354 research outputs found

    Spiritualität und Leitung nach Hildegard Burjan

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Verhältnis von Spiritualität und Führung in kirchlich-caritativen Unternehmen. Exemplarisch wurde dazu eine Untersuchung in der Einrichtungen der gemeinnützigen Privatstiftung Caritas Socialis durchgeführt und leitende Personen in qualitativen Interviews dazu befragt. Der I. Teil der Arbeit ist eine theoretische Auseinandersetzung mit den Schlüsselthemen und –begriffen Spiritualität, Führung und der Gründerin und ersten Vorsteherin der CS-Schwesterngemeinschaft Hildegard Burjan. „Spiritualität“ ist ein vielgestaltiger, ambivalenter und aktuell vieldiskutierter Begriff in der Theologie. Die Auseinandersetzung gibt einen kurzen Überblick über die Versuche Spiritualität zu definieren. Eine Eingrenzung auf einen christlichen Spiritualitätsbegriff dient dem Anliegen dieser Arbeit, die Forschungsfrage zu beantworten. Innerhalb des Bereichs Organisationsentwicklung nimmt „Führung“ eine wichtige Position ein. Anhand der Darstellung von verschiedenen Organisationsmodellen und Phasen einer Organisation wird deutlich, dass es jeweils unterschiedliche Führungsmodelle braucht. Der Zusammenhang zwischen Führung, Ethik und Spiritualität ist in kirchlich-caritativen Organisationen evident. Zur Beantwortung der Forschungsfrage braucht es gute Kenntnis der Gründerin der Caritas Socialis. Ihr Selbstverständnis, ihre Spiritualität und ihre natürliche Autorität als Leiterin zeigen sich in ihrem Leben und Werk. In der Nachfolge Hildegard Burjans hat die CS-Schwesterngemeinschaft versucht ihren Weg weiterzugehen und unmittelbar praktische Hilfe für Menschen in Not mit gesellschaftspolitischem Einsatz zu verbinden. Ein kurzer Abriss über die Geschichte der Caritas Socialis zwischen 1936 und 2009 soll dies verdeutlichen. Aus der theoretischen Auseinandersetzung und den Interviews haben sich für den II. Teil Kategorien ergeben, die die spirituelle Kompetenz heutiger Führung sichtbar machen. In diesem Zusammenhang erschien es mir zielführend, eine Unterscheidung zwischen einem generellen Selbstverständnis/der Haltung einer Führungsperson und der Umsetzung im Führungsverhalten sowohl bei der Gründerin als auch ihren NachfolgerInnen im heutigen kirchlich-caritativen Unternehmen zu treffen. Diese Kategorien sind im Bereich erworbene Haltung/erworbenes Selbstverständnis: Führungspersönlichkeit, (Christliche) Weltdeutung, Kirchlichkeit, Umgang mit Macht/ Ohnmacht, gesellschaftspolitscher und kirchlicher Einfluss, Life-Work-Balance. Im Bereich des erlernten Führungsverhaltens/erlernter Handlungen sind das: Mensch im Mittelpunkt, Entscheidungen treffen, Kommunikation, Schaffung von Rahmenbedingungen, Umgang mit Kritik und Konflikt, Zukunftsvisionen haben. Im III. Teil wurde diese Kategorien nochmals aufgegriffen: Die Zitate aus den geführten Interviews wurden in Zusammenhang mit einem Wort von Hildegard Burjan gebracht. Es zeigt sich hier über weite Strecken eine große Übereinstimmung mit der heutigen Führungskultur, bedingt durch einen Wandel in Gesellschaft, Kirche und Politik auch Unterschiede und Differenzen zwischen Hildegard Burjans Leitungsstil und dem heutigen Führungsnetzwerk. Ein Ergebnis dieser Arbeit ist, dass es in den Caritas Socialis GmbHs eine fruchtbare und rege Auseinandersetzung mit den Wurzeln gibt und die leitenden Personen diesen Prozess selbst anregen und fördern. Meiner Einschätzung nach ist das ein wegweisendes Modell einer evangeliumsnahen Praxis, in einer Zeit, die weniger nach Theorie als vielmehr nach Beispielen von gelebtem Christentum fragt

    Assessing meso- and microplastic pollution in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas

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    As the production of plastic products continues to increase, determining the fate of plastic waste in the environment is of high importance. Densely populated areas, such as Mediterranean coastlines, represent locations of high pollution risk for surrounding environments. Thus, this study aims to assess the abundance, size, and composition of floating meso- and microplastics collected during four weeks in 2018 in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas. The results show average meso- and microplastic particle concentrations of 28,376 ± 28,917 particles km−2, and an average mass of 268.61 ± 421.18 g km−2. The particle shape ratio was 65% fragments, 19% films, 10% lines, 4% foams, and 2% pellets. Microplastic particles comprised 65% of the sample. Analysis with attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy showed predominant polymer types included polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, and polyamide. These data are an important starting point for long-term monitoring of plastic pollution levels within this region

    Endophytic root colonization of gramineous plants by Herbaspirillum frisingense

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    Herbaspirillum frisingense is a diazotrophic betaproteobacterium isolated from C4-energy plants, for example Miscanthus sinensis. To demonstrate endophytic colonization unequivocally, immunological labeling techniques using monospecific polyclonal antibodies against two H. frisingense strains and green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fluorescence tagging were applied. The polyclonal antibodies enabled specific in situ identification and very detailed localization of H. frisingense isolates Mb11 and GSF30T within roots of Miscanthus×giganteus seedlings. Three days after inoculation, cells were found inside root cortex cells and after 7 days they were colonizing the vascular tissue in the central cylinder. GFP-tagged H. frisingense strains could be detected and localized in uncut root material by confocal laser scanning microscopy and were found as endophytes in cortex cells, intercellular spaces and the central cylinder of barley roots. Concerning the production of potential plant effector molecules, H. frisingense strain GSF30T tested positive for the production of indole-3-acetic acid, while Mb11 was shown to produce N-acylhomoserine lactones, and both strains were able to utilize 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC), providing an indication of the activity of an ACC-deaminase. These results clearly present H. frisingense as a true plant endophyte and, although initial greenhouse experiments did not lead to clear plant growth stimulation, demonstrate the potential of this species for beneficial effects on the growth of crop plant

    Emergence of nanoplastic in the environment and possible impact on human health

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    On account of environmental concerns, the fate and adverse effects of plastics have attracted considerable interest in the past few years. Recent studies have indicated the potential for fragmentation of plastic materials into nanoparticles, i.e., “nanoplastics,” and their possible accumulation in the environment. Nanoparticles can show markedly different chemical and physical properties than their bulk material form. Therefore possible risks and hazards to the environment need to be considered and addressed. However, the fate and effect of nanoplastics in the (aquatic) environment has so far been little explored. In this review, we aim to provide an overview of the literature on this emerging topic, with an emphasis on the reported impacts of nanoplastics on human health, including the challenges involved in detecting plastics in a biological environment. We first discuss the possible sources of nanoplastics and their fates and effects in the environment and then describe the possible entry routes of these particles into the human body, as well as their uptake mechanisms at the cellular level. Since the potential risks of environmental nanoplastics to humans have not yet been extensively studied, we focus on studies demonstrating cell responses induced by polystyrene nanoparticles. In particular, the influence of particle size and surface chemistry are discussed, in order to understand the possible risks of nanoplastics for humans and provide recommendations for future studies

    Effect of antimicrobial stewardship on antimicrobial prescriptions for selected diseases of dogs in Switzerland.

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    BACKGROUND Antimicrobial stewardship programs (ASPs) are important tools to foster prudent antimicrobial use. OBJECTIVE To evaluate antimicrobial prescriptions by Swiss veterinarians before and after introduction of the online ASP AntibioticScout.ch in December 2016. ANIMALS Dogs presented to 2 university hospitals and 14 private practices in 2016 or 2018 for acute diarrhea (AD; n = 779), urinary tract infection (UTI; n = 505), respiratory tract infection (RTI; n = 580), or wound infection (WI; n = 341). METHODS Retrospective study. Prescriptions of antimicrobials in 2016 and 2018 were compared and their appropriateness assessed by a justification score. RESULTS The proportion of dogs prescribed antimicrobials decreased significantly between 2016 and 2018 (74% vs 59%; P < .001). The proportion of prescriptions in complete agreement with guidelines increased significantly (48% vs 60%; P < .001) and those in complete disagreement significantly decreased (38% vs 24%; P < .001) during this time. Antimicrobial prescriptions for dogs with AD were significantly correlated with the presence of hemorrhagic diarrhea in both years, but a significantly lower proportion of dogs with hemorrhagic diarrhea were unnecessarily prescribed antimicrobials in 2018 (65% vs 36%; P < .001). In private practices, in 2018 a bacterial etiology of UTI was confirmed in 16% of dogs. Prescriptions for fluoroquinolones significantly decreased (29% vs 14%; P = .002). Prescriptions for antimicrobials decreased significantly in private practices for RTI (54% vs 31%; P < .001). CONCLUSION Antimicrobials were used more prudently for the examined indications in 2018 compared to 2016. The study highlights the continued need for ASPs in veterinary medicine

