The dawn of freudism


The author is a follower of the so called cultural materialism, which invites us to put the incoming of a new technology at the origin of each cultural age. A big rupture  arrived at the end of the 18th century, when scientists (as Galvani and Volta) realized the first discoveries concerning electromagnetism. Such discoveries led to establish that matter is mainly energy, so opening a path which had to reach  the audacious conclusions due to Einstein’s relativism. But at the same time some writers and visual artists (Blake, Goethe, Alfieri, Foscolo, Leopardi) discovered that a corresponding energy exists also into each of us. By this way they anticipated on a psychological level the intuitions  which should come from  Freud and his psychoanalisis. So we may conclude that at the end of i8th century there was a kind  of dawn both of technetronic era  and  of psychoanalysis

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