104 research outputs found

    El retablo de la Encomienda de Santa María de Beade (Orense), obra de Francisco Moure

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    La documentación sobre el desaparecido retablo de Beade lo convierte en una pieza de extraordinario interés. El marco en el que se gestó, sus promotores, la valía de los autores que lo llevaron a cabo y sus valores artísticos lo hacen merecedor de su calificación "como uno de los buenos que había en el Reino". El acercamiento a esta obra, mediante el análisis y valoración de la nueva documentación, permite conocer su historia constructiva y composición, así como hacer nuevas adjudicaciones de su escultura a Francisco de Moure.The documents on the missing altarpiece of Beade turn it into a piece of unusual interest. The frame of its gestation, its promoters, the value of its authors carrying it out and its artistic values make it deserving of its qualification "as one of the good ones in the Kingdom of Galicia". The approximation to this work, by the analysis and valuation of the new documents, allows to know its constructive history and composition, as well as to do new adjudications of its sculpture to Francisco de Moure

    La actividad textil en Ourense en el siglo XVI y primeras décadas del XVII

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    Contribution to the study of the textile activity in Ourense in the 16th century and first decades of the 17th century, through file documentation. The different trades are analysed on the basis of data extracted from notarial protocols, among whose textile varieties are highlighted the manufacture of velvets. The results obtained in the investigation shows the coexistence of two production systems in the same temporary space. On the one hand, their manufacture by urban workshops, and on the other, a production system organised by merchants from Ourense under formulas that were similar to the verlagssystem (putting out system) within farming families of the Sober estate.Aportación al estudio de la actividad textil en Ourense en el siglo XVI y primeras décadas del XVII, a través de la documentación de archivo. Sobre la base de datos extraídos de los protocolos notariales se analizan los diferentes oficios, entre cuyas variedades textiles destaca la fabricación de terciopelos. Los resultados obtenidos en la investigación muestran la convivencia de dos sistemas de producción en el mismo espacio temporal. Por un lado, su fabricación por los talleres urbanos, y por otro, un sistema de producción organizado por los mercaderes ourensanos bajo fórmulas próximas al verlagssystem en el seno de las familias campesinas del coto de Sober (Lugo). [gl] Achega ao estudo da actividade téxtil en Ourense no século XVI e primeiras décadas do XVII, a través da documentación de arquivo. Sobre a base de datos extraídos dos protocolos notariais analízanse os diferentes oficios, entre cuxas variedades téxtiles destaca a fabricación de veludos. Os resultados obtidos na investigación mostran a convivencia de dous sistemas de produción no mesmo espazo temporal. Por una banda, a súa fabricación polos talleres urbanos, e por outra, un sistema de produción organizado polos mercaderes ourensáns baixo fórmulas próximas ao verlagssystem no seo das familias campesiñas do couto de Sober (Lugo)

    El romanismo escultórico zamorano de comienzos del siglo XVII en Ourense

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    La intervención de Juan González y Gaspar de Acosta en el retablo de la capilla funeraria del mercader Alonso Castro, en la iglesia del monasterio franciscano de Ourense, permite, pese a su pérdida, sumar nuevas obras a la producción conocida de estos artistas zamoranos. La participación de ambos en el mercado artístico orensano, y la identificación del escultor Juan de Acosta, vinculado a su taller, como autor de varias imágenes en retablos de la diócesis, ayudan a potenciar el papel de Ourense en los comienzos del siglo XVII como un foco escultórico de cierta importancia, así como proponer nuevas relaciones artísticas con las regiones vecinas

    Quality assessment of peripheral artery disease clinical guidelines

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    Background Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) provide recommendations to assist health professionals and patients in the process of making decisions for specific clinical conditions to improve the quality of the patient care. However, there are concerns about the quality of some CPGs. The aim of this study was to review the quality of CPGs in pharmacologic management of peripheral artery disease (PAD). Methods A systematic review of CPGs for the pharmacologic treatment of PAD was performed. CPGs published between 2003 and January 2015 in English, Spanish, or French were retrieved using PubMed, Cochrane, and TRIP databases; guideline developer organization Web sites, and European and American scientific societies related to PAD Web sites. One reviewer performed the search and guideline selection, which was validated by a second reviewer. Three appraisers independently assessed the quality of CPGs using the Appraisal of Guidelines, REsearch and Evaluation II (AGREE II) instrument. Results A total of seven CPGs, published between 2006 and 2012, were included. All except one were written in English. Average AGREE II guidelines scores varied from 45% to 72%. There was considerable variation in the quality of the CPGs across the AGREE II domain scores (ranging from 4% to 85%). The highest scored domains were 'clarity of presentation' and 'editorial independence' and the lowest scored domain was 'applicability.' The reviewers consider that six CPGs could be recommended with modifications for use and one without modification. Conclusions There is great variability in the quality of the CPGs on pharmacologic treatment in PAD. All of the assessed guidelines could be recommended; however, there is considerable scope to improve their quality by highlighting aspects of applicability, the involvement of the stakeholder, as well as the rigor of development

