1,238 research outputs found

    Studies on Gene Expression and Developmental Competence of Bovine Embryos Produced Under Different Conditions of Heat Stress

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    Gene expression is required in all steps of embryonic development and therefore heat stress is known to reduce developmental competence after direct exposure of oocytes and embryos to different conditions of heat shock, by decreasing protein synthesis. Moreover, as in somatic cells, the heat stress befuddles the integration of RNA and posttranscriptional modification of RNA, the assumption was that during meiotic maturation heat shock may mutate RNA within oocytes, with the possibility of altering the surrounding cumulus cells, causing, thus, reductions in development. Heat shock proteins (HSP) are among the first proteins produced during embryonic development and are crucial to cell function. The HSP70 (HSPA14 gene) is an important part of the cell’s machinery for folding, unfolding, transport, localization of proteins and differentiation, regulation of the embryonic cell cycle and helping to protect cells from stress. Therefore, HSPA14 is an apoptotic gene induced by heat shock is associated with embryonic loss, playing an important role of control mechanism of processes involved in growth, cellular differentiation, and embryonic development. In addition the connexin proteins (e.g. Cx43), related to gap junctions, are expressed in numerous tissues including gonads, act as a mediator of heat stress effect on cells. In the present review, the effect of heat stress on bovine embryonic development in a physiologic and genetic point of view is fully discussed

    Options for National Parks and Reserves for Adapting to Climate Change

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    Past and present climate has shaped the valued ecosystems currently protected in parks and reserves, but future climate change will redefine these conditions. Continued conservation as climate changes will require thinking differently about resource management than we have in the past; we present some logical steps and tools for doing so. Three critical tenets underpin future management plans and activities: (1) climate patterns of the past will not be the climate patterns of the future; (2) climate defines the environment and influences future trajectories of the distributions of species and their habitats; (3) specific management actions may help increase the resilience of some natural resources, but fundamental changes in species and their environment may be inevitable. Science-based management will be necessary because past experience may not serve as a guide for novel future conditions. Identifying resources and processes at risk, defining thresholds and reference conditions, and establishing monitoring and assessment programs are among the types of scientific practices needed to support a broadened portfolio of management activities. In addition to the control and hedging management strategies commonly in use today, we recommend adaptive management wherever possible. Adaptive management increases our ability to address the multiple scales at which species and processes function, and increases the speed of knowledge transfer among scientists and managers. Scenario planning provides a broad forward-thinking framework from which the most appropriate management tools can be chosen. The scope of climate change effects will require a shared vision among regional partners. Preparing for and adapting to climate change is as much a cultural and intellectual challenge as an ecological challenge

    Manejo sanitário e análise bromatológica de ração para galinhas poedeiras / Sanitary management and bromatological analysis of feed for laying hens

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    Galinhas poedeiras ou de postura, são aves destinadas exclusivamente à produção de ovos, sendo estes de grande importância para o produtor. A ração fornecida para poedeiras deverá ser de excelente qualidade e conter os nutrientes necessários para atender cada fase de vida em que a ave se encontra. Entretanto, a mesma pode oferecer malefícios à produção devido ao erro de manejo alimentar e armazenamento, degradando-sede forma mais rápida e sofrendoredução em sua qualidade nutricional. Com base nessas informações, foi simulado o mau armazenamento e realizado análises bromatológicas/centesimaisda ração para galinhas poedeiras iniciais para determinação dos valores dos componentes bases da ração. Constatou-se possíveis perdas nutricionais nos níveis de extrato etéreo (EE), matéria seca (MS) e digestibilidadequando comparada à mesma ração armazenada corretamente.

    Seleção estratégica de marcadores para detecção de locos para características quantitativas em aves

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    ABSTRACT: Selective genotyping for a certain trait in individuals with extreme phenotypes contributes sufficient information to determine linkage between molecular markers and quantitative trait loci (QTL). In this experiment an F2 population, developed by crossing males from a broiler line with females from a layer line, was employed to detect QTL on chromosomes 3 and 5. Twenty-eight performance and carcass traits were measured in F2 offspring, and phenotypic correlations between traits were calculated. Body weight at 42 days (BW42) presented the greatest positive correlations with most other traits, with correlation between body weights at 35 and 41 days, weight gain between birth and 35, 41 and 42 days, as well as weights of carcass and some body parts superior to 0.8. One hundred-and-seventy F2 offspring, representing the top (4.5%) and the bottom (4.5%) of a normal distribution curve of BW42, were selected with equal proportions of males and females, and within dam family. Samples were genotyped for 19 informative markers on chromosome 3, and 11 markers on chromosome 5. Marker allelic frequencies of phenotypic groups with high and low BW42 were compared with a chi-square test. Four regions on chromosome 3 and three regions on chromosome 5 had markers that were suggestively associated with BW42 (P < 0.10), confirming and expanding previous studies. ___________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMOA genotipagem seletiva de indivíduos com fenótipos extremos para uma determinada característica contribui com informação suficiente para determinar a ligação entre marcadores moleculares e locos para características quantitativas (QTL). Neste estudo uma população F2, formada a partir do cruzamento de uma linha parental de aves para corte com uma linha de postura foi empregada para obtenção de medidas fenotípicas e genotipagem por marcadores microssatélites, posicionados nos cromossomos 3 e 5. Foram medidas 28 características de desempenho e carcaça e determinada a correlação fenotípica entre elas. A característica peso vivo aos 42 dias (BW42) apresentou maior correlação positiva com a maioria das características, com correlação entre pesos vivos aos 35, 41 dias, ganhos de peso do nascimento aos 35, 41 e 42 dias, e pesos de carcaça e partes superiores a 0,8. Cento e setenta aves F2, representando 4,5% das aves mais leves e 4,5% das mais pesadas para BW42 foram selecionadas dentro de famílias, na mesma proporção de machos e fêmeas e genotipadas para 19 marcadores informativos no cromossomo 3 e 11 no cromossomo 5. As freqüências alélicas dos marcadores nos grupos fenotípicos de alto e baixo BW42 foram comparadas empregando teste de qui-quadrado. Foram identificadas quatro regiões no cromossomo 3 e três regiões no cromossomo 5 sugestivamente ligadas a QTL para BW42 (P < 0,10), confirmando e expandindo estudos anteriores de mapeamento de QTL em aves

