661 research outputs found

    Vernacular transformations: Change and continuity in the local architectures of the Argentinian Highlands

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    Este artículo analiza la arquitectura que se está desarrollando en la Puna de la provincia de Jujuy, Argentina, a partir del estudio de caso llevado a cabo en la localidad de Coranzulí. La zona constituye un área de tierras altas que ha sido fundamental e históricamente un territorio pastoril de alta movilidad; condición asociada no solo a lo productivo, sino también a un particular modo de concepción del espacio y la arquitectura, materializado principalmente a través de distintas técnicas de construcción en tierra cruda. La progresiva urbanización del área, a lo largo del siglo XX, ha implicado grandes cambios en las formas de vida de las poblaciones locales, también en términos técnicos y arquitectónicos. Esta investigación indaga el modo en el que estas arquitecturas, producidas por distintos actores locales, se articulan, dialogan y asimismo discuten con aquellas provenientes de los ámbitos hegemónicos, para reflexionar, desde allí, acerca de la propia noción de lo vernáculo.This article analyzes the architecture currently being developed in the Puna area of Jujuy Province, Argentina based on a case study carried out in Coranzulí. This highland zone has historically been a largely pastoral territory of high mobility that is associated not only with productivity, but also with a particular way of conceptualizing space and architecture, which is mainly created using different earthen construction techniques. The progressive urbanization of the area throughout the twentieth century has meant major changes in the ways of life of local populations and also in technical and architectural terms. This research seeks to investigate the way in which these architectures produced by different local actors relate to, negotiate with and challenge those which come from hegemonic spheres, in order to reflect on the notion of the vernacular.Fil: Barada, Julieta. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Instituto de Arte Americano e Investigación Estéticas "Mario Buschiazzo"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Tabella plumbea Traguriensis

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    Materialidades estatales en los márgenes del Estado. Las arquitecturas institucionales del siglo XX, desde el devenir de una escuela puneña (Jujuy, Argentina)

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    En general, el estudio de la arquitectura del estado se ha enfocado al análisis de las producciones que tuvieron lugar en los centros de poder desde los que se despliegan los aparatos estatales. En este contexto, el rol de la arquitectura se constituye desde la centralidad, lo que contribuye al argumento de la conformación de una imagen reconocible y reproducible del aparato estatal. Pero ¿qué ocurre en aquellos sitios que lejos de formar parte de la centralidad de la construcción estatal se encuentran en sus márgenes, constituyéndose incluso como espacios desconocidos para el propio Estado? El objetivo de la investigación que aquí se expone es analizar la producción de arquitecturas del Estado en la Puna de Atacama, Argentina, a partir de un estudio etnográfico e histórico que permite analizar la trayectoria de este espacio como parte de una construcción nacional desde comienzos del siglo XX. Metodológicamente, se comprende la producción arquitectónica del Estado no sólo desde el Estado, sino desde las perspectivas locales, reconociendo el complejo de agencias que intervienen en la arquitectura a través del tiempo. Este trabajo se lleva a cabo a través de un estudio de caso, el de una escuela puneña ubicada en la localidad de Coranzulí, en la actual provincia de Jujuy, que a partir de un trabajo etnográfico y de archivo permite observar esta problemática, en dos ejes analíticos. El primero de ellos aborda los modos de producción de las arquitecturas como procesos en el tiempo, en los que interviene una red compleja de actores. El segundo se refiere, específicamente, a las características materiales de estas arquitecturas y a la forma en que allí se expresan sentidos que operan sobre la aparente uniformidad del Estado. Finalmente, se problematiza la propia noción de hegemonía como construcción inacabada y en la cual el rol de los actores locales tiene un rol fundamental.Em geral, o estudo da arquitetura do Estado centrou-se na análise das produções que tiveram lugar nos centros de poder a partir dos quais os dispositivos do Estado são implantados. Neste contexto, o papel da arquitetura é constituído a partir da centralidade, o que contribui para o argumento da conformação de uma imagem reconhecível e reprodutível do dispositivo estatal. Mas o que acontece naqueles lugares que, longe de fazerem parte da centralidade da construção estatal, se encontram em suas margens, constituindo até mesmo espaços desconhecidos para o próprio Estado? O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a produção de arquiteturas estatais na Puna de Atacama, Argentina, com base num estudo etnográfico e histórico que nos permite analisar a trajetória deste espaço como parte de uma construção nacional desde o início do século XX. Metodologicamente, compreenderemos a produção arquitetônica do Estado não só a partir do Estado, mas também de perspectivas locais, reconhecendo o complexo de agências que intervêm na arquitetura ao longo do tempo. Este trabalho é realizado mediante um estudo de caso, o de uma escola situada na localidade de Coranzulí, no que hoje é a província de Jujuy, a qual, a partir de um trabalho etnográfico e arquivístico, nos permite analisar a problemática sobre dois eixos analíticonos quais uma rede complexa de atores intervém. O segundo refere-se especificamente às características materiais destas arquiteturas, e à forma como nelas se expressam sentidos que operam sobre a aparente uniformidade do estado. Finalmente, a própria noção de hegemonia é problematizada como uma construção inacabada na qual o papel dos atores locais é fundamental.In general, the study of state architecture has focused on the analysis of the construction that took place in the centers of power, through which state structures are deployed. In this context, the role of architecture comes from centrality, which contributes to the argument of the conformation of a recognizable and reproducible image of the state apparatus. But what happens in those places that, far from being part of the centrality of the state construction, are found in its margins, even constituting spaces unknown to the state itself? The purpose of this paper is to analyze the construction of state architectures in the Puna de Atacama (Atacamanian Plateau), Argentina, through an ethnographic and historical study that allows analyzing the evolution of this space as part of national construction since the early 20th century. Methodologically, this will aim at understanding the architectural production of the state not only from the state itself but from local perspectives, recognizing the set of agencies involved in architecture over time. This work is carried out using, as a case study, a school in the town of Coranzulí, in the current province of Jujuy, which from an ethnographic and archival work allows observing this issue, along two analytical lines. The first has to do with the ways of production of architecture as processes where, over time, a complex network of players is involved. The second refers, specifically, to the material characteristics of this architecture, and the way the senses that operate on the apparent uniformity of the state are expressed there. This work, then, allows finally problematizing the very notion of hegemony as an unfinished construction, where the role of local players is fundamental

