146 research outputs found

    Disk Formation by AGB Winds in Dipole Magnetic Fields

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    We present a simple, robust mechanism by which an isolated star can produce an equatorial disk. The mechanism requires that the star have a simple dipole magnetic field on the surface and an isotropic wind acceleration mechanism. The wind couples to the field, stretching it until the field lines become mostly radial and oppositely directed above and below the magnetic equator, as occurs in the solar wind. The interaction between the wind plasma and magnetic field near the star produces a steady outflow in which magnetic forces direct plasma toward the equator, constructing a disk. In the context of a slow (10 km/s) outflow (10^{-5} M_sun/yr) from an AGB star, MHD simulations demonstrate that a dense equatorial disk will be produced for dipole field strengths of only a few Gauss on the surface of the star. A disk formed by this model can be dynamically important for the shaping of Planetary Nebulae.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, accepted by Ap

    A turbulence-driven model for heating and acceleration of the fast wind in coronal holes

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    A model is presented for generation of fast solar wind in coronal holes, relying on heating that is dominated by turbulent dissipation of MHD fluctuations transported upwards in the solar atmosphere. Scale-separated transport equations include large-scale fields, transverse Alfvenic fluctuations, and a small compressive dissipation due to parallel shears near the transition region. The model accounts for proton temperature, density, wind speed, and fluctuation amplitude as observed in remote sensing and in situ satellite data.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ

    Improved Constraints on the Preferential Heating and Acceleration of Oxygen Ions in the Extended Solar Corona

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    We present a detailed analysis of oxygen ion velocity distributions in the extended solar corona, based on observations made with the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) on the SOHO spacecraft. Polar coronal holes at solar minimum are known to exhibit broad line widths and unusual intensity ratios of the O VI 1032, 1037 emission line doublet. The traditional interpretation of these features has been that oxygen ions have a strong temperature anisotropy, with the temperature perpendicular to the magnetic field being much larger than the temperature parallel to the field. However, recent work by Raouafi and Solanki suggested that it may be possible to model the observations using an isotropic velocity distribution. In this paper we analyze an expanded data set to show that the original interpretation of an anisotropic distribution is the only one that is fully consistent with the observations. It is necessary to search the full range of ion plasma parameters to determine the values with the highest probability of agreement with the UVCS data. The derived ion outflow speeds and perpendicular kinetic temperatures are consistent with earlier results, and there continues to be strong evidence for preferential ion heating and acceleration with respect to hydrogen. At heliocentric heights above 2.1 solar radii, every UVCS data point is more consistent with an anisotropic distribution than with an isotropic distribution. At heights above 3 solar radii, the exact probability of isotropy depends on the electron density chosen to simulate the line-of-sight distribution of O VI emissivity. (abridged abstract)Comment: 19 pages (emulateapj style), 13 figures, ApJ, in press (v. 679; May 20, 2008

    Properties of solar polar coronal plumes constrained by Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer data

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    We investigate the plasma dynamics (outflow speed and turbulence) inside polar plumes. We compare line profiles (mainly of \ion{O}{6}) observed by the UVCS instrument on SOHO at the minimum of solar cycle 22-23 with model calculations. We consider Maxwellian velocity distributions with different widths in plume and inter-plume regions. Electron densities are assumed to be enhanced in plumes and to approach inter-plume values with increasing height. Different combinations of the outflow and turbulence velocity in the plume regions are considered. We compute line profiles and total intensities of the \ion{H}{1} Lyα\alpha and the \ion{O}{6} doublets. The observed profile shapes and intensities are reproduced best by a small solar wind speed at low altitudes in plumes that increases with height to reach ambient inter-plume values above roughly 3-4 R_\sun combined with a similar variation of the width of the velocity distribution of the scattering atoms/ions. We also find that plumes very close to the pole give narrow profiles at heights above 2.5 R_\sun, which are not observed. This suggests a tendency for plumes to be located away from the pole. We find that the inclusion of plumes in the model computations provides an improved correspondence with the observations and confirms previous results showing that published UVCS observations in polar coronal holes can be roughly reproduced without the need for large temperature anisotropy. The latitude distributions of plumes and magnetic flux distributions are studied by analyzing data from different instruments on SOHO and with SOLIS.Comment: 11 figure

    Propagation of an Earth-directed coronal mass ejection in three dimensions

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    Solar coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are the most significant drivers of adverse space weather at Earth, but the physics governing their propagation through the heliosphere is not well understood. While stereoscopic imaging of CMEs with the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) has provided some insight into their three-dimensional (3D) propagation, the mechanisms governing their evolution remain unclear due to difficulties in reconstructing their true 3D structure. Here we use a new elliptical tie-pointing technique to reconstruct a full CME front in 3D, enabling us to quantify its deflected trajectory from high latitudes along the ecliptic, and measure its increasing angular width and propagation from 2-46 solar radii (approximately 0.2 AU). Beyond 7 solar radii, we show that its motion is determined by an aerodynamic drag in the solar wind and, using our reconstruction as input for a 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulation, we determine an accurate arrival time at the Lagrangian L1 point near Earth.Comment: 5 figures, 2 supplementary movie

