114 research outputs found

    A química das coisas

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    "A Química das Coisas" pretende desmascarar a química escondida no nosso dia a dia e mostrar como os desenvolvimentos recentes desta Ciência contribuem para o bem-estar da Sociedade. É usual a confusão entre substância química e substância tóxica, irritante, cancerígena. Uma confusão que veicula a ideia de que a Química contribui para todos os males do mundo moderno, de que tudo o que é químico é artificial ou antinatural, como se na Natureza não houvesse substâncias ou compostos químicos. Mas tudo à nossa volta, na Natureza e fora dela, é constituído por "químicos". (...

    Scientific publication management and assessment at Lisbon University School of Medicine (FMUL) : a multidisciplinary approach

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    Introduction In 2017, Lisbon University (ULisboa) started to consider scientific publication outputs as a criterion for budgetary allocation of schools. Only articles correctly affiliated and published in WoS or Scopus indexed journals were considered. With FMUL’s 2014–2017 Scientific Publication Report, some gaps were identified: wrong affiliation, authorship ambiguity, publication in not indexed journals (including predatory ones) and low adherence to the Institutional Repository. Thus the need of a Scientific Publication Policy for FMUL was highlighted. To support the future definition of a FMUL’s Scientific Publication Policy, a multidisciplinary team began to work with two main objectives: develop a Study Plan and Strategic Intervention about FMUL’s Scientific Publication and implement a Scientific Information Management System. Together with the Strategic and Quality Planning Office the Library coordinates the project. Librarians, quality management specialists, professors and researchers are working together as key partners. When necessary, specialized external consulting is requested. This project is part of the FMUL’s Internal Quality Assurance System1 (SIGQ-FMUL) and it’s one of the major priorities of the Improvement Action Plan, based on the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) methodology. Methods In 2017 we were focused on preparing a better response to the requirements of ULisboa, and minimize the negative impact in the budget allocation. To ensure that affiliation rules were met, the FMUL’s Affiliation Policy Guide2 was published based on the ULisboa Author’s Affiliation Rules3;4. Briefing sessions with the research groups about affiliation, authorship, journal selection and repository auto-archive were organized. To measure the impact of this first intervention, in 2018 the evolution of the occurrence of affiliation errors between 2013/2017 was analyzed. To better fulfill researcher’s specific needs the Library IL training program was restructured and a new Teaching and Research Support Unit was implemented. A protocol was established with FCT – the Portuguese National Funding Agency for Science, Research and Technology, for the development of the Institutions Area in the new national CIÊNCIAVITAE platform, which seems to be a good solution as a Scientific Information Management System. Results As this is an ongoing project to develop until de end of 2020, by this moment only preliminary results can be presented. From 2013 to 2018 there was a significant increase in the number of publications in WoS or Scopus indexed journals correctly affiliated: 58,9% in 2013 vs 73% in 2018. From 2017 to 2018, auto-archive in the institutional repository increased 31%. Since 2017 eight new topics were added to the IL training program for researchers support. As we are now working on the 2019 report, more detailed data will be available soon. Discussion Although we question the criteria applied by ULisboa to assess the scientific outputs of schools, it gave us the opportunity to promote a more responsible behavior of our academic community, concerning scientific publication. From the preliminary results, we believe that this multidisciplinary approach is a good strategy to overcome the identified gaps. At the end of 2020, we aim to give a positive contribute for the definition of FMUL’s Scientific Publication Policy and reinforce our role as a transversal support team. More time is needed to conclude the project, evaluate the impact of it and define future directions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Valuation and Risk Modeling of Renewable PPAs

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    Cursos e Congresos, C-155[Abstract] Renewable energy (RE) projects aim to sell electricity to the consumers, which may be carried out by means of a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). These PPAs will yield payments over a long period of time so as to refinance the project. Nevertheless, the present literature which addresses the economic appraisal of renewable energy projects focuses on the project developer and whether an onsite PPA is deemed, the actual cost of energy is not taken into consideration and nor the embedded options of the PPA.We propose such a model and carry out a comparison with the most common approach, a swap between fixed and market priceCITIC is funded by the Xunta de Galicia through the collaboration agreement between the Consellería de Cultura, Educación, Formación Profesional e Universidades and the Galician universities for the reinforcement of the research centres of the Galician University System (CIGUS)

    The PREPIT project : Pregraduate Research Program Impact & Trajectories : a work in progress

