA–RNA hybrids are likely a major source of replication stress, but they can also accumulate and menace genome integrity as a consequence of unrepaired DSBs and post‐replicative ssDNA gaps in normal cells. We show that DNA–RNA hybrid accumulation correlates with increased DNA damage and chromatin compaction marks. Our results suggest that different mechanisms can lead to DNA–RNA hybrids with distinct consequences for replication and DNA dynamics at each cell cycle stage and support the conclusion that DNA–RNA hybrids are a common source of spontaneous DNA damage that remains unsolved under a deficient DDR.European Research Council (ERC2014AdG669898TARLOOP)Worldwide Cancer Research (WCR15-00098

    Promoting social and blue entrepreneurship and sustainability skills in higher education by transversal competencies.

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    This study examines the presence of “Effective Communication” (EC) and “Teamwork/Cooperative Learning” (TW&CL) competencies in undergraduate university programmes using a blue entrepreneurship approach, within the framework of a social and sustainable economy. As seen in previous studies, these two competencies are highly relevant to promote sustainable and blue entrepreneurship in undergraduate programmes. Eighty-one curricula were collected in nine Spanish public universities in southern Spain. QUAN (qual)→QUAL mixed methodology was used, which included a qualitative analysis and a quantitative comparative analysis form, aiming to build theoretical frameworks through explanatory diagrams to understand how EC and TW&CL are promoted in university programmes. The study found that EC and TW&CL competencies are highly valued and widely incorporated in university curricula. The qualitative analysis revealed the components and interconnections of these competencies, highlighting the importance of effective communication, critical thinking, and interdisciplinary teamwork. The survey shows the complementary nature of EC and TW&CL and suggests their integration in educational contexts. This study therefore contributes to the recognition of these specific competences in university degrees by providing data on their presence, type and relationships, so that educational institutions can better prepare students for future careers

    Liderazgo efectivo en las relaciones públicas de América Latina. El rol de la empatía en el compromiso de los empleados

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    During Covid-19 and in response to the demands of younger generations, many leaders in organizations could have changed their communication style and humanized the way they interact. This paper aims to understand the role of empathy in communication leadership and its effect in the work environment for Latin American PR practitioners. This study relies on several theories that suggest that the ability to have and show empathy is an important part of effective and servant leadership (Spears, 2002). Empathy enables leaders to show individualized levels of consideration to followers (e.g. Avolio and Bass, 1995), recognise the emotions of others (Rubin et al., 2005) and be aware of both self and context (Walumbwa et al., 2008). In addition, empathic communication allows leaders to connect with and respond to different stakeholders (Dolamore, 2019). Measures of empathy are adapted from the Emotional Competence Inventory (Boyatzis et al., 2000). A survey dataset has been collected from practitioners in 20 Latin American countries (N=1,345), using SPSS for data analysis. The results show an increasing projection of empathy levels, and a correlation between the application of empathy in communication leadership and employee engagement.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Estrategias de comunicación y sostenibilidad en la Industria Cosmética. Un estudio comparativo de las narrativas entre América Latina y España.

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    La evidencia científica señala el cambio climático como una amenaza inminente, resaltando la urgencia de transformar radicalmente los hábitos sociales y económicos. En este contexto, la comunicación para la sostenibilidad emerge como un mecanismo fundamental para promover prácticas ambientales y sociales en diversos sectores. La literatura sobre este campo aborda preocupaciones y comportamientos proambientales, el papel de las organizaciones en el cambio social, acciones éticas y políticas ciudadanas, así como normas sociales y patrones de consumo. Este estudio examina las estrategias comunicativas sobre sostenibilidad en la industria cosmética de América Latina y España, enfocándose en marcas líderes. Se utilizó un enfoque mixto para analizar publicaciones en Facebook, políticas de sostenibilidad en sitios web y contenido audiovisual en YouTube. Los resultados muestran que, aunque las marcas comunican su compromiso con la sostenibilidad, el enfoque y la intensidad varían. Las marcas españolas tienden a presentar narrativas más sólidas y comprometidas en comparación con las latinoamericanas. Además, se evidenciaron diferencias en la interacción de las audiencias con el contenido de sostenibilidad en ambas regiones. El estudio proporciona una perspectiva crítica sobre cómo las empresas cosméticas construyen y comunican la sostenibilidad, enfrentando desafíos relacionados con el capitalismo, el empoderamiento ciudadano y la búsqueda de beneficios. Asimismo, destaca las tensiones inherentes al tratar de conciliar el crecimiento empresarial con el desarrollo sostenible.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech