17 research outputs found


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    We address a poorly understood aspect of ecological niche modeling: its sensitivity to different levels of geographic uncertainty in organism occurrence data. Our primary interest was to assess how accuracy degrades under increasing uncertainty, with performance measured indirectly through model consistency. We used Monte Carlo simulations and a similarity measure to assess model sensitivity across three variables: locality accuracy, niche modeling method, and species. Randomly generated data sets with known levels of locality uncertainty were compared to an original prediction using Fuzzy Kappa. Data sets where locality uncertainty is low were expected to produce similar distribution maps to the original. In contrast, data sets where locality uncertainty is high were expected to produce less similar maps. BIOCLIM, DOMAIN, Maxent and GARP were used to predict the distributions for 1200 simulated datasets (3 species x 4 buffer sizes x 100 randomized data sets). Thus, our experimental design produced a total of 4800 similarity measures, with each of the simulated distributions compared to the prediction of the original data set and corresponding modeling method. A general linear model (GLM) analysis was performed which enables us to simultaneously measure the effect of buffer size, modeling method, and species, as well as interactions among all variables. Our results show that modeling method has the largest effect on similarity scores and uniquely accounts for 40% of the total variance in the model. The second most important factor was buffer size, but it uniquely accounts for only 3% of the variation in the model. The newer and currently more popular methods, GARP and Maxent, were shown to produce more inconsistent predictions than the earlier and simpler methods, BIOCLIM and DOMAIN. Understanding the performance of different niche modeling methods under varying levels of geographic uncertainty is an important step toward more productive applications of historical biodiversity collections

    BewÀltigungskompetenzen in Partnerschaften und ihre Transmission auf angehörige Kinder: Untersuchungsinstrumente, Stichprobe und Erhebungsplan (1. Messzeitpunkt)

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    Die Publikation dokumentiert das Untersuchungsdesign und die psychometrischen Ergebnisse einer Studie von 2004/2005 zu BewĂ€ltigungskompetenzen in Partnerschaften und ihrer Transmission auf angehörige Kinder, die im Rahmen des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms 'Beziehungs- und Familienentwicklung' durchgefĂŒhrt wird. So werden in einem ersten Schritt die Stichprobenrekrutierung und die Untersuchungsprozeduren der teilnehmenden Eltern und Partner, der Kinder sowie der LehrkrĂ€fte in Form von Befragungen beschrieben. Der zweite Schritt umfasst schließlich die eingesetzten Erhebungsinstrumente bei der Befragung und deren Ergebnisse. Die Sammlung beginnt mit den Erwachsenen-Fragebögen, die von 733 Elternpersonen bzw. verheirateten Personen ohne Kinder allein und anonym ausgefĂŒllt werden. Es folgen die Kinderfragebögen, die den Kindern (Erst- und ZweitklĂ€ssler) vorgelesen werden, die experimentelle Beobachtungssituation, die an einer Intensivstichprobe von 72 Kindern realisiert wird, mit nachfolgendem Validierungs-Interview zu dieser Beobachtung. Die Fragebögen, mit denen die 72 LehrkrĂ€fte die Kinder beurteilen, folgen zum Schluss. Im Anhang sind alle Materialen (Anschreiben, Fragebögen, Interview-Leitfaden, AblaufplĂ€ne, Codierschema) aufgefĂŒhrt. Zu jedem Fragebogen wird eine kurze Darstellung seiner Herkunft und theoretischen Grundlagen gegeben, wo möglich eine Quelle verzeichnet und anschließend die Ergebnisse der vorgenommenen psychometrischen Untersuchungen berichtet. Psychometrische Untersuchungen werden nach dem von Schmitt, Dalbert und Montanda (1983) vorgeschlagenen Standards vorgenommen. Aufgrund der entsprechenden Kennwerte werden sodann Entscheidungen zur GĂŒte und DimensionalitĂ€t der Instrumente getroffen. Von diesen Entscheidungen hĂ€ngt es ab, welche Maße fĂŒr die spĂ€ter folgenden inhaltlichen Analysen gebildet werden. (ICG2

    All-oral low-dose chemotherapy TEPIP is effective and well-tolerated in patients with peripheral T-cell lymphoma

