79 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the surgical difficulty in lower third molar extraction

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    The ability to predict the surgical difficulty of lower third molar extraction facilitates the design of treatment plans by minimizing complications and improving the preparation of patients and assistants in terms of the postoperative management of inflammation and pain. The aims of this study were to evaluate the value of panoramic radiographs in predicting lower third molar extraction difficulty and technique and to determine if the experience of the practitioner had any influence on this predictive ability. Fourteen dental practitioners with varying levels of experience evaluate the difficulty of lower third molar extraction in a group of patients using a 100-mm visual analog scale (VAS) and a modified version of a surgical difficulty scale. The results were then compared to postoperative scores calculated using the same scale. A tendency to underestimate the difficulty of procedures that was more pronounced in observers with greater levels of experience was observed. A low level of agreement between preoperative and postoperative evaluations using the surgical difficulty scale as well as an association between difficulty assessed preoperatively using the VAS and difficulty assessed postoperatively using the surgical difficulty scale was also found. The use of panoramic radiographs does not allow practitioners to accurately predict lower third molar extraction difficulty and technique, regardless of their level of experience

    Afectación del paisaje urbano por contaminación visual en el Municipio de Chía Departamento de Cundinamarca

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    La política pública como conjunto de decisiones del Estado que tiene como fin procurar el desarrollo de elementos que permitan a la comunidad, sus ciudadanos el bienestar sin llegar a perturbar el ambiente o limitar el desarrollo empresarial e industrial, debe surgir ser el acuerdo democrático de todos. El ambiente sano, su cuidado es una responsabilidad de todos, los usuarios de elementos que pueden perturbarlo y de aquellos que requieren de la información que transmite por ejemplo una valla o un pendón. La contaminación visual es hoy en día el principal elemento perturbador del espacio público, accidentes de tránsito, obstaculización, deformación del ambiente son el resultado del uso indiscriminado de elementos que afectan el ambiente en muchos casos de forma irreversible

    Treatment of hepatitis delta and HIV infection

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    Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is a defective agent that only infects individuals with hepatitis B virus (HBV). Around 5–10% of chronic hepatitis B patients worldwide are superinfected with HDV, which means 15–25 million people. Hepatitis delta is the most severe of all chronic viral hepatitis, leading to cirrhosis, liver cancer and/or transplantation in most patients. Despite it, many HDV patients remain undiagnosed. The only treatment available until recently was peginterferon alfa, with poor results and significant side effects. The recent approval of bulevirtide, a lipopeptide that blocks HBV/HDV entry, has revolutionized the field. Another drug, lonafarnib, already approved to treat progeria, is expected to be available soon as HDV therapy. Since there is no cell reservoir for the HDV RNA genome, hypothetically viral clearance could be achieved if complete blocking of viral replication occurs for a minimum time frame. This is what happens in hepatitis C using direct-acting antivirals, with the achievement of cure in nearly all treated patients. We envision the cure of hepatitis delta using combination antiviral therapy. Given that sexual and parenteral transmission routes are the most frequent for the acquisition of HBV and HDV, shared with HIV infection and HBV/HDV and HIV coinfection. The clinical outcome of hepatitis delta is worst in the HIV setting, with more frequent liver complications. Since most persons infected with HIV are on regular health care follow-up, we propose that HIV-HDV patients should be prioritized for moving forward new and potentially curative treatments for hepatitis delta

    Post-stroke Shoulder Pain: Epidemiological Study and Healthcare Analysis on La Coruña Health Area