    Two-photon excitation with finite pulses unlocks pure dephasing-induced degradation of entangled photons emitted by quantum dots

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    Semiconductor quantum dots have emerged as an especially promising platform for the generation of polarization-entangled photon pairs. However, it was demonstrated recently that the two-photon excitation scheme employed in state-of-the-art experiments limits the achievable degree of entanglement by introducing which-path information. In this work, the combined impact of two-photon excitation and longitudinal acoustic phonons on photon pairs emitted by strongly-confining quantum dots is investigated. It is found that phonons further reduce the achievable degree of entanglement even in the limit of vanishing temperature due to phonon-induced pure dephasing and phonon-assisted one-photon processes, which increase the reexcitation probability. In addition, the degree of entanglement, as measured by the concurrence, decreases with rising temperature and/or pulse duration, even if the excitonic fine-structure splitting is absent and when higher electronic states are out of reach. Furthermore, in the case of finite fine-structure splittings, phonons enlarge the discrepancy in concurrence for different laser polarizations.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Effect of everolimus-based drug regimens on CMV-specific T-cell functionality after renal transplantation: 12-month ATHENA subcohort-study results

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    Post-transplant cytomegalovirus (CMV) infections and increased viral replication are associated with CMV-specific T-cell anergy. In the ATHENA-study, de-novo everolimus (EVR) with reduced-exposure tacrolimus (TAC) or cyclosporine (CyA) showed significant benefit in preventing CMV infections in renal transplant recipients as compared to standard TAC + mycophenolic acid (MPA). However, immunomodulatory mechanisms for this effect remain largely unknown. Ninety patients from the ATHENA-study completing the 12-month visit on-treatment (EVR + TAC n = 28; EVR + CyA n = 19; MPA + TAC n = 43) were included in a posthoc analysis. Total lymphocyte subpopulations were quantified. CMV-specific CD4 T cells were determined after stimulation with CMV-antigen, and cytokine-profiles and various T-cell anergy markers were analyzed using flow cytometry. While 25.6% of MPA + TAC-treated patients had CMV-infections, no such events were reported in EVR-treated patients. Absolute numbers of lymphocyte subpopulations were comparable between arms, whereas the percentage of regulatory T cells was significantly higher with EVR + CyA versus MPA + TAC (p = 0.019). Despite similar percentages of CMV-specific T cells, their median expression of CTLA-4 and PD-1 was lower with EVR + TAC (p < 0.05 for both) or EVR + CyA (p = 0.045 for CTLA-4) compared with MPA + TAC. Moreover, mean percentages of multifunctional CMV-specific T cells were higher with EVR + TAC (27.2%) and EVR + CyA (29.4%) than with MPA + TAC (19.0%). In conclusion, EVR-treated patients retained CMV-specific T-cell functionality, which may contribute to enhanced protection against CMV infections

