91 research outputs found

    Abnormal IgD and IgA1 O-glycosylation in hyperimmunoglobulinaemia D and periodic fever syndrome

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    In order to determine the glycosylation pattern for IgD, and to examine whether there are changes in the pattern of IgD and IgA1 O-glycosylation in patients with hyperimmunoglobulinaemia D and periodic fever syndrome (HIDS) during acute febrile attacks and during periods of quiescence, serum was obtained from 20 patients with HIDS and 20 control subjects. In the HIDS group, serum was obtained either during an acute febrile episode (n = 9) or during a period of quiescence (n = 11). The O-glycosylation profiles of native and desialylated IgA1 and IgD were measured in an ELISA-type system using the lectins Helix aspersa and peanut agglutinin, which bind to alternative forms of O-glycan moieties. IgD is more heavily O-galactosylated and less O-sialylated than IgA1 in healthy subjects. HIDS is associated with more extensive O-galactosylation of IgD and a reduction in O-sialylation of both IgD and IgA1. These changes are present both during acute febrile attacks and periods of quiescence. The T cell IgD receptor is a lectin with binding affinity for the O-glycans of both IgD and IgA1. The observed changes in IgD and IgA1 O-glycosylation are likely to have a significant effect on IgD/IgA1–T cell IgD receptor interactions including basal immunoglobulin synthesis, and possibly myeloid IgD receptor-mediated cytokine release

    Species-specific or assemblage-wide decline? The case of Arthroleptides dutoiti Loveridge, 1935 and the amphibian assemblage of Mount Elgon, Kenya

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    The frog Arthroleptides dutoiti Loveridge, 1935, endemic to Mount Elgon, East Africa was last collected in 1962 and has not been observed since. The species is regarded as Critically Endangered by the IUCN Red List and is a priority species on the Zoological Society of London’s EDGE (Evolutionarily Distinct, Globally Endangered) project, given its Red List status and phylogenetic distinctiveness. We analyse temporal patterns of abundance (1934–2014) of A. dutoiti and the remainder of the Mount Elgon amphibian assemblage to infer the probability of re-encountering A. dutoiti and assess whether declines are species specific to A. dutoiti, or whether they are assemblage-wide phenomena. Our results show that for localities where surveys have been repeatedly conducted, A. dutoiti is likely to be locally extinct. Declines are observed in other Mount Elgon amphibians, encompassing both specialists and generalists. Causal factors for declines are unknown, but habitat change might be important, given the high degree of forest loss in the area, especially since the turn of the 20th century. Urgent sampling of preferred microhabitats of A. dutoiti at the type locality and surrounding areas beyond those included in our study are required to determine whether or not the species is extinct. Impacts on other taxonomic groups would also be useful to understand so that it can be determined how broad the changes are for the Mount Elgon biota

    Pre‐adaptation and adaptation shape trait‐environment matching in the Neotropics

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    This is the final version. Available from Wiley via the DOI in this record. Phylogenetic data (BEAST configuration file, MCC tree and posterior set of trees), trait, environment, and occurrence data, and R script to extract trait data from monographs can be found in the supplementary files in Dryad repository: https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.vhhmgqnzq.Aim: Functional traits shape the distribution of taxa across environments. However, it remains unclear whether trait and environmental niche evolution are correlated, and what happened first: trait change facilitating environment shifts (pre-adaptation) or environmental change leading to trait change (adaptation). We focus on a species-rich Neotropical legume radiation to shed light on this enigma. Location: Neotropics. Time Period: Cenozoic. Major Taxa Studied: Fabaceae: Papilionoidae: Swartzia. Methods: We assembled leaflet, fruit and petal size data from monographs and herbarium collections for 86 to 96% of the c. 180 Swartzia species, inferred a dated Swartzia phylogenetic tree from existing DNA sequences covering 38% of the species and integrated these with distribution, soil and climate data. We used phylogenetic linear regression to quantify trait–environment relationships and applied comparative methods to evaluate modes of correlated evolution between traits and environments. Results: Leaflet and petal size were strongly linked to climate, while fruit size was not associated with climate or soil characteristics. Evolutionary transitions to relatively low rainfall and low temperature environments were conditional on the evolution of small leaflets, whereas transitions to wet and warm environments were preceded by the evolution of larger leaflets. In contrast, transitions to the warmest or coldest environments were followed, rather than preceded, by petal loss. Main Conclusion: Our results show that the macroevolution of functional traits has influenced the broad-scale distribution of Swartzia across Neotropical rainforest, seasonally dry, montane and inundated habitats. We suggest that trait evolution is conditional on environmental change but both pre-adaptive and adaptive processes may occur. These processes are important to understand the distribution of diversity at both regional (e.g. Amazonia) and global biogeographical scales.German Research Foundation (DFG