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    [Resumen] Antecedentes y objetivo. El síndrome de hombro doloroso postictus (HDPI) es una de las complicaciones más comunes tras un accidente cerebrovascular. Un estudio español estableció su incidencia en torno el 53% en el año 2001; no hay estudios más recientes. El objetivo de este estudio fue obtener información epidemiológica actualizada del HDPI en España y, secundariamente, obtener información de interés sobre su atención clínica. Pacientes y métodos. Estudio observacional prospectivo sobre 1.000 pacientes. Los pacientes fueron seleccionados de todos los servicios responsables de la asistencia clínica de pacientes postictus de un área sanitaria completa y seguidos durante un año. Fueron analizadas variables sociodemográficas, características del HDPI y factores relacionados con la asistencia médica. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las variables, empleando la función de Kaplan Meier para analizar la incidencia acumulada del HDPI. Resultados. Constituyeron la muestra final 576 individuos, de los cuales 119 (21%) presentaron HDPI. El 58% de ellos fue derivado a rehabilitación con un periodo de espera medio de 31 días. El diagnóstico del HDPI se dio en la mayoría de los casos tras el alta hospitalaria. Los servicios de rehabilitación detectaron el 41% de los casos, mientras que los servicios de Atención Primaria detectaron el 26%. Conclusiones. El HDPI es una complicación frecuente. La implementación de una pronta atención rehabilitadora y la reducción del periodo de ingreso hospitalario, en aquellos casos que resulte posible, podrían facilitar su asistencia médica. Una mayor participación de los servicios de rehabilitación y ambulatorios en los protocolos de valoración podría igualmente mejorar el diagnóstico y seguimiento de estos pacientes.[Abstract] Background and objective. Post-stroke shoulder pain (PSSP) syndrome is a common complication after stroke. The most recent reference (2001) established PSSP incidence in Spain is around 53%. The objective of the current study was to obtain PSSP epidemiological data in Spain at present, obtaining information of interest about its clinical care secondarily. Patients and methods. A prospective observational study was developed on 1,000 patients, which were selected from all levels responsible of stroke patients care of one health area and followed-up during one year. Sociodemographic data, PSSP characteristics and medical care parameters were collected. Descriptive analysis was performed, using modified Kaplan-Meier function to show PSSP cumulative incidence. Results. The final sample consisted of 576 individuals, of which 119 (21%) were diagnosed with PSSP; 58% of the PSSP group was transferred to rehabilitation departments, delaying for a mean of 31 days. Most of patients were diagnosed with PSSP after hospital discharge: rehabilitation departments detected 41% of PSSP cases, while the primary care department detected 26%. Conclusions. PSSP is a frequent complication. Implementing a prompt rehabilitation care and a reduced hospital stay, where possible, could improve the PSSP medical care. Increasing the participation of rehabilitation and primary care departments in the PSSP assessment could substantially improve the diagnosis and follow-up of these patients


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    The objective of this study was to identify the parasitic fauna, the impact of the parasite-host relationship and the potential risk of transmission of zoonotic parasites in fish marketed in the Metropolitan Region of Recife (Northeastern of Brazil). Ectoparasites and endoparasites were collected in Pseudupeneus maculatus (n=34), Lutjanus synagris (n=23), and Ocyurus chrysurus (n=20). Organs and/or tissues with and without parasites were processed by routine histological techniques. Overall, 43 (55.8%) specimens were parasitized by: Rocinela signata; Lernanthropus sp.; Lernaeolophus sultanus; Goussia sp.; Haliotrema sp.; Raphidascaris (Ichthyascaris) sp.; Cucullanus sp.; larvae of Pseudoterranova sp., Contracaecum sp., Anisakis sp., and Trypanorhyncha.Macroscopic and/or histological alterations were associated with Lernantrhopus sp. (gills) and Pseudoterranova sp. (liver) in O. chrysurus; R. signata (gills) in P. maculatus; and Lernaeolophus sultanus (maxilla) of L. synagris. Histological analysis was shown to be a tool that provides important knowledge about the impact of the parasites on the health of studied marine fish. New records of parasites are presented (Lernanthropus sp. in O. chrysurus, Goussia sp. in P. maculatus, L. sultanus in L. synagris) and parasites of importance in Public Health are registered (Anisakis sp., Pseudoterranova sp., Contracaecum sp., and Trypanorhyncha), emphasizing the need for measures to avoid the risk of transmission to consumer. The information contributes to the knowledgeabout the parasitic fauna of fish and its distribution along the coast of Brazil

    Relationship between IGF-1 and body weight in inflammatory bowel diseases: Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), represented by ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn''s disease (CD), are characterized by chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, what leads to diarrhea, malnutrition, and weight loss. Depression of the growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor-1 axis (GH-IGF-1 axis) could be responsible of these symptoms. We demonstrate that long-term treatment (54 weeks) of adult CD patients with adalimumab (ADA) results in a decrease in serum IGF-1 without changes in serum IGF-1 binding protein (IGF1BP4). These results prompted us to conduct a preclinical study to test the efficiency of IGF-1 in the medication for experimental colitis. IGF-1 treatment of rats with DSS-induced colitis has a beneficial effect on the following circulating biochemical parameters: glucose, albumin, and total protein levels. In this experimental group we also observed healthy maintenance of colon size, body weight, and lean mass in comparison with the DSS-only group. Histological analysis revealed restoration of the mucosal barrier with the IGF-1 treatment, which was characterized by healthy quantities of mucin production, structural maintenance of adherers junctions (AJs), recuperation of E-cadherin and ß-catenin levels and decrease in infiltrating immune cells and in metalloproteinase-2 levels. The experimentally induced colitis caused activation of apoptosis markers, including cleaved caspase 3, caspase 8, and PARP and decreases cell-cycle checkpoint activators including phosphorylated Rb, cyclin E, and E2F1. The IGF-1 treatment inhibited cyclin E depletion and partially protects PARP levels. The beneficial effects of IGF-1 in experimental colitis could be explained by a re-sensitization of the IGF-1/IRS-1/AKT cascade to exogenous IGF-1. Given these results, we postulate that IGF-1 treatment of IBD patients could prove to be successful in reducing disease pathology. © 2021 The Author

