114 research outputs found

    Effect of storage relative humidity on germination and vigour of soybean seed

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    An experiment was conducted during the period from June to November, 2004 with a view to study the effect of storage relative humidity (RH) on germination and vigour of soybean seed. Four different storage relative humidities (viz. 50%, 60%, 70% and 80%) and two soybean varieties (namely, soybean cv. G-2 and soybean cv. PB-1) were included as experimental treatment. Seed moisture content (SMC), germination and vigour tests of seed were done one month interval starting from 10 July up to 10 November while the initial test for SMC and germination was done on 10 June, 2004. The result showed that storage relative humidity, variety and their interaction significantly influenced the seed moisture content, germination percentage and vigour index. The moisture content of soybean seed during storage were found between 7.9-8.5, 9.6-9.8, 12.0-12.3 and 15.3-16.1% for 50, 60, 70 and 80% storage RH, respectively against their initial moisture content of 8.4-9.5% just before storage. The germination and vigour of all the varieties decreased with increasing storage RH. For each of the soybean variety, the highest germination percentage was obtained from 50% storage RH and no seed germination was occurred in any of the variety stored under 80% storage RH after two months of storage. More than 92% seed germination was maintained for all the varieties after 6 months of storage. The seed stored under 70% RH showed 83% germination in July that reduced to 74% in November, 2004

    Organizing pneumonia: What is it? A conceptual approach and pictorial review

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    AbstractOrganizing pneumonia (formerly named bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia or BOOP) is a clinical, radiological and histological entity that is classified as an Interstitial Lung Disease. The understanding of this family of diseases has seen great progress over the past twenty years. CT presentation of organizing pneumonia is polymorphous but a few patterns have been recently recognized as being more specific to this diagnosis. The aim of this work is to summarize new understandings of the clinical and histological presentation of the disease and to review the most relevant CT features

    Aero-thermo-mechanical coupling for flame-wall interaction

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    This paper investigates a flame-wall interaction consisting of a premixed flame impinging on a metallic plate. This is a coupled problem as the heat transfer from the flame increases the temperature of the plate and bends it, which in turn modifies the shape of the flame. This study aims at designing an aero-thermo-mechanical coupling between both codes CEDRE (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and Z-SeT (computational solid mechanics and heat conduction) to simulate this complex system. Numerical results for aero-thermal coupling are compared with experimental data

    Biomarker Preservation and Survivability under extreme Dryness and Mars-like UV flux of a desert Cyanobacterium capable of Trehalose and Sucrose accumulation

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    Unraveling how long life can persist under extreme dryness and what kind of environmental extremes can be faced by dried microorganisms is relevant to understand Mars habitability and to search for life on planets with transient liquid water availability. Because trehalose and sucrose stabilize dried anhydrobiotes, an in silico survey of the genome of the desert cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis sp. CCMEE 029 was performed to identify pathways for trehalose and sucrose biosynthesis. The expression of the identified genes was induced in response to desiccation, and trehalose and sucrose accumulation was detected in dried cells. This adaptation strategy enabled viability and biomarker permanence under extreme dryness and Mars-like UV flux. Chroococcidiopsis survivors were scored in 7-year dried biofilms mixed with phyllosilicatic Mars regolith simulant and exposed to 5.5 × 103 kJ/m2 of a Mars-like UV flux. No survivors occurred after exposure to 5.5 × 105 kJ/m2 although, in dead cells, photosynthetic pigments, and nucleic acids, both DNA and RNA, were still detectable. This suggests that dried biofilms mixed with phyllosilicatic Martian regolith simulant are suitable candidates to identify biosignatures embedded in planetary analog minerals as planned in the future BioSignatures and habitable Niches (BioSigN) space mission to be performed outside the International Space Station

    Long-term field metal extraction by pelargonium:phytoextraction efficiency in relation to plant maturity

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    The long length of periods required for effective soil remediation via phytoextraction constitutes a weak point that reduces its industrial use. However, these calculated periods are mainly based on short-term and/or hydroponic controlled experiments. Moreover, only a few studies concern more than one metal, although soils are scarcely polluted by only one element.In this scientific context, the phytoextraction of metals and metalloids (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu,and As) by Pelargonium was measured after a long-term field experiment. Both bulk and rhizosphere soils were analyzed in order to determine the mechanisms involved in soil-root transfer. First, a strong increase in lead phytoextraction was observed with plant maturity, significantly reducing the length of the period required for remediation. Rhizosphere Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, and As accumulation was observed (compared to bulk soil), indicating metal mobilization by the plant, perhaps in relation to root activity. Moreover, metal phytoextraction and translocation were found to be a function of the metals’ nature. These results, taken altogether, suggest that Pelargonium could be used as a multi-metal hyperaccumulator under multi-metal soil contamination conditions, and they also provide an interesting insight for improving field phytoextraction remediation in terms of the length of time required, promoting this biological technique

