63 research outputs found

    Del mos europaeus al mos americanus iura legendi. Una propuesta de refundación de la ciencia nueva para la integración jurídica americana

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    El presente artículo busca, a partir del fenómeno de la globalización y de la integración regional, desde una perspectiva metodológica comprensiva (historia, filosofía, derecho), esbozar los principales ámbitos jurídicos para la integración americana a partir de la consideración de la experiencia europea.This article aims, on the basis of the phenomenon of globalisation and regional integration and from a comprehensive methodological perspective (history, philosophy, law), to outline the main legal areas for American integration. This is done by considering the European experience.En alemán:Ausgehend vom Phänomen der Globalisierung und der regionalen Integration, unternimmt der vorliegende Artikel den Versuch, aus einer methodologischen nachvollziehbaren Perspektive heraus (Geschichte, Philosophie, Recht) die wichtigsten juristischen Bereiche der amerikanischen Integration – unter Berücksichti gung der europäischen Erfahrungen - zu skizzieren

    Role of intracellular calcium on ethanol-induced activation of protein kinase A: molecular model and behavioral consequences

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    Ethanol can be considered a weak drug when compared to most other drugs of abuse. The molecule of ethanol has no asymmetric carbon. Being so, it does not interact with the biological substrates in a stereoselective way as most of the receptor ligand drugs do. Moreover, ethanol has a very simple chemical structure. Thus, the hydroxyl group provides a dipole that allows the formation of hydrogen bonds. It is the formation of hydrogen bonds that makes ethanol soluble in water. In contrast, ethanol presents an aliphatic moiety that provides a lipophilic group that can interact with non-polar cellular elements. However, contrary to what it is generally believed, ethanol has low lipid solubility. All these chemical properties of ethanol have led different authors to consider the first oxidative metabolite of ethanol as the biologically active compound. Nonetheless, ethanol produces quite complex effects on neuronal systems. Behavioral changes observed after ethanol administration are produced within very short periods of time (< 5 min). In this respect mobilization and/or modulation of some of these described ethanol neuronal substrates, requires reorganization of protein structures and/or in some cases early gene expression. It is unlikely that ethanol actions after acute administered are explained by processes such as induction of gene expression or new protein synthesis. As such, primary ethanol interactions among the neuronal substrate must be mediated by cellular mechanisms that can be controlled and triggered almost immediately. Interestingly, one of these posttranscriptional mechanisms that lead to protein modification is the phosphorylation, carried out by the activity of protein kinases. They represent one of the major classes of cell-regulatory molecules and are important mediators in signal-transduction pathways that affect cell physiology and behavior. In this respect, most of the previously described ethanol molecular targets require posttranscriptional phosphorylation to be fully active (DARPP-32, Fyn, etc). One key protein kinase that has been described as an important mediator involved in the neurobehavioral responses to ethanol is the cAMP dependent protein kinase (PKA). This kinase is the end point of a cAMP-dependent intracellular pathway. Moreover, this cAMP-dependent cascade is conformed by different intermediates that are Ca2+ sensitive (Hanoune and Defer, 2001, Nelson et al., 2003; Cali et al., 1994; Wang et al., 2003, Maas et al., 2005). All together, this pathway is conformed by different elements that control and modulate the activity of the PKA. The activated PKA transmits information rapidly across the cell and promotes changes in the cellular machinery and also is involved in the modulation of several ethanol neurobehavioral effects. Manipulations of the cAMP-dependent cascade modulate the acute stimulant effects of ethanol, ethanol-induced behavioral sensitization (Freund and Palmer, 1997; Tolliver et al., 1999; Hayes et al., 2012), ethanol sensitivity (Thiele et al., 2000; Wand et al., 2001), and ethanol intake (Pandey et al., 2005). Given this, in the present work we aimed to study the role of cellular Ca2+ distribution and flux on the modulation of a PKA/cAMP-dependent cascade as an ethanol central mechanism of action

    Biochemical and behavioral consequences of ethanol intake in a mouse model of metabolic syndrome

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    Ethanol abuse is a common issue in individuals with sedentary lifestyles, unbalanced diets, and metabolic syndrome. Both ethanol abuse and metabolic syndrome have negative impacts on the central nervous system, with effects including cognitive impairment and brain oxidative status deterioration. The combined effects of ethanol abuse and metabolic syndrome at a central level have not yet been elucidated in detail. Thus, this work aims to determine the effects of ethanol intake on a mouse model of metabolic syndrome at the behavioral and biochemical levels. Seven-week-old male control (B6.V-Lep ob/+JRj) and leptin-deficient (metabolic syndrome) (B6.V-Lep ob/obJRj) mice were used in the study. Animals were divided into four groups: control, ethanol, obese, and obese–ethanol. Ethanol consumption was monitored for 6 weeks. Basal glycemia, insulin, and glucose overload tests were performed. To assess short- and long-term memory, an object recognition test was used. In order to assess oxidative status in mouse brain samples, antioxidant enzyme activity was analyzed with regard to glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, glutathione, glutathione disulfide, lipid peroxidation products, and malondialdehyde. Ethanol intake modulated the insulin response and impaired the oxidative status in the ob mouse brain

