987 research outputs found

    The application of generalising judgements and their influence on the images of selected Polish columnists (a constructivism-focussed quantitative and qualitative approach)

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    The goal of the text was to indicate the image characteristics of an author of a verbal expression which were communicated through expressing generalising judgements, and to establish the difference between such generalisations depending on the given image characteristic. I used constructivism as the leading theory. In terms of methodology, I applied mixed methods: quantitative (quasi-experiment) and discourse analysis. The analysis indicated that generalisations are used for communicating the characteristics of: intelligent, critical, bluntly states her/his bold judgements, insightful, writes in an interesting way, realist, frank, while the receivers assign some of the characteristics depending on the degree of evaluation emphasis, reference to a taboo, utilisation of negation, and expressions using the 1st person plural.The article was co-financed within the framework of a limited subsidy for research, and the development of young scientists and Ph.D. candidates, project code: B1711300001711.02

    The Capacities and Limitations of the Newspaper Column as a Tool for Creating the Image of Its Author

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    The aim of this paper is to verify the capacities and limitations of the newspaper column (understood as a genre) as a tool for creating the image of its author. In the paper, the distinguishing features of a column are first presented, and then a hypothesis is proposed for predicting which attributes of its author may be generated by the column’s features. This hypothesis is juxtaposed with the results of empirical research. The main task of this research was to read the texts of one of two Polish columnists – Krzysztof Varga and Szymon Hołownia – and subsequently answer questions indicating the authors’ attributes. This procedure made it possible to recreate the image of the text’s author. The results demonstrated the influence of the column’s distinguishing features on the image of its author inferred by readers.Zadanie „Stworzenie anglojęzycznych wersji wydawanych publikacji” finansowane w ramach umowy nr 948/P-DUN/2016 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę

    Podmiotowy wymiar fake newsów

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    The universal access to the Internet contributed to the dissemination and popularization of fake news. Their function is quite broad – they can influence the results of political elections, social attitudes and behavior or stock market quotations, and weaken social trust in particular categories of our existence. In the age of the Internet, thousands of new content with manipulated data is circulated every day, without any reliable research that destabilizes the perception of reality. Disinformation is not a new phenomenon, but it has never been such a powerful weapon. The omnipresence of fake news raises questions about the subject side, i.e. senders, content distributors, sources of responsibility for the published material. The aim of this article is an attempt to systematize the concept of fake news and indicate the entities responsible for broadcasting this type of content in the context of applicable law. For this reason, the following hypothesis was adopted: The indifference of approaches in defining the concept of fake news means that the authors and entities distributing content are not aware of the contradiction of the actions taken with generally applicable law. As a consequence, elements of the concept of fake news were distinguished and the entities disseminating this type of content were characterized. The article organizes the state of knowledge regarding fake news and fills the research gap.Powszechność dostępu do Internetu przyczyniła się do upowszechnienia i spopularyzowania fake newsów. Ich funkcja jest dość szeroka – mogą wpływać na wyniki wyborów politycznych, postawy i zachowania społeczne czy notowania na giełdzie, a także osłabiać zaufanie społeczne w poszczególnych kategoriach naszej egzystencji. W dobie Internetu codziennie do obiegu trafia tysiące nowych treści ze zmanipulowanymi danymi, bez rzetelnych badań, które destabilizują odbiór rzeczywistości. Dezinformacja nie jest zjawiskiem nowym, ale nigdy nie była tak potężną bronią. Wszechobecność fake newsów stawia pytania o stronę podmiotową, tj. nadawców, dystrybutorów treści, źródła odpowiedzialności za publikowany materiał. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba usystematyzowania pojęcia fake news oraz wskazania podmiotów odpowiedzialnych za emisję tego typu treści w kontekście obowiązującego prawa. Z tego względu przyjęto następującą hipotezę: Indyferentność podejść w zakresie definiowania pojęcia fake news sprawia, że autorzy i podmioty dystrybuujące treści nie zdają sobie sprawy ze sprzeczności podejmowanych działań z prawem powszechnie obowiązującym. W konsekwencji wyodrębniono elementy pojęcia fake news oraz scharakteryzowano podmioty upowszechniające tego typu treści. Artykuł porządkuje stan wiedzy dotyczący fake newsów oraz uzupełnia lukę badawczą

    About relations between humanities and management : mésalliance or happy relationship?

