23 research outputs found

    Linearity and Lagrange Linear Multiplicator in the Equations of Ordinary Kriging

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    Analizirane su jednadžbe jednostavnoga i običnoga kriginga kako bi se uočila razlika u izračunu procjene u točki, te zorno prikazalo na koji način se Lagrangeov multiplikator iskazuje kao veličina u tehnici običnoga kriginga koja minimizira varijancu procjene. Detaljnom analizom matrica i linearnih jednadžbi, koje se inače automatski izračunavaju u pozadini računalnih programa za kartiranje, prikazana je važnost geomatematike u jednoj od temeljnih geoloÅ”kih djelatnosti ā€“ kartiranju. Nadalje, izvođenjem niza jednadžbi kroz članak pruža se na inženjerski način razumijevanje algoritama jednostavnoga i običnoga kriginga, koje su danas dvije najčeŔće koriÅ”tene geostatističke tehnike (uz indikatorski kriging kao treće). U zaključku su predloženi postupci kojima se može odrediti najprimjerenija vrijednost Lagrangeovog multiplikatora za bilo koju jednadžbu običnoga kriginga.The equations of Simple and Ordinary Kriging are compared to outline their differences in the estimation procedure. Emphasis is given to the Lagrange multiplicator as a variable that allows the minimization of variance in Ordinary Kriging. The matrices and linear systems of kriging, which are most often performed in the background of the computer mapping algorithm, are analyzed and presented in detail. The intention is to show the importance of geomathematics in one of the basic geological tasks, mapping. Furthermore, a detailed presentation of equation sets provides a better understanding of the Simple and Ordinary Kriging algorithms for geological engineers, as the two most-used geostatistical techniques (included Indicator Kriging as the third). The conclusion includes proposals, presented in four steps, for the determination of the Lagrange multiplicator value in any Ordinary Kriging equation

    Uloga ključnih dionika u razvoju ruralnog turizma Dalmatinske zagore

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    Dalmatinska zagora kontinentalni je odnosno zaobalni dio srednje Dalmacije, a u slučaju ovog specijalističkog poslijediplomskog rada odnosi se na dio Dalmatinske zagore unutar Splitsko-dalmatinske županije. Dalmatinska zagora područje je velikog turističkog potencijala, ali i relativno niskog stupnja turističke razvijenosti. Organizirana turistička djelatnost nalazi se u samim začecima. Ovaj specijalistički poslijediplomski rad bavi se ulogom ključnih dionika u razvoju ruralnog turizma Dalmatinske zagore i istražuje ulogu predstavnika javnog, privatnog i civilnog sektoru u ovom razvojnom procesu. Model integriranog ruralnog turizma (IRT) odnosi se na uvezivanje i umrežavanje navedenih dionika (predstavnika javnih tijela, poduzetnika i stanovnika) s ciljem Å”to efikasnijeg razvoja turizma u ruralnim područjima. Ovakav pristup podrazumijeva snažnu uključenost lokalnih zajednica, partnerstvo svih dionika te potpuno strukturirane razvojne procese. Rad obrađuje domaću i stranu stručnu literaturu iz područja ruralnog turizma, kao i primjere iz prakse iz razvijenih i manje razvijenih ruralnih turističkih destinacija. Namjera ovog specijalističkog poslijediplomskog rada bila je dokazati kako razvoj ruralnog turizma stvara socio-ekonomsku korist lokalnoj zajednici odnosno lokalnom stanovniÅ”tvu. Drugi dio bavi se istraživanjem percepcije Dalmatinske zagore kao turističke destinacije kod lokalnog stanovniÅ”tva, istraživanjem međusobnog odnosa pojedinih dionika u ruralnom turizmu te njihovom percepcijom međusobne odgovornosti za razvoj turizma. Konačni cilj ovog specijalističkog poslijediplomskog rada trasiranje je smjernica za buduće integrirane razvojne scenarije u ruralnom prostoru Dalmatinske zagore.Dalmatian Hinterland is the continental inland region located in Central Dalmatia, and in the case of this particular postgraduate thesis refers to the part of Dalmatian Hinterland within the Split-Dalmatia County. Dalmatian Hinterland is an area containing great tourist potential, as well as currently being relatively touristically low-developed. Organized tourist activity in the area is only starting. This specialist postgraduate thesis deals with the role of key actors in the development of rural tourism in Dalmatian Hinterland, while exploring the role of the representatives of the public, private and civil sectors in this developmental process. The integrated rural tourism model (IRT) refers to the binding and networking between the aforementioned participants (the representatives of the public, businesspeople and citizens) with the aim of a more efficient tourism development in rural areas. This approach implies a strong involvement of local communities, a partnership between all participants and completely structured developmental processes. This thesis explores the local and foreign literature dealing with the topic of rural tourism, as well as practical examples from well and less-developed rural tourist destinations. The goal of this specialist postgraduate thesis was to prove how the development of rural tourism creates a socio-economic benefit for the local community, that is to say local citizens. The second part of the thesis researches the perception of Dalmatian Hinterland as a tourist destination within the local community, the relationship between individual actors in rural tourism and their perception of mutual responsibility when it comes to tourist development. The final aim of this specialist postgraduate thesis is to map the guidelines for future integrated developmental scenarios in the rural area of Dalmatian Hinterland