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    Purpose: Peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL) is a rare and heterogenous hematologic malignancy with poor prognosis especially in elderly and frail patients who are not eligible for intensive treatment. The resulting palliative setting necessitates tolerable but effective schedules for outpatient treatment. TEPIP is a locally developed, all-oral low-dose regimen comprising trofosfamide, etoposide, procarbazine, idarubicin, and prednisolone. Methods: In this observational retrospective, single-center study, the safety and efficacy of TEPIP was evaluated in 12 patients (pts.) with PTCL treated at the University Medical Center Regensburg between 2010 and 2022. The endpoints were overall response rate (ORR) and overall survival (OS), and adverse events were individually reported according to the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) criteria. Results: The enrolled cohort was characterized by advanced age (median 70 years), extensive disease (100% Ann Arbor ≄stage 3), and poor prognosis (75% high/high-intermediate international prognostic index). The most common subtype was angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (8/12), and 11/12 patients had relapsed or refractory disease at TEPIP onset with a median of 1.5 prior treatment regimens. After a median of 2.5 TEPIP cycles (total of 83 cycles), the ORR was 42% (complete remission 25%), and the OS reached a median of 185 days. Any grade of adverse event (AE) occurred in 8/12 patients, with four patients showing AE ≄CTCAE grade 3 (33%), and the AEs were mainly non-hematological. Conclusion: TEPIP demonstrated competitive efficacy with a tolerable safety profile in a highly palliative cohort of patients with difficult-to-treat PTCL. The all-oral application, which makes outpatient treatment possible, is particularly noteworthy

    Coronavirus disease 2019 induces multi‐lineage, morphologic changes in peripheral blood cells

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    The clinical course of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) varies from mild symptoms to acute respiratory distress syndrome, hyperinflammation, and coagulation disorder. The hematopoietic system plays a critical role in the observed hyperinflammation, particularly in severely ill patients. We conducted a prospective diagnostic study performing a blood differential analyzing morphologic changes in peripheral blood of COVID‐19 patients. COVID‐19 associated morphologic changes were defined in a training cohort and subsequently validated in a second cohort (n = 45). Morphologic aberrations were further analyzed by electron microscopy (EM) and flow cytometry of lymphocytes was performed. We included 45 COVID‐19 patients in our study (median age 58 years; 82% on intensive care unit). The blood differential showed a specific pattern of pronounced multi‐lineage aberrations in lymphocytes (80%) and monocytes (91%) of patients. Overall, 84%, 98%, and 98% exhibited aberrations in granulopoiesis, erythropoiesis, and thrombopoiesis, respectively. Electron microscopy revealed the ultrastructural equivalents of the observed changes and confirmed the multi‐lineage aberrations already seen by light microscopy. The morphologic pattern caused by COVID‐19 is characteristic and underlines the serious perturbation of the hematopoietic system. We defined a hematologic COVID‐19 pattern to facilitate further independent diagnostic analysis and to investigate the impact on the hematologic system during the clinical course of COVID‐19 patients

    Beziehungsorientierte Intervention am Beispiel des "Ich bleibe cool"-Trainings zur Förderung prosozialer Verhaltensweisen und konstruktiver Konfliktlösestrategien bei Kindern im Grundschulalter