    Correction : Chaparro et al. Incidence, Clinical Characteristics and Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Spain: Large-Scale Epidemiological Study. J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 2885

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    The authors wish to make the following corrections to this paper [...]

    Incidence, Clinical Characteristics and Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Spain : Large-Scale Epidemiological Study

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    (1) Aims: To assess the incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in Spain, to describe the main epidemiological and clinical characteristics at diagnosis and the evolution of the disease, and to explore the use of drug treatments. (2) Methods: Prospective, population-based nationwide registry. Adult patients diagnosed with IBD-Crohn's disease (CD), ulcerative colitis (UC) or IBD unclassified (IBD-U)-during 2017 in Spain were included and were followed-up for 1 year. (3) Results: We identified 3611 incident cases of IBD diagnosed during 2017 in 108 hospitals covering over 22 million inhabitants. The overall incidence (cases/100,000 person-years) was 16 for IBD, 7.5 for CD, 8 for UC, and 0.5 for IBD-U; 53% of patients were male and median age was 43 years (interquartile range = 31-56 years). During a median 12-month follow-up, 34% of patients were treated with systemic steroids, 25% with immunomodulators, 15% with biologics and 5.6% underwent surgery. The percentage of patients under these treatments was significantly higher in CD than UC and IBD-U. Use of systemic steroids and biologics was significantly higher in hospitals with high resources. In total, 28% of patients were hospitalized (35% CD and 22% UC patients, p < 0.01). (4) Conclusion: The incidence of IBD in Spain is rather high and similar to that reported in Northern Europe. IBD patients require substantial therapeutic resources, which are greater in CD and in hospitals with high resources, and much higher than previously reported. One third of patients are hospitalized in the first year after diagnosis and a relevant proportion undergo surgery

    Plan de emerxencias. Fundación Pública Urxencias Sanitarias de Galicia-061

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    A Fundación Pública Urxencias Sanitarias de Galicia-061 é a encargada de proporcionar, desde o momento que ocorre a emerxencia, un control da situación, unha primeira avaliación e unha asistencia sanitaria que logre salvar o maior número de vidas e volver á normalidade o antes posible. Para isto, a actuación sanitaria debe seguir unha metodoloxía perfectamente establecida, xa que as actuacións organizadas son as mellores ferramentas de traballo. Así pois, é necesario posibilitar normas de actuación o máis protocolizadas posible, para poder traballar nas mellores condicións de seguridade e manter unhas directrices xerais, onde cada persoa coñeza tanto a súa función como a do resto dos componentes do equipo, procedendo, ademais, á súa identificación funcional mediante signos externos (uniformidade, carteis, identificación, etc.); para facilitar o entendemento e a coordinación de todos os implicados en resolver a situación acaecida. Con este fin, preséntase o Plan de emerxencias que a continuación se expón, nun afán de dar sempre a mellor e máis axeitada resposta; obxectivo primordial desde que a FPUS de Galicia–061 se instaura como responsable da medicina prehospitalaria na nosa comunidade autónoma.La Fundación Pública Urxencias Sanitarias de Galicia-061 es la encargada de proporcionar, desde el momento en que ocurre la emergencia, un control de la situación, una primera evaluación y una asistencia sanitaria que logre salvar el mayor número de vidas y volver a la normalidad lo antes posible. Para esto, la actuación sanitaria debe seguir una metodología perfectamente establecida, ya que las actuaciones organizadas son las mejores herramientas de trabajo. Así pues, es necesario posibilitar normas de actuación lo más protocolizadas posible, para poder trabajar en las mejores condiciones de seguridad y mantener unas directrices generales, donde cada persona conozca tanto su función como la del resto de los componentes del equipo, procediendo, además, a su identificación funcional mediante signos externos (uniformidad, carteles, identificación, etc.); para facilitar el entendimiento y la coordinación de todos los implicados en resolver la situación acaecidad. Con este fin, se presenta el Plan de emergencias que a continuación se expone, en un afán de dar siempre la respuesta mejor y más idónea; objetivo primordial desde que la FPUS de Galicia-061 se instaura como responsable de la medicina prehospitalaria en nuestra comunidad autónoma