    Mejoras Operativas y Técnicas del VAMTAC ST5

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    Existe una gran variedad de vehículos en el ET, necesarios para la realización de las actividades y cometidos de las diferentes Unidades del ET, es por ello que constituyen un pilar importante en las Unidades. Entre los distintos vehículos existe el URO VAMTAC, de fabricación española. Este vehículo es muy utilizado en diferentes Unidades del Ejército de Tierra, como es en el Regimiento de Infantería “Garellano” 45. El VAMTAC tiene diferentes modelos, como es el S3 y el ST5, los cuales están siendo utilizados en el Batallón “Guipúzcoa” I/45. Son vehículos de alta movilidad, con una alta capacidad de transporte de material, así como la capacidad de acoplar diferentes armas de diferente calibre a su afuste. Es un vehículo de gran versatilidad y capacidad de reacción, que permite a este Bón, como aquellos que lo utilizan, una alta operatividad. Sin embargo, esta operatividad se ve afectada por los diferentes fallos de diseño que arrastra el modelo. Pues tras diferentes encuestas realizadas a personal de las Compañías del Batallón, acompañado de entrevistas a personal de segundo escalón, así como personal especializado, se han descubierto diferentes carencias de este vehículo que pueden ser solucionadas, mejorando así su eficacia y disminuyendo su tiempo en el taller esperando ser reparado.Estos problemas que se revelaron a través de las encuestas y entrevistas, y, tras un exhaustivo estudio, se centraron en las ruedas del vehículo. Estos problemas radicaban en una rotura de pernos, que venía provocada por diferentes factores, (material, tamaño, disposición,…), y en un desgaste de los elementos de freno. Las soluciones planteadas, tras su análisis, consisten en cambiar diferentes elementos de la rueda (llanta, disco de amarre y perno) y; proponer un nuevo diseño de los elementos de freno (pastilla de freno y disco de freno).Tras presentar los nuevos diseños y propuestas de mejoras se realizó un estudio de su viabilidad técnica y económica. Todo lo explicado anteriormente ayudado de las diferentes herramientas aprendidas en el grado como el análisis de riesgos, matriz DAFO, análisis de stakeholders y consultar bibliografía especializada.<br /

    Animal Models of Coenzyme Q Deficiency: Mechanistic and Translational Learnings

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    Funding: This work was supported by grants from the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, Spain, and the ERDF (RTI2018-093503-B-100); the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA-602322); and from the Junta de Andalucía (grant number P20_00134). P.G.-G. is ‘FPU fellow’ from the Ministerio de Universidades, Spain. A.H.-G. is supported by the “Plan Propio de Investigación” from the University of Granada. S.L.-H. is supported by the “garantía juvenil” program. E.B.-C. is supported by the Consejería de Salud, Junta de Andalucía, Spain.Coenzyme Q (CoQ) is a vital lipophilic molecule that is endogenously synthesized in the mitochondria of each cell. The CoQ biosynthetic pathway is complex and not completely characterized, and it involves at least thirteen catalytic and regulatory proteins. Once it is synthesized, CoQ exerts a wide variety of mitochondrial and extramitochondrial functions thank to its redox capacity and its lipophilicity. Thus, low levels of CoQ cause diseases with heterogeneous clinical symptoms, which are not always understood. The decreased levels of CoQ may be primary caused by defects in the CoQ biosynthetic pathway or secondarily associated with other diseases. In both cases, the pathomechanisms are related to the CoQ functions, although further experimental evidence is required to establish this association. The conventional treatment for CoQ deficiencies is the high doses of oral CoQ10 supplementation, but this therapy is not effective for some specific clinical presentations, especially in those involving the nervous system. To better understand the CoQ biosynthetic pathway, the biological functions linked to CoQ and the pathomechanisms of CoQ deficiencies, and to improve the therapeutic outcomes of this syndrome, a variety of animal models have been generated and characterized in the last decade. In this review, we show all the animal models available, remarking on the most important outcomes that each model has provided. Finally, we also comment some gaps and future research directions related to CoQ metabolism and how the current and novel animal models may help in the development of future research studies.Consejería de Salud, Junta de AndalucíaMinisterio de Universidades, SpainMuscular Dystrophy Association MDA-602322Universidad de GranadaEuropean Regional Development Fund RTI2018-093503-B-100Junta de Andalucía P20_0013

