12 research outputs found

    Longitudinal beam profile measurements at CTF3 using a streak camera

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    The proposed Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a multi-TeV electron-positron collider for particle physics based on an innovative two-beam acceleration concept. A high-intensity drive beam powers the main beam of a high-frequency (30 GHz) linac with a gradient of 150 MV/m, by means of transfer structure sections. The aim of the CLIC Test Facility (CTF3) is to make exhaustive tests of the main CLIC parameters and to prove the technical feasibility. One of the points of particular interest is the demonstration of bunch train compression and combination in the Delay Loop and in the Combiner Ring. Thus, detailed knowledge about the longitudinal beam structure is of utmost importance and puts high demands on the diagnostic equipment. Among others, measurements with a streak camera have been performed on the linac part of the CTF3 as well as on the newly installed Delay Loop. This allowed e.g. monitoring of the longitudinal structure of individual bunches, the RF combination of the beam, the behavior during phase shifts and the influence of the installed wiggler. This article first gives an overview of the CTF3 facility, then describes in detail the layout of the long optical lines required for observation of either optical transition radiation or synchrotron radiation, and finally shows first results obtained during the last machine run this year

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    Beam Loss Measurements for Recurring Fast Loss Events During 2017 LHC Operation Possibly Caused by Macroparticles

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    The availability of the LHC machine was adversely affected in 2017 by tens of beam aborts provoked by frequent loss events in one standard arc cell (16L2). In most of the cases, the dumps were triggered by concurrently developing fast beam instabilities leading to particle losses in the betatron cleaning insertion. Many of the events started with a distinct sub-millisecond loss peak comparable to regular dust particle events, which have been observed along all the LHC since the start-up. In contrast to regular dust events, persistent losses developed in cell 16L2 after the initial peaks which can possibly be explained by a phase transition of macroparticles to the gas phase. In this paper, we summarize the observed loss characteristics such as spatial loss pattern and time profiles measured by Beam Loss Monitors (ionization chambers). Based on the measurements, we estimate the energy deposition in macroparticles and reconstruct proton loss rates as well as the gas densities after the phase transition. Differences between regular dust events and events in 16L2 are highlighted and the ability to induce magnet quenches is discussed

    Upgrade of the SPS Ion Injection System

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    As part of the LHC Injectors Upgrade Project (LIU) the injection system into the SPS will be upgraded for the use with ions. The changes will include the addition of a Pulse Forming Line parallel to the existing PFN to power the kicker magnets MKP-S. With the PFL a reduced magnetic field rise time of 100 ns should be reached. The missing deflection strength will be given by two new septum magnets MSI-V, to be installed between the existing septum MSI and the kickers MKP-S. A dedicated ion dump will be installed downstream of the injection elements. The parameter lists of the elements and studies concerning emittance blow-up coming from the injection system are presented. The feasibility of the 100 ns kicker rise time and the small ripple of the septum power converter are presented. Material studies of the ion dump are presented together with the radiation impact

    Observations, Analysis and Mitigation of Recurrent LHC Beam Dumps Caused by Fast Losses in Arc Half-Cell 16L2

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    Recurrent beam dumps significantly perturbed the operation of the CERN LHC in the summer months of 2017, especially in August. These unexpected beam dumps were triggered by fast beam losses that built up in the cryogenic beam vacuum at the half-cell 16 left of LHC-IP2 and were detected either at that location but mainly in the collimation insertions. This contribution details the experimental observables (beam losses, coherent instabilities, heat load to cryogenic system, vacuum signals), the extent of the understanding of the beam loss and instability mechanisms and the mitigation steps and new settings that allowed recovering the luminosity performance of the LHC for the rest of the Run

    Diabetes Affects Antibody Response to SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in Older Residents of Long-term Care Facilities: Data From the GeroCovid Vax Study

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    Objective: Type 2 diabetes may affect the humoral immune response after vaccination, but data concerning coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) vaccines are scarce. We evaluated the impact of diabetes on antibody response to the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) vaccination in older residents of long-term care facilities (LTCFs) and tested for differences according to antidiabetic treatment. Research design and methods: For this analysis, 555 older residents of LTCFs participating in the GeroCovid Vax study were included. SARS-CoV-2 trimeric S immunoglobulin G (anti-S IgG) concentrations using chemiluminescent assays were tested before the first dose and after 2 and 6 months. The impact of diabetes on anti-S IgG levels was evaluated using linear mixed models, which included the interaction between time and presence of diabetes. A second model also considered diabetes treatment: no insulin therapy (including dietary only or use of oral antidiabetic agents) and insulin therapy (alone or in combination with oral antidiabetic agents). Results: The mean age of the sample was 82.1 years, 68.1% were women, and 25.2% had diabetes. In linear mixed models, presence of diabetes was associated with lower anti-S IgG levels at 2 (β = -0.20; 95% CI -0.34, -0.06) and 6 months (β = -0.22; 95% CI -0.37, -0.07) after the first vaccine dose. Compared with those without diabetes, residents with diabetes not using insulin had lower IgG levels at 2- and 6-month assessments (β = -0.24; 95% CI -0.43, -0.05 and β = -0.30; 95% CI -0.50, -0.10, respectively), whereas no differences were observed for those using insulin. Conclusions: Older residents of LTCFs with diabetes tended to have weaker antibody response to COVID-19 vaccination. Insulin treatment might buffer this effect and establish humoral immunity similar to that in individuals without diabetes