    Uloga ključnih dionika u razvoju ruralnog turizma Dalmatinske zagore

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    Dalmatinska zagora kontinentalni je odnosno zaobalni dio srednje Dalmacije, a u slučaju ovog specijalističkog poslijediplomskog rada odnosi se na dio Dalmatinske zagore unutar Splitsko-dalmatinske županije. Dalmatinska zagora područje je velikog turističkog potencijala, ali i relativno niskog stupnja turističke razvijenosti. Organizirana turistička djelatnost nalazi se u samim začecima. Ovaj specijalistički poslijediplomski rad bavi se ulogom ključnih dionika u razvoju ruralnog turizma Dalmatinske zagore i istražuje ulogu predstavnika javnog, privatnog i civilnog sektoru u ovom razvojnom procesu. Model integriranog ruralnog turizma (IRT) odnosi se na uvezivanje i umrežavanje navedenih dionika (predstavnika javnih tijela, poduzetnika i stanovnika) s ciljem Å”to efikasnijeg razvoja turizma u ruralnim područjima. Ovakav pristup podrazumijeva snažnu uključenost lokalnih zajednica, partnerstvo svih dionika te potpuno strukturirane razvojne procese. Rad obrađuje domaću i stranu stručnu literaturu iz područja ruralnog turizma, kao i primjere iz prakse iz razvijenih i manje razvijenih ruralnih turističkih destinacija. Namjera ovog specijalističkog poslijediplomskog rada bila je dokazati kako razvoj ruralnog turizma stvara socio-ekonomsku korist lokalnoj zajednici odnosno lokalnom stanovniÅ”tvu. Drugi dio bavi se istraživanjem percepcije Dalmatinske zagore kao turističke destinacije kod lokalnog stanovniÅ”tva, istraživanjem međusobnog odnosa pojedinih dionika u ruralnom turizmu te njihovom percepcijom međusobne odgovornosti za razvoj turizma. Konačni cilj ovog specijalističkog poslijediplomskog rada trasiranje je smjernica za buduće integrirane razvojne scenarije u ruralnom prostoru Dalmatinske zagore.Dalmatian Hinterland is the continental inland region located in Central Dalmatia, and in the case of this particular postgraduate thesis refers to the part of Dalmatian Hinterland within the Split-Dalmatia County. Dalmatian Hinterland is an area containing great tourist potential, as well as currently being relatively touristically low-developed. Organized tourist activity in the area is only starting. This specialist postgraduate thesis deals with the role of key actors in the development of rural tourism in Dalmatian Hinterland, while exploring the role of the representatives of the public, private and civil sectors in this developmental process. The integrated rural tourism model (IRT) refers to the binding and networking between the aforementioned participants (the representatives of the public, businesspeople and citizens) with the aim of a more efficient tourism development in rural areas. This approach implies a strong involvement of local communities, a partnership between all participants and completely structured developmental processes. This thesis explores the local and foreign literature dealing with the topic of rural tourism, as well as practical examples from well and less-developed rural tourist destinations. The goal of this specialist postgraduate thesis was to prove how the development of rural tourism creates a socio-economic benefit for the local community, that is to say local citizens. The second part of the thesis researches the perception of Dalmatian Hinterland as a tourist destination within the local community, the relationship between individual actors in rural tourism and their perception of mutual responsibility when it comes to tourist development. The final aim of this specialist postgraduate thesis is to map the guidelines for future integrated developmental scenarios in the rural area of Dalmatian Hinterland

