815 research outputs found

    Plataforma para visualização de dados clínicos baseada em software open source

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    Healthcare providers are faced with the challenge of going through large amounts of data in search of answers to complex questions. On top of that, medical sta typically don't have database knowledge, and so, it is necessary to provide them with tools that allows the visualization of reports, charts and dashboards, without having to interact or even see query languages, ideally on the same platforms where data is generated. Embedding Business Intelligence (BI) has emerged as a possible solution to this issue, providing end-user with tools that enables them to explore data in a simpli ed way. Thus, the application where the solution was embedded not only is enhanced, but the necessity for data analysis stand-alone tools is eliminated. This thesis starts by analyzing if integrating a BI solution into medical platforms is plausible, by presenting the main characteristics of clinical data, followed by an overview of the state of the art on open-source Business Intelligence software. Then, a solution proposal is presented where the development of an embedded solution is pragmatically addressed. Finally, case studies where the integration of the work developed was integrated will be presented, in order to evaluate its applicability and integrability.Os profissionais de saúde enfrentam constantemente o desafio de analisar grandes quantidades de dados médicos na procura de respostas para questões complexas. Além disso, estes profissionais não têm conhecimentos de linguagens para consultas de bases de dados. Portanto, é necessário providenciar aos profissionais de saúde ferramentas que lhes permitam visualizar relatórios, gráficos e dashboards, sem que seja necessário interagir com linguagens de consulta, idealmente nas plataformas onde os dados são gerados. Integrar soluções de Business Intelligence (BI) em aplicações já existentes surge como uma possível solução para este problema, providenciando recursos aos utilizadores finais que lhes permitam explorar dados de uma forma simplificada. Deste modo, não só é valorizada a aplicação onde ocorre a integração, como é eliminada a necessidade de plataformas destacadas para análise de dados. Esta dissertação começa por analisar se a integração de soluções BI na área da saúde é viável, apresentando as principais caracteristicas de dados clínicos, bem como um estado de arte das soluções Business Intelligence existentes. De seguida, é apresentada uma proposta de solução, onde o desenvolvimento de uma solução integrável é detalhadamente descrito. Por fim, serão apresentados casos de estudo onde a integração do trabalho desenvolvido ocorreu, de forma a avaliar a sua aplicabilidade e integrabilidade.Mestrado em Engenharia Informátic

    Power and identity

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    Tribunal de Justiça de Santa Catarina agravo de instrumento n. 2003.029271-3

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    JiTT.travel Web platform

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    A Internet alterou completamente a forma como encaramos a vida e como nos movimentamos no mundo. As viagens (dentro e fora do país) são cada vez mais frequentes, mas o tempo parece ser cada vez importante. A forma como nos propomos conhecer novos lugares (espaços, monumentos, cidades…) tornou-se fulcral: as viagens organizadas por agências deram lugar a viagens individualizadas, em família ou com amigos, nas quais queremos gerir o tempo da forma que nos parece mais adequada. A plataforma digital aqui apresentada visa tornar estas visitas a locais importantes mais célere e mais profícua, apresentando rotas para visitas e diminuindo o tempo de espera para cada uma delas: individualmente ou em pequenos grupos, podemos organizar melhor o nosso tempo e conhecer mais… e melho

    Seguimento e re-identificação de pessoas num sistema multi-camera com vista superior

