191 research outputs found

    Finite metacyclic groups as active sums of cyclic subgroups

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    The notion of active sum provides an analogue for groups of that of direct sum for abelian groups. One natural question then is which groups are the active sum of cyclic subgroups. Many groups have been found to give a positive answer to this question, while the case of finite metacyclic groups remained unknown. In this note we show that every finite metacyclic group can be recovered as the active sum of a discrete family of cyclic subgroups

    Hardware/software codesign methodology for fuzzy controller implementation

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    This paper describes a HW/SW codesign methodology for the implementation of fuzzy controllers on a platform composed by a general-purpose microcontroller and specific processing elements implemented on FPGAs or ASICs. The different phases of the methodology, as well as the CAD tools used in each design stage, are presented, with emphasis on the fuzzy system development environment Xfuzzy. Also included is a practical application of the described methodology for the development of a fuzzy controller for a dosage system

    Ligandos asociados a moléculas HLA de clase I en infecciones virales y trastornos autoinmunitarios

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    Las células T CD8+ identifican y eliminan células infectadas y tumorales através del reconocimiento específico de péptidos procedentes de proteínasintracelulares unidos a moléculas del complejo principal de histocompatibilidadhumano (HLA) de clase I. La presentación de estos ligandos peptídicos presentadospor las moléculas HLA de clase I es fundamental para el control de múltiplesinfecciones virales, y también se ha involucrado en enfermedades de carácterautoinmunitario como las espondiloartropatías. En este contexto, el extraordinariopolimorfismo existente en las moléculas HLA de clase I determina los ligandospeptídicos que se pueden unir a los diferentes subtipos, puesto que únicamenteaquellos ligandos que presenten los residuos adecuados en posiciones concretas, quepermiten la interacción con aminoácidos específicos de la molécula HLA, son capacesde unirse a cada subtipo de clase I particular..

    Hyperspectral image processing for the identification and quantification of lentiviral particles in fluid samples

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    Optical spectroscopic techniques have been commonly used to detect the presence of biofilm-forming pathogens (bacteria and fungi) in the agro-food industry. Recently, near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy revealed that it is also possible to detect the presence of viruses in animal and vegetal tissues. Here we report a platform based on visible and NIR (VNIR) hyperspectral imaging for non-contact, reagent free detection and quantification of laboratory-engineered viral particles in fluid samples (liquid droplets and dry residue) using both partial least square-discriminant analysis and artificial feed-forward neural networks. The detection was successfully achieved in preparations of phosphate buffered solution and artificial saliva, with an equivalent pixel volume of 4 nL and lowest concentration of 800 TU·μL−1. This method constitutes an innovative approach that could be potentially used at point of care for rapid mass screening of viral infectious diseases and monitoring of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.Instituto de Salud Carlos III COV20-00080 and COV20-00173Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación EQC2019-006240-PComisión Europea JRC HUMAINT projec

    Espacios y actividades cotidianas de la infancia nahua prehispánica

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    This paper analyses the different spaces in which daily life of the Nahua children of the Mesoamerican Central High Plateau took place, based on the revision of documentary source. It begins with an examination of quotidian life at home and in the domestic units. Afterwards, the paper analyses the children’s presence in places such as the market, the milpa, the mountain and the lake, where they learned the activities that they would have to perform in their adult life. Also, it briefly reflects on their presence in the temples of education; finally, additional places in which pre-hispanic childhood took place are considered.En el presente artículo se analizan los diferentes espacios donde transcurría la vida cotidiana de niñas y niños nahuas del Altiplano Central mesoamericano, a partir de fuentes documentales. Se inicia con el análisis de la vida cotidiana en las casas y las unidades domésticas. Posteriormente, se estudia su presencia en lugares como el mercado, la milpa, el monte y la laguna, sitios en donde mediante su participación en las labores económicas, iban aprendiendo las actividades que tendrían que desempeñar en su vida adulta. De igual forma, se presenta brevemente su paso por los templos de educación; y finalmente se proponen otros lugares en donde se desenvolvía la niñez prehispánica

