4 research outputs found

    Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of some wild plant teas of Masako

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    ABSTRACT Human body produces free radicals which can damage biomolecules and cause diseases. Phenolic compounds of foods can prevent those damages. The aim of this study is to identify some phenolic wild plant teas of Masako and evaluate the phenolic content and the antioxidant activity of their aqueous decoctions. Some wild plants consumed as teas were collected in Masako. Their chemical screening was done for identifying plants which contain phenolic compounds. Aqueous decoctions of phenolic plants were prepared and their phenolic content was determined by UV-Vis Spectrophotometry. In vitro antioxidant activity (Reducing and Scavenging power) of these decoctions was evaluated as well. Leaf aqueous decoctions of Alchornea cordifolia, Sabicea johnstonii, Hymenocardia ulmoides and Ipomoea involucrata contain polyphenolic compounds. These decoctions contain significant amount of polyphenolic compounds and show significant reducing and scavenging power. These aqueous decoctions are other potential sources of natural antioxidants which could prevent diseases associate to oxidative stress