    First results on Martian carbon monoxide from Herschel/HIFI observations

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    We report on the initial analysis of Herschel/HIFI carbon monoxide (CO) observations of the Martian atmosphere performed between 11 and 16 April 2010. We selected the (7-6) rotational transitions of the isotopes ^{13}CO at 771 GHz and C^{18}O at 768 GHz in order to retrieve the mean vertical profile of temperature and the mean volume mixing ratio of carbon monoxide. The derived temperature profile agrees within less than 5 K with general circulation model (GCM) predictions up to an altitude of 45 km, however, show about 12-15 K lower values at 60 km. The CO mixing ratio was determined as 980 \pm 150 ppm, in agreement with the 900 ppm derived from Herschel/SPIRE observations in November 2009.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (special issue on HIFI first results); minor changes to match published versio

    A Dust Cloud of Ganymede Maintained by Hypervelocity Impacts of Interplanetary Micrometeoroids

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    A dust cloud of Ganymede has been detected by in-situ measurements with the dust detector onboard the Galileo spacecraft. The dust grains have been sensed at altitudes below five Ganymede radii (Ganymede radius = 2,635km\rm 2,635 km). Our analysis identifies the particles in the dust cloud surrounding Ganymede by their impact direction, impact velocity, and mass distribution and implies that they have been kicked up by hypervelocity impacts of micrometeoroids onto the satellite's surface. We calculate the radial density profile of the particles ejected from the satellite by interplanetary dust grains. We assume the yields, mass and velocity distributions of the ejecta obtained from laboratory impact experiments onto icy targets and consider the dynamics of the ejected grains in ballistic and escaping trajectories near Ganymede. The spatial dust density profile calculated with interplanetary particles as impactors is consistent with the profile derived from the Galileo measurements. The contribution of interstellar grains as projectiles is negligible. Dust measurements in the vicinities of satellites by spacecraft detectors are suggested as a beneficial tool to obtain more knowledge about the satellite surfaces, as well as dusty planetary rings maintained by satellites through the impact ejecta mechanism.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures, accepted for Planetary and Space Scienc

    Influence of fast interstellar gas flow on dynamics of dust grains

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    The orbital evolution of a dust particle under the action of a fast interstellar gas flow is investigated. The secular time derivatives of Keplerian orbital elements and the radial, transversal, and normal components of the gas flow velocity vector at the pericentre of the particle's orbit are derived. The secular time derivatives of the semi-major axis, eccentricity, and of the radial, transversal, and normal components of the gas flow velocity vector at the pericentre of the particle's orbit constitute a system of equations that determines the evolution of the particle's orbit in space with respect to the gas flow velocity vector. This system of differential equations can be easily solved analytically. From the solution of the system we found the evolution of the Keplerian orbital elements in the special case when the orbital elements are determined with respect to a plane perpendicular to the gas flow velocity vector. Transformation of the Keplerian orbital elements determined for this special case into orbital elements determined with respect to an arbitrary oriented plane is presented. The orbital elements of the dust particle change periodically with a constant oscillation period or remain constant. Planar, perpendicular and stationary solutions are discussed. The applicability of this solution in the Solar system is also investigated. We consider icy particles with radii from 1 to 10 micrometers. The presented solution is valid for these particles in orbits with semi-major axes from 200 to 3000 AU and eccentricities smaller than 0.8, approximately. The oscillation periods for these orbits range from 10^5 to 2 x 10^6 years, approximately.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures; Accepted for publication in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronom

    Clostridium difficile infection in Polish pediatric outpatients with inflammatory bowel disease

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    The prevalence of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is still not sufficiently recognized. We assessed the prevalence of CDI and recurrences in outpatients with IBD. In addition, the influence of IBD therapy on CDI and antimicrobial susceptibility of the potentially causative C. difficile strains was assessed. This was a prospective, single-center, observational study. All specimens were obtained between January 2005 and January 2007 from the IBD outpatient service and screened for C. difficile and its toxins. C. difficile isolates were genotyped by PCR ribotyping. Diagnosis of Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) was based on Porto criteria. Severity of disease was assessed using the Hyams scale (for Crohn’s disease) and the Truelove–Witts scale (for ulcerative colitis). One hundred and forty-three fecal samples from 58 pediatric IBD patients (21 with Crohn’s disease and 37 with ulcerative colitis) were screened. The risk of C. difficile infection was 60% and was independent of disease type (CD or UC) (χ2 = 2.5821, df = 3, p = 0.4606). About 17% of pediatric IBD patients experienced a recurrence of CDI. All C. difficile strains were susceptible to metronidazole, vancomycin and rifampin. A high prevalence of C. difficile infection and recurrences in pediatric outpatients with IBD was observed, independent of disease type. There was no significant correlation between C. difficile infection and IBD therapy. PCR ribotyping revealed C. difficile re-infection and relapses during episodes of IBD in pediatric outpatients