    Effort Estimation For Object-oriented System Using Stochastic Gradient Boosting Technique

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    The success of software development depends on the proper prediction of the effort required to develop the software. Project managers oblige a solid methodology for software effort prediction. It is particularly paramount throughout the early stages of the software development life cycle. Faultless software effort estimation is a major concern in software commercial enterprises. Stochastic Gradient Boosting (SGB) is a machine learning techniques that helps in getting improved estimated values. SGB is used for improving the accuracy of estimation models using decision trees. In this paper, the basic aim is the effort prediction required to develop various software projects using both the class point and the use case point approach. Then, optimization of the effort parameters is achieved using the SGB technique to obtain better prediction accuracy. Furthermore, performance comparisons of the models obtained using the SGB technique with the other machine learning techniques are presented in order to highlight the performance achieved by each method

    A Comprehensive Methodology for Algorithm Characterization, Regularization and Mapping Into Optimal VLSI Arrays.

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    This dissertation provides a fairly comprehensive treatment of a broad class of algorithms as it pertains to systolic implementation. We describe some formal algorithmic transformations that can be utilized to map regular and some irregular compute-bound algorithms into the best fit time-optimal systolic architectures. The resulted architectures can be one-dimensional, two-dimensional, three-dimensional or nonplanar. The methodology detailed in the dissertation employs, like other methods, the concept of dependence vector to order, in space and time, the index points representing the algorithm. However, by differentiating between two types of dependence vectors, the ordering procedure is allowed to be flexible and time optimal. Furthermore, unlike other methodologies, the approach reported here does not put constraints on the topology or dimensionality of the target architecture. The ordered index points are represented by nodes in a diagram called Systolic Precedence Diagram (SPD). The SPD is a form of precedence graph that takes into account the systolic operation requirements of strictly local communications and regular data flow. Therefore, any algorithm with variable dependence vectors has to be transformed into a regular indexed set of computations with local dependencies. This can be done by replacing variable dependence vectors with sets of fixed dependence vectors. The SPD is transformed into an acyclic, labeled, directed graph called the Systolic Directed Graph (SDG). The SDG models the data flow as well as the timing for the execution of the given algorithm on a time-optimal array. The target architectures are obtained by projecting the SDG along defined directions. If more than one valid projection direction exists, different designs are obtained. The resulting architectures are then evaluated to determine if an improvement in the performance can be achieved by increasing PE fan-out. If so, the methodology provides the corresponding systolic implementation. By employing a new graph transformation, the SDG is manipulated so that it can be mapped into fixed-size and fixed-depth multi-linear arrays. The latter is a new concept of systolic arrays that is adaptable to changes in the state of technology. It promises a bonded clock skew, higher throughput and better performance than the linear implementation

    Accounting, Organizations and Society: A Bibliometric Study Based on the Science Direct Database during the year, 2005-2014.