    Afección pericárdica y miocárdica tras infección por SARS-CoV-2: estudio descriptivo transversal en trabajadores sanitarios

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    [EN] Introduction and objectives The cardiac sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection are still poorly documented. We conducted a cross-sectional study in healthcare workers to report evidence of pericardial and myocardial involvement after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Methods We studied 139 healthcare workers with confirmed past SARS-CoV-2 infection. Participants underwent clinical assessment, electrocardiography, and laboratory tests, including immune cell profiling and cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR). Clinically suspected pericarditis was diagnosed when classic criteria were present and clinically suspected myocarditis was based on the combination of at least 2 CMR criteria. Results Median age was 52 (41-57) years, 71.9% were women, and 16.5% were previously hospitalized for COVID-19 pneumonia. On examination (10.4 [9.3-11.0] weeks after infection-like symptoms), participants showed hemodynamic stability. Chest pain, dyspnea or palpitations were present in 41.7% participants, electrocardiographic abnormalities in 49.6%, NT-proBNP elevation in 7.9%, troponin in 0.7%, and CMR abnormalities in 60.4%. A total of 30.9% participants met criteria for either pericarditis and/or myocarditis: isolated pericarditis was diagnosed in 5.8%, myopericarditis in 7.9%, and isolated myocarditis in 17.3%. Most participants (73.2%) showed altered immune cell counts in blood, particularly decreased eosinophil (27.3%; P < .001) and increased cytotoxic T cell numbers (17.3%; P < .001). Clinically suspected pericarditis was associated (P < .005) with particularly elevated cytotoxic T cells and decreased eosinophil counts, while participants diagnosed with clinically suspected myopericarditis or myocarditis had lower (P < .05) neutrophil counts, natural killer-cells, and plasma cells. Conclusions Pericardial and myocardial involvement with clinical stability are frequent after SARS-CoV-2 infection and are associated with specific immune cell profiles.[ES] Introducción y objetivos Las secuelas cardiacas tras la infección por SARS-CoV-2 todavía están poco documentadas. Se realizó un estudio transversal en trabajadores sanitarios para estudiar la prevalencia de afección pericárdica y miocárdica tras la infección por SARS-CoV-2. Métodos Se estudió a 139 trabajadores sanitarios con infección previa confirmada por SARS-CoV-2. Los participantes se sometieron a evaluación clínica, electrocardiograma, laboratorio, incluido el perfil de células inmunitarias, y resonancia magnética cardiaca (RMC). El diagnóstico clínico de pericarditis se realizó ante la presencia de los criterios clásicos y el diagnóstico clínico de miocarditis ante la presencia de al menos 2 criterios de RMC. Resultados La mediana de edad fue de 52 (41–57) años, el 71,9% eran mujeres, y el 16.5% había sido hospitalizado previamente por neumonía por COVID-19. En la evaluación (10,4 [9,3–11,0] semanas después de los síntomas de infección), todos los participantes presentaban estabilidad hemodinámica. El 41,7% presentaba dolor torácico, disnea o palpitaciones; el 49,6%, alteraciones electrocardiográficas; el 7,9%, elevación de NT-proBNP; el 0,7%, elevación de troponina; y el 60,4%, alteraciones en la RMC. Un total de 30,9% de participantes cumplieron los criterios clínicos establecidos de pericarditis o miocarditis: pericarditis aislada en el 5,8%, miopericarditis en el 7,9% y miocarditis aislada en el 17,3%. La mayoría de los participantes (73,2%) mostraron recuentos de células inmunitarias alterados en sangre; en particular diminución de eosinófilos (27,3%; p < 0,001) y aumento del número de células T citotóxicas (17,3%; p < 0,001). La sospecha clínica de pericarditis se asoció (p < 0,005) particularmente con un elevado número de células T citotóxicas y recuento de eosinófilos disminuidos; mientras que los participantes con sospecha clínica de miopericarditis o miocarditis tenían recuentos de neutrófilos, células natural killer y células plasmáticas más bajos (p < 0,05). Conclusiones La afección pericárdica y miocárdica con estabilidad hemodinámica es frecuente después de la infección por SARS-CoV-2 y se asocia con perfiles de células inmunitarias específicas.This study was supported by CIBERCV (CB16/11/00374), CIBERONC (CB16/12/00400) and the COV20/00386 grant from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and FEDER, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Madrid, Spain, and by GRS COVID 26/A/20 from the Gerencia Regional de Salud, Junta de Castilla y León, Spain.Peer reviewe