7,772 research outputs found

    An optimal transportation approach for assessing almost stochastic order

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    When stochastic dominance FstGF\leq_{st}G does not hold, we can improve agreement to stochastic order by suitably trimming both distributions. In this work we consider the L2L_2-Wasserstein distance, W2\mathcal W_2, to stochastic order of these trimmed versions. Our characterization for that distance naturally leads to consider a W2\mathcal W_2-based index of disagreement with stochastic order, εW2(F,G)\varepsilon_{\mathcal W_2}(F,G). We provide asymptotic results allowing to test H0:εW2(F,G)ε0H_0: \varepsilon_{\mathcal W_2}(F,G)\geq \varepsilon_0 vs Ha:εW2(F,G)<ε0H_a: \varepsilon_{\mathcal W_2}(F,G)<\varepsilon_0, that, under rejection, would give statistical guarantee of almost stochastic dominance. We include a simulation study showing a good performance of the index under the normal model

    17th Spanish Society for Developmental Biology Meeting: New Trends in Developmental Biology

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    The Spanish Society for Developmental Biology organized its 17th meeting in November 2020. The meeting, organized by CIC bioGUNE, the University of the Basque Country and the University of Cantabria, gathered about 280 registrants and received 132 scientific abstracts. Participants ranged from undergraduate to senior researchers, with a broad participation of Ph.D. students. The meeting was organized in 8 sessions: Growth and Scaling, Self-organization, Neurodevelopment, Genomes, Cell Biology, Development and Disease, Evo-Devo and Regeneration (Araújo et al., 2021). These sessions focused on the new tendencies in Developmental Biology research and, based on the science presented there, we organized this special issue on The 17th Edition of the Spanish Society for Developmental Biology Meeting: New Trends in Developmental Biology. This collection of articles gathers several scientific contributions in this area, featuring collaborative and interdisciplinary approaches among developmental biologists. With the focus on organogenesis and gene regulation, our selected content embraces novel discoveries on muscle development, regeneration and the transcriptional control and role of miRNAs in development, while highlighting advances in organogenesis and gonadal development

    La coeducación. Un acercamiento desde la antropología pedagógica

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    The two gap transitions in Ge1x_{1-x}Snx_x: effect of non-substitutional complex defects

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    The existence of non-substitutional β\beta-Sn defects in Ge1x_{1-x}Snx_{x} was confirmed by emission channeling experiments [Decoster et al., Phys. Rev. B 81, 155204 (2010)], which established that although most Sn enters substitutionally (α\alpha-Sn) in the Ge lattice, a second significant fraction corresponds to the Sn-vacancy defect complex in the split-vacancy configuration ( β\beta-Sn ), in agreement with our previous theoretical study [Ventura et al., Phys. Rev. B 79, 155202 (2009)]. Here, we present our electronic structure calculation for Ge1x_{1-x}Snx_{x}, including substitutional α\alpha-Sn as well as non-substitutional β\beta-Sn defects. To include the presence of non-substitutional complex defects in the electronic structure calculation for this multi-orbital alloy problem, we extended the approach for the purely substitutional alloy by Jenkins and Dow [Jenkins and Dow, Phys. Rev. B 36, 7994 (1987)]. We employed an effective substitutional two-site cluster equivalent to the real non-substitutional β\beta-Sn defect, which was determined by a Green's functions calculation. We then calculated the electronic structure of the effective alloy purely in terms of substitutional defects, embedding the effective substitutional clusters in the lattice. Our results describe the two transitions of the fundamental gap of Ge1x_{1-x}Snx_{x} as a function of the total Sn-concentration: namely from an indirect to a direct gap, first, and the metallization transition at higher xx. They also highlight the role of β\beta-Sn in the reduction of the concentration range which corresponds to the direct-gap phase of this alloy, of interest for optoelectronics applications.Comment: 11 pages, 9 Figure

    Cómo formar la segunda naturaleza. Notas antropológicas acerca de la educación de los hábitos

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    Este trabajo intenta llamar la atención sobre un concepto algo descuidado en las reflexiones teóricas sobre la educación, a menudo excesivamente centradas en aspectos instrumentales de la enseñanza. Se trata de la noción de hábito. Si la educación tiene algo que ver con la ayuda al crecimiento de la persona, ha de comprenderse ante todo como la promoción de ciertos hábitos intelectuales y morales que hacen más plena nuestra vida. El artículo aborda sumariamente el concepto de persona, y después se ocupa del crecimiento personal a través del hábito. Los hábitos son una prolongación de nuestra naturaleza primaria, hacen más “habitable” nuestra existencia y nos suministran una autodisponibilidad que nos hace más libres