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    Untersucht wurden Effekte des "Ich bleibe cool"-Kindertrainings (IBC), das das Ziel verfolgt, durch die Förderung prosozialer Verhaltensweisen und konstruktiver Konfliktlösestrategien zur PrĂ€vention aggressiven Verhaltens und destruktiver Konfliktstrategien bei Grundschulkindern beizutragen. Zur Evaluation des IBC-Trainings wurden in PrĂ€-, Post- und Vier-Monats-Follow-up-Messungen kindliche Kompetenzen und kindliches Problemverhalten aus der Sicht der Eltern, der Klassenlehrerinnen und der 143 Kinder (92 in der Experimental-, 51 in der Kontrollgruppe; randomisierte Zuweisung) mit Fragebögen bzw. Kinderinterviews erfasst. Die trainierten ErstklĂ€ssler berichteten in der SelbsteinschĂ€tzung unmittelbar nach dem Training hĂ€ufiger konstruktive Konfliktstrategien, prosoziales Verhalten sowie eine verbesserte Impulskontrolle. Bei MĂ€dchen ließen sich kurzfristig ein verminderter Einsatz destruktiver Konfliktstrategien und eine lĂ€ngerfristige Verringerung der Belastung durch Konflikte zwischen ihren Eltern verzeichnen. Lehrerinnen beobachteten bei der Follow-up-Messung eine Reduktion der emotionalen AuffĂ€lligkeiten bei MĂ€dchen und Jungen der trainierten Gruppe. Auf Grund der MĂŒtterangaben wurde eine tendenzielle Verbesserung im oppositionell-aggressiven Verhalten der Jungen der trainierten Gruppe nachgewiesen. Die bei den VĂ€tern erhobenen Daten zeigten fĂŒr die trainierten Kindern kurzfristig eine Minderung des oppositionell-aggressiven Verhaltens und eine Verringerung der emotionalen AuffĂ€lligkeiten. Die erzielten Trainingseffekte lagen im zufriedenstellenden Bereich (.23 (= d (= .94) und stehen in Einklang mit Befunden zur Evaluation anderer neuer PrĂ€ventionsprogramme. (ZPID

    Immediate and delayed effects of word frequency and word length on eye movements in reading: a reversed delayed effect of word length

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    Three experiments examined the effects in sentence reading of varying the frequency and length of an adjective on (a) fixations on the adjective and (b) fixations on the following noun. The gaze duration on the adjective was longer for low frequency than for high frequency adjectives and longer for long adjectives than for short adjectives. This contrasted with the spillover effects: Gaze durations on the noun were longer when adjectives were low frequency but were actually shorter when the adjectives were long. The latter effect, which seems anomalous, can be explained by three mechanisms: (a) Fixations on the noun are less optimal after short adjectives because of less optimal targeting; (b) shorter adjectives are more difficult to process because they have more neighbors; and (c) prior fixations before skips are less advantageous places to extract parafoveal information. The viability of these hypotheses as explanations of this reverse length effect on the noun was examined in simulations using an updated version of the E-Z Reader model (A. Pollatsek, K. Reichle, & E. D. Rayner, 2006c; E. D. Reichle, A. Pollatsek, D. L. Fisher, & K. Rayner, 1998)


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    Wissensformationen sind immer auch Bildformationen. Naturwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisprozesse gehören daher einer kulturellen Praxis an, die Sehtraditionen und Wissenstraditionen gleichermaßen umfasst. Die in diesem Band versammelten AufsĂ€tze untersuchen naturwissenschaftliche und kĂŒnstlerische Visualisierungen in den Übergangszonen zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft und verbinden auf diese Weise wissenschaftsgeschichtliche und bildwissenschaftliche Fragestellungen. Die Themen reichen von der Mikroskopie in populĂ€rwissenschaftlichen BĂŒchern des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts und der Debatte um die Geisterfotografie im ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert bis hin zu Visualisierungen des Tabakmosaikvirus in der Gegenwart.Knowledge formations are always also image information. Scientific processes of knowledge therefore belong to a cultural practice that encompasses both visual and knowledge traditions. The essays collected in this volume examine scientific and artistic visualizations in the transitional zones between art and science and thus combine historical and pictorial issues. The topics range from microscopy in popular science books of the 17th and 18th centuries and the debate about ghost photography in the late 19th century to visualizations of the tobacco mosaic virus in the present

    Parafoveal processing during reading is reduced across a morphological boundary

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    A boundary change manipulation was implemented within a monomorphemic word (e.g., fountaom as a preview for fountain), where parallel processing should occur given adequate visual acuity, and within an unspaced compound (bathroan as a preview for bathroom), where some serial processing of the constituents is likely. Consistent with that hypothesis, there was no effect of the preview manipulation on fixation time on the 1st constituent of the compound, whereas there was on the corresponding letters of the monomorphemic word. There was also a larger preview disruption on gaze duration on the whole monomorphemic word than on the compound, suggesting more parallel processing within monomorphemic words