61 research outputs found

    Deep Learning for Vanishing Point Detection Using an Inverse Gnomonic Projection

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    We present a novel approach for vanishing point detection from uncalibrated monocular images. In contrast to state-of-the-art, we make no a priori assumptions about the observed scene. Our method is based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) which does not use natural images, but a Gaussian sphere representation arising from an inverse gnomonic projection of lines detected in an image. This allows us to rely on synthetic data for training, eliminating the need for labelled images. Our method achieves competitive performance on three horizon estimation benchmark datasets. We further highlight some additional use cases for which our vanishing point detection algorithm can be used.Comment: Accepted for publication at German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR) 2017. This research was supported by German Research Foundation DFG within Priority Research Programme 1894 "Volunteered Geographic Information: Interpretation, Visualisation and Social Computing

    Assessment of oil treatment facilities impact on radiation environment in adjacent areas

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    Upstream and downstream activities result in large environmental emissions of natural radionuclides. Specific activity of radionuclides in soil samples from Tatneft assets was analyzed to evaluate oil treatment facilities impact on radiation pollution of the environment. Reliable identification of radio-geochemical anomalies was achieved through landscape-geochemical zoning and detailed analysis using R statistical software

    Interleukin-18 gene polymorphism in pregnancy With premature rupture of membranes: A case-control study

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    Background. Imbalanced pro- and anti-inflammatory systems can unfavourably condition carrying of pregnancy and provoke gestation complications, such as premature rupture of membranes.Objectives. Assessing the contribution of SNP variants -137G>C (rs187238), -607G>T (rs1946518) and -656A>C (rs5744228) of the IL-18 gene promoter to the incidence of extremely preterm premature rupture of membranes.Methods. A case-control study enrolled 120 pregnant women managed at the Perinatal Centre. The women were divided in two cohorts. The study cohort comprised 80 women with premature rupture of membranes at 22–27 weeks 6 days’ gestation hospitalised in a high-risk pregnancy unit, a control cohort consisted of 40 women with physiological pregnancy at 22–27 weeks 6 days’ gestation following outpatient counselling. The cohorts had comparable obstetric and gynaecological histories. The study exclusion criteria were: multiple gestation, foetal chromosomal anomalies, congenital foetal malformations, pregnancy due to assisted reproduction. Genotyping was performed at positions -137G>C, -607G>T and -656A>C of the IL-18 gene promoter with determining a peripheral blood IL-18 level in cohorts.Results. The premature rupture of membranes cohort had a statistically higher serum interleukin-18 concentration compared to control (p = 0.001). Genotyping of the IL-18 gene promoter revealed a statistically higher rate of homozygous -137G>C mutation (CC genotype) in the premature rupture of membranes cohort at 22–27 weeks 6 days’ term (p <0.001), 67 vs. 27% in control.Conclusion. A homozygous IL-18 -137G>C polymorphic variant associated with elevated blood IL-18 levels is statistically more common in pregnant women having premature rupture of membranes at 22–27 weeks 6 days’ gestation

    Development of a Li2MoO4 scintillating bolometer for low background physics

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    We present the performance of a 33 g Li2MoO4 crystal working as a scintillating bolometer. The crystal was tested for more than 400 h in a dilution refrigerator installed in the underground laboratory of Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (Italy). This compound shows promising features in the frame of neutron detection, dark matter search (solar axions) and neutrinoless double-beta decay physics. Low temperature scintillating properties were investigated by means of different alpha, beta/gamma and neutron sources, and for the first time the Light Yield for different types of interacting particle is estimated. The detector shows great ability of tagging fast neutron interactions and high intrinsic radiopurity levels (< 90 \muBq/kg for 238-U and < 110 \muBq/kg for 232-Th).Comment: revised versio

    Re-Identification for Improved People Tracking

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    Re-identification is usually defined as the problem of deciding whether a person currently in the field of view of a camera has been seen earlier either by that camera or another. However, a different version of the problem arises even when people are seen by multiple cameras with overlapping fields of view. Current tracking algorithms can easily get confused when people come close to each other and merge trajectory fragments into trajectories that include erroneous identity switches. Preventing this means re-identifying people across trajectory fragments. In this chapter, we show that this can be done very effectively by formulating the problem as a minimum-cost maximum-flow linear program. This version of the re-identification problem can be solved in real-time and produces trajectories without identity switches. We demonstrate the power of our approach both in single- and multi-camera setups to track pedestrians, soccer players, and basketball players

    Development of 100^{100}Mo-containing scintillating bolometers for a high-sensitivity neutrinoless double-beta decay search