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    Introduction: The GAPIC – Gabinete de Apoio à Investigação Científica, Tecnológica e Inovação (Scientific Research, Technology and Innovation Support Office) of Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa (FMUL) is celebrating its 30th anniversary. During the past 30 years, GAPIC has developed several initiatives to promote and disseminate scientific research, mostly among undergraduate students and young graduates. These initiatives have been fundamental in the career path of young students and have had an increase impact in the future of society and the quality of life of its citizens. To assess the impact of GAPIC Programs in terms of gains in knowledge, skills and attitudes; barriers and opportunities; scientific production and professional trajectories of undergraduate students who participated in the GAPIC scientific research projects from 1997/98 to 2014/2015, the PREPIT Project is being developed with the collaboration of the FMUL´s library team. Two primary objectives were defined: i) Evaluate scientific productivity indicators of participants in GAPIC undergraduate programs in short and long term (study A); ii) Characterize the perspectives of participants in GAPIC undergraduate programs on the importance and impact of these (study B). Secondary objectives are: i) Identify predictors of scientific productivity indicators of these participants in short and long term (study A); ii) Characterize professional and academic trajectories among participants and identify predictors of these trajectories (study B). As a work in progress, only preliminary results are presented. Methods: Study Design1: two-component observational study: cohort, retrospective, bibliometric (study A) and cross-sectional, by electronic survey (study B). Population: all undergraduate students accepted to the GAPIC “Education for Science” program (or equivalent) from 1997/98 to 2014/2015. Data Collection and Instruments: i) data collection for the bibliometric cohort study (study A): academic year/GAPIC program; number of participations; demographic data; project description; ORCID iD. The definition of scientific profiles will be done through WoS and Scopus bibliometric data. Data will be exported to Excel and analyzed through SPSS. For data collection by electronic survey (study B) SurveyMonkey platform will be used. The survey will include closed, single and multiple choice questions, with Likert2 items. A modified Dillmman methodology3 with 3 reminders will be used and the survey will be open for 4 weeks. Study B protocol will be submitted to the Ethics Committee. Results and discussion: Based on author name and ORCID iD search, by now we have collected preliminary bibliometric data from 553 students involved in 387 GAPIC projects. As this is a work in progress more results will be available soon after the distribution and analysis of the electronic survey results. At the end of the project we aim to achieve all the proposed objectives, to gain an in-depth understanding of the impact and relevance of integrating research in all stages of medical education and positively contribute to support future research training interventions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudo e conservação de dois manuscritos paroquiais de Almada do século XVII

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    Esta dissertação apresenta o estudo material, diagnóstico do estado de conservação e intervenção de conservação e restauro de dois manuscritos paroquiais de Almada produzidos no séc. XVII: o Livro de Compromisso da Virgem de Nossa Senhora da Piedade, da Irmandade de Nossa Senhora da Piedade, datado de 1606; e o Livro de Indulgências e Graças Espirituais da Confraria do Santíssimo Sacramento, de 1616. Neste estudo fez-se a contextualização histórica e artística das obras, de modo a identificar a estrutura e materiais utilizados nos manuscritos do séc. XVII. Para a caraterização do material de suporte e das tintas de escrita de ambos os livros e de iluminura no caso do Compromisso recorreu-se a diversas técnicas analíticas, nomeadamente μ-EDXRF, FORS, μ-Raman, μ-FTIR, μ-espectrofluorimetria e SERS, verificando-se que estas estão de acordo com o descrito na tratadística do séc. XVII. Estas técnicas foram também utilizadas na caraterização dos materiais utilizados nas duas intervenções de restauro, realizadas em dois períodos distintos, no livro de Compromisso. O diagnóstico teve em consideração a diferença do suporte de escrita dos manuscritos (o Compromisso tem como suporte o papel e o livro de Indulgências o pergaminho), ao comparar os dois tipos de materiais. Em termos metodológicos, no caso do pergaminho recorreu-se ao protocolo IDAP e no caso do suporte em papel, criou-se um sistema de diagnóstico com parâmetros de dano e sistema de avaliação semelhantes ao IDAP, permitindo estabelecer um diagnóstico comparável e com idêntico rigor para ambos os manuscritos. A intervenção foi decidida de acordo com o estado de conservação, tendo-se optado por uma intervenção de conservação e restauro no livro de Compromisso em muito pior estado e evidenciando dois restauros anteriores que foram removidos (com exceção de alguns restauros com reconstruções textuais); e reestruturação do manuscrito, aproximando-o mais da estrutura original dos cadernos. No caso do livro de Indulgências, a intervenção foi apenas conservativa, colando elementos destacados, e consolidando a encadernação. Ambas as intervenções aqui descritas respeitaram o princípio da intervenção mínima e a integridade física e histórica dos manuscritos

