148 research outputs found

    A Revision of Preventive Web-based Psychotherapies in Subjects at Risk of Mental Disorders

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    For the last years, the impulse of new technologies has overcome the traditional pathways of face-to-face clinical intervention and web-based psychological methodologies for intervention have started to gain success. This study aims to review the state-of-art about the effectiveness studies on preventive web- based interventions accomplished in samples of subjects at high risk for depressive, anxiety, eating behavior, problematic substance use symptoms and promotion of psychological well-being. Results showed that web-based psychological interventions for the prevention of mental disorders seemed to be effective for at risk individuals. Online health promotion in the general population was also effective to avoid the onset of clinical psychological circumstances. Future research should focus on personalized online intervention and on the evaluation of web-based engagement

    Creativity : the key to creating successful advertising messages in the digital sonosphere

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    The characteristics of the radio media have traditionally been put forward as arguments to justify the lack of creativity in radio advertising in Spain. Factors such as fragmentation of the media, the need to resort to high frequencies in the broadcast message, the format almost absolute control wedge or direct translation of texts designed to television to radio, have led to and perpetuated the idea that radio advertising is not creative. However, the sono-digital realm has become the paradigm upside down transmission and reception of audio advertising messages. Multiplication, integration and interaction of different receiving devices paint a landscape in which arise not only new consumption habits that are beginning to overtake traditional formats, but also creativity stands as an essential tool to attract attention of the "new audiences". This is one conclusion that emerges from the first phase of the study being carried out Publiradio Research Group (Faculty of Communication Sciences -Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona), with the title: The Digital Sonosphere as a New Space to Communicate with Young People: A Study of Listener Habits for the Development of new PSA Formats CSO2009-12236. The project emphasizes the importance given to creativity when developing advertising products, so much so that young people who have been part of the field investigation, one of the conditions to be given to advertising is acceptable to be creative. In this new stage of digital sound-field, in which the radio loses its characteristic half-king as a transmitter of sound advertising and must coexist with other media that carry the increased potential for contact with the target. These new media have features that allow them free of the topics traditionally associated with radio advertising, but have we taken this opportunity to renew? The emergence of these new media has not been accompanied by the emergence of new advertising formulas sound. In this communication, is intended to highlight the opportunity provided by the digital sound-field enhancement factor of creativity and highlight the central role it can and should play in buildin

    Influência da vinculação ao pai e à mãe nas motivações dos adolescentes para iniciar ou manter relações românticas

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    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde - Núcleo de Psicoterapia Cognitiva-Comportamental e Integrativa), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2010A presente investigação pretende avaliar a influência das relações de vinculação com as principais figuras da infância, nas motivações de adolescentes, na iniciação e/ou manutenção de relações românticas. Colocou-se as hipóteses de que, uma relação segura aos progenitores contribuiria para que os adolescentes nomeassem ganhos que beneficiem a relação romântica e evitariam custos que prejudicassem a relação, enquanto uma relação insegura aos progenitores contribuiria para que nomeassem ganhos que beneficiem a si mesmos e evitariam custos que os prejudicassem. Procurou-se também testar se as dinâmicas de transferência das funções de vinculação das principais figuras de vinculação da infância, para as figuras extra-familiares da adolescência (pares e parceiro romântico), ocorrem segundo o proposto na literatura. Hipotisou-se ainda que uma vinculação segura ao pai (que contribui para a abertura da criança ao mundo social), estaria associada a uma maior transferência do componente procura de proximidade, e que uma vinculação segura à mãe (que promove a formação de completas relações de vinculação) estaria associada a uma maior transferência do componente base segura. Os instrumentos utilizados na condução deste estudo empírico foram, um Questionário do Índice de Transferência de Componentes de Vinculação (QITCV), o Questionário sobre o Relacionamento com os Pais e com os Amigos (IPPA) e o Questionário sobre Relações: Benefícios/Ganhos e Perdas/Riscos (QR). Os resultados revelaram que para as raparigas, a relação com os progenitores apenas influencia a importância dada à vulnerabilidade nas relações românticas, enquanto para os rapazes, apenas a relação com a mãe influencia a importância dada aos ganhos e apoio emocionais. As funções de vinculação são transferidas numa ordem diferente à proposta (procura de proximidade, base segura, porto de abrigo e protesto de separação), e a segurança na relação a cada um dos progenitores não se encontra associada a uma maior transferência dos componentes de vinculação iniciais e finais.This investigation’s aim is to assess the influence of attachment relationship with the principal figures of infancy in the motivations of adolescents, to initiate and/or maintain romantic relationships. We put the hypothesis that a secure relationship to parents would contribute for the adolescents to nominate gains that benefit the romantic relationship and avoid costs that prejudice the relationship, while an insecure relationship to parents would contribute for them to nominate gains that benefit themselves and avoid costs that would prejudice themselves. We also wanted to test if the dynamics of transference of attachment functions from primary attachment figures to peers and romantic partner occur according to the literature. Another hypothesis was that a secure attachment to the father (that contribute to the opening of the child to the social world), would be associated to a larger transference of proximity seeking and that a secure attachment to the mother (that promote the formation of full attachment relationships) would be associated to a major transference of secure base. The instruments used in this study were, a Questionnaire of the degree of transference of attachment components, an Inventory of Parent and Pair Attachment (IPPA) and a Questionnaire about romantic relationships: gains/benefits and costs/risks. The results reveal that for girls, the relationships with primary attachment figures only influence the importance given to the romantic relationships vulnerability, while for the boys only the relationship with the mother influence the importance given to emotional gains and emotional support. The attachment functions are transferred in a different order to the proposal (proximity seeking, secure base, haven of safety and separation distress), and the attachment security to each parent isn’t associated to a larger transference of the initial and final attachment components