    Uloga ključnih dionika u razvoju ruralnog turizma Dalmatinske zagore

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    Dalmatinska zagora kontinentalni je odnosno zaobalni dio srednje Dalmacije, a u slučaju ovog specijalističkog poslijediplomskog rada odnosi se na dio Dalmatinske zagore unutar Splitsko-dalmatinske županije. Dalmatinska zagora područje je velikog turističkog potencijala, ali i relativno niskog stupnja turističke razvijenosti. Organizirana turistička djelatnost nalazi se u samim začecima. Ovaj specijalistički poslijediplomski rad bavi se ulogom ključnih dionika u razvoju ruralnog turizma Dalmatinske zagore i istražuje ulogu predstavnika javnog, privatnog i civilnog sektoru u ovom razvojnom procesu. Model integriranog ruralnog turizma (IRT) odnosi se na uvezivanje i umrežavanje navedenih dionika (predstavnika javnih tijela, poduzetnika i stanovnika) s ciljem Å”to efikasnijeg razvoja turizma u ruralnim područjima. Ovakav pristup podrazumijeva snažnu uključenost lokalnih zajednica, partnerstvo svih dionika te potpuno strukturirane razvojne procese. Rad obrađuje domaću i stranu stručnu literaturu iz područja ruralnog turizma, kao i primjere iz prakse iz razvijenih i manje razvijenih ruralnih turističkih destinacija. Namjera ovog specijalističkog poslijediplomskog rada bila je dokazati kako razvoj ruralnog turizma stvara socio-ekonomsku korist lokalnoj zajednici odnosno lokalnom stanovniÅ”tvu. Drugi dio bavi se istraživanjem percepcije Dalmatinske zagore kao turističke destinacije kod lokalnog stanovniÅ”tva, istraživanjem međusobnog odnosa pojedinih dionika u ruralnom turizmu te njihovom percepcijom međusobne odgovornosti za razvoj turizma. Konačni cilj ovog specijalističkog poslijediplomskog rada trasiranje je smjernica za buduće integrirane razvojne scenarije u ruralnom prostoru Dalmatinske zagore.Dalmatian Hinterland is the continental inland region located in Central Dalmatia, and in the case of this particular postgraduate thesis refers to the part of Dalmatian Hinterland within the Split-Dalmatia County. Dalmatian Hinterland is an area containing great tourist potential, as well as currently being relatively touristically low-developed. Organized tourist activity in the area is only starting. This specialist postgraduate thesis deals with the role of key actors in the development of rural tourism in Dalmatian Hinterland, while exploring the role of the representatives of the public, private and civil sectors in this developmental process. The integrated rural tourism model (IRT) refers to the binding and networking between the aforementioned participants (the representatives of the public, businesspeople and citizens) with the aim of a more efficient tourism development in rural areas. This approach implies a strong involvement of local communities, a partnership between all participants and completely structured developmental processes. This thesis explores the local and foreign literature dealing with the topic of rural tourism, as well as practical examples from well and less-developed rural tourist destinations. The goal of this specialist postgraduate thesis was to prove how the development of rural tourism creates a socio-economic benefit for the local community, that is to say local citizens. The second part of the thesis researches the perception of Dalmatian Hinterland as a tourist destination within the local community, the relationship between individual actors in rural tourism and their perception of mutual responsibility when it comes to tourist development. The final aim of this specialist postgraduate thesis is to map the guidelines for future integrated developmental scenarios in the rural area of Dalmatian Hinterland

    Selection of the most appropriate interpolation method for sandstone reservoirs in the KloŔtar oil and gas field

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    The distribution of porosity data collected at the KloÅ”tar field is analysed. This field is located in the north-western part of the Sava depression, and represents one of the most long-standing fields with respect to oil production in Croatia, where production has been on going for mo re than 50 years. Several reservoirs of very diverse lithology and stratigraphic age have been discovered. The oldest reservoirs (with minor oil re serves) occur in basement rocks of the Tertiary system (in formally named the Ā»temeljno gorjeĀ«), then in Badenian coarse-grained clastics, as well as sandstones of Panonian and Pontian ages. Major reservoirs, with respect to size, number and volume, are located in sediments of the Upper Pannonian and Lower Pontian. These are medium-grained sandstones, mostly quartz-mica grains, mutually separated by mar ls. Reservoirs of Lower Pontian age occur within whole structures (anticlines) at KloÅ”tar, while the Upper Pannonian has been developed only in the southā€“west part. Earlier studies on the reservoirs have included only several measured values of reservoir porosity. These values have not been mapped, but only a unique average value, characteristic for the whole reservoir was calculated. Reinterpretation of e-logs in creased the number of in put values to 20 points of data. Rules are determined for the distribution of porosities in the largest reservoir of the Lower Pontian named Ā»TĀ«. These re ularities can be translated to the other sandstone reservoirs. Several interpolation methods were selected (inverse distance, nearest neighbourhood and moving average), with special emphasis on kriging. The interpolated maps are different. Based on a comparison of iso porosity, lines, sha es, and cross-validation results, kriging was evaluated as the most appropriate method for porosity interpolation

    Remissio mercedis and the impact of changed circumstances on liabilities from lease agreements in Roman law