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    Tekst porusza zagadnienia związku nauk humanistycznych i nauk o zarządzaniu. Podstawowe założenia dotyczą możliwości interpretowania procesów zarządzania poprzez formuły: "zarządzanie to zmienianie" i "zarządzanie to tworzenie więzi". Zmienianie dotyczy wymiarów ilościowego i jakościowego, opisy ekonomiczny i humanistyczny wzajemnie się dopełniają. Postuluje się spojrzenie na konsekwencje i odpowiedzialność zarządzania organizacją traktowaną jako element kulturowego (i pozakulturowego) systemu. Tekst odwołuje się do koncepcji teorii aktora-sieci Bruno Latoura, w której położony jest nacisk na fakt permanentnego tworzenia się społeczeństwa (i kultury), zamiast traktowania go jako czegoś trwałego i ustanowionego. Tworzenie więzi jest więc podstawowym zadaniem i konsekwencją zarządzania, zaś siłą napędową wyznaczającą obszary i konteksty tworzonych połączeń są wartości respektowane przez jednostki i grupy. Implikuje to traktowanie człowieka jako homo axiologicus. W artykule wskazano odniesienia do różnych koncepcji obecnych w teorii zarządzania, a także możliwości przyjęcia perspektywy humanistycznej w odniesieniu do teorii (i praktyki) zarządzania.The text discusses the relations between humanities and management sciences. The basic assumptions presented in the article concern interpretation capabilities of management processes in terms of: "management means changing" and "management means bonds creation". Changing refers to both quantitative and qualitative dimensions - here one can perceive the connections between complementary economic and humanistic descriptions. It is important to draw attention exceeding a current point of view in which the organization is regarded as a system. Instead, it is suggested that one should look at the consequences and responsibilities of organization management regarded as a cultural (and non-cultural) system. The text refers to the concept of Actor-Network Theory by Bruno Latour, in which the emphasis is put on the fact of the permanent formation of society (and culture), instead of regarding it as stable and completed. Creating bonds is thus a fundamental task and a consequence of management, whereas the force defining the areas and contexts of created bonds are values respected by individuals and groups. A comprehensive approach to this problem implies the treatment of man as homo axiologicus. In the article references to the conceptions of management theory are indicated, as well as the possibility of adopting humanistic perspective to management theory

    Memory for the future : managing history within the framework of museums

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    The most important idea in this article is that managing a museum means as much as managing history. It is important to be aware that managing memory is indeed equal to managing the oblivion. Whatever will be overlooked within the collection (memory), will most probably be forgotten. Museums should remember that it is about making incessant choices as to which elements of heritage should be preserved and kept in appropriate conditions to be available for further generations. There is a lot of evidence of political, ethnic, social, economical and cultural exclusion. We need to emphasize that all the members of a given community foster its culture and history. Certainly, not all of them participate in its development equally - certain groups (e.g. political) or certain individuals (such as artists) become especially active in certain periods of time or are more influential than other groups in the development of a culture within a smaller community or the entire society. But museums should remember about all of them and should build their collections and displays having all the cultural objects and abjects (acc. to Yulia Kristeva). If a museum is to be the seat of memory and history it needs to include the memory and history of everyone

    Lobbing jako instrument partycypacji społeczeństwa w realizacji zasad państwa demokratycznego

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    The purpose of this paper is to indicate the role and importance of lobbying as a form of ac- tive participation in the decision-making process of entities interested in a given outcome of this process. Lobbying involves business circles, political deputies and potential addressees of the solutions to be enacted, therefore this form of civic activity has attracted increasing interest. Parties involved frequently establish certain organizational structures in order to initiate the activity of authorized entities and involve them in the decision-making process by expressing their approval or disapproval for legislative initiatives. The methods and instruments applied to exert influence are supposed to persuade the decision makers of the necessity to maintain the current solutions, or to inspire changes, but they primarily increase civic consciousness as regards the opportunity for active protection of one’s particular interests

    Zarządzanie treścią w reklamie telewizyjnej na przykładzie wartości zdrowia

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    The world in which people live is a collection of values created by them and for them. As free beings, people make choices, are constantly guided by them in their daily behavior and attitudes, recognizing them as valuable and worthwhile. Accepted socially or individually, they influence decisions made in economic, aesthetic, moral, legal, cognitive or religious spheres. Their importance and influence were also noted by the authors of advertising messages. Appropriately tailored to the market, they shape the content of advertising messages and are of significance in business communication with consumers. This phenomenon can especially be noted in messages recommending medications. Appealing or referring to a particularly valued quality such as “health” is not only justified, but it allows buyers to select these products which in their opinion guarantee the achievement of well-being, a disease-free condition. Management of advertising content through a kind of “imaging” of health in commercials is a consequence of the use of various means of persuasion.Świat, w którym żyje człowiek jest zbiorem wartości, utworzonych przez niego i dla niego. Jako istota wolna, dokonuje ich wyboru, kieruje się nimi w codziennych zachowaniach, postawach, uznając za cenne, godne wysiłku. Uznane społecznie czy indywidualnie wpływają na decyzje podejmowane w sferach: ekonomicznej, estetycznej, moralnej, prawnej, poznawczej czy religijnej. Ich doniosłość i wpływ zauważyli także autorzy komunikatów reklamowych. Odpowiednio dobrane dla danego rynku, kształtują treść komunikatów reklamowych i mają znaczenie w komunikacji przedsiębiorstwa z konsumentami. Szczególnie zaobserwować to można w przekazach rekomendujących leki. Odwoływanie się czy powoływanie wartości szczególnie cenionej, jaką jest „zdrowie”, jest nie tylko uzasadnione, ale pozwala nabywcom na dokonywanie wyboru tych produktów, które w ich ocenie gwarantują osiągnięcie dobrostanu, stanu bezchorobowego. Zarządzanie treścią reklamy poprzez swoistego rodzaju „obrazowanie” zdrowia w reklamach jest konsekwencją stosowania różnych środków perswazyjnych