    Las transformaciones epistemológicas y su relación con los planes de estudio en la educación universitaria : El caso de procedimientos artísticos II

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    En el ámbito de la educación universitaria en arte es preciso preguntarse incesantemente por las actualizaciones que se dan en los diferentes ámbitos del campo disciplinar. En el presente escrito indagaremos sobre las maneras de articular las modificaciones en los contenidos y enfoques, con las condiciones institucionales propias del ámbito académico. Tomaremos a modo de ejemplo el caso de la asignatura Procedimientos artísticos II, destinada a alumnos de la carrera de Historia del Arte. Orientación Artes Visuales, implementada en el año 2012 y que responde a ciertas revisiones en torno a los perfiles profesionales actuales.Eje 5: Las prácticas de producción artística en ámbitos de talleres académicos y otros.Facultad de Bellas Arte

    Las transformaciones epistemológicas y su relación con los planes de estudio en la educación universitaria : El caso de procedimientos artísticos II

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    En el ámbito de la educación universitaria en arte es preciso preguntarse incesantemente por las actualizaciones que se dan en los diferentes ámbitos del campo disciplinar. En el presente escrito indagaremos sobre las maneras de articular las modificaciones en los contenidos y enfoques, con las condiciones institucionales propias del ámbito académico. Tomaremos a modo de ejemplo el caso de la asignatura Procedimientos artísticos II, destinada a alumnos de la carrera de Historia del Arte. Orientación Artes Visuales, implementada en el año 2012 y que responde a ciertas revisiones en torno a los perfiles profesionales actuales.Eje 5: Las prácticas de producción artística en ámbitos de talleres académicos y otros.Facultad de Bellas Arte

    Las transformaciones epistemológicas y su relación con los planes de estudio en la educación universitaria : El caso de procedimientos artísticos II

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    En el ámbito de la educación universitaria en arte es preciso preguntarse incesantemente por las actualizaciones que se dan en los diferentes ámbitos del campo disciplinar. En el presente escrito indagaremos sobre las maneras de articular las modificaciones en los contenidos y enfoques, con las condiciones institucionales propias del ámbito académico. Tomaremos a modo de ejemplo el caso de la asignatura Procedimientos artísticos II, destinada a alumnos de la carrera de Historia del Arte. Orientación Artes Visuales, implementada en el año 2012 y que responde a ciertas revisiones en torno a los perfiles profesionales actuales.Eje 5: Las prácticas de producción artística en ámbitos de talleres académicos y otros.Facultad de Bellas Arte

    Abnormal iron metabolism in fibroblasts from a patient with the neurodegenerative disease hereditary ferritinopathy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Nucleotide duplications in exon 4 of the ferritin light polypeptide (FTL) gene cause the autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease neuroferritinopathy or hereditary ferritinopathy (HF). Pathologic examination of patients with HF has shown abnormal ferritin and iron accumulation in neurons and glia in the central nervous system (CNS) as well as in cells of other organ systems, including skin fibroblasts. To gain some understanding on the molecular basis of HF, we characterized iron metabolism in primary cultures of human skin fibroblasts from an individual with the <it>FTL c.497_498dupTC </it>mutation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Compared to normal controls, HF fibroblasts showed abnormal iron metabolism consisting of increased levels of ferritin polypeptides, divalent metal transporter 1, basal iron content and reactive oxygen species, and decreased levels of transferrin receptor-1 and IRE-IRP binding activity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our data indicates that HF fibroblasts replicate the abnormal iron metabolism observed in the CNS of patients with HF. We propose that HF fibroblasts are a unique cellular model in which to study the role of abnormal iron metabolism in the pathogenesis of HF without artifacts derived from over-expression or lack of endogenous translational regulatory elements.</p

    Feminist Stereotypes and Women’s Roles in Spanish Radio Ads

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    This article takes a quantitative approach to Spanish radio advertising and the stereotypes and female roles that it broadcasts in a medium that has traditionally had high female audience rates in our country. From content analysis of 679 radio ads extracted from the 3 main general Spanish radio stations and collected 10 years apart, the study attempts to show the evolution (or regression) of how radio advertising portrays women. The radio in Spain has always been a medium anchored in the real world that has also provided some degree of space to broadcast social movement. #MeToo, as a phenomenon promoting female empowerment, was no exception. Therefore, this longitudinal study aims to demonstrate whether the social movements that led to increased female activism have been reflected in a change of roles and stereotypes projected by radio advertising messages. The work presented here looks at the concept of role from a dual perspective: firstly, it focuses on the role played by female voices in radio advertising items. Secondly, it works on the concept of role by assimilating it into the female image projected in radio advertising items. The results obtained between the two samples are remarkably similar, demonstrating a clear tendency to polarise the female image and confirming that women are still being portrayed in significantly traditional roles

