142 research outputs found

    Effects of Structural Parameters on Seismic Behaviour of Historical Masonry Minaret

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    The October 23, 2011 (Mw = 7.2) and November 9, 2011 (Mw = 5.6) earthquakes increased the damage in the minaret of Van Ulu Mosque, an important historical masonry structure built with solid bricks in Eastern Turkey, resulting in significant shear cracks. It was found that since the door and window openings are not symmetrically placed, they result in unsymmetrical stiffness distribution. The contribution of staircase and the core on stiffness is ignorable but its effect on the mass is significant. The pulpit with chamfered corner results in unsymmetrical transverse displacements. Brace wall improves the stiffness however contributes to the unsymmetrical behaviour considerably. The reason for the diagonal cracks can be attributed to the unsymmetrical brace wall and the chamfered pulpit but the effect of brace wall is more pronounced. After introducing the cracks, a new model was created and calibrated according to the results of Operational Modal Analysis. Diagonal cracks were found to be likely to develop under earthquake loading. Drifts are observed to increase significantly upon the introduction of the cracks

    Condolence culture as a product of social capital and grief counseling as an ınstitutional service: the examples of Turkey and Germany

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    Bir sosyal sermaye birikimi olarak değerlendirilen taziye kültürü, Türk geleneğinde büyük önem arz etmektedir. Taziye kültürünün yas sürecindeki bireylerde psikolojik, sosyal ve manevi bakımdan teskin edici, yatıştırıcı ve iyileştirici bir etkisi olduğu bilinmektedir. Almanya’da taziye merasimleri, sınırlı sayıda aile mensubu ve yakın çevre tarafından icra edilmektedir. Ancak Almanya’da özellikle hastanelerde ve yaşlı bakım merkezlerinde terminal (tedavisi olmayan) hastalıklara yakalanmış hasta ve ailelerine yönelik profesyonel yas danışmanlığı hizmeti yaygındır. Ölüme refakat/destek hizmeti ve yas danışmanlığının gayesi, ölecek kişiye manevi bakım ve rehberlik sağlamak suretiyle ölümün fiziki ve psikolojik sıkıntılarını hafifletmektir. Almanya’daki bütün hastalar insan onuruna yaraşır ölüme refakat hizmetleri ve yas danışmanlığı alma hakkına sahiptir. Her ne kadar Türkiye’de yas danışmanlığı henüz mesleki/kurumsal şekliyle oluşmamış ise de sosyal sermayenin bir yansıması olarak taziye kültürü Türk toplumunun tabii canlılığını ve dayanışmasını korumaktadır. Netice itibariyle sosyal sermayenin etkisiyle, taziye kültürünün yaşamakta olduğu Türkiye’de, yas danışmanlığının kurumsal bir hizmete dönüşmesi gecikmektedir. Ancak modernleşen toplum ve kent hayatı, bu sosyal sermayenin sürdürülebilirliğini azaltmaktadır. Bu sebeple kurumsal bir hizmet olarak yas danışmanlığının uygulandığı Almanya örneği, Türkiye’ye örnek teşkil edebilmesi ve uygulamaya yeni açılımlar sağlayabilmesi amacıyla çalışmaya konu olmuştur.Condolence culture as an accumulation of social capital is an important matter in the Turkish tradition. It is known that the condolence culture has, especially in psychological, social and spiritual areas, curative, rehabilitative and improving effects on people who are in a grief process. Condolence ceremonies in Germany are performed by a limited number of family members and close circle. However, in Germany, professional grief counselling for the patients who have terminal diseases as well as for their families, especially in hospitals and nursing homes, are widespread. Assistance for the terminally ill, and grief counselling for their surrounding aim at comforting them in the face of their physical and psychological ordeal through spiritual care and ministry. All patients in Germany are entitled to humane terminal care and grief counselling. Although the grief counselling in Turkey is not yet formed in a corporate/professional form, the condolence culture as a reflection of social capital guards the natural vitality and the solidarity in the Turkish society. The impact of social capital, a result of condolence cultures that live in Turkey, delays the transformation of grief counseling into a professional service. However, social modernization and urbanization reduce the sustainability of this social capital. Therefore, the implementation of grief counseling as a professional consultancy service in Germany can set an example for Turkey, and can provide new insights into the practices mentiond in this study

    Organic-inorganic nanocomposites of aspergillus terreus extract and its compounds with antimicrobial properties