    Dendritic Cell Subtypes from Lymph Nodes and Blood Show Contrasted Gene Expression Programs upon Bluetongue Virus Infection

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    Chantier qualité GAHuman and animal hemorrhagic viruses initially target dendritic cells (DCs). It has been proposed, but not documented, that both plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs) and conventional DCs (cDCs) may participate in the cytokine storm encountered in these infections. In order to evaluate the contribution of DCs in hemorrhagic virus pathogenesis, we performed a genome-wide expression analysis during infection by Bluetongue virus (BTV), a double-stranded RNA virus that induces hemorrhagic fever in sheep and initially infects cDCs. Both pDCs and cDCs accumulated in regional lymph nodes and spleen during BTV infection. The gene response profiles were performed at the onset of the disease and markedly differed with the DC subtypes and their lymphoid organ location. An integrative knowledge-based analysis revealed that blood pDCs displayed a gene signature related to activation of systemic inflammation and permeability of vasculature. In contrast, the gene profile of pDCs and cDCs in lymph nodes was oriented to inhibition of inflammation, whereas spleen cDCs did not show a clear functional orientation. These analyses indicate that tissue location and DC subtype affect the functional gene expression program induced by BTV and suggest the involvement of blood pDCs in the inflammation and plasma leakage/hemorrhage during BTV infection in the real natural host of the virus. These findings open the avenue to target DCs for therapeutic interventions in viral hemorrhagic diseases

    Microsatellite discovery in an insular amphibian (Grandisonia alternans) with comments on cross-species utility and the accuracy of locus identification from unassembled Illumina data

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    The Seychelles archipelago is unique among isolated oceanic islands because it features an endemic radiation of caecilian amphibians (Gymnophiona). In order to develop population genetics resources for this system, we identified microsatellite loci using unassembled Illumina MiSeq data generated from a genomic library of Grandisonia alternans, a species that occurs on multiple islands in the archipelago. Applying a recently described method (PALFINDER) we identified 8001 microsatellite loci that were potentially informative for population genetics analyses. Of these markers, we screened 60 loci using five individuals, directly sequenced several amplicons to confirm their identity, and then used eight loci to score allele sizes in 64 G. alternans individuals originating from five islands. A number of these individuals were sampled using non-lethal methods, demonstrating the efficacy of non-destructive molecular sampling in amphibian research. Although two loci satisfied our criteria as diploid, neutrally evolving loci with the statistical power to detect population structure, our success in identifying reliable loci was very low. Additionally, we discovered some issues with primer redundancy and differences between Illumina and Sanger sequences that suggest some Illumina-inferred loci are invalid. We investigated cross-species utility for eight loci and found most could be successfully amplified, sequenced and aligned across other species and genera of caecilians from the Seychelles. Thus, our study in part supported the validity of using PALFINDER with unassembled reads for microsatellite discovery within and across species, but importantly identified major limitations to applying this approach to small datasets (ca. 1 million reads) and loci with small tandem repeat sizes

    Establishment of a Bluetongue Virus Infection Model in Mice that Are Deficient in the Alpha/Beta Interferon Receptor

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    Bluetongue (BT) is a noncontagious, insect-transmitted disease of ruminants caused by the bluetongue virus (BTV). A laboratory animal model would greatly facilitate the studies of pathogenesis, immune response and vaccination against BTV. Herein, we show that adult mice deficient in type I IFN receptor (IFNAR(−/−)) are highly susceptible to BTV-4 and BTV-8 infection when the virus is administered intravenously. Disease was characterized by ocular discharges and apathy, starting at 48 hours post-infection and quickly leading to animal death within 60 hours of inoculation. Infectious virus was recovered from the spleen, lung, thymus, and lymph nodes indicating a systemic infection. In addition, a lymphoid depletion in spleen, and severe pneumonia were observed in the infected mice. Furthermore, IFNAR(−/−) adult mice immunized with a BTV-4 inactivated vaccine showed the induction of neutralizing antibodies against BTV-4 and complete protection against challenge with a lethal dose of this virus. The data indicate that this mouse model may facilitate the study of BTV pathogenesis, and the development of new effective vaccines for BTV