    Peligrosidad en conos aluviales caso Sijan, Provincia de Catamarca

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    Fil: Barbeito, Osvaldo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Departamento de Geografía; Argentina.Fil: Barbeito, Osvaldo. Instituto Nacional de Agua. Centro de Investigaciones de la Región Semiárida (INA-CIRSA); Argentina.Fil: Barbeito, Osvaldo. Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de la Nación. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET); Argentina.Fil: Ambrosino, Silvio. Instituto Nacional de Agua. Centro de Investigaciones de la Región Semiárida (INA-CIRSA); Argentina.Fil: Ambrosino, Silvio. Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de la Nación. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET); Argentina.Fil: Rydzewskia, Ana. Instituto Nacional de Agua. Centro de Investigaciones de la Región Semiárida (INA-CIRSA); Argentina.La localidad de Sijan se ubica en el piedemonte de la vertiente occidental abrupta de la sierra de Ambato Manchao, sobre un cono aluvial activo. El 23/01/2014 ocurrió una creciente repentina cuya magnitud y dinámica fue inesperada, tomando desprevenidos tanto a los pobladores como a los organismos encargados de la defensa civil. No obstante, el análisis de imágenes satelitales y fotografías aéreas de fechas antecedentes, mediante patrones característicos, indicaban la actividad total o parcial del ámbito fluvial en el pasado reciente, hecho a la vez corroborado con datos históricos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar y zonificar la peligrosidad ante crecientes repentinas/aluviones en la localidad, mediante el empleo del criterio geomorfológico y el uso de las técnicas de la teledetección. Como resultado se obtuvo cartografía indicativa de la dinámica y alcance de las inundaciones y procesos asociados y de zonas expuestas a diferentes grados de amenaza (alta, media y baja)que establece los procesos de amenaza categorizada en: Alta: geoformas fluviales vinculadas al frente de montaña. Media: geoformas fluviales locales o paleo canales sin conexión hidrológica actual con el frente de montaña. Baja: sectores afectados por escorrentías de carácter local por aporte pluvialhttp://www.editorial.unca.edu.ar/Publicacione%20on%20line/CD%20INTERACTIVOS/XI%20JORNADAS%20NACIONALES%20DE%20GEOGRAFIA%20FISICA/PDF/TEXTO%20SIJAN%20CONGRESO.pdfFil: Barbeito, Osvaldo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Departamento de Geografía; Argentina.Fil: Barbeito, Osvaldo. Instituto Nacional de Agua. Centro de Investigaciones de la Región Semiárida (INA-CIRSA); Argentina.Fil: Barbeito, Osvaldo. Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de la Nación. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET); Argentina.Fil: Ambrosino, Silvio. Instituto Nacional de Agua. Centro de Investigaciones de la Región Semiárida (INA-CIRSA); Argentina.Fil: Ambrosino, Silvio. Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de la Nación. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET); Argentina.Fil: Rydzewskia, Ana. Instituto Nacional de Agua. Centro de Investigaciones de la Región Semiárida (INA-CIRSA); Argentina.Oceanografía, Hidrología, Recursos Hídrico

    Desconociendo el peligro: inundabilidad en una paleoforma fluvial que afecta usos de suelo residencial e industrial. Villa Parque Santa Ana, Córdoba, Argentina

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    En la provincia de Córdoba, Argentina el día 28 marzo del 2017 ocurrió una lluvia torrencial localizada, que causo daños por inundación en la localidad de Villa Parque Santa Ana, roturas en la planta de disposición final de residuos peligrosos (Taym y erosión hídrica concentrada en el predio en donde se radicará el vertedero regional de residuos sólidos urbanos de Córdoba Capital y de 16 localidades metropolitanas. La escorrentía luego de atravesar estos sitios, ingresó al canal de abastecimiento de la planta potabilizadora Los Molinos que provee agua potable al 29 % de la Capital provincial. Los sectores afectados no presentaban cursos de agua permanentes o temporarios, y carecían de estudios geomorfológicos antecedentes de detalle respecto de la dinámica del escurrimiento superficial y su peligrosidad. En base a ello, el objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar los condicionantes geomorfológicos del escurrimiento superficial y su peligrosidad asociada a partir del criterio geológico geomorfológico e histórico. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la escorrentía superficial mantiforme y concentrada es captada y conducida por un paleocauce sin conexión hidrológica con el ambiente serrano, esta geoforma no fue contemplada en la planificación urbana y expone a la población e infraestructura construida a una situación de riesgo ante eventos hidrometeorológicos severos. La información generada demuestra la importancia de realizar evaluaciones de peligrosidad por inundación de base geomorfológica, como insumo para la toma de decisiones de planificación territorial que limiten el avance de emplazamientos urbanos en zonas naturalmente inundables y de este modo evitar la creación de nuevos riesgos