100 research outputs found

    Recomendaciones sobre actividad física para personas mayores : efecto del entrenamiento de fuerzas sobre la condición física

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the effect of training with variable resistance machines is similar to whole body vibration training in relation to physical fitness, in order to meet physical activity recommendations. Vibration training requires less training time, less perceived effort, and less risk of injury. 70 active women were divided into two groups (M = 68.3 years old, SD = 6.46). The first group (n = 36) trained with variable resistance machines and the second group (n = 34) was assigned to whole body vibration training. Before and after the period of training (12 weeks), the women were evaluated according to the Senior Fitness Test. This test assesses physical fitness: resistance of arms and legs, flexibility, endurance, agility and dynamic balance. The data suggest that vibration training had similar results in relation to physical fitness, which might be adequate to meet physical activity recommendations

    Análisis de la percepción visual y respuesta verbal sobre contenidos deportivos generales y específicos de los estudiantes de CCAFYD

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    Future PE teachers in their degree receive balanced formation regarding the different branches of knowledge covering Physicall Education and Sports. The objective of this study was to analize the capacity of CCAFYD students to evaluate general aspects of sports,concrete aspects of a given sport, and the criteria in which they are based on. In this study 25 CCAFYD students participated.  All of them have evalued the correction or mistakes of 6 executions of strenght exercises at the gym, and 9 concrete technical movements from indoor football. To analyze what the evaluation of each subject was based on, we used eye tracker technology, through which we registered the searching pattern in every single image. The results showed that students receive more general kind of formation, given that verbal and visual valorations were better on this kind of image, and also, that there were less difference between factors involved in the searching patterns to analyze. Once we have analized the variables, we conclude that students have on sports aspects, a general formation.Los futuros profesores de Educación Física, en su titulación de grado, reciben una formación equilibrada en cuanto a las distintas ramas de conocimiento que abarca la actividad física y el deporte. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar la capacidad que tienen los estudiantes de CCAFYD para evaluar aspectos deportivos generales y aspectos concretos de un deporte determinado, así como los criterios en los que se basan. En este estudio han participado 25 estudiantes del Grado en CCAFYD. Todos ellos han valorado la corrección o incorrección de 6 ejecuciones de ejercicios de fuerza en gimnasio y 9 gestos técnicos de fútbol sala. Para analizar en qué se basó la evaluación cada sujeto, se ha utilizado la tecnología eye tracker a través de la cual hemos registrado los patrones de búsqueda en cada imagen. Los resultados nos mostraron que los estudiantes reciben un tipo de formación más general, puesto que las valoraciones verbales y visuales son mejores en las imágenes de este tipo, y que apenas existen diferencias entre las variables implicadas en los patrones de búsqueda para su análisis. Tras analizar las variables, concluimos que los estudiantes tienen una formación en aspectos deportivos de tipo general

    Lay-rescuers in drowning incidents: A scoping review

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    Objective: Many victims of drowning fatalities are lay-people attempting to rescue another. This review aims to identify the safest techniques and equipment (improved or purpose made) for an untrained bystander to use when attempting a water rescue. Method: A sample of 249 papers were included after the bibliographic search, in which 19 were finally selected following PRISMA methodology and 3 peer review proceeding presented at international conferences. A total of 22 documents were added to qualitative synthesis. Results: Geographical location, economic level, physical fitness, or experience may vary the profile of the layrescuers and how to safely performa water rescue. Four lay-rescuers profiles were identified: 1) Children rescuing children in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), 2) Adults rescuing adults or children, 3) Lay-people with some experience and rescue training, 4) Lay-people with cultural or professional motivations. Three types of techniques used by those lay-rescuers profiles: a) non-contact techniques for rescues from land: throwand reach, b) non-contact techniques for rescue using a flotation device and, c) contact techniques for rescue into the water: swim and tow with or without fins. Conclusion: The expert recommendation of the safest technique for a lay-rescuer is to attempt rescue using a pole, rope, or flotation equipment without entering the water. However, despite the recommendations of non-contact rescues from land, there is a global tendency to attempt contact rescues in the water, despite a lack of evidence onwhich technique, procedure or equipment contributes to a safer rescue. Training strategies for lay-people should be considered.Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Comparación de la calidad en la ventilación de socorristas nóveles y veteranos. Un estudio piloto de simulación.