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    Due to its distinct, atypical features and possible applications, three-dimensional (3D) hierarchical nanoflowers have sparked considerable interest. Copper (II) ions were employed as inorganic components in this study, whereas various extracts from Aspergillus terreus and their extracted main components were used as organic components. Extracts from A. terreus and its isolated principal component molecules can first form complexes with copper ions, and these complexes subsequently become nucleation sites for primary copper phosphate crystals, showing interactions using an easy and successful self-assembly template synthesis technique. Therefore, the process results in the formation of 3D nanoflowers among the A. terreus extract and its remoted important additives in addition to copper ions, ensuing in a completely unique round flower-like shape containing loads of nanopetals under the most excellent conditions along with pH, attention of organic-inorganic additives, temperature, and the quantity of copper nitrate on nanoflower formation. Furthermore, A. terreus and its isolated major components, Cu-3(PO4)(2) nanoflowers, seemed to have a remarkable antibacterial effect. Our findings highlight the benefits of nanoflowers made with A. terreus and its isolated secondary metabolites of inorganic structures, which could be used in industrial biocatalysts, biosensors, and environmental chemistry

    A simplified fundamental period equation for RC buildings

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    Uzimajući u obzir velike razlike u procijenjenim vrijednostima osnovnog perioda vibriranja i kompleksnost izraza procjene dostupnih u literaturi, ovaj rad usmjeren je na razvijanje pouzdanih izraza procjene koja uključuje parametre mase i krutosti konstrukcije. Uspoređene su vrijednosti osnovnog perioda vibriranja 23 armiranobetonske zgrade određene mjerenjem mikrotremora (ambijentalne vibracije) i dinamičkom analizom. Zatim su računalni modeli zgrada nadograđeni kako bi se obuhvatio efekt ispunskog ziđa. Nakon toga je provedena dinamička analiza prostornih modela 156 armiranobetonskih građevina, čiji su rezultati korišteni za podešavanje predloženog izraza procjene osnovnog perioda vibriranja.Considering the huge differences in the prediction and organization of equations available in the literature, this paper aims at developing a reliable equation including mass and stiffness parameters. Microtremor (ambient vibration) measurements were taken from 23 RC buildings and their fundamental periods were compared to the dynamic analysis results. Building models were then calibrated to account for the infill wall effect. After that, 156 RC buildings were 3D modelled and their dynamic analysis results were used to calibrate the proposed fundamental period equation

    Investigation of the Crack Propagation in the Graphene/Synthetic Rubber Nanocomposite Materials with DIC Technique

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    This study investigated the crack propagation behavior of the graphene-reinforced synthetic rubber matrix nanocomposite materials. Graphene-filled rubber conductive nanocomposites developed within the scope of this study were obtained in two stages using mechanical mixers. The relationship between crack propagation and electrical resistance change was investigated using single-edge notched specimens in a tensile tester. Digital image correlation (DIC) technique was used to observe the crack resistance function depending on the local strain distribution. The results from the tests were evaluated to define the relationship between the crack length, the amount of conductive filler, and the change in electrical resistance. The sharp edges of the graphene nanoplatelets negatively affected the fracture resistance of the samples. In addition, it was observed that even at low strain values, gaps were formed in the areas close to the crack tip. The three-dimensional transmission network formed by graphene nanoplatelets dispersed in the matrix improved the electrical conductivity properties of the nanocomposites, so the relationship between crack propagation and electrical resistance change was determined

    Possible role of GADD45γ methylation in diffuse large B-cell Lymphoma: Does it affect the progression and tissue involvement?

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    Objective: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma among adults and is characterized by heterogeneous clinical, immunophenotypic, and genetic features. Different mechanisms deregulating cell cycle and apoptosis play a role in the pathogenesis of DLBCL. Growth arrest DNA damage-inducible 45 (GADD45γ) is an important gene family involved in these mechanisms. The aims of this study are to determine the frequency of GADD45γ methylation, to evaluate the correlation between GADD45γ methylation and protein expression, and to investigate the relation between methylation status and clinicopathologic parameters in DLBCL tissues and reactive lymphoid node tissues from patients with reactive lymphoid hyperplasia. Materials and Methods: Thirty-six tissue samples of DLBCL and 40 nonmalignant reactive lymphoid node tissues were analyzed in this study. Methylation-sensitive high-resolution melting analysis was used for the determination of GADD45γ methylation status. The GADD45γ protein expression was determined by immunohistochemistry. Results: GADD45γ methylation was frequent (50.0%) in DLBCL. It was also significantly higher in advanced-stage tumors compared with early-stage (p=0.041). In contrast, unmethylated GADD45γ was associated with nodal involvement as the primary anatomical site (p=0.040). Conclusion: The results of this study show that, in contrast to solid tumors, the frequency of GADD45γ methylation is higher and this epigenetic alteration of GADD45γ may be associated with progression in DLBCL. In addition, nodal involvement is more likely to be present in patients with unmethylated GADD45γ. © 2015 Turkish Society of Hematology. All rights reserved

    Psychometric properties of sleep quality scale and sleep variables questionnaire in Turkish student sample