    Global Dam Watch: curated data and tools for management and decision making

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    Dams, reservoirs, and other water management infrastructure provide benefits, but can also have negative impacts. Dam construction and removal affects progress toward the UN sustainable development goals at local to global scales. Yet, globally-consistent information on the location and characteristics of these structures are lacking, with information often highly localised, fragmented, or inaccessible. A freely available, curated, consistent, and regularly updated global database of existing dams and other instream infrastructure is needed along with open access tools to support research, decision-making and management needs. Here we introduce the Global Dam Watch (GDW) initiative (www.globaldamwatch.org ) whose objectives are: (a) advancing recent efforts to develop a single, globally consistent dam and instream barrier data product for global-scale analyses (the GDW database); (b) bringing together the increasingly numerous global, regional and local dam and instream barrier datasets in a directory of databases (the GDW directory); (c) building tools for the visualisation of dam and instream barrier data and for analyses in support of policy and decision making (the GDW knowledge-base) and (d) advancing earth observation and geographical information system techniques to map a wider range of instream structures and their properties. Our focus is on all types of anthropogenic instream barriers, though we have started by prioritizing major reservoir dams and run-of-river barriers, for which more information is available. Our goal is to facilitate national-scale, basin-scale and global-scale mapping, analyses and understanding of all instream barriers, their impacts and their role in sustainable development through the provision of publicly accessible information and tools. We invite input and partnerships across sectors to strengthen GDW’s utility and relevance for all, help define database content and knowledge-base tools, and generally expand the reach of GDW as a global hub of impartial academic expertise and policy information regarding dams and other instream barriers

    Dolls/puppets as soulmates – biographical traces of dolls/puppets in art, literature, work and performance

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    https://dedo.ub.uni-siegen.deDie vorliegende vierte Ausgabe der Zeitschrift denkste: puppe / just a bit of: doll (de:do), ein multidisziplinäres Online-Journal für Mensch-Puppen-Diskurse, greift den Themenschwerpunkt Puppen als Seelenverwandte – biographische Spuren von Puppen in Kunst, Literatur, Werk und Darstellung auf. Es geht um die Frage nach Wirkungen früher Puppenerfahrungen in der späteren künstlerischen Arbeit und damit nach den möglichen (biographischen) Wurzeln und Zusammenhängen von Puppenmotiv und Puppen-Narrativen im künstlerisch-literarischen Werk. Puppenbezüge in Werk- und Schaffensprozessen können frühe Erfahrungen biographischer Brüche und Verletzungen transformieren bzw. sie künstlerisch produktiv integrieren, sie können aber auch Ausdruck für Kontinuität und Intensivierung früher Prägungen und Vorlieben sein. In den vorliegenden Beiträgen geht es um puppenbezogene künstlerische Ausdrucksformen, die als Beiträge hier formal unterschiedlich aufbereitet werden: als wissenschaftsbasierter Text, Selbstbericht, Miszelle, Rezension, Interview und: Kunstwerk. Untersucht und thematisiert werden Puppen-Sammlungen, die Herstellung besonderer Puppen, literarische Puppentexte, Inszenierungen und Bilder. Außerdem wurden weitere Beiträge einbezogen, die Puppen als Varianten „künstlicher Menschen“ in unterschiedlichsten Themenbezügen behandeln. In vielen Beiträgen deutet sich an, dass die Affinität zum „Phänomen Puppe“ in seinen verschiedenen künstlerischen Umsetzungsformen auf biographisch geprägte Spuren verweist: als Ausdrucks- und Darstellungsmittel steht die Puppe somit auch für etwas Besonderes der Menschen, die sich künstlerisch auf sie beziehen und mit ihr interagieren und „spielen“.This fourth issue of denkste: puppe / just a bit of: doll (de:do), a multidisciplinary online journal for human-doll discourses, takes up the thematic focus on dolls/puppets as soulmates – biographical traces of dolls/puppets in art, literature, work and performance. It is about the impact of early doll experiences in later artistic work and thus about the possible (biographical) roots and connections of doll motifs and doll narratives in artistic-literary work. Doll/puppet references in work and creative processes can transform early experiences of biographical breaks and harm or integrate them in an artistically productive way, but they can also be an expression of continuity and intensification of early experience and preferences. The present contributions deal with doll/puppet-related artistic forms of expression, which are formally presented in different ways: as science-based text, self-report, miscellaneous, review, interview and: work of art. Doll/puppet collections, the making of particular puppets, literary puppet texts, performances and images are examined and addressed. In addition, further contributions were included, which deal with dolls as variants of "artificial humans" in the most diverse thematic contexts. Most of the contributions indicate that the affinity to the “phenomenon of the doll” in its various artistic forms of realization refers to biographically shaped traces: as a means of expression and representation the doll thus also stands for something special about the human beings who refer to it artistically and interact and "play" with it