    Influence of the Temperature and the Genotype of the HSP90AA1 Gene over Sperm Chromatin Stability in Manchega Rams

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    The present study addresses the effect of heat stress on males' reproduction ability. For that, we have evaluated the sperm DNA fragmentation (DFI) by SCSA of ejaculates incubated at 37°C during 0, 24 and 48 hours after its collection, as a way to mimic the temperature circumstances to which spermatozoa will be subject to in the ewe uterus. The effects of temperature and temperature-humidity index (THI) from day 60 prior collection to the date of semen collection on DFI were examined. To better understand the causes determining the sensitivity of spermatozoa to heat, this study was conducted in 60 males with alternative genotypes for the SNP G/C−660 of the HSP90AA1 promoter, which encode for the Hsp90α protein. The Hsp90α protein predominates in the brain and testis, and its role in spermatogenesis has been described in several species. Ridge regression analyses showed that days 29 to 35 and 7 to 14 before sperm collection (bsc) were the most critical regarding the effect of heat stress over DFI values. Mixed model analyses revealed that DFI increases over a threshold of 30°C for maximum temperature and 22 for THI at days 29 to 35 and 7 to 14 bsc only in animals carrying the GG−660 genotype. The period 29–35 bsc coincide with the meiosis I process for which the effect of the Hsp90α has been described in mice. The period 7–14 bsc may correspond with later stages of the meiosis II and early stages of epididymal maturation in which the replacement of histones by protamines occurs. Because of GG−660 genotype has been associated to lower levels of HSP90AA1 expression, suboptimal amounts of HSP90AA1 mRNA in GG−660 animals under heat stress conditions make spermatozoa DNA more susceptible to be fragmented. Thus, selecting against the GG−660 genotype could decrease the DNA fragmentation and spermatozoa thermal susceptibility in the heat season, and its putative subsequent fertility gainsPublishe

    Integrated Operational Taxonomic Units (IOTUs) in Echolocating Bats: A Bridge between Molecular and Traditional Taxonomy

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    Background: Nowadays, molecular techniques are widespread tools for the identification of biological entities. However, until very few years ago, their application to taxonomy provoked intense debates between traditional and molecular taxonomists. To prevent every kind of disagreement, it is essential to standardize taxonomic definitions. Along these lines, we introduced the concept of Integrated Operational Taxonomic Unit (IOTU). IOTUs come from the concept of Operational Taxonomic Unit (OTU) and paralleled the Molecular Operational Taxonomic Unit (MOTU). The latter is largely used as a standard in many molecular-based works (even if not always explicitly formalized). However, while MOTUs are assigned solely on molecular variation criteria, IOTUs are identified from patterns of molecular variation that are supported by at least one more taxonomic characteristic. Methodology/Principal Findings: We tested the use of IOTUs on the widest DNA barcoding dataset of Italian echolocating bats species ever assembled (i.e. 31 species, 209 samples). We identified 31 molecular entities, 26 of which corresponded to the morphologically assigned species, two MOTUs and three IOTUs. Interestingly, we found three IOTUs in Myotis nattereri, one of which is a newly described lineage found only in central and southern Italy. In addition, we found a level of molecular variability within four vespertilionid species deserving further analyses. According to our scheme two of them (i.e. M. bechsteinii and Plecotus auritus) should be ranked as unconfirmed candidate species (UCS). Conclusions/Significance: From a systematic point of view, IOTUs are more informative than the general concept of OTUs and the more recent MOTUs. According to information content, IOTUs are closer to species, although it is important to underline that IOTUs are not species. Overall, the use of a more precise panel of taxonomic entities increases the clarity in the systematic field and has the potential to fill the gaps between modern and traditional taxonomy