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    Sleep is a physiological need that affects physical and mental performances. However, the number of individuals who experience problems related directly or indirectly with sleep is increasing in many countries. Therefore, it is important to have a short, reliable and valid measure to assess both sleep quality and sleep related variables in school-age children. This study aims to carry out the validity and reliability studies for the Sleep Quality Scale and Sleep Variables Questionnaire (SQS-SVQ) used to determine sleep quality, parental control, total sleep time, mid-point of sleep and sleep efficiency and to adapt it into Turkish. The SQS-SVQ consists of seven scale items to measure sleep quality and eight questionnaire items. The validity and reliability studies of the instrument were carried out on data acquired from 4th-8th graders. Factorial validity for SQS and criterion related validity analyses were carried out for the validity of the SQS-SVQ and correlations ranged from 0.51 to 0.73. These analysis results put forth that the scale is a valid measurement tool. Internal consistency coefficient of the SQS was 0.72 and test-retest correlations of the SQS-SVQ ranged from 0.67 to 0.88. These acquired results indicated that the scale is reliable. Meanwhile, gender measurement invariance was tested for SQS and results indicated that gender measurement invariance was established. These results have shown that the SQS-SVQ can be used in social researches and especially in educational studies

    Diagnostic value of Chest CT and Initial Real-Time RT-PCR in COVID-19 Infection

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    Objectives: To evaluate the diagnostic value of the rtRT-PCR test and CT in patients presenting with typical clinical symptoms of COVID-19. Methods: The study with the participation of four center in Turkey was performed retrospectively from 20 March-15 April 2020 in 203 patients confirmed for COVID-19. The initial rtRT-PCR test was positive in 142 (70.0%) of the patients (Group-I) and negative in 61 patients (Group-II). Results: The mean age of the patients in Group-I was 49.718.0 years and the time between the onset of symptoms and admission to the hospital was 3.6 +/- 2.0 days; whereas the same values for the patients in Group-II were 58.1 +/- 19.9 and 5.3 +/- 4.2, respectively (p=0.004; p=0.026). Initial rtRT-PCR was found positive with 83.5% sensitivity and 74.1% PPV in patients with symptom duration of less than five days. It was found that rtRT-PCR positivity correlated negatively with the presence of CT findings, age, comorbidity, shortness of breath, and symptom duration, while rtRT-PCR positivity correlated positively with headache. Presence of CT findings was positively correlated with age, comorbidity, shortness of breath, fever, and the symptom duration. Conclusions: It should be noted that a negative result in the rtRT-PCR test does not rule out the possibility of COVID-19 diagnosis in patients whose symptom duration is longer than five days, who are elderly with comorbidities and in particular who present with fever and shortness of breath. In these patients, typical CT findings are diagnostic for COVID-19. A normal chest CT is no reason to loosen up measures of isolation in patients with newly beginning symptoms until the results are obtained from the PCR test

    Radiographic and histopathologic evaluation of radiolucent lesions involving impacted teeth: A multicenter study

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    Objective: The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate the radiographic and histopathologic features of the pathologic lesions associated with an impacted tooth in the maxilla and mandible of patients who were admitted to three different university hospitals located in different cities. Materials and Methods: One hundred one patients (36 females and 65 males) aged between 8 and 67 and who have radiolucent lesions associated with the impacted teeth were included in this study. Data related to the age and gender of the patients, and the findings of cone-beam computed tomography, and histopathologic diagnosis of the lesions were recorded and analyzed. Results: Majority of the lesions were in the posterior region of the mandible (62.4%), related to the mandibular third molars (59.4%), and were diagnosed as a dentigerous cyst. The most common features of the lesions were unilocular radiolucency (91.1%), well-circumscribed (90.1%), and expansive (85.1%). A statistically significant relationship was found between the migration of the impacted tooth/teeth related to the lesion (p<0.05) and the expansion of the lesion (p<0.01) according to gender. A statistically significant relationship was found between the migration of the impacted tooth/teeth related to the lesion (p<0.05) and the histopathological diagnosis of the lesion (p<0.01) according to age groups. Conclusion: Knowing all of the clinical, radiological and histopathological features of the lesions provide the surgeon to reach the correct diagnosis. Thus, the doctors achieve high success in treatment with the right treatment plan.Amaç: Bu retrospektif çalışmanın amacı, farklı şehirlerde bulunan üç farklı üniversite hastanesine başvuran hastaların üst ve alt çenesindeki gömülü diş ile ilişkili patolojik lezyonların radyografik ve histopatolojik özelliklerini değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışmaya gömülü diş ile ilişkili radyolüsent lezyonu olan 8-67 yaş aralığındaki 101 hasta (36 kadın ve 65 erkek) dahil edildi. Hastaların yaşı ve cinsiyeti, lezyonların konik-ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi bulguları ve histopatolojik tanısı ile ilgili veriler kaydedildi ve analiz edildi. Bulgular: Lezyonların çoğu mandibula posterior bölgede (%62,4), mandibular üçüncü molar dişlerle (%59,4) ilişkiliydi ve dentigeröz kist tanısı aldı. Lezyonlarda en fazla görülen özellikler uniloküler radyolüsensi (%91,1), iyi sınırlı (%90,1) ve ekspansif (%85,1) olması idi. Cinsiyete göre lezyon ile ilişkili gömülü diş/dişlerin migrasyonu (p<0,05) ve lezyonun ekspansiyonu (p<0,01) arasında istatiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki bulundu. Yaş gruplarına göre lezyon ile ilişkili diş/dişlerin migrasyonu (p<0,05) ve lezyonun histopatolojik tanısı (p<0,01) arasında istatiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki bulundu. Sonuç: Lezyonların tüm klinik, radyolojik ve histopatolojik özelliklerinin bilinmesi cerrahın doğru tanıya ulaşmasını sağlar. Böylece hekimler doğru tedavi planı ile tedavide yüksek başarı elde ederler