    El nuevo derecho mexicano de daños y su jurisprudencia en materia de indemnización punitiva y reparación integral

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    La responsabilidad civil y el daño moral constituyen dos temas de la mayor actualidad y relevancia. En términos comparativos, México se había quedado rezagado respecto de su evolución en otras latitudes, particularmente respecto de la que tuvo en Inglaterra y en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, así como en algunos países de la Unión Europea y Latinoamérica. No obstante, en los últimos cuarenta años, ha presentado una importante evolución, misma que se ha acelerado y profundizado exponencialmente desde la década pasada

    El primer proyecto constitucional del México independiente y su propuesta de comunidad hispanoamericana de naciones:Congreso Nacional de Talamantes

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    Abstract:This article provides, as discussed in his Presentation, an approach to the National Congress of Fray Melchor de Talamantes, as the first draft constitution for the Independent Mexico, which proposes the articulation of a kind of Commonwealth of the Hispanic Kingdoms.  For such purpose, under the section The Man (Melchor de Talamantes) and his circumstance (New Spain, 1808) a brief biography of Talamantes is included, since its formation in Lima, through his stay in New Spain, as well as the political situation in which he lived.Thereafter, in the section Intellectual radiography of the ideologue the main features and influences of the political and legal thought of Talamantes is presented, highlighting the ascendancy of rationalist natural law, the Enlightenment and the second Spanish scholastic and in particular of Francisco Suarez. Finally, in the section called The National Congress of the Kingdom of New Spain a summary of said document is offered, also exposing his main contributions to the Mexican and Ibero-American constitutionalism. This articleis the result of an extensive research, which took into account the existing literature around Talamantes and his work, but specially the direct sources consisting on his manuscripts and papers of the process instructed against him for infidelity to the King, which were consulted both in its current edition and directly in the General Archive of the Nation of Mexico. The main conclusion of this article is that Talamantes’ National Congress is the first constitutional project for the Independent Mexico, despite being barely known and despite its limited influence among his contemporaries, given the untimely and decisive way in which the movement of 1808 was conjured.Notwithstanding, the document is of particular interest to students of the history of law and specifically to students of the History of Mexican and Ibero-American Constitutional Law. It also concludes that Melchor de Talamantes was undoubtedly the most learned and erudite ideologue of the emancipation of New Spain, with and special interest for understanding the cultural milieu of the time, since the intellectual biography that can be offered of his person, thanks to the fortune conservation of the list of the books that were in his personallibrary, as well as other documented information on his interests andreadings.Resumen:Este artículo ofrece, como se expone en su Presentación, una aproximación al Congreso Nacional de fray Melchor de Talamantes, como el primer proyecto constitucional para el México Independiente, que además propone la articulación de una especie de comunidad de Reinos Hispanoamericanos. Para ello, bajo el epígrafe El hombre (Melchor de Talamantes) y su circunstancia (Nueva España, 1808) se hace en primer lugar un breve recuento de la biografía de Talamantes,desde su formación en Lima, pasando por su estancia en Nueva España, así como de la situación política que le tocó vivir. Seguidamente, en el apartado La radiografía intelectual del ideólogo se exponen los principales rasgos e influencias del pensamiento político-jurídico de Talamantes, que subyace detrás de sus planteamientos concretos. Dentro del mismo, se identifica la ascendencia del iusnaturalismo racionalista, del pensamiento ilustrado y de la segunda escolástica española y en particular del pactismo de Francisco Suárez. Finalmente, en la sección denominada El Congreso Nacional del Reino de Nueva España se realiza una síntesis de dicho documento, exponiendo también sus principales aportaciones al constitucionalismo mexicano e iberoamericano. El presente artículo es el resultado de una investigación exhaustiva, donde se tomaron en cuenta las principales indirectas sobre Talamantes y su obra, así como, especialmente, las fuentes directas consistentes en sus manuscritos y en los papeles de la causa que se instruyó en su contra por infidelidad al Rey, mismos que fueron consultados tanto en su edición corriente, como directamente en el Archivo General de la nación de México. La conclusión general que se desprende del artículo es que el Congreso Nacional es el primer proyecto constitucional del México Independiente, que a pesar de ser poco conocido y de haber tenido una limitada influencia entre sus contemporáneos, dada la manera intempestiva y determinante en que fue conjurado el movimiento de 1808, reviste un especial interés para los estudiosos de la historia del derecho y, específicamente, para los estudiosos de la historia del derecho constitucional mexicano e iberoamericano. Asimismo, se concluye que Melchor de Talamantes fