153 research outputs found

    Macroinvertebrados bentônicos como bioindicadores da qualidade da agua na parte baixa do Rio Jacutinga : Concórdia-SC, Brasil

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    O estudo objetivou avaliar a qualidade da água do Rio Jacutinga, SC, Brasil por meio da comunidade macrobentônica, de agosto de 2015 a abril de 2016 utilizando-se o amostrador do tipo draga petersen. Foram amostrados 1348 organismos. Os grupos de maior incidência foram da classe Oligochaeta e da ordem Diptera (Chironomidae e Ceratopogonidae). Todos os pontos amostrados apresentaram certo grau de poluição. Quatro pontos foram classificados como classe V- Situação crítica, com águas muito poluídas e sistema muito alterado e um ponto ficou classificado como classe IV- Situação duvidosa, águas poluídas, sistema alterado, indicando que a qualidade da água deste corpo hídrico está muito comprometida.The study goal was to evaluate the water quality of the Jacutinga river (SC, Brazil) by the macrobenthic community way. Monitoring was made from August 2015 to April 2016. A dredger type sampler was used to collect 1,348 organisms. The highest incidence groups were of the Oligochaeta class and the order Diptera (Chironomidae and Ceratopogonidae). All the sites monitored showed some pollution degree. Four sites were classified as class V - Critical situation, which means water body is very polluted and system has been highly altered. One site was classified as class IV - Doubtful situation, meaning polluted water and altered system indicate that the water quality of this site is very impairedFil: Barp, Elisete A.. Universidade do Contestado (Brasil)Fil: Lima, Kassieli. Universidade do Contestado (Brasil)Fil: Armiliato, Neide. Universidade do Contestado (Brasil)Fil: Favassa , Celi A. Universidade do Contestado (Brasil

    Statistical inference for generative models with maximum mean discrepancy

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    While likelihood-based inference and its variants provide a statistically efficient and widely applicable approach to parametric inference, their application to models involving intractable likelihoods poses challenges. In this work, we study a class of minimum distance estimators for intractable generative models, that is, statistical models for which the likelihood is intractable, but simulation is cheap. The distance considered, maximum mean discrepancy (MMD), is defined through the embedding of probability measures into a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. We study the theoretical properties of these estimators, showing that they are consistent, asymptotically normal and robust to model misspecification. A main advantage of these estimators is the flexibility offered by the choice of kernel, which can be used to trade-off statistical efficiency and robustness. On the algorithmic side, we study the geometry induced by MMD on the parameter space and use this to introduce a novel natural gradient descent-like algorithm for efficient implementation of these estimators. We illustrate the relevance of our theoretical results on several classes of models including a discrete-time latent Markov process and two multivariate stochastic differential equation models

    Stein Point Markov Chain Monte Carlo

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    An important task in machine learning and statistics is the approximation of a probability measure by an empirical measure supported on a discrete point set. Stein Points are a class of algorithms for this task, which proceed by sequentially minimising a Stein discrepancy between the empirical measure and the target and, hence, require the solution of a non-convex optimisation problem to obtain each new point. This paper removes the need to solve this optimisation problem by, instead, selecting each new point based on a Markov chain sample path. This significantly reduces the computational cost of Stein Points and leads to a suite of algorithms that are straightforward to implement. The new algorithms are illustrated on a set of challenging Bayesian inference problems, and rigorous theoretical guarantees of consistency are established


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    The natural conditions of water resources can be modified with the unsustainable use of them. For example, in Belém, capital of Pará State, Água Preta Lake has a history of degradation jeopardize the drinking water supply in Belém. Thus, the main contribution of this work is to develop a study on modeling hydrodynamic study of Água Preta Lake. Such study is carried through the bathymetric of 2009 performed with an ADCP. The bathymetry and substrate data that composes the Lake and its boundary. The bathymetry data are used to construct the digital elevation model, with the coordinates x, y and z in UTM; while the composition of the substrate is used for the determination of the Manning coefficient. The coordinates x, y, z and Manning coefficient are used in the hydrodynamic model. This one is the classic model of Saint-Venant. In this case, a vertical integration is applied to the three-dimensional equations of Navier-Stokes for incompressible flow with outline conditions, of bottom and of liquid and solid surface, included. Thus, the problem becomes two-dimensional (2D) and the values obtained for velocities are medium in the vertical direction. The velocities are the input data for the many models, such as pollutant dispersion sediment transport and aquatic fauna and flora habitats. Thus, besides of hydrodynamic model explains the patterns of flow in the lake, it can be employed for the others models of the Lake Água Preta


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    O estudo teve por objetivo determinar valores de força de preensão manual de atletas de judô de Chapecó-SC, subdivididos por faixa, peso e categoria de peso, todos do sexo masculino, com média de 22,12 anos de idade. O aparelho utilizado para coleta de dados foi o TKK-5401 dinamômetro de mão digital para determinar à força de preensão manual, seguindo o protocolo da Associação Americana de Terapeutas da Mão (ASHT). Foram coletadas três tentativas de máxima contração em ambas as mãos com intervalo de quinze segundos de forma alternada. Para avaliação dos dados foi utilizado o T-test e Pearson. Os resultados obtidos mostraram os atletas mais graduados como mais fortes que os menos graduados, e que há diferença significativa na força máxima no grupo dividido por faixa (p=0,51 para mão direita; p=0,66 para mão esquerda), e dividido por categoria de peso (p=0,36 para mão direita; p=0,36 para mão esquerda). Este padrão mostrou que quando maior a graduação do atleta maior o seu nível de força, entretanto, não há relação com a categoria de peso, os atletas mais pesados não apresentaram os maiores índices de força. Foi apontado uma descrição dos níveis de força dos atletas de Judô de Chapecó, espera-se que estes resultados orientem futuros planos de treinamento e de competição

    Genetic modifiers of Duchenne muscular dystrophy and dilated cardiomyopathy

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    OBJECTIVE: Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a major complication and leading cause of death in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). DCM onset is variable, suggesting modifier effects of genetic or environmental factors. We aimed to determine if polymorphisms previously associated with age at loss of independent ambulation (LoA) in DMD (rs28357094 in the SPP1 promoter, rs10880 and the VTTT/IAAM haplotype in LTBP4) also modify DCM onset. METHODS: A multicentric cohort of 178 DMD patients was genotyped by TaqMan assays. We performed a time-to-event analysis of DCM onset, with age as time variable, and finding of left ventricular ejection fraction 70 mL/m2 as event (confirmed by a previous normal exam < 12 months prior); DCM-free patients were censored at the age of last echocardiographic follow-up. RESULTS: Patients were followed up to an average age of 15.9 \ub1 6.7 years. Seventy-one/178 patients developed DCM, and median age at onset was 20.0 years. Glucocorticoid corticosteroid treatment (n = 88 untreated; n = 75 treated; n = 15 unknown) did not have a significant independent effect on DCM onset. Cardiological medications were not administered before DCM onset in this population. We observed trends towards a protective effect of the dominant G allele at SPP1 rs28357094 and recessive T allele at LTBP4 rs10880, which was statistically significant in steroid-treated patients for LTBP4 rs10880 (< 50% T/T patients developing DCM during follow-up [n = 13]; median DCM onset 17.6 years for C/C-C/T, log-rank p = 0.027). CONCLUSIONS: We report a putative protective effect of DMD genetic modifiers on the development of cardiac complications, that might aid in risk stratification if confirmed in independent cohorts