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    Antecedentes: Los socorristas son fundamentales en la reanimación del ahogado en parada cardiorrespiratoria. En las víctimas ahogadas es prioritario administrar oxigenación. Distintas técnicas de administración de ventilaciones se han investigado y hay controversia sobre la más efectiva. Objetivos: comparar el efecto de la ventilación boca a boca (VBB), ventilación con bolsa y mascarilla (VBM) y ventilación con pocket-mask (VPM) sobre la calidad de RCP entre socorristas recién certificados y socorristas profesionales en activo. Método: 52 socorristas profesionales (14 recién certificados y 38 en activo sin formación en soporte vital básico (SVB) el último año). Cada socorrista realizó 3 test aleatorizados de RCP en un maniquí Resusci Anne conectado a Wireless SkillReporter (Laerdal Medical, Stavanger, Norway) variando la técnica de ventilación: VBB, VBM y VPM. La RCP fue de 4 minutos de duración, por parejas, con un cambio de roles a los 2 minutos, y con el protocolo de ahogados (iniciando por 5 ventilaciones). La calidad global de RCP fue calculada con la fórmula QCPR = (QCT + VVA)/2. Siendo QCT (calidad de posición de manos + ritmo + reexpansión torácica + profundidad) /4 y VVA las ventilaciones administradas con volumen adecuado (500-600ml). Resultados: Los participantes inexpertos recién certificados alcanzaron resultados mejores en todas las variables analizadas en comparación con los profesionales en activo. Esto incluye la calidad global de la RCP con VBB (50.918.41% vs. 35.4912.06%, p=0.002) y VPM (49.094.74% vs. 34.979.69%, p<0.001), así como la mayoría de las variables de calidad de las ventilaciones con las 3 técnicas: VBB, VBM y VPM. Conclusiones: Los socorristas inexpertos recién certificados realizan mejor RCP, incluyendo la ventilación, que los que no han recibido una formación reciente. Es clave la actualización del SVB frecuente en socorristas

    Increasing ventilation in drowning resuscitation − A cross-over randomized simulation study of ventilation during automated external defibrillator analysis pauses

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    Objective The aim of this study was to analyze the feasibility of a new resuscitation strategy in which breaths are provided during automated external defibrillator (AED) rhythm analysis, and to evaluate its impact on chest compressions (CC) quality and the peri-analysis time. Method A randomized simulation study, comparing two cardiopulmonary resuscitations strategies, has been conducted: the standard strategy (S1) with strategy involving ventilation during AED analysis (S2). Thirty lifeguards have performed both strategies in a cross-over study design during 10 min of CPR. Results The number of ventilations per 10 min increases from 47 (S1) to 72 (S2) (p < 0.001). This results in the delivery of an additional 17.1 L of insufflated air in S2 compared to S1 (p < 0.001). There have been no significant changes in frequency and total number of CC. These findings correspond to a reduction of the non-ventilation period from 176 s (S1) to 48 s (S2). Conclusions This simulation study suggests that it is feasible to increase the number of ventilations during resuscitation following drowning, without affecting the quantity and quality of chest compressions. The results of this study may serve as a foundation for further investigation into optimal ventilation strategies in this contex

    Lifeguard Services: adaptations in prevention, rescue and first aid against COVID-19

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    LIBRO PUBLICADO POR EDITORIAL EXTERNA. Con el objetivo de proporcionar unas directrices claras a los Servicios de Socorrismo y favorecer su trabajo en pro de la vida de las personas, así como para afrontar con la máxima seguridad las actuaciones en la Era Covid-19 este documento incluye recomendaciones sobre los siguientes apartados: prevención, técnicas de rescate, primeros auxilios y gestión. Será ineludible actualizar los conocimientos de los guardavidas en relación a la pandemia y adaptar los procedimientos cuando el contacto sea inevitable para disminuir al máximo las posibilidades de contagio. Estamos en una nueva etapa que requiere, como mínimo, la adecuación del trabajo de estos profesionales, integrando recomendaciones de prevención de contagio vírico y unas nuevas formas de aplicar técnicas de rescate y de primeros auxilios. Los 37 investigadores y profesores universitarios que han respaldado el informe pertenecen a 19 universidades: Universidad Abierta Interamericana (Argentina), Universidad Atlántida Argentina (Argentina), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España), Universidade da Coruña (España), Universidad de Barcelona (España), Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina), Universidad de Bruselas (Bélgica), Universidad de Guadalajara (México), Universidad de Jaén (España), Universidad de Murcia (España), Universidad de Oviedo (España), Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España), Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal), Universidade de Vigo (España), Universidad Europea del Atlántico (España), Universidad Juan Agustín Maza (Argentina), Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (España), Universitat Ramón Llull (España), Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (Colombia). En este documento han colaborado dos docentes UMaza (entre muchos otros autores externos) German Casado y Esteban Marchese

    Reliability and usefulness of the 30-15 intermittent fitness test in male and female professional futsal players