    O impacto do escutismo no desenvolvimento de competências profissionais

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    A palavra voluntariado está, muitas vezes, associada à ocupação de tempos livres, nomeadamente numa fase pós carreira profissional, no entanto há vários formas de fazer voluntariado antes e durante a carreira profissional tendo sempre como objetivo a ajuda a pessoas ou instituições, nomeadamente as instituições sem fins lucrativos. O voluntariado, em paralelo com a carreira profissional, pode ser uma mais valia para a mesma quando se enquadra em atividades similares ou, por outro lado, pode apenas ser um tipo de voluntariado em prol do outro. Numa altura tão caracterizada pelas fortes transformações no mercado de trabalho e nas carreiras, existem ainda pouca investigação publicada no âmbito do desenvolvimento de competências através da prática do voluntariado, em especial do escutismo, bem como a possibilidade da transferibilidade dessas competências adquiridas para um contexto profissional. É neste âmbito que surge este estudo e, para tal, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas a Dirigentes do Corpo Nacional de Escutas (CNE). Da análise feita, concluímos que a totalidade dos inquiridos consideram que adquiriram “skills” através do escutismo que têm grande impacto no individuo enquanto profissional de determinada área, nomeadamente, no âmbito das soft skills (liderança, trabalho em equipa, gestão de conflitos e relacionamento interpessoal).The word volunteering is often associated with the occupation of free time, namely in a postcareer stage, however there are several ways of volunteering before and during the professional career, always aiming to help people of institutions, namely non-profit institutions. Volunteering, in parallel with the professional career, can be an asset to when it fits in similar activities ow, on the other hand, it can only be on type of volunteering for the benefit of another. At a time so characterized by strong transformations in the work market and careers, there is still little research published in the development of skills through the practice of volunteering, specially scouting, as well like the possibility of transferring these acquired skills to a professional context. This dissertation aims to analyze the developed and acquired skills through scouting, as well the possibility of transferring these skills to a professional context. It is in this context that this study emerges and, for this, semi-structured interviews were conducted to Corpo Nacional de Escutas (CNE) leaders. From the analysis made, we conclude that all respondents consider that they acquired skills through scouting that have a great impact on the individual as a professional in a certain area, namely, in the scope of soft skills (leadership, teamwork, conflict management and interpersonal relationship)

    Seventeenth century parochial manuscripts from Almada: study and conservation

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    This paper discusses the historical context, material study, conservation condition and treatment of two parochial manuscripts of Almada from the seventeenth century: the Commitment book of the Virgem de Nossa Senhora da Piedade from the Brotherhood of Nossa Senhora da Piedade, dating from 1606; and the Indulgences and Spiritual Graces book, from the Brotherhood of Santíssimo Sacramento, dating from 1616. The study of these two manuscripts was developed using different analytical techniques: μ-EDXRF (micro-Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy), FORS (Fibre Optics Reflectance spectroscopy), μ-Raman (Micro-Raman spectroscopy), μ-FTIR (micro-Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy), microspectrofluorimetry and SERS (Surface-Enhanced Raman spectroscopy). These were applied to characterise the material support and writing inks from both books and the painting materials of the illumination of the Commitment book. This multi-analytical approach was also used to identify previous conservation interventions, which turned out to be essential for the conservation treatment decision for both manuscripts. In the conservation decision it was taken into account the manuscripts writing supports differences. Based on the IDAP system (Improved Damage Assessment of Parchment, www.idap-parchment.dk), it was evaluated the conservation condition of the Indulgences book – made of parchment. This diagnostic system was also adapted – to assess the Commitment book – made of paper – taking into account the main characteristics of this cellulosic material and its alterations. The diagnosis and conservation for both manuscripts are shortly described, considering the support materials of the text block, previous interventions and state of conservation.authorsversionpublishe

