67 research outputs found

    Influence of Production Strategy on Gross Waste Output and Temporal Pattern of Gilthead Seabream (Sparus Aurata) Farming: Implications for Environmental Management

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    This study compares the farm management model used in the Mediterranean gilthead seabream (GHSB; Sparus aurata) industry (S1)—stepped entry of juveniles throughout the year with several production cycles and fish ages overlapping in a single farm—with that used in the salmon industry (S2)—the whole is farm filled with fish that are the same age at once with a fallowing period between rearing cycles—in terms of waste production by coupling digestibility coefficients with growth, feeding, and eating behavior models into a mass balance model. We considered the total C, N, and P content in the different waste fractions (particulate and dissolved wastes). The model, which simulated real farming conditions, showed relevant quantitative and qualitative differences between both strategies, with stocked biomass and water temperature as the main drivers, the amount of feed wasted by chewing as the most relevant fraction differentiating both strategies, and the fallowing period as the main distinguishing management feature. We discuss the influence of both farming strategies on some key performance and environmental aspects, such as benthic recovery, the breakdown of the life cycle of pathogens, and adaptability to climate change. Our results suggest that changing the GHSB industry’s production model is necessary for its sustainability.Versión del edito

    Manual de buenas prácticas para fomentar el aprendizaje en las asignaturas de resistencia de materiales y estructuras

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    El Manual está estructurado en tres grandes capítulos y unas consideraciones finales. Cada uno de estos capítulos trata aspectos diferentes pero complementarios. El primero nos introduce en el EEES, haciendo referencia a los diferentes modelos educativos y su incidencia en el entorno social. El segundo capítulo nos permite conocer propuestas formativas desarrolladas por diferentes profesores del Departamento de RMEE. El tercer capítulo enmarca todo lo que se ha comentado en los otros dos, mediante unas reflexiones estructuradas en cinco áreas que permiten entender cuál es el verdadero sentido de la propuesta EEES, cuál será el alcance de éste trabajo y como la afrontarán tanto los profesores como los estudiantes. Finalmente y como colofón encontramos unas consideraciones que hacen referencia a como la sociedad del siglo XXI afrontará estos cambios, tanto a nivel conceptual como estratégico.Preprin

    Petroglifos, geoglifos, rutas y otras marcas entre Mamiña, Quipisca e Iquiuca (región de Tarapacá, Chile). Usos y desusos a través del tiempo

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     El arte rupestre y las rutas de circulaciĂłn sirven de insumo para comprender la precordillera de la regiĂłn de Tarapacá como un espacio de conectividad regional y de encuentro entre las localidades de Mamiña, Quipisca e Iquiuca. Desde una perspectiva transdisciplinaria en la que se funden la arqueologĂ­a, la historia y la etnografĂ­a, esta investigaciĂłn aborda los petroglifos, los geoglifos y la vialidad desde el estudio de la cultura material, los documentos histĂłricos, la memoria oral y la percepciĂłn de las comunidades y las asociaciones indĂ­genas locales. Se impone asĂ­ un esfuerzo por dotar de sentido, valor e historicidad un territorio vigente y cotidiano, compuesto de elementos materiales que, si bien fueron construidos en Ă©pocas remotas, siguen siendo parte del paisaje cultural de quienes lo viven hoy

    Randomized, open-label, blinded-endpoint, crossover, single-dose study to compare the pharmacodynamics of torasemide-PR 10 mg, torasemide-IR 10 mg, and furosemide-IR 40 mg, in patients with chronic heart failure