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability and usefulness of the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test (30-15IFT) in professional male and female futsal players. Thirteen male (24.4 ± 5.6 years; 174.5 ± 10.3 cm; 70.3 ± 9.9 kg) and fourteen female (23.3 ± 4.5 years; 165.8 ± 6.2 cm; 61.7 ± 5.5 kg) professional futsal players performed the 30-15IFT on two occasions, separated by 5 days. Maximal intermittent running velocity (VIFT) and heart rate at exhaustion (HRpeak) data were collected for both tests. Reliability was assessed by the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), typical error (TE) expressed as a coefficient of variation (CV), and smallest worthwhile change (SWC). VIFT demonstrated very good reliability between sessions, both for male (ICC = 0.92) and female (ICC = 0.96) players. As the TE for VIFT and HRpeak was similar to the calculated SWC for both male and female players, the usefulness of the test was rated as “medium”. A change in performance of at least 2 stages in male players, or a change of more than 1 stage in female players could be interpreted as a meaningful change in aerobic futsal fitness. The results of this study demonstrate that the 30-15IFT is both a reliable and useful test for male and female professional futsal players

    Analysis of the drowning risk associated with aquatic environment and swimming ability [Análisis del riesgo de ahogamiento asociado al entorno acuático y competencia natatoria]

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    A high level of swimming can be a protective factor against drowning, however, this relationship has not yet been empirically demonstrated, based on water competence level and aquatic environment. This study designed a drowning risk matrix based on the probabilistic analysis of a questionnaire answered by 3,181 participants. The occurrence of Aquatic Stress/Distress (ASD) was analysed based on 5 skill levels and three aquatic scenarios: a) Pool without waves or currents, b) Lakes, reservoirs, rivers and beaches without waves or currents, c) Rivers, beaches or pools with waves and/or currents. The results were expressed in Odds Ratio (OR). ASD risk exceeded OR of 25 in the most dangerous environment and increased for all scenarios as aquatic competency worsened. Three out of four swimmers have experienced an ASD and this event could have been an incentive to improve their water competence. © 2022, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid y CV Ciencias del Deporte. All rights reserved

    Factores que influyen en la motricidad gruesa de niños y niñas con discapacidad visual: revisión de la literatura

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    Children with visual impairment have delays in motor development. Intervention and motor stimulation since early childhood can attenuate motor deficits and contribute to a more active lifestyle. The aim of this research is to identify and analyze the existing bibliography on factors that can influence the development of gross motor skills in boys and girls from 0 to12 years old with visual impairment or blindness. To do this, a search was carried out in three reference databases (PubMed, Scopus and Sportdiscus), following the guidelines of the PRISMA declaration for reviews. Out of the 130 articles selected in the review of the topic, 18 were included for the qualitative analysis. The evidence found can be related to three blocks of results: 1) the degree of vision has an influence in the acquisition of gross motor skills, 2) receiving feedback works favorably for people with visual impairments, in the achievement of these skills, as it reduces the gap with normo-sighted people and 3) the level of motor competence and the practice of physical activity are directly linked to a steadily active lifestyle. A negative relationship was found between visual impairment and gross motor development, which contributes to generating inactive lifestyles among this population. The use of feedback mechanisms, an early assessment of motor development and interventions adapted from infancy, could improve the situation.Los niños y niñas con discapacidad visual padecen retrasos en el desarrollo motor. La intervención y estimulación motriz desde la primera infancia puede atenuar el déficit motor y contribuir a un estilo de vida más activo. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar y analizar la bibliografía existente sobre aquellos factores que pueden influir en el desarrollo de la motricidad gruesa en niños y niñas de 0 a 12 años con discapacidad visual o ceguera. Para ello, se realizó una búsqueda en tres bases de datos referentes (PubMed, Scopus y SPORTDiscus), siguiendo las pautas de la declaración PRISMA para revisiones. De los 130 artículos seleccionados en la revisión, se incluyeron 18 para el análisis cualitativo. Las evidencias encontradas se relacionan en tres bloques de resultados: 1) la influencia del grado de visión con la adquisición de las habilidades motrices gruesas, 2) la retroalimentación es un elemento favorecedor en las personas con déficit visual en la consecución de estas habilidades y la atenuación de la diferencia con los normo-videntes y 3) el nivel de competencia motriz y la práctica de actividad física y su relación con la adherencia a un estilo de vida activo. Se encontró una relación negativa entre la discapacidad visual y el desarrollo de la motricidad gruesa, con lo que contribuye a generar estilos de vida inactiva entre esta población. El uso de mecanismos de retroalimentación, una evaluación temprana del desarrollo motriz e intervenciones adaptadas desde la infancia, podrían mejorar la situación