    Molecular phenomics and metagenomics of hepatic steatosis in non-diabetic obese women

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    The role of molecular signals from the microbiome and their coordinated interactions with those from the host in hepatic steatosis – notably in obese patients and as risk factors for insulin resistance and atherosclerosis – needs to be understood. We reveal molecular networks linking gut microbiome and host phenome to hepatic steatosis in a cohort of non diabetic obese women. Steatotic patients had low microbial gene richness and increased genetic potential for processing of dietary lipids and endotoxin biosynthesis (notably from Proteobacteria), hepatic inflammation and dysregulation of aromatic and branched-chain amino acid (AAA and BCAA) metabolism. We demonstrated that faecal microbiota transplants and chronic treatment with phenylacetic acid (PAA), a microbial product of AAA metabolism, successfully trigger steatosis and BCAA metabolism. Molecular phenomic signatures were predictive (AUC = 87%) and consistent with the gut microbiome making an impact on the steatosis phenome (>75% shared variation) and, therefore, actionable via microbiome-based therapies

    Limits of Life and the Habitability of Mars: The ESA Space Experiment BIOMEX on the ISS

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    BIOMEX (BIOlogy and Mars EXperiment) is an ESA/Roscosmos space exposure experiment housed within the exposure facility EXPOSE-R2 outside the Zvezda module on the International Space Station (ISS). The design of the multiuser facility supports—among others—the BIOMEX investigations into the stability and level of degradation of space-exposed biosignatures such as pigments, secondary metabolites, and cell surfaces in contact with a terrestrial and Mars analog mineral environment. In parallel, analysis on the viability of the investigated organisms has provided relevant data for evaluation of the habitability of Mars, for the limits of life, and for the likelihood of an interplanetary transfer of life (theory of lithopanspermia). In this project, lichens, archaea, bacteria, cyanobacteria, snow/permafrost algae, meristematic black fungi, and bryophytes from alpine and polar habitats were embedded, grown, and cultured on a mixture of martian and lunar regolith analogs or other terrestrial minerals. The organisms and regolith analogs and terrestrial mineral mixtures were then exposed to space and to simulated Mars-like conditions by way of the EXPOSE-R2 facility. In this special issue, we present the first set of data obtained in reference to our investigation into the habitability of Mars and limits of life. This project was initiated and implemented by the BIOMEX group, an international and interdisciplinary consortium of 30 institutes in 12 countries on 3 continents. Preflight tests for sample selection, results from ground-based simulation experiments, and the space experiments themselves are presented and include a complete overview of the scientific processes required for this space experiment and postflight analysis. The presented BIOMEX concept could be scaled up to future exposure experiments on the Moon and will serve as a pretest in low Earth orbit

    Gut microbiota and diabetes: from pathogenesis to therapeutic perspective

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    More than several hundreds of millions of people will be diabetic and obese over the next decades in front of which the actual therapeutic approaches aim at treating the consequences rather than causes of the impaired metabolism. This strategy is not efficient and new paradigms should be found. The wide analysis of the genome cannot predict or explain more than 10–20% of the disease, whereas changes in feeding and social behavior have certainly a major impact. However, the molecular mechanisms linking environmental factors and genetic susceptibility were so far not envisioned until the recent discovery of a hidden source of genomic diversity, i.e., the metagenome. More than 3 million genes from several hundreds of species constitute our intestinal microbiome. First key experiments have demonstrated that this biome can by itself transfer metabolic disease. The mechanisms are unknown but could be involved in the modulation of energy harvesting capacity by the host as well as the low-grade inflammation and the corresponding immune response on adipose tissue plasticity, hepatic steatosis, insulin resistance and even the secondary cardiovascular events. Secreted bacterial factors reach the circulating blood, and even full bacteria from intestinal microbiota can reach tissues where inflammation is triggered. The last 5 years have demonstrated that intestinal microbiota, at its molecular level, is a causal factor early in the development of the diseases. Nonetheless, much more need to be uncovered in order to identify first, new predictive biomarkers so that preventive strategies based on pre- and probiotics, and second, new therapeutic strategies against the cause rather than the consequence of hyperglycemia and body weight gain