1,132 research outputs found

    Xoconostle fruit (Opuntia matudae Scheinvar cv. Rosa) by-products as potential functional ingredients

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    There is a lack of information on the potential use of xoconostle cultivars as sources of antioxidants for food, pharmaceutical and colorant industries. The aim of this study was to provide a phytochemical characterisation and antioxidant activity evaluation of Opuntia matudae Scheinvar cv. Rosa by-products (epicarp and endocarp mucilage's), in order to evaluate their interest as sources of functional ingredients for human or animal foods. These by-products showed a high content in glucose, citric and linoleic acids, tocopherols, and isorhamnetin-O-(di-deoxyhexosyl-hexoside) (mainly in epicarp), and presented relevant antioxidant properties. The obtained results support the use of O. matudae Scheinvar cv. Rosa agro-industrial by-products as functional food ingredients, namely for antioxidant-enriched formulations, instead of being discarded.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal) for financial support to CIMO (strategic project Pest-OE/AGR/UI0690/2011) and to L. Barros (researcher contract under “Programa Compromisso com Ciência-2008”). The authors also acknowledge the support of Mexican association CoMenTuna for providing the plant materials

    Participación en los presupuestos participativos, fortalecimiento y género. Evaluación de la experiencia de Casares.

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    El presente trabajo recoge los resultados de la evaluación de la experiencia del pre-supuesto participativo de Casares, un municipio de la provincia de Málaga. El obje-tivo de la investigación es examinar las diferencias existentes entre los hombres y las mujeres que participan en el proceso. Para ello, se analizan dichas diferencias en la variable psicosocial de fortalecimiento psicológico, de acuerdo con el modelo de Zimmerman (1995, 2000), y se observan las dinámicas de interacción en las asambleas, que son los espacios de deliberación vecinal de la experiencia. La in-vestigación se ha realizado mediante técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas, utilizan-do metodologías como la observación con registro narrativo y el cuestionario. La integración de preguntas utilizadas por el CIS en el instrumento cuantitativo ha permitido comparar los resultados del estudio con los datos de la población general española. Los principales resultados muestran que en Casares la mayoría de las personas que participan son mujeres. En cuanto a las dinámicas de participación, se evidencian diferencias entre sexo, siendo las mujeres quienes más participan en los grupos y los hombres quienes suelen asumir el rol de portavoces de estos espacios. En relación a la variable psicosocial de fortalecimiento, la tendencia sigue lo espe-rado, las mujeres que participan presentan un mayor nivel de empowerment. Sin embargo, en la mayoría de los casos, la población general presenta un mayor em-powerment que la población de Casares.Coglobal y Plan Propio UMA Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Sentidos sobre leitura e escrita na escola: um diálogo com professores de ciências

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    No presente texto trazemos algumas reflexões sobre as compreensões de dois professores de ciências acerca da leitura e escrita em contextos de ensino. O objetivo principal é promover uma discussão a respeito dessas compreensões constituindo uma rede de discursos aos quais os professores se filiam na medida em que constituem e enunciam discursos acerca da temática. Além disso, destacamos uma possibilidade metodológica que está alinhada à perspectiva teórica da Análise de Discurso francesa, que tem norteado nossas pesquisas. Destacamos a importância da aproximação entre pesquisas sobre linguagem do/no ensino de ciências e o trabalho de professores na Educação Básica, contribuindo para a construção de uma relação menos ingênua com a linguagem do/no ensino de ciências escolar

    Tyrosine phosphorylation modulates cell surface expression of chloride cotransporters NKCC2 and KCC3

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    Introduction: Cellular chloride transport has a fundamental role in cell volume regulation and membrane potential, both in normal and tumour cells (1,2). Cellular chloride entry or exit are mediated at the plasma membrane by cotransporter proteins of the solute carrier 12 family. For example, NKCC2 resorbs chloride with sodium and potassium ions at the apical membrane of epithelial cells in the kidney, whereas KCC3 releases chloride with potassium ions at the basolateral membrane. Their ion transport activity is regulated by protein phosphorylation in response to signaling pathways. An additional regulatory mechanism concerns the amount of cotransporter molecules inserted into the plasma membrane. Experimental: Co-transporter constructs were transfected into HEK293 cells and the activity of SYK kinase modulated by incubation with SYK inhibitors or by co-transfection with siRNAs, kinase-dead, or constitutively active SYK mutants. Co-transporter abundance in the plasma membrane was analyzed by biotinylation of cell surface proteins. Results: Here we describe that tyrosine phosphorylation of NKCC2 and KCC3 regulates their plasma membrane expression levels. We identified that spleen tyrosine kinase (SYK) phosphorylates a specific N-terminal tyrosine residue in each cotransporter. Experimental depletion of endogenous SYK or pharmacological inhibition of its kinase activity increased the abundance of NKCC2 at the plasma membrane of human embryonic kidney cells. In contrast, overexpression of a constitutively active SYK mutant decreased NKCC2 membrane abundance. Intriguingly, the same experimental approaches revealed the opposite effect on KCC3 abundance at the plasma membrane, compatible with the known antagonistic roles of NKCC and KCC cotransporters in cell volume regulation. Conclusions: We identified a novel pathway modulating the cell surface expression of NKCC2 and KCC3 and show that this same pathway has opposite functional outcomes for these two cotransporters. The findings have several biomedical implications considering the role of these cotransporters in regulating blood pressure and cell volume.Funding: UID/MULTI/04046/2019 (BioISI); PTDC/BIA-CEL/28408/2017; Fellowship SFRH/BD/52488/2014 to CAL.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The increasing demand for functional foods