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    U kontekstu izlaganja razvoja instituta clausula rebus sic stantibus, premda u rimskom pravu nije postojao opći institut koji bi mu odgovarao, u romanistici se upućuje na remissio mercedis kod locatio fundi kao istaknuti primjer uvažavanja promijenjenih okolnosti od strane rimskih pravnika. Polazeći od općih karakteristika ugovora o zakupu te uređenja odgovornosti stranaka, u radu se analiziraju uređenje i argumentacija primjene instituta remissio mercedis iz perspektive promijenjenih okolnosti. Na temelju navedenoga, ispituje se u kojoj bi mjeri bila riječ o istoj liniji promiÅ”ljanja o utjecaju izvanrednih vanjskih događaja na obveze ugovornih stranaka u rimskom pravu i u doktrini klauzule rebus sic stantibus.In the context of studies concerned with the development of clausula rebus sic stantibus, although acknowledging the fact that this legal institute was not present in Roman law, some Romanists have pointed out the remissio mercedis in the lease of land (locatio fundi) as the prominent example when the change of circumstances influenced the obligations of parties in Roman law. Starting with the general characteristics of the contract of lease and the obligations of the parties, the authors analyze in the contral part of the paper the institute remissio mercedis and its basis, taking into account different opinions and arguments for its application. This is especially done from the viewpoint of changed circumstances, leading to the conclusion on the difference in the line of thought about the effects of changed circumstances in the Roman law remissio mercedis and in the medieval clausula rebus sic stantibus

    Iskorjenjivanje enzootske leukoze goveda na farmi mliječnih krava primjenom različitih dijagnostičkih postupaka.

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    The aim of this study was to perform a diagnosis and molecular characterisation of bovine leukosis virus (BLV) on a Croatian dairy farm. For that purpose we compared the diagnostic tools used in our study, made sequence and phylogenetic analysis of our BLV and tried to describe the difficulties in the process of EBL eradication on the examined farm after reintegration into Croatian territory after the war. From 1998 to 2008 blood samples from a dairy farm in the North-eastern part of Croatia were tested serologically using AGID and ELISA. In 2002, 2003 and 2004 37%, 22% and 10% of animals were serologically positive, respectively. After the initial eradication steps, the disease reappeared in 2008, when all examined blood samples reacted positively in BLV-specific nested PCR. Finally, at the end of 2010, after an extended eradication program, which included the implementation of PCR together with regular ELISA testing for detection of positive animals, the farm obtained the status of ā€œfree of BLVā€. Sequence and phylogenetic analysis of 524-nt fragment of BLV env gp51 encoding gene showed the greatest identity with the Croatian BLV genotype 8 isolates, so it was phylogenetically clustered with those isolates.Cilj istraživanja bio je dijagnosticirati i molekulski karakterizirati virus enzootske leukoze goveda (VELG) na jednoj hrvatskoj farmi mliječnih krava. U tu svrhu uspoređeni su dijagnostički postupci rabljeni u istraživanju te je napravljena analiza nukleotidnog slijeda VELG i filogenetska analiza. Opisane su i poteÅ”koće u provođenju mjera iskorjenjivanja na pretraživanoj farmi tijekom mirne integracije ovog područja Hrvatske poslije domovinskog rata. Od 1998. do 2008. uzimani su uzorci krvi krava na farmi mliječnih krava smjeÅ”tenoj u sjeveroistočnom dijelu Hrvatske te seroloÅ”ki pretraživani gel difuzijskim precipitacijskim (GDP) i imunoenzimnim testom. U 2002. na VELG bilo je pozitivno 37%, 2003. 22%, a 2004. 10% životinja. Godine 2008. svi pretraženi uzorci krvi bili su pozitivni pretragom lančanom reakcijom polimerazom. Naposljetku, krajem 2010. nakon produženih mjera iskorjenjivanja Å”to su uključivale primjenu lančane reakcije polimerazom istodobno s redovitim pretraživanjem imunoenzimnim testom kako bi se identificirale sve životinje pozitivne na ELG, farma je postala slobodna od ELG. Na osnovi filogenetske analiza odsječka VELG Å”to kodira za gen env gp51 izolati su bili svrstani u istu skupinu (VELG genotip 8) s već istraženim hrvatskim izolatima VELG

    Water for all : Proceedings of the 7th international scientific and professional conference Water for all

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    The 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all is organized to honour the World Water Day by the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG), Danube Parks, Croatian Food Agency, Croatian Water, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Biology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Chemistry, Nature Park ā€œKopački ritā€, Osijek- Baranja County, Public Health Institute of the Osijek- Baranja County and ā€žVodovod-Osijekā€œ -water supply company in Osijek. The topic of World Water Day 2017 was "Wastewater" emphasizing the importance and influence of wastewater treatments on global environment. The international scientific and professional conference Water for all is a gathering of scientists and experts in the field of water management, including chemists, biologists, civil and agriculture engineers, with a goal to remind people about the significance of fresh water and to promote an interdisciplinary approach and sustainability for fresh water resource management. The Conference has been held since 2011. About 300 scientists and engineers submitted 95 abstracts to the 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, out of which 33 was presented orally and 62 as posters. 47 full papers were accepted by the Scientific Committee. 38 full papers became the part of the this Proceedings while 9 papers were accepted for publication in Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology and Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek - e-GFOS