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    Amaç: Obstrüktif Uyku Apne Sendromu (OUAS)'u olan hastalarda C-Reaktif Protein (CRP)'in erken ateroskleozun saptanmasında kullanılması. Yöntemler: Çalışmaya Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi uyku bozukluğu polikliniğine başvuran, yaşları 20-66 arasında olan toplam 45 obez hasta alındı. Hastaların cinsiyet, yaş, boy, kilo değerleri saptandı. Vücut kitle indeksleri, bel / kalça oranları hesaplandı. Polisomnografi tetkiki yapıldı. OUAS'u olan hasta grubu ve OUAS'u olmayan kontrol grubu olarak iki gruba ayrıldı. Her iki grup hastadan açlık venöz kan örneği alınarak yüksek duyarlılıklı CRP düzeyleri ve lipid profilleri çalışıldı. B-mode dopler ultrasonografiyle karotis intima madia kalınlıkları ölçüldü. Bulgular: Kontrol grubunda yd-CRP düzeyleri 0,22 (0,01-0,57) mg/dl, OUAS'lı hasta grubundaysa 0,30 (0,05-1,52) mg/dl olarak bulundu, iki grup arasında istatiksel olarak anlamlı fark saptanmadı (p=0,300). Karotis İntima Media Kalınlığı (KİMK) ölçümleri değerlendirildiğinde her iki grup arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark saptandı (p=0,01). Bel / kalça oranları belirlenip, abdominal obezite açısından değerlendirildiğinde iki grup arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark gözlendi (p&lt;0,01). AKŞ, TK ve LDL-K düzeylerinde de anlamlı fark saptandı (p=0,049, p=0,01 ve p=0,03). Sonuç: OUAS'lı hastalarda abdominal obezite, AKŞ, TK ve LDL-K düzeylerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark saptanması OUAS metabolik sendrom ilişkisi için varolan kanıtları doğruladı. Bununla birlikte, ölçülen CRP düzeylerinin OUAS'u hastalarında erken aterosklerozun gösterilmesinde iyi bir gösterge olmayabileceği belirlendi. Objective: To determine whether CRP can detect subclinic atherosclerosis in obstructive sleep apnea patients. Methods: Ages between 20-66, 45 obese patient who was have application to D.E.Ü. Medical Faculty sleep laboratory recruited to study. We determine sex, age, height and weight for all patients and calculate body mass index, waist / hip raito. Polisomnographia was done. Patient's divided in to two group's, whose PSG detected OSA constitute patients group and whose PSG not detected OSA constitude control group. We obtained fasting venous blood sample and measure HSCRP and lipid profiles. Carotis intima media thickness measured with B-mode doppler ultrasonography. Results: HSCRP found 0,22 (0,01-0,57) mg/dl in control group and 0,30 (0,05-1,52) mg/dl in OSA patients group, we didn't detect statistical significancy (p=0,300). When Carotid İntima Media Thickness (CIMT) measurements evaluated for each group, statistical significancy find (p=0,01). WHR determined and evaluated for abdominal obesity, statistical significancy found between two group (p&lt;0,01). Also significant differece detected for FBG, TK and LDL-K (p=0,049, p=0,01 and p=0,03). Conclusion: Detected significant difference for abdominal obesity, FBG, TK and LDL-K levels in OSA patients confirmed existing evidence of relation eith sleep apnea and metabolic syndrome. Although we determined, measured HSCRP levels may not be a good marker for presenting subclinic atherosclerosis in OSA patients