116 research outputs found

    Effects of mooring compliancy on the mooring forces, power production, and dynamics of a floating wave activated body energy converter

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    The paper aims at investigating the interactions between a floating wave energy device (WEC) and its mooring system under a variety of wave conditions (regular and irregular, perpendicular and oblique, ordinary and extreme). The analyzed WEC is the DEXA, a wave activated body point absorber, of the type that performs better when aligned to the incident wave direction. Two typologies of mooring systems were studied: for limited depths, the spread system, with a disposition of the lines that do not constrain the yaw movements; for large depths, the catenary anchor leg mooring (CALM) system. The spread system was experimentally investigated, including a realistic power take-off system, to capture non-linear behaviors and assess device motions, power production, and forces on mooring lines. The CALM system was numerically simulated, as mooring modelling is more reliable in deep waters and allows testing of a number of different configurations, by changing the number of the mooring lines and the mooring layout. The experiments showed that a reduction of the mooring compliancy increases the power production. The numerical simulations showed that a redundancy on the number of chains allows a better distribution of the loads, with advantages on reliability and costs

    Le reti neurali artificiali in idraulica marittima

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    Le reti neurali artificiali (Artificial Neural Networks, ANN) sono algoritmi di analisi dati e di modellazione numerica. Vengono dette “data driven models”, ossia modelli di calcolo basati sul processamento di dati – ottenuti sperimentalmente o prodotti artificialmente – al fine di testare la sensibilità di un certo fenomeno ad alcuni parametri. Le ANN sono particolarmente utili nelle analisi di fenomeni in cui il numero di parametri in gioco è molto elevato, e le relazioni fisiche tra essi sono fortemente non lineari e molto complesse. Dal punto di vista della tipologia di modellazione, le ANN costituiscono una “black-box”, dunque l’algoritmo di calcolo prescinde completamente dallo studio del fenomeno fisico che sta alla base della relazione di causa-effetto tra dati di input e di output; pertanto, le ANN sono in grado di elaborare i dati sperimentali a disposizione (input) e produrre delle predizioni dei valori desiderati (output), ricostruendo artificialmente gli effetti della complessa relazione di causa-effetto incognita. Obbiettivo di tale lavoro è esaminare la struttura caratteristica di una rete neurale e proporre alcuni esempi di ANN impiegati per la modellazione della portata di tracimazione e del coefficiente di trasmissione di strutture costiere, per sottolineare l’adeguatezza di tali strumenti all’impiego in idraulica marittima e presentarli per eventuali successivi utilizzi, quali, ad esempio, la stima del coefficiente di riflessione ondosa, ad oggi non ancora modellato accuratamente

    Le interazioni onda – struttura: la riflessione ondosa

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    L’inserimento di una qualsiasi struttura preposta alla protezione costiera (o portuale) incide notevolmente sull’idrodinamica e la morfologia della zona circostante. Conoscere gli effetti che un’opera determinerà sul territorio è il primo elemento che consente di definire il tipo stesso di opera da progettare e governa alle fasi di progettazione stessa. Da ciò nasce l’esigenza di studiare l’interazione delle strutture artificiali con le onde marittime, le correnti e il trasporto solido. Tuttavia, l’analisi dell’interazione tra le onde e le strutture costiere non è uno stru-mento fondamentale soltanto per la progettazione delle opere, ma anche per la messa in sicurezza delle zone di battigia o portuali protette dalle opere stesse. Valutare l’affidabilità di tali opere di difesa, ai fini della rappresentazione dei meccanismi del processo di inondazione delle zone costiere in occasione di mareggiate, necessita della conoscenza e della stima accurata dei fenomeni principali che nascono dall’interazione delle opere con il moto ondoso: la risalita delle onde sul paramento lato mare, la traci-mazione e trasmissione di acqua a tergo delle strutture, la riflessione delle onde che, dopo essersi frante sull’opera, ritornano verso il largo

    Semi-automatic detection of the overtopping waves and reconstruction of the overtopping flow characteristics at coastal structures