    Metabolic Targets of Coenzyme Q10 in Mitochondria

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    This work was supported by grants from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, Spain, and the ERDF (RTI2018-093503-B-100), the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA-602322). C.M.Q. is supported by the Department of Defense (DOD) grant PR190511. A.H.-G. and P.G.-G. are `FPU fellows' from the Ministerio de Universidades, Spain. S.L.-H. is supported by the "becas de colaboracion" from the Ministerio de Universidades, Spain. E.B.-C. is supported by the Consejeria de Salud, Junta de Andalucia, Spain.We thank Stacy Kelly Aguirre for the English editing. Figures created with BioRender.com.Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ(10)) is classically viewed as an important endogenous antioxidant and key component of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. For this second function, CoQ molecules seem to be dynamically segmented in a pool attached and engulfed by the super-complexes I + III, and a free pool available for complex II or any other mitochondrial enzyme that uses CoQ as a cofactor. This CoQ-free pool is, therefore, used by enzymes that link the mitochondrial respiratory chain to other pathways, such as the pyrimidine de novo biosynthesis, fatty acid beta-oxidation and amino acid catabolism, glycine metabolism, proline, glyoxylate and arginine metabolism, and sulfide oxidation metabolism. Some of these mitochondrial pathways are also connected to metabolic pathways in other compartments of the cell and, consequently, CoQ could indirectly modulate metabolic pathways located outside the mitochondria. Thus, we review the most relevant findings in all these metabolic functions of CoQ and their relations with the pathomechanisms of some metabolic diseases, highlighting some future perspectives and potential therapeutic implications.Spanish GovernmentEuropean Commission RTI2018-093503-B-100Muscular Dystrophy Association MDA-602322United States Department of Defense PR190511Ministerio de Universidades, SpainJunta de Andaluci

    The Q-junction and the inflammatory response are critical pathological and therapeutic factors in CoQ deficiency

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    Defects in Coenzyme Q (CoQ) metabolism have been associated with primary mitochondrial disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and metabolic conditions. The consequences of CoQ deficiency have not been fully addressed, and effective treatment remains challenging. Here, we use mice with primary CoQ deficiency (Coq9R239X), and we demonstrate that CoQ deficiency profoundly alters the Q-junction, leading to extensive changes in the mitochondrial proteome and metabolism in the kidneys and, to a lesser extent, in the brain. CoQ deficiency also induces reactive gliosis, which mediates a neuroinflammatory response, both of which lead to an encephalopathic phenotype. Importantly, treatment with either vanillic acid (VA) or β-resorcylic acid (β-RA), two analogs of the natural precursor for CoQ biosynthesis, partially restores CoQ metabolism, particularly in the kidneys, and induces profound normalization of the mitochondrial proteome and metabolism, ultimately leading to reductions in gliosis, neuroinflammation and spongiosis and, consequently, reversing the phenotype. Together, these results provide key mechanistic insights into defects in CoQ metabolism and identify potential disease biomarkers. Furthermore, our findings clearly indicate that the use of analogs of the CoQ biosynthetic precursor is a promising alternative therapy for primary CoQ deficiency and has potential for use in the treatment of more common neurodegenerative and metabolic diseases that are associated with secondary CoQ deficiency.MCIN/AEI, SpainEuropean Commission RTI2018093503-B-100Muscular Dystrophy Association MDA-602322Junta de Andalucia P20_00134 PEER-00832020EPIC-XS - Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union 823839"Plan Propio de Investigacion" from the University of Granada Junta de Andaluci

    Effect of angiotensin II and small GTPase Ras signaling pathway inhibition on early renal changes in a murine model of obstructive nephropathy

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    This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.Tubulointerstitial fibrosis is a major feature of chronic kidney disease. Unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) in rodents leads to the development of renal tubulointerstitial fibrosis consistent with histopathological changes observed in advanced chronic kidney disease in humans. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of inhibiting angiotensin II receptors or Ras activation on early renal fibrotic changes induced by UUO. Animals either received angiotensin II or underwent UUO. UUO animals received either losartan, atorvastatin, and farnesyl transferase inhibitor (FTI) L-744,832, or chaetomellic acid A (ChA). Levels of activated Ras, phospho-ERK1/2, phospho-Akt, fibronectin, and α-smooth muscle actin were subsequently quantified in renal tissue by ELISA, Western blot, and/or immunohistochemistry. Our results demonstrate that administration of angiotensin II induces activation of the small GTPase Ras/Erk/Akt signaling system, suggesting an involvement of angiotensin II in the early obstruction-induced activation of renal Ras. Furthermore, upstream inhibition of Ras signalling by blocking either angiotensin AT1 type receptor or by inhibiting Ras prenylation (atorvastatin, FTI o ChA) reduced the activation of the Ras/Erk/Akt signaling system and decreased the early fibrotic response in the obstructed kidney. This study points out that pharmacological inhibition of Ras activation may hold promise as a future strategy in the prevention of renal fibrosis.This study was supported by grants from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Grant SAF2010-15881 and Red de Investigacion Cooperativa en Enfermedades Renales REDINREN RD12/0021/0032), Junta de Castilla y León (Grant SA 001/C05 and Excellence Group GR100), and REDINREN which is an initiative of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III of Spain supported by FEDER funds. When performing the present study, Ana B. Rodríguez-Pena was a fellow of the Fundacion Renal “Iñigo Ávarez de Toledo” and Neil G. Docherty was a fellow ofThe Marie Curie Programme, EU.Peer Reviewe