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    We report recent achievements in the development of scintillating bolometers to search for neutrinoless double-beta decay of 100^{100}Mo. The presented results have been obtained in the framework of the LUMINEU, LUCIFER and EDELWEISS collaborations, and are now part of the R\&D activities towards CUPID (CUORE Update with Particle IDentification), a proposed next-generation double-beta decay experiment based on the CUORE experience. We have developed a technology for the production of large mass (\sim1 kg), high optical quality, radiopure zinc and lithium molybdate crystal scintillators (ZnMoO4_4 and Li2_2MoO4_4, respectively) from deeply purified natural and 100^{100}Mo-enriched molybdenum. The procedure is applied for a routine production of enriched crystals. Furthermore, the technology of a single detector module consisting of a large-volume (100\sim 100~cm3^3) Zn100^{100}MoO4_4 and Li2_2100^{100}MoO4_4 scintillating bolometer has been established, demonstrating performance and radiopurity that are close to satisfy the demands of CUPID. In particular, the FWHM energy resolution of the detectors at 2615 keV --- near the QQ-value of the double-beta transition of 100^{100}Mo (3034~keV) --- is \approx 4--10~keV. The achieved rejection of α\alpha-induced dominant background above 2.6~MeV is at the level of more than 99.9\%. The bulk activity of 232^{232}Th (228^{228}Th) and 226^{226}Ra in the crystals is below 10 μ\muBq/kg. Both crystallization and detector technologies favor Li2_2MoO4_4, which was selected as a main element for the realization of a CUPID demonstrator (CUPID-0/Mo) with \sim7 kg of 100^{100}Mo

    Значение рентгенологического метода при исследовании легких у пациентов с ингаляционной травмой

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    Relevance Inhalation trauma (IT) is a combined injury of the respiratory tract, lung parenchyma and the central nervous system. Alterations of a mucous membrane during thermochemical airway burn as a result of inhalation of combustion products is most fully described in the literature, while the lesion of pulmonary parenchyma hasn’t been studied. The aim of the study To determine the capabilities and significance of the X-ray method in the study of lungs in patients with IT.Material and methods We examined 184 victims with IT, of which 53 patients had airways burn of the 1st degree, 92 patients had airways burn of the 2nd degree, and 39 patients had airways burn of the 3rd degree. Methods used: X-ray, chest X-ray computed tomography, ultrasound of the chest, study of the function of external respiration, morphological examination of lungs, statistical methods.Results X-ray studies in patients with IT revealed changes in peripheral parts of both lungs like network deformation of pulmonary pattern to forms resembling “mulberries” or “a bunch of grapes”. A study of the function of external respiration revealed signs of decreased lung ventilation and obstructive changes in bronchioles. The X-ray computed tomography of peripheral regions of the lungs in some patients revealed multiple local areas of reduced density with no visible walls corresponding to alveoli holding the air. Histological examination of the peripheral parts of the lungs found round air formations and significantly expanded alveoli. These changes are associated with exhalation disorders due to the constriction of respiratory bronchioles.Conclusion The X-ray method allows to detect signs of damage to the pulmonary parenchyma in patients with IT. Using a statistical evaluation, we showed that the presence of network deformation of the pulmonary pattern under the conditions of IT is an objective feature, confirmed with Cohen’s kappa coefficient (0.6±0.14; 95% CI [0.32–0.88]).Актуальность Ингаляционная травма (ИТ) — комбинированное поражение дыхательных путей, паренхимы легких и центральной нервной системы. Наиболее полно в литературе описаны изменения слизистой оболочки при термохимическом ожоге дыхательных путей (ОДП) в результате ингаляции продуктов горения, в то время как поражение паренхимы легких при ИТ практически не изучено.Цель исследования Определить возможности и значение рентгенологического метода при исследовании легких у пациентов с ИТ.Материал и методы Обследованы 184 пострадавших с ИТ, из них с 1-й степенью ОДП — 53, со 2-й — 92, с 3-й — 39 больных. Использованы методы: рентгенологический, рентгеновская компьютерная томография (РКТ) грудной клетки, ультразвуковое исследование грудной клетки, изучение функции внешнего дыхания (ФВД), морфологическое исследование легких, статистические методы.Результаты При рентгенологическом исследовании у большинства пациентов с ИТ выявлены изменения в периферических отделах обоих легких по типу ячеистой деформации легочного рисунка с образованием фигур, напоминающих «тутовую ягоду» или «гроздь винограда». Изучение ФВД обнаружило признаки снижения вентиляции легких и обструктивные изменения в бронхиолах. При РКТ у отдельных больных в периферических отделах легких выявлены множественные локальные участки пониженной плотности без видимых стенок, соответствующие альвеолам при задержке в них воздуха. При гистологическом исследовании периферических отделов легких обнаружены округлые воздушные образования — значительно расширенные альвеолы. Такие изменения связаны с нарушением выдоха вследствие сужения респираторных бронхиол.Заключение Рентгенологический метод позволяет выявить признаки повреждения паренхимы легких у пациентов с ИТ. С помощью статистической оценки нами показано, что наличие ячеистой деформации легочного рисунка при ИТ является объективным признаком, подтвержденным коэффициентом каппы Коэна (0,6±0,14; 95% ДИ [0,32–,88])