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    Primitive societies often lack resources but have always emphasized the role of nutrition in maintaining good health and wellbeing (Balch 2006; Murray & Pizzorno 2005, 2012). So, the idea of a balanced and wholefood‐enriched diet to ensure homeostasis and improve life expectancy is not new. Concomitantly with the intensification of the globalization process and advances in the food industry, a pronounced increase in public health problems has been observed. Health‐related economic and social costs have risen to represent a significant percentage of worldwide expenditure (American Dietetic Association 2009; Arvanitoyannis & Houwelingen‐Koukaliaroglou 2005). Public health problems affect all sectors of society – elderly, adults, children, and adolescents. Therefore, the deployment of prevention strategies seems to be essential, not only to avoid the progression of this worldwide problem but also to try and restore the balanced food patterns and proper lifestyle of individuals. Infectious diseases were the most frequent causes of morbidity and mortality among the first civilizations, mainly attributed to poor hygiene conditions, and efforts were made to reduce the incidence of outbreaks of infection and epidemics. Nowadays, research is carried out to find even more effective and specific chemical drugs, allegedly able to treat modern disorders, although most of them can be eradicated just through lifestyle modifications. Metabolic disorders and related problems are some of the most important current contributors to human morbidity and mortality. Overweight and obesity, considered the epidemic of the 21st century, increasingly affects all age groups, with children being the most vulnerable (Arvanitoyannis & Houwelingen‐Koukaliaroglou 2005; Bagchi 2006).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Process Transparency on Construction Sites: Examples from Construction Companies in Brazil

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    Process transparency is the core concept in Visual Management (VM), which is one of the founding blocks of the Toyota Production System. This paper presents the preliminary results of a collaborative research conducted between Brazil and the UK, as part of a research effort focused on the application of Visual Management in construction. How process transparency is realized on construction sites is the main research question of the paper. The use of this concept and the implementation of the transparency theory were investigated through multiple case studies, carried out in nine different construction companies. The findings are explained through six theoretical transparency increasing approaches. The affecting parameters in the application of, the management’s perception of and several methods in process transparency in construction were identified. Further work, especially exploring the functions of process transparency on construction sites and reflecting the worker perception of the issue, is necessary to elaborate the process transparency concept

    La exceptio non adimpleti contractus en la Convención de Viena sobre compraventa internacional de mercaderías

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    Parte de la doctrina y la jurisprudencia han señalado que la Convención de Viena sobre compraventa internacional de mercaderías contempla un derecho de retención general a partir de la interpretación de varios artículos de la Convención, entre ellos, el artículo 58 y el artículo 71. El presente trabajo analiza estos artículos para determinar si realmente se trata de supuestos de derecho de retención o si, más bien, establecen supuestos de excepción de contrato no cumplido en sus diversas modalidades

    El derecho de retención en la Convención de Viena sobre compraventa internacional de mercaderías

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    From the study of the doctrine on the right of retention, the institution is analyzed in the context of the Vienna Convention on the International Sale of Goods. Beginning with the requisites that the doctrine has considered as being unavoidable in order to practice the right of retention, we prove that this institution is immersed (included) within the Convention in two suppositions that allow inferring that the right of retention may be reassessed as a new recourse to face the non compliance of the Uniform Contracts Law.A partir del estudio de la doctrina sobre el derecho de retención, se analiza la institución en el contexto de la Convención de Viena sobre Compraventa Internacional de Mercaderías. Partiendo de los requisitos que la doctrina ha considerado como insoslayables para el ejercicio del derecho de retención, se demuestra que esta institución se encuentra inmersa dentro de la Convención en dos supuestos, lo que permite inferir que el derecho de retención puede ser revalorizado como un nuevo remedio ante el incumplimiento en el Derecho Uniforme de los Contratos

    A rede de proteção à mulher em situação de violência doméstica : avanços e desafios