    Impactos da cobrança de portagens na mobilidade rodoviária

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    Mestrado em Planeamento Regional e UrbanoPortugal foi sujeito, até ao final do século XX, a um défice crónico de infraestruturas, nomeadamente de transporte. No dealbar do século XXI, sucessivos governos colocaram em marcha um programa muito ambicioso de construção rodoviária, com recurso a entidades privadas, que implicou investimentos de montante elevado, suportado em crédito. Uma pressão política inexorável, interna e externa, no final da primeira década de 2000 forçou a redução do elevado grau de endividamento da República. Neste processo, o Estado promoveu fortemente a redução de todo o tipo de encargos e a obtenção de fontes de receita adicional. Como aquele programa de construção rodoviária tinha (e tem) um peso importante no dito endividamento, por decisão política, promoveu-se a taxação geral, via portagens, de todos os troços de autoestrada. Alguns troços tinham sido disponibilizados em acesso livre e grátis, essa situação foi alterada não restando hoje quase nenhuma ligação de autoestrada que não seja portajada. A aplicação do chamado "princípio do utilizador-pagador" orienta politicamente estas decisões. Segundo este, os serviços e bens públicos devem ser financiados essencialmente por quem os realmente utiliza / consome. Este princípio parece gozar de aceitação significativa na sociedade portuguesa. Assim a introdução de portagens ocorreu apenas sob o protesto local das populações das áreas de influência mais atingidas pela medida. De imediato, houve uma queda de procura muito sensível nas autoestradas recém-portajadas e, igualmente, foi muito sensível a degradação das condições de circulação e de segurança nos troços de "estrada nacional" alternativos. Estes troços alternativos tinham acabado de ser transferidos para a responsabilidade dos respetivos municípios que, justamente, os tinham transformado em vias urbanas, com condições de circulação e de velocidade máxima desajustadas ao tráfego de média e longa distância privilegiado pelas autoestradas. Esta atitude da governação está em linha com a tendência de privatização sucessiva de áreas anteriormente da responsabilidade do Estado, privatização que ocorre com a principal intenção da boa performance financeira e do equilíbrio de contas. Para fomentar a procura do privado e a clareza de contas, promove-se uma compartimentação de "áreas de negócio" para as quais se contabilizam os encargos e proveitos estritamente desse âmbito, desprezando externalidades negativas, sobretudo as mais difíceis de contabilizar. Assim a perda de utilidade social da autoestrada e a congestão dos troços alternativos por virtude da introdução de portagens são completamente desprezados. O efeito das melhorias de acessibilidade, por exemplo, nas receitas fiscais é algo considerado complexo e fora da contabilidade dos empreendimentos rodoviários. De igual forma, não é abordado o cálculo de custos de congestão nas estradas alternativas. Se o objetivo do privado é, neste caso, meramente o de fornecer um serviço bem delimitado no espaço e no tempo (projeto, financiamento, construção e operação duma autoestrada específica que no final dum certo prazo reverte para o Estado), o do Estado é, globalmente, promover o bem estar dos cidadãos. O benefício social da boa acessibilidade e o custo da congestão de vias de circulação local, por muito difíceis de contabilizar que sejam, existem. O papel do Estado é de garantir que mantém ou aumenta o benefício social líquido, não é admissível que o diminua. Esta dissertação pretende contribuir para este debate com o ensaio de metodologias de contabilização de externalidades decorrentes da introdução de portagens, e de análise de custos e benefícios específicas para o âmbito rodoviário que ajudem a demonstrar como, de forma global, todos nós ficamos a perder com a situação presente da aplicação de portagens.Up to late XXth century, Portugal lagged behind most european counterparts in road infraestructure, when an ambitious plan of investment with private-public credit-funded partnerships was put in place. At the end of the first decade of 2000, the Republic's debt was internationally considered excessive, internal and external political pressure forced it to be reduced. Government pursued overall relaxation of State costs and the maximizing of additional revenue sources. An important part of public debt originated from the road infraestruture programme, the government decided that additional revenue should come from tolling. In the first years of the programme, several new highway routes were free from tolls. After this decision no toll-free highway routes were left. This change was faced with mild opposition from public, only locally affected social groups organized some protests, of little effective impact. As the general tolling scheme was imposed, immediately highway demand fell sharply. Before this, when free highways were available , alternative roads were freed from previous traffic congestion and were handed from central government administration to municipalities, who implemented changes like new pavements and traffic calming measures, making them even less appropriate for medium or long distance road journeys. When the all-tolling scheme started, part of the highwaygoing traffic returned back to these alternative roads, restoring the previous congestion levels on an even less favourable environment, for exemaple, forcing even slower average speeds than before. This government line of action is consistent with the ongoing overall intent of incremental privatization of many State areas of intervention, focused on finantial performance. In order to attract private investiment and promote sound accountability, "business areas" are strictly defined in order to clearly measure all costs and revenues. In this process, externalities difficult to account for are put aside as State-only responsabilities. In the road tolling scheme case, the value of the external cost of alternative road congestion and the value of public benefit from highway use are considered too difficult to calculate. The effect of highway availability on local economies and the expected associated tax revenue increase is also considered too difficult to be calculated properly. So, these impacts are kept out from road project accounting. From the private investor point-of-view this is ok, it's responsability is solely to design, finance, build and operate the road. As for the State, this situation is unacceptable as it should, by all means, globally promote citizen welfare. External benefits and costs are real, despite any difficulties in valuating them. State must promote welfare, not diminish it. This dissertation tries to contribute to this debate by essaying analysis and valuation methods for external costs and benefits, specific of road projects and will try to help showing that the whole portuguese society loses with an all-routes fixed toll collecting scheme