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    This paper proposes a semi-automatic and customizable procedure for the identification of the overtopping waves based on a threshold-down-crossing analysis of the sea surface elevation signals. The procedure can be applied to 2D experimental and numerical signals, to emerged and submerged structures, with the same accuracy of a human-supervised analysis. The procedure includes an original and innovative algorithm to compare the water level signals at consecutive gauges and couple the waves propagating in between. The coupling algorithm implies a series of original applications of practical relevance, such as: i) the computation of the wave celerity, which is a crucial parameter for the assessment of the structural stability and the hydraulic vulnerability of the landward area; ii) the estimation of the wave overtopping discharge, which can be obtained by integrating the wave celerities with the surface elevations; iii) the description of the wave overtopping characteristics and their evolution over the structure crest; iv) the evaluation of the volumes lost for percolation in permeable structures. The application to new and literature data and the comparison with well-established formulae prove that the results obtained from the identification and coupling procedures are accurate and reliable

    Tematiche di Ricerca

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    Structural Stability Of Detached Low Crested Breakwaters

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    The aim of the paper is to describe hydraulic stability of rock-armoured low-crested structures on the basis of new experimental tests and prototype observations. Rock armour stability results from earlier model tests under non-depth-limited long-crested head-on waves are reviewed. Results from new 2-D and 3-D model tests, carried out at Aalborg University, are presented. The tests were performed on detached low-crested breakwaters exposed to short-crested head-on and oblique waves, including depth-limited conditions. A formula that corresponds to initiation of hydraulic damage and allows determining armour stone size in shallow water conditions is given together with a rule of thumb for the required stone size in depth-limited design waves. Rock toe stability is discussed on the basis of prototype experience, hard bottom 2-D tests in depth-limited waves and an existing hydraulic stability formula. Toe damage predicted by the formula is in agreement with experimental results. In field sites, damage at the toe induced by scour or by sinking is observed and the volume of the berm is often insufficient to avoid regressive erosion of the armour layer. Stone sinking and settlement in selected sites, for which detailed information is available, are presented and discussed


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    The upgrade of existing coastal defense structures by including crown walls and parapets may represent an effective and economic solution to reduce the wave overtopping discharge. Recently, a coefficient gs_GP for the parametrization of the effects induced by berms or promenades, crown walls and parapets on the average q has been developed. The formula for gs_GP was obtained from the Genetic Programming (GP) technique and was conceived to be included in the q formulae by EurOtop Manual (2018). The formula has been applied so far only to smooth dikes with crown walls. The aim of this contribution is to investigate the extension of the formula for gs_GP to a wider range of coastal structures, such as crown walls on top of rubble mound breakwaters and vertical seawalls. The ultimate objective is to provide a new design factor to be used in the EurOtop formulae.Recorded Presentation from the vICCE (YouTube Link): https://youtu.be/2xWPJeXPRc

    2DV Rans-Vof modelling of depths and velocities of overtopping waves at overwashed dikes

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    The purpose of this contribution is the representation of real wave overtopping over sea dikes with the Rans-Vof code (IH-2VOF) developed by the University of Cantabria. More specific objectives are: to identify the real capacity of the IH-2VOF model in the prediction of overflow and to determinate the accuracy of these predictions in order to provide designers with a generally applicable methodology to use the code. The model is validated against experimental tests conducted by Hughes at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC). This analysis shows that the model tends to overestimate wave reflection and better results are obtained by introducing a porous layer around the structure as artificial way to reduce reflected wave energy

    Benchmarking of Numerical Models for Wave Overtopping at Dikes with Shallow Mildly Sloping Foreshores: Accuracy versus Speed

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    To accurately predict the consequences of nearshore waves, coastal engineers often employ numerical models. A variety of these models, broadly classified as either phase-resolving or phase-averaged, exist; each with strengths and limitations owing to the physical schematization of processes within them. Models which resolve the vertical flow structure or the full wave spectrum (i.e. sea-swell (SS) and infragravity (IG) waves) are considered more accurate, but also more computationally demanding than those with approximations. Here, we assess the speed-accuracy trade-off of six well-known wave models for overtopping (q), under shallow foreshore conditions. The results demonstrate that: i) q is underestimated by an order of magnitude when IG waves are neglected; ii) using more computationally-demanding models does not guarantee more accurate results; and iii) with empirical corrections to account for IG waves, phase-averaged models like SWAN can perform on par, if not better than, phase-resolving models but with far less computational effort
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