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    No Brasil, a violência nas relações conjugais tem sido objeto de crescente denúncia junto à polícia, ao judiciário e aos órgãos públicos de Assistência Social, educação e saúde. A violência doméstica acarreta amplas repercussões psicossociais, econômicas e políticas, não só no plano individual e familiar como também na esfera social da mulher. Diante da complexidade da problemática, permeada por preconceitos e diferentes discriminações, as mulheres vítimas de violência doméstica, com o passar dos anos, vão sofrendo mudanças diversas, muitas vezes drásticas, no meio em que vivem e com quem convivem, resultando na completa fragilização de suas redes de pertencimento.O presente artigo apresenta dados baseados em duas pesquisas: "Rede de atendimento à mulher em situação de violência doméstica: Limites e Possibilidades"; e "Das lágrimas à esperança: o processo de fortalecimento das mulheres em situação de violência doméstica", desenvolvidas no Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Violência - NEPEVI, Faculdade de Serviço Social da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Brasil. Nosso objetivo foi fornecer subsídios teóricos práticos para contribuir com o atendimento e fortalecimento de mulheres em situação de violência doméstica. Esta pesquisa consistiu em identificar os limites e possibilidades da rede de apoio a mulher em situação de violência doméstica nos municípios de POA, São Leopoldo e Novo Hamburgo. Foram entrevistadas usuárias dos serviços da rede de proteção à mulher e profissionais vinculados a rede, entre eles, assistentes sociais, psicólogos, delegadas, entre outros.In Brazil, violence in marital relations has been the object of an increase in police charges, as well as in the judiciary system and public institutions of social welfare, education and health. Domestic violence causes large psychosocial, economic and political repercussions in the individual and family sphere as well as in the woman's social sphere. Given the complexity of the problem, surrounded by the prejudice and different types of discrimination, women who are victims of domestic violence suffer diverse changes, often drastic, in the environment they live and with whom they live as time passes by. This results in a complete process of fragilization in their belonging networks. The present article presents data based on two researches: "The Support Network for Women in Domestic Violence Situations: Limits and Possibilities", and "From tears to Hope: The Process of Empowerment of Women in Domestic Violence Situation", carried out in the Research Group on Violence - NEPEVI, Faculty of Social Work, Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Brazil. Our purpose was to provide theoretical and practical bases to contribute with the services and empowerment of women in domestic violence situations. This research consisted in the identification of the limits and possibilities of the network support for women in domestic violence situation in the municipalities of Porto Alegre, São Leopoldo and Novo Hamburgo, State of Rio Grande do Sul. Women who were service users of this network of support and professionals connected to this network, among them, social workers, psychologists, delegates, and others were interviewed

    Women violence network of protection : advances and challenges

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    No Brasil, a violência nas relações conjugais tem sido objeto de crescente denúncia junto à polícia, ao judiciário e aos órgãos públicos de Assistência Social, educação e saúde. A violência doméstica acarreta amplas repercussões psicossociais, econômicas e políticas, não só no plano individual e familiar como também na esfera social da mulher. Diante da complexidade da problemática, permeada por preconceitos e diferentes discriminações, as mulheres vítimas de violência doméstica, com o passar dos anos, vão sofrendo mudanças diversas, muitas vezes drásticas, no meio em que vivem e com quem convivem, resultando na completa fragilização de suas redes de pertencimento.O presente artigo apresenta dados baseados em duas pesquisas: “Rede de atendimento à mulher em situação de violência doméstica: Limites e Possibilidades”; e “Das lágrimas à esperança: o processo de fortalecimento das mulheres em situação de violência doméstica”, desenvolvidas no Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Violência – NEPEVI, Faculdade de Serviço Social da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Brasil. Nosso objetivo foi fornecer subsídios teóricos práticos para contribuir com o atendimento e fortalecimento de mulheres em situação de violência doméstica. Esta pesquisa consistiu em identificar os limites e possibilidades da rede de apoio a mulher em situação de violência doméstica nos municípios de POA, São Leopoldo e Novo Hamburgo. Foram entrevistadas usuárias dos serviços da rede de proteção à mulher e profissionais vinculados a rede, entre eles, assistentes sociais, psicólogos, delegadas, entre outros.In Brazil, violence in marital relations has been the object of an increase in police charges, as well as in the judiciary system and public institutions of social welfare, education and health. Domestic violence causes large psychosocial, economic and political repercussions in the individual and family sphere as well as in the woman’s social sphere. Given the complexity of the problem, surrounded by the prejudice and different types of discrimination, women who are victims of domestic violence suffer diverse changes, often drastic, in the environment they live and with whom they live as time passes by. This results in a complete process of fragilization in their belonging networks. The present article presents data based on two researches: “The Support Network for Women in Domestic Violence Situations: Limits and Possibilities”, and “From tears to Hope: The Process of Empowerment of Women in Domestic Violence Situation”, carried out in the Research Group on Violence – NEPEVI, Faculty of Social Work, Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Brazil. Our purpose was to provide theoretical and practical bases to contribute with the services and empowerment of women in domestic violence situations. This research consisted in the identification of the limits and possibilities of the network support for women in domestic violence situation in the municipalities of Porto Alegre, São Leopoldo and Novo Hamburgo, State of Rio Grande do Sul. Women who were service users of this network of support and professionals connected to this network, among them, social workers, psychologists, delegates, and others were interviewed