4,516 research outputs found

    Cat attacks towards people and/or animals, an educational pending task on pet’s owners?

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    This study aimed to explore the context and the characteristics of domestic cats’ (Felis catus) attacking their owners or other pets and their probable risk factors. A survey was targeted to persons perceiving that their cat attacked to people or/and animals. Only no‑stray, healthy cats’ information were included. 48 questions covered general information of the owners, and type of house; age sex, color, and medical record of cats; the context on which the aggression to people or other pet took place; handling habitudes in owner‑cat interaction. Chi‑square and Fisher test were used to compare the frequency of cat’s characteristics between cats with and without attacks towards people and/or animals. Risk factors analysis was made with WinEpi©. The information of 154 cats was obtained, the 91.5% of owners declared to play with their cats, 63 cats performed attacks to people and/or animals in the past three months. 8 (5.2%) cats perceived by their owners as non‑aggressive, in fact performed attacks towards people and/or animals. The most commons wounds reported were scratches and bites (68.2%), largely considered by owners (76.2%) as no needing medical revision. 62% of aggression events were preceded by vocalization and/or body posture changes of cats. A significant higher proportion of cats combining < 2years, and with nonexclusive litter box performed aggressions. Cats of age of < 2 years resulted with 4.7 to 32.2 more probabilities to perform aggression. The absence of other animals also resulted as risk factor. Owner attitudes minimizing cat aggression could imply the maintenance of unwanted behaviors in cats, also accidental aggression during human‑animal interaction deserve deeper studies due to possible zoonosis risk to owners

    Mexican Upper Cretaceous rudists (Hippuritida, Bivalvia) : Taxonomic, stratigraphic, and geologic data

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICAnalysis of seventy published papers dealing with Mexican Upper Cretaceous rudists, together with consultation of the newest geological maps covering the areas with mentioned rudist fossil localities, evidenced that: a) several among the Turonian-Maastrichtian species mentioned are junior synonymies, nomen nudum, insufficiently described, or have untraceable types. According to modern standards, around sixty species seem acceptable, Antillocaprinidae (12), Hippuritidae (11), Plagioptychidae (9), and Radiolitidae (27). Only three species (Turonian) are common with Eurasia. All the Santonian-Maastrichtian rudists (54) are exclusively American species, either ascribed to Eurasian (9) or to American (21) genera. b) Research on rudists helped to improve the stratigraphy in some areas, and to point out or clear up some geological issues in others. c) The restudy of the geology in some areas, of some rudist collections in museums, and of some rudist groups, are much necessary and must be undertaken

    Evaluación del punto de desempeño sísmico de una edificación escolar, diseñado con la Norma E.030, usando criterios de Visión 2000

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    La presente tesis tuvo como objetivo general determinar el punto de desempeño de una estructura escolar tipo “780 actual”-POST1997, teniendo como muestra el C.E.I 113 ubicado en Ventanilla, diseñado con el código sísmico E.030-2003 para un sismo de diseño bajo los enfoques que brinda VISION-2000. También se determinó el punto de desempeño para distintas demandas sísmicas definidas por el código ATC-40. Para determinar la capacidad estructural de la edificación se empleó el método espectro – capacidad, y un análisis no lineal estático, también denominado “Pushover” en el programa SAP2000. En el capítulo I se indicó la realidad problemática existente, descripción de antecedentes, el marco teórico y justificación para la realización de la presente tesis. En el capítulo II se indicó la metodología empleada y los procedimientos para la recolección de datos. En el capítulo III se muestra los resultados mediante gráficas y tablas e interpretación de los mismos. En el capítulo IV se discute sobre la validación de los resultados y comparación con antecedentes. En el capítulo V se presenta las conclusiones que se ha llegado en la investigación dando a entender que la estructura presenta un desempeño adecuado para el sismo de diseño. En el capítulo VI se presentó las recomendaciones para futuras investigaciones


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    El presente artículo postula una idea según la cual se presenta una apertura de los derechos no solo para el género humano sino para los otros componentes de ese universo, donde se relaciona el hombre y la naturaleza; recordando que la especie humana no es propietaria de la naturaleza sino que es un componente de esta