    Maternal mental health in primary care in five low- and middle-income countries: a situational analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: The integration of maternal mental health into primary health care has been advocated to reduce the mental health treatment gap in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). This study reports findings of a cross-country situation analysis on maternal mental health and services available in five LMICs, to inform the development of integrated maternal mental health services integrated into primary health care. METHODS: The situation analysis was conducted in five districts in Ethiopia, India, Nepal, South Africa and Uganda, as part of the Programme for Improving Mental Health Care (PRIME). The analysis reports secondary data on the prevalence and impact of priority maternal mental disorders (perinatal depression, alcohol use disorders during pregnancy and puerperal psychosis), existing policies, plans and services for maternal mental health, and other relevant contextual factors, such as explanatory models for mental illness. RESULTS: Limited data were available at the district level, although generalizable data from other sites was identified in most cases. Community and facility-based prevalences ranged widely across PRIME countries for perinatal depression (3-50 %) and alcohol consumption during pregnancy (5-51 %). Maternal mental health was included in mental health policies in South Africa, India and Ethiopia, and a mental health care plan was in the process of being implemented in South Africa. No district reported dedicated maternal mental health services, but referrals to specialised care in psychiatric units or general hospitals were possible. No information was available on coverage for maternal mental health care. Challenges to the provision of maternal mental health care included; limited evidence on feasible detection and treatment strategies for maternal mental disorders, lack of mental health specialists in the public health sector, lack of prescribing guidelines for pregnant and breastfeeding women, and stigmatising attitudes among primary health care staff and the community. CONCLUSIONS: It is difficult to anticipate demand for mental health care at district level in the five countries, given the lack of evidence on the prevalence and treatment coverage of women with maternal mental disorders. Limited evidence on effective psychosocial interventions was also noted, and must be addressed for mental health programmes, such as PRIME, to implement feasible and effective services

    Avaliação sazonal da temperatura de iogurtes comercializados em um hipermercado de um município da Baixada Santista/SP / Seasonal evaluation of the temperature of yoghurts sold in a hypermarket in a municipality in Baixada Santista/SP

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a temperatura de iogurtes comercializados em expositores refrigerados de autosserviço de um hipermercado em um município da Baixada Santista/SP, assim como observar a influência da sazonalidade no controle de temperatura do produto. Foi aferida a temperatura dos iogurtes durante trinta dias corridos no período de verão e trinta dias corridos no período de inverno, em três horários distintos. Os dados foram tratados estatisticamente através de análise de variância (ANOVA), onde foi possível observar uma diferença significativa (p ? 0,05) no período de verão. O horário das 12:00 horas mostrou médias de temperaturas dos produtos mais altas, quando comparado com outros períodos do mesmo horário. Entretanto, as temperaturas aferidas durante o período de estudo não ultrapassaram o valor máximo aceitável para a conservação do produto, garantido sua inocuidade e características sensoriais

    Measurement Properties of the Suicidal Behaviour Questionnaire-Revised in Autistic Adults

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    Abstract: We explored the appropriateness and measurement properties of a suicidality assessment tool (SBQ-R) developed for the general population, in autistic adults—a high risk group for suicide. 188 autistic adults and 183 general population adults completed the tool online, and a sub-sample (n = 15) were interviewed while completing the tool. Multi-group factorial invariance analysis of the online survey data found evidence for metric non-invariance of the SBQ-R, particularly for items three (communication of suicidal intent) and four (likelihood of suicide attempt in the future). Cognitive interviews revealed that autistic adults did not interpret these items as intended by the tool designers. Results suggest autistic adults interpret key questions regarding suicide risk differently to the general population. Future research must adapt tools to better capture suicidality in autistic adults

    Enhanced visual search in infancy predicts emerging autism symptoms

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    In addition to core symptoms, i.e., social interaction and communication difficulties and restricted and repetitive behaviours, autism is also characterized by aspects of superior perception [1]. One well-replicated finding is that of superior performance in visual search tasks, in which participants have to indicate the presence of an odd-one-out element amongst a number of foils [2,3,4,5]. Whether these aspects of superior perception contribute to the emergence of core autism symptoms remains debated [6,4]. Perceptual and social interaction skills could reflect co-expressed but biologically independent pathologies, as suggested by a “fractionable” phenotype model of autism [7]. A developmental test of this hypothesis is now made possible by longitudinal cohorts of infants at high risk, such as of younger siblings of children with ASD. Around 20% of younger siblings are diagnosed with autism themselves [8], and up to another 30% manifest elevated levels of autism symptoms [9]. We used eye-tracking to measure spontaneous orienting to letter targets (O, S, V and +) presented amongst distractors (the letter X, Figure 1). At 9 and 15 months, emerging autism symptoms were assessed using the Autism Observation Scale for Infants (AOSI; 10) and at 2 years of age using the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS; 11). Enhanced visual search performance at 9-month predicted a higher level of autism symptoms at 15 months and at 2 years. Infant perceptual atypicalities are thus intrinsically linked to the emerging autism phenotype