55 research outputs found

    Technology and the Relationship between Modernity and Postmodernity

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    Quand la jalousie s'attache aux choses

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    In ricordo di Alfredo De Paz

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    Nel corso di una lunga attività critica orientata allo studio e alla comprensione dell’arte contemporanea e delle sue dinamiche, lo studioso Alfredo De Paz ha saputo adoperare e coniugare metodologie che vanno dalla sociologia alla culturologia, dal purovisibilismo alla massmediologia, applicandole a un raggio di argomenti amplissimo che va dal Romanticismo alle Avanguardie storiche. Si è quindi avvertita la necessità di ricordare, sintetizzare e rimeditare le sue riflessioni e i suoi contributi, senza trascurare tuttavia la qualità umana della sua persona. Negli interventi dei suoi ex-colleghi, qui riuniti, riaffiorano grandi figure della cultura del nostro tempo: il Loos di Ornamento e delitto, il Wölfflin dei Concetti fondamentali della storia dell’arte, l’Hauser della Storia sociale dell’arte, il McLuhan de Gli strumenti del comunicare. Si tratta solo di alcuni tra i principali autori assorbiti e sapientemente rielaborati da Alfredo De Paz lungo oltre quarant’anni di studi e ricerche, per cogliere al meglio la natura profonda e molteplice dell’arte del nostro tempo

    The dawn of freudism

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    The author is a follower of the so called cultural materialism, which invites us to put the incoming of a new technology at the origin of each cultural age. A big rupture  arrived at the end of the 18th century, when scientists (as Galvani and Volta) realized the first discoveries concerning electromagnetism. Such discoveries led to establish that matter is mainly energy, so opening a path which had to reach  the audacious conclusions due to Einstein’s relativism. But at the same time some writers and visual artists (Blake, Goethe, Alfieri, Foscolo, Leopardi) discovered that a corresponding energy exists also into each of us. By this way they anticipated on a psychological level the intuitions  which should come from  Freud and his psychoanalisis. So we may conclude that at the end of i8th century there was a kind  of dawn both of technetronic era  and  of psychoanalysis

    Officina America : ReteEmiliaRomagna

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    With this exhibition of young artists from North America, Barilli traces developments in art at the beginning of the 21st century. Illustrated with 20th century works as reference points, his essay, like the exhibition, is divided into thematic sections on the Home, Painterliness, and the Hyperobject. The author finds that decorative motifs have returned to art, but with post-modern, posthuman objectives: old dichotomies no longer apply to the emerging hybrids and “erroneous” objects that transgress traditional classification. Texts in English and Italian. List of works. Biographical notes

    Pirandello. Una rivoluzione culturale

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    Renato Barilli analizza tutti i settori della produzione pirandelliana, dalle novelle alle liriche, dai romanzi al teatro, restituendo l'immagine di un Pirandello tutto teso a coniugare la forza della sua scrittura con il rigore logico del pensiero e la seduzione dell'eloquenza. Apparso alcuni anni fa, il saggio viene ora riproposto in una versione rivista dall'autore e criticamente aggiornata

    L’“ars combinatoria” di Ugo Nespolo

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    The combination of single material elements characterises Nespolo’s artworks since the 60s. The primacy of art factuality - to do art manually - emerges both in his geometrically structured works and in his machines and wooden uniconic structures. These are all combined and based on the strategy of puzzle and on a reflection about the mental attitude to do art. For these reasons, it is possible to consider Nespolo as a forerunner of Conceptual Art

    Re-thinking Modernity

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