    Pandemia i praca w trybie home office wyzwaniem dla pedagogiki pracy

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    The article addresses an important and current issue regarding changes in the labour market resulting from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, which broke out at the beginning of 2020. Actions taken to protect the health and life of citizens have disrupted the current trends in the labour market. According to the Central Statistical Office, the pandemic negatively impacted the professional situation of young people, but not only theirs. Organizing work outside the company without direct contact and supervision has become an enormous challenge. Labour pedagogy as a pedagogical subdiscipline may develop new operation models for specialists dealing with work processes and human resource management, especially in their subjective dimension. The article is an attempt to describe the new market reality. The report outlines selected phenomena exposed by the pandemic, the resulting difficulties, and opportunities forcing all market participants to change their ways of acting, but above all, their thinking.W artykule poruszono ważną i aktualną kwestię dotyczącą zmian na rynku pracy będących skutkiem pandemii SARS-CoV-2, która wybuchła z początkiem 2020 roku. Działania podjęte w celu ochrony zdrowia i życia obywateli poskutkowały zaburzeniem dotychczasowych trendów na rynku pracy. Pandemia według GUS wpłynęła szczególnie negatywnie na sytuację zawodową ludzi młodych, ale nie tylko. Organizacja pracy poza firmą, bez bezpośredniego kontaktu i nadzoru, stała się ogromnym wyzwaniem. Pedagogika pracy jako subdyscyplina pedagogiczna może wypracować nowe modele działania dla specjalistów zajmujących się procesami pracy i zarządzaniem zasobami ludzkimi, zwłaszcza ich podmiotowym wymiarem. Artykuł stanowi próbę opisania nowej rzeczywistości rynkowej. W artykule zarysowane zostały wybrane zjawiska, które obnażyła pandemia, wynikające z nich trudności i możliwości zmuszając wszystkich uczestników rynku do zmiany sposobów działania, ale przede wszystkim myślenia

    Rola czynnika społecznego w procesie stanowienia planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego gminy

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    In modern democracies, local residents’ awareness concerning their participation in the decision-making process is becoming increasingly important. The expanding range of instruments provided by existing law enables them to claim their rights not only by means of a system of legal complaints, but to take advantage of the privilege of civil disobedience, and also to become involved in lobbying. This particular aspect of activity has been observed recently, when changes in architectural developments, expansion of motorways, erection of public facilities, and changes of the use of land to serve a different purpose has resulted in the greater public interest sometimes losing priority, at least in the eyes of individual citizens or from the point of view of their interests. Practice is an important factor for citizens to become more and more aware of the opportunities to apply legislative solutions in order to express their approval or disapproval of the changes proposed for a particular location, especially when these concern the immediate neighborhood and are related to residential conditions, development of infrastructure, and investment plans. Experience shows that, as time goes by, we are becoming more involved in the defense of ‘local public interest’. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how local communities and individuals take advantage of the privilege of participating in the process of applying legally sanctioned solutions to the establishment of spatial management plans at the district level and what instruments they use most frequently

    Dylematy współczesnego dziennikarza/dziennikarstwa – wybrane zagadnienia

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    The speed of information transfer, the limited forms and journalistic genres used in every day practice, inadequate professional preparation, fragmentary presentation of interviewees’ opinions, superficial journalistic research before a story is filed, and widespread access to the journalistic profession have significantly affected how the professionalism of journalists is perceived. Many journalists are inspired for this line of work, seeking sensation, or creating sensational content, which increases the number of readers, listeners or viewers as the events unfold and which contributes to an increase in the audience and in the number of readers of some titles. However, the briefness of the statements presented frequently results in journalistic material being one-sided and lacking an in-depth approach to the issue. Under such circumstances, interventionist information materials have dominated our media, limiting the readers’ opportunity to see a good documentary or read a good article. There is a shortage of teachers with real authority in journalistic circles, who are in a position to denounce abuses and demonstrate the merits of professional journalistic abilities. The aim of the paper is to indicate journalistic behaviors that raise controversies and draw attention to the dilemmas of modern journalism which diminish the value of this profession.The speed of information transfer, the limited forms and journalistic genres used in every day practice, inadequate professional preparation, fragmentary presentation of interviewees’ opinions, superficial journalistic research before a story is filed, and widespread access to the journalistic profession have significantly affected how the professionalism of journalists is perceived. Many journalists are inspired for this line of work, seeking sensation, or creating sensational content, which increases the number of readers, listeners or viewers as the events unfold and which contributes to an increase in the audience and in the number of readers of some titles. However, the briefness of the statements presented frequently results in journalistic material being one-sided and lacking an in-depth approach to the issue. Under such circumstances, interventionist information materials have dominated our media, limiting the readers’ opportunity to see a good documentary or read a good article. There is a shortage of teachers with real authority in journalistic circles, who are in a position to denounce abuses and demonstrate the merits of professional journalistic abilities. The aim of the paper is to indicate journalistic behaviors that raise controversies and draw attention to the dilemmas of modern journalism which diminish the value of this profession