    Active Sums I

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    Given a generating family F of subgroups of a group G, closed under conjugation and with partial order compatible with inclusion, a new group S can be constructed, taking into account the multiplication in the subgroups and their mutual actions given by conjugation. The group S is called the active sum of F, has G as a homomorph and is such that S/Z(S) ' G/Z(G), where Z denotes the center. The basic question we investigate in this paper is: when is the active sum S of the family F isomorphic to the group G? The conditions found to answer this question are often of a homological nature. We show that the following groups are active sums of cyclic subgroups: free groups, semidirect products of cyclic groups, Coxeter groups, Wirtinger approximations, groups of order p3 with p an odd prime, simple groups with trivial Schur multiplier, and special linear groups SLn(q) with a few exceptions. We show as well that every finite group G such that G/G0 is not cyclic is the active sum of proper normal subgroups

    Análisis de instrumentos otorgados por INDAP (inversión al fortalecimiento productivo (IFP) y fondo de apoyo inicial (FAI) con los usuarios PRODESAL de la comuna de San Clemente (VII Región del Maule)

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    76 p.El Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo Agropecuario (INDAP) tiene por meta el brindar condiciones favorables para el desarrollo de La Agricultura Familiar Campesina (AFC), para lo cual destina parte importante de los recursos para el funcionamiento de sus programas de fomento. Uno de ellos es el Programa de Desarrollo Local (PRODESAL), el que apoya la actividad silvoagropecuaria de los pequeños productores agrícolas de menores recursos, a través de asesoría técnica e inversiones orientadas a la capitalización y modernización de los sistemas productivos de los usuarios, con énfasis en inversiones, amigables con el medioambiente y que contribuyan a elevar el nivel de ingresos y den sostenibilidad a los emprendimientos agrícolas. En esta investigación se analizó si la obtención de los instrumentos; Inversión al Fortalecimiento Productivo (IFP) y Fondo de Apoyo Inicial (FAI) de INDAP por parte de los usuarios PRODESAL aumenta el Valor de la Producción (VP). Para este efecto se utilizó una muestra de 118 usuarios de un total de 595 pertenecientes a la comuna de San Clemente. A partir de la información obtenida, se caracterizaron los factores productivos y comerciales de los usuarios, también se analizó el efecto de los instrumentos IFP y FAI de INDAP sobre la producción agrícola de los usuarios. Para ello se realizó una comparación de medias a través de programa SPSS versión 15, el cual permitió analizar el efecto de IFP y FAI en el VP. De acuerdo con el análisis descriptivo de los factores de producción, se observó que gran parte de los usuarios son propietarios, poseen suelos de la clase III y IV principalmente, todos disponen de agua para regar pero no todos son dueño del agua y hay un mínimo uso de riego tecnificado. Presentan un alto grado de informalidad y sólo el rubro ganadero realiza venta de su producción. El efecto de los instrumentos IFP y FAI sobre la producción no es significativo, lo que podría indicar que tanto el programa PRODESAL como los instrumentos entregados por INDAP no aportan mejoras para los usuarios. Sin embargo, hay que considerar otros factores antes de concluir lo expresado, ya que sólo se evaluó posterior a un año de recibir los beneficios. Los usuarios de la muestra pertenecen en su mayoría al segmento uno (el más vulnerable)./ABSTRACT: The National Institute of Agricultural Development (INDAP) has as its main goal to provide favorable conditions for the development of the family agriculture (AFC), for which intended major part of the resources for the operation of its programs to promote such conditions. One of them is the Local Development Programme (PRODESAL), which supports agricultural and forestry activity of small farmers with limited resources through technical advice and investments aimed at capitalization and modernization of user’s productive systems with emphasis on investment, environmentally friendly and designed for raising the level of income and provide sustainability for farming enterprises. In this research was analyzed if obtaining the instruments, strengthening Productive Investment (IFP) and the Initial Support (FAI) INDAP by PRODESAL users, would increases the value of production (VP). A sample of 118 from a total of 595 members of the community of San Clemente was used for this purpose. From the information obtained, the factors of production and commercial users were characterized, the effect of the IFP and FAI INDAP instruments on agricultural production users was also analyzed. Finally, this comparison of averages through SPSS version 15 allowed us to analyze the effect of IFP and FAI on the VP performing.According to the descriptive analysis of the factors of production, it was observed that most of the users are landowners, they have soils mainly classified as III and IV level, all of them have water to irrigate but not everyone are water owners neither they have a minimum use of modern irrigation. They exhibit a high degree of informality and only the livestock category makes production’s sales.The effect of the IFP and FAI instruments on production is not significant, which may indicate that both instruments PRODESAL program and delivered by INDAP instruments do not improve conditions for users. However, other factors must be considered before stating what is mentioned, as it was only evaluated after a year of receiving benefits. Users of the sample mainly belong to the segment one (the most vulnerable