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    Diuretics are the primary treatment for the management of chronic heart failure (HF) symptoms and for the improvement of acute HF symptoms. The rate of delivery to the site of action has been suggested to affect diuretic pharmacodynamics. The main objective of this clinical trial was to explore whether a prolonged release tablet formulation of torasemide (torasemide-PR) was more natriuretically efficient in patients with chronic HF compared to immediate-release furosemide (furosemide-IR) after a single-dose administration. Moreover, the pharmacokinetics of torasemide-PR, furosemide-IR, and torasemide-IR were assessed in chronic HF patients as well as urine pharmacodynamics. Randomized, open-label, blinded-endpoint, crossover, and single-dose Phase I clinical trial with three experimental periods. Torasemide-PR and furosemide-IR were administered as a single dose in a crossover fashion for the first two periods, and torasemide-IR 10 mg was administered for the third period. Blood and urine samples were collected at fixed timepoints. The primary endpoint was the natriuretic efficiency after administration of torasemide-PR and furosemide-IR, defined as the ratio between the average drug-induced natriuresis and the average drug recovered in urine over 24 hours. Ten patients were included and nine completed the study. Here, we present the results from nine patients. Torasemide-PR was more natriuretically efficient than furosemide-IR (0.096±0.03 mmol/μg vs 0.015±0.0007 mmol/μg; P <0.0001). Mictional urgency was lower and more delayed with torasemide-PR than with furosemide-IR. In a study with a limited sample size, our results suggest that 10 mg of torasemide-PR is more natriuretically efficient than 40 mg of furosemide-IR after single-dose administration in patients with chronic HF over a 24-hour collection period. Further studies are necessary to evaluate potential pharmacodynamic differences between torasemide formulations and to assess its impact on clinical therapeutics

    The Maristán stigma scale: a standardized international measure of the stigma of schizophrenia and other psychoses

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    Background: People with schizophrenia face prejudice and discrimination from a number of sources including professionals and families. The degree of stigma perceived and experienced varies across cultures and communities. We aimed to develop a cross-cultural measure of the stigma perceived by people with schizophrenia.Method: Items for the scale were developed from qualitative group interviews with people with schizophrenia in six countries. The scale was then applied in face-to-face interviews with 164 participants, 103 of which were repeated after 30 days. Principal Axis Factoring and Promax rotation evaluated the structure of the scale; Horn’s parallel combined with bootstrapping determined the number of factors; and intra-class correlation assessed test-retest reliability.Results: The final scale has 31 items and four factors: informal social networks, socio-institutional, health professionals and self-stigma. Cronbach’s alpha was 0.84 for the Factor 1; 0.81 for Factor 2; 0.74 for Factor 3, and 0.75 for Factor 4. Correlation matrix among factors revealed that most were in the moderate range [0.31-0.49], with the strongest occurring between perception of stigma in the informal network and self-stigma and there was also a weaker correlation between stigma from health professionals and self-stigma. Test-retest reliability was highest for informal networks [ICC 0.76 [0.67 -0.83]] and self-stigma [ICC 0.74 [0.64-0.81]]. There were no significant differences in the scoring due to sex or age. Service users in Argentina had the highest scores in almost all dimensions.Conclusions: The MARISTAN stigma scale is a reliable measure of the stigma of schizophrenia and related psychoses across several cultures. A confirmatory factor analysis is needed to assess the stability of its factor structure.We are also grateful for support from the Pan-American Health Office (PAHO), Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust and University College London (UCL)

    Entre mer et désert

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    Bien que le harpon ne soit généralement considéré que comme un moyen pour chasser en mer, nous l’apprécions ici sous un autre angle, au-delà de la mer, centré ainsi sur sa composition et ses matériaux constitutifs. Nous analysons les règles d’assemblage, les formes d’articulation et les choix techniques d’une classe de harpon préhispanique utilisé depuis presque six mille ans sur la côte du désert d’Atacama, au nord du Chili. Nous décrivons en détail la chaîne opératoire de l’un de ses composants principaux, l’os de guanaco. Nous discutons finalement les probables raisons pour lesquelles ces collectifs côtiers ont choisi des animaux terrestres pour fabriquer ces objets utilisés ensuite pour aller chasser en mer. Des questions qui nous amèneront à réévaluer les facteurs culturels, politiques, symboliques et sociaux à la base de la technologie.Although the harpoon is generally considered only as a mean to hunt in the sea, we will consider it from another angle, beyond the sea, thus focusing on its composition and its constituent materials. We analyse the assemblage rules, articulation forms and technical choices of the prehispanic harpoon used for almost six thousand years along the coast of the Atacama Desert in northern Chile. The chaîne opératoire of one main components, the shaft made of guanaco bone, is detailed. We finally discuss the probable reasons of why these coastal collectives chose terrestrial animals to make their weapon to go hunting at sea. Questions that will lead us to revaluate the cultural, political, symbolic and social factors behind the technology

    Estibando lobos en el mar: (des)cargar en los puertos y caletas de Atacama

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    International audienceCargar y descargar en el desierto de Atacama Éditions de l'IHEAL Capítulo 17. Estibando lobos en el mar: (des)cargar en los puertos y caletas de Atacama Benjamín Balleste
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