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    A totalityof 1000 papers from selected journal “Accounting, Organizations and Society” from the subject area of Social sciences has beenconsideredas the major source of data collected from Science Direct Bibliographic database for the present research work as a survey of 10 years (2005-2014)a citation length of whole study.The study examines the various aspects of the journal such as: Authors productivity,degree of collaboration,authorship pattern,citation pattern,productive countries and institutions,prolific author,scholarly publications and research excellence ect. The paper highlightsinstitutions by distribution of their productivity. The research output of this study provides a better understanding of patterns, trends and several important quantitative factors in the area of Social Sciences

    Subsequential limits of fixed point sets

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    Vernacular earthen architectures. Institutionalisation and management models for its conservation in northern Argentina

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    [EN] The conservation of vernacular earthen architecture presents specific technical and social challenges, which implies particular reflections in relation to concrete actions for their restoration, but also to the management models implemented in the interventions. The heritagisation of many of these architectures implies an institutionalization of actions, with approaches on vernacular techniques with procedures that are often foreign to the logics of local constructive cultures. This paper is oriented to the analysis of two vernacular earthen architectures in northern Argentina: Casa del Marques -in the town of Yavi- and the Church of Uquía, both in the province of Jujuy. These analysis involve a recognition of the different trajectories around the institutionalization of conservation, both historical and contemporary. In this sense, the paper will focus on three issues: (a) the action of state institutions in the conservation of these architectures; (b) the problems associated with these actions in technical terms; (c) the possibilities of participatory approaches from vernacular practices. In methodological terms, this presentation will be based on the fieldwork carried out for the registration, diagnosis and support in the execution of the works, in dialogue with other approaches from archive documentation. In the particular case of Casa de Marques, the fieldwork implied the realization of different workshops with local communities, from participatory approaches.Tomasi, J.; Barada, J. (2022). Vernacular earthen architectures. Institutionalisation and management models for its conservation in northern Argentina. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1077-1084. https://doi.org/10.4995/HERITAGE2022.2022.151261077108

    Constructive (dis)continuities in earthen heritage restoration in northwestern Argentina

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    [EN] Successive interventions that certain heritage architectures have had over time imply, in many cases, the interaction between construction techniques and materials that not always are compatible with each other. This interaction relates to communities’ conceptions about architectural heritage and its techniques, leading to constructive continuities and discontinuities that influence heritage assets and their trajectories. In this paper, these issues will be analized from the “Casa del Marqués”, located in the province of Jujuy, in northwestern Argentina, a restoration work in progress with a participative approach strategy as a review instance of our own representations and articulation with those that come from local populations.[ES] Las sucesivas intervenciones que ciertos edificios patrimoniales han experimentado a lo largo del tiempo implican, en ocasiones, la interacción entre técnicas y materiales constructivos no siempre compatibles entre sí. Esta interacción está relacionada con concepciones sociales sobre el patrimonio y sus técnicas elaboradas por la población, que muchas veces no son contempladas en las intervenciones, acarreando continuidades y discontinuidades constructivas que influyen sobre los bienes patrimoniales y su trayectoria. En este artículo se analizan estas cuestiones a partir de la “Casa del Marqués”, en la provincia de Jujuy, en el noroeste de la Argentina, una restauración en curso con una estrategia participativa como instancia de revisión de nuestras propias representaciones y de articulación con aquellas otras que provienen de las personas del terreno.El proyecto se realiza a través de un trabajo conjunto entre la Dirección Provincial de Patrimonio de la provincia de Jujuy y el Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)Barada, J.; Tomasi, JME. (2020). (Dis)continuidades constructivas en la restauración del patrimonio en tierra del noroeste argentino. Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración. 0(33):44-57. https://doi.org/10.4995/loggia.2020.12966OJS445703