    Incidencia de tuberculosis osteoarticular en el área sanitaria del Hospital de León. 1997-2001

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    Introducción y objetivos: Nos proponemos en este trabajo estudiar la incidencia de tuberculosis en su forma osteoarticular en el área sanitaria del Hospital de León durante los años 1997 a 2001, ambos inclusive. Material y método: Dieciséis casos de tuberculosis osteoarticular confirmados por cultivo microbiológico y/o análisis anatomopatológico fueron incluidos. De ellos, cinco afectaron a columna vertebral, cuatro a rodilla y el resto a otras localizaciones más inusuales. Resultados: De las cinco columnas vertebrales afectadas, tres requirieron tratamiento quirúrgico para descomprimir y estabilizar. En una rodilla se realizó sinovectomía abierta y en otra por artroscopia. Se drenaron abscesos fríos en diferentes localizaciones. Todos los casos recibieron tratamiento médico. Se reflejan los diferentes resultados, desde la restitución ad integrum hasta la anquilosis. Discusión y conclusiones: La incidencia de tuberculosis osteoarticular en nuestra área sanitaria en el periodo 1997-2001 fue del 2% al 4% de todos los cascos de tuberculosis. Hubo una alta incidencia de localizaciones inusuales (muñeca, codo, sacroilíaca).Introduction: Current issue is to study the incidence of osteoarticular tuberculosis, within the sanitary area of the Hospital of Leon. Material and Method: Sixteen cases of osteoarticular tuberculosis confirmed by culture and pathological analysis were included. Five of them involved the raquis and knee. Another cases in unusual local sites. Results: Three of five raquis were managed by decompression and stabilization. One knee was treated by open synovectomy and another one by arthroscopy synovectomy. Cold abscesses were drained in different sites. All cases were treated with drugs. Different results are showed since restitutio ad integrum to anquilosis. Discussion: Osteoarticular tuberculosis incidence in our sanitary area between 1997 to 2001 was 2% to 4%. There was a high incidence for unusual localizations (wrist, elbow and sacroiliaca joints)

    Selecting the number of categories of the lymph node ratio in cancer research: A bootstrap-based hypothesis test

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    The high impact of the lymph node ratio as a prognostic factor is widely established in colorectal cancer, and is being used as a categorized predictor variable in several studies. However, the cut-off points as well as the number of categories considered differ considerably in the literature. Motivated by the need to obtain the best categorization of the lymph node ratio as a predictor of mortality in colorectal cancer patients, we propose a method to select the best number of categories for a continuous variable in a logistic regression framework. Thus, to this end, we propose a bootstrap-based hypothesis test, together with a new estimation algorithm for the optimal location of the cut-off points called BackAddFor, which is an updated version of the previously proposed AddFor algorithm. The performance of the hypothesis test was evaluated by means of a simulation study, under different scenarios, yielding type I errors close to the nominal errors and good power values whenever a meaningful difference in terms of prediction ability existed. Finally, the methodology proposed was applied to the CCR-CARESS study where the lymph node ratio was included as a predictor of five-year mortality, resulting in the selection of three categories.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This research was supported by the Basque Government through the Consolidated Research Group MATHMODE (IT1294-19) from the Departamento de Educación, Política Lingüística y Cultura del Gobierno Vasco, the BERC 2018-2021 program and the SPRI Elkartek project 3KIA (KK-2020/00049); by the Spanish Government through the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades: BCAM Severo Ochoa accreditation SEV-2017-0718 and by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and FEDER under research grants MTM2014-55966-P, MTM2016-74931-P and MTM2017-89422-P; and by Xunta de Galicia (Centro singular de investigación de Galicia accreditation 2019-2022) and the EU (ERDF), Ref. ED431G2019/06. Financial support for data collection was provided in part by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, (PS09/00314, PS09/00910, PS09/00746, PS09/00805, PI09/90460, PI09/90490, PI09/90453, PI09/90441, PI09/90397, and the thematic networks REDISSEC - Red de Investigación en Servicios de Salud en Enfermedades Crónicas), co-funded by European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund (ERDF/ESF “Investing in your future”); and the Research Committee of the Hospital Galdakao