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    Understanding movement patterns inside retail areas is an information that is very useful nowadays, with several systems already developed to count and track pedestrians in those areas. The goal of this dissertation is to develop a system capable of counting, tracking, but mainly re-identifying pedestrians across multiple cameras with top-view, so that we can detect and analyze movement patterns in retail areas or similar applications. The work was divided in four important stages: the study and understanding of various systems that are already developed and the available algorithms; choosing the path to take in order to complete the proposed goals; video capture of adequate footage in order to simulate real scenarios as best as possible; test the developed algorithms and validate the obtained results. Results show that this system is capable of extracting interesting information regarding movement patterns and also capable to re-identify pedestrians across multiple cameras. However, this system might need to be adapted for real life scenarios with a bigger number of pedestrian passages.Ter alguma noção dos padrões de movimento dentro de centros comerciais e áreas de venda a retalho é uma informação cada vez mais procurada nos dias de hoje, com vários sistemas já desenvolvidos para contagem de pessoas e alguns com a possibilidade de acompanhar o percurso dessas pessoas dentro do estabelecimento comercial. Esta dissertação tem como objectivo desenvolver um sistema que permita contar o número de pessoas que passa numa dada àrea, juntamente com o percurso feito por cada pessoa, mas principalmente conseguir re-identificar pessoas entre câmeras, com o objectivo de permitir detetar e analisar padrões de movimento em centros comerciais ou aplicações semelhantes. O trabalho foi dividido em quatro partes importantes: o estudo dos sistemas já no mercado e dos algoritmos disponíveis; definição do caminho a seguir para atingir os objectivos; captura de vídeos adequados de forma a simular situações o mais realistas possíveis; testar os algoritmos e validar os resultados obtidos. Os resultados indicam que este sistema permite extrair informação interessante relativamente a padrões de movimento e re-identificação de pessoas, no entanto o sistema pode ter de ser adaptado para sistemas com um número muito mais elevado de passagens.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Testing four methods to assess leaf area in young olive trees

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    Assessment of leaf area is of fundamental importance to calculate diverse physiological parameters such as the total rate of transpiration or photosynthesis of a plant or its leaf area index (LAI). This paper reports the determination of total leaf area in 3 year-old olive trees of two varieties using four different methods and leaf counting as the control method. Leaf area was determined on 7 plants of each variety, Arbequina and Cobrançosa, by thoroughly counting the total number of leaves on each plant and then multiplying by the average leaf area for each variety Leaf area of the same plants was then estimated by (1) the analysis, with software ImageJ, of a photo of each plant from a side or from the top, (2) the crown light scattering measured with a ceptometer (AccuPAR Model LP-80) in the ground at 10 and 20 cm from the trunk, (3) the analysis with software Hemisfer of a photo of the plant from the top, and finally (4) by the determination of the transpiration (mmol s-1) of each plant over a 2 hour period by a weighing method and dividing this value by the mean transpiration rate (E) of each plant, calculated from the measurement of stomatal conductance (gs) on 10 leaves with a porometer and mean air RH and leaf and air temperature over the same period. Both the ceptometer and the Hemisfer software give a value of leaf area index (LAI). In order to obtain the leaf area, LAI was divided by the projected area of the crown obtained on photos from the top. Average leaf area (n = 7 × 30) was 0,238 × 10-3 m2 and 0,264 × 10-3 m2 for Arbequina and Cobrançosa, respectively. Total leaf area of each plant varied from 3,38 m2 and 4,85 m2 for Arbequina and 0,86 m2 and 3,99 m2 for Cobrançosa. Ceptometer and analysis of photos from a side gave estimates of leaf area under 50% of the actual leaf area. Analysis of photos from the top gave on average 70% the actual values. The most accurate methods were analysis with software Hemisfer and by the ratio of transpiration by E which gave values 5% bellow or 20% above actual values, respectively

    Image recognition-based architecture to enhance inclusive mobility of visually impaired people in smart and urban environments

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    The demographic growth that we have witnessed in recent years, which is expected to increase in the years to come, raises emerging challenges worldwide regarding urban mobility, both in transport and pedestrian movement. The sustainable development of cities is also intrinsically linked to urban planning and mobility strategies. The tasks of navigation and orientation in cities are something that we resort to today with great frequency, especially in unknown cities and places. Current navigation solutions refer to the precision aspect as a big challenge, especially between buildings in city centers. In this paper, we focus on the segment of visually impaired people and how they can obtain information about where they are when, for some reason, they have lost their orientation. Of course, the challenges are different and much more challenging in this situation and with this population segment. GPS, a technique widely used for navigation in outdoor environments, does not have the precision we need or the most beneficial type of content because the information that a visually impaired person needs when lost is not the name of the street or the coordinates but a reference point. Therefore, this paper includes the proposal of a conceptual architecture for outdoor positioning of visually impaired people using the Landmark Positioning approach.5311-8814-F0ED | Sara Maria da Cruz Maia de Oliveira PaivaN/