    La posición de la jurisprudencia en el sistema de fuentes del derecho colombiano

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    En el presente artículo, se pretende establecer cuál es la posición que tiene la jurisprudencia en el sistema de fuentes del derecho colombiano, haciendo un recorrido histórico desde su adopción en Colombia, auscultando las dificultades metodológicas para la identificación de la ratio decidendi, o razón fundamental para decidir el caso; para finalmente evaluar las disposiciones del Código Administrativo y de lo Procedimiento Administrativo colombiano, donde se le otorga un valor preponderante a la jurisprudencia emitida por el Consejo de Estado como órgano de cierre de la jurisdicción contencioso administrativa, asumiendo una posición crítica frente a la vulneración que estos preceptos pueden causar a los principios de autonomía e independencia judicial y al de separación de poderes, en aquellos eventos en que la Administración se ve obligada a aplicar las sentencias de unificación dictadas por la Sala Plena del Consejo de Estado

    La dialéctica de la regularización barrial en Bogotá: del urbanismo incompleto a la consolidación

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    El estudio de la producción habitacional popular va más allá de la discusión común de la informalidad como la contraparte de la formalidad. En este sentido, en el artículo se discute la importancia de la regularización barrial como parte de las políticas urbanas reactivas a la luz de la acentuada informalidad urbana en las metrópolis latinoamericanas. Para el caso particular de Bogotá, el análisis de la regularización barrial indaga por los vínculos entre la informalidad urbana y el modo de vida popular considerando una discusión sobre el derecho a la ciudad para, luego, realizar un balance de la eficacia de las políticas de vivienda basadas en el mercado formal como antesala al análisis de los resultados de los programas de regularización barrial. Finalmente se sugieren algunas líneas de acción al respecto de las políticas urbanas estatales.The study of popular housing production goes beyond the common discussion of the informality as a counterpart of formality. In this way, the article discusses the value of neighborhood regularization as part of reactive urban policies considering the outstanding urban informality in Latin American metropolises. In particular, for Bogotá, the analysis of neighborhood regularization inquires for the links between urban formality and the popular way of life, taking into account a discussion about the right of the city, and then to take stock of the effectiveness of the policies of Housing based on the formal market as a prelude to the analysis of the results of neighborhood regularization programs. Finally, we suggest some lines of action regarding the state urban policies

    Social impact analysis of cultural tourism in rural areas of Tlaxcala, Mexico

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    Alternative tourism, specifically cultural tourism, has gained worldwide importance. This is reflected in the growing number of people preferring this type of leisure activity. However, and even though archaeological and religious contexts represent hubs of attraction for pilgrims and tourists, their development seems to generate social issues. The objective of this research is to analyse the social impact of cultural tourism, from the perspective of tradesmen living in the rural municipality of Tlaxcala, Mexico. Information was collected by surveys. Sample size was calculated using the non-probabilistic method (snowball), and 54 tradesmen owning establishments near tourist attractions, were interviewed. Results evidenced that tradesmen do perceive social problems including traffic congestion, increasing living costs, pollution, street vendors, and augmented competition between businesses. However, they appreciate the benefits of providing tourists with low-cost catering services, considering tourism to be positive or very positive. The conclusion is that economic benefits outweigh the social impacts generated by tourism. Highlights: The influx of pilgrims and tourists is generating some social problems in the receiving rural spaces. Tourism service providers derive little benefit due to the low-cost services in accommodation and meal offer to tourists. Social problems are increasing (road traffic, higher cost of living, pollution, street vendors) and greater competition between businesses. Tourist activity is considered good or very good since it contributes to local development.Alternative tourism, specifically cultural tourism, has gained worldwide importance. This is reflected in the growing number of people preferring this type of leisure activity. However, and even though archaeological and religious contexts represent hubs of attraction for pilgrims and tourists, their development seems to generate social issues. The objective of this research is to analyse the social impact of cultural tourism, from the perspective of tradesmen living in the rural municipality of Tlaxcala, Mexico. Information was collected by surveys. Sample size was calculated using the non-probabilistic method (snowball), and 54 tradesmen owning establishments near tourist attractions, were interviewed. Results evidenced that tradesmen do perceive social problems including traffic congestion, increasing living costs, pollution, street vendors, and augmented competition between businesses. However, they appreciate the benefits of providing tourists with low-cost catering services, considering tourism to be positive or very positive. The conclusion is that economic benefits outweigh the social impacts generated by tourism. Highlights: The influx of pilgrims and tourists is generating some social problems in the receiving rural spaces. Tourism service providers derive little benefit due to the low-cost services in accommodation and meal offer to tourists. Social problems are increasing (road traffic, higher cost of living, pollution, street vendors) and greater competition between businesses. Tourist activity is considered good or very good since it contributes to local development

    MeteoVIAS: Web Application for winter road weather forecasting

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    Presentación realizada en la 3rd European Nowcasting Conference, celebrada en la sede central de AEMET en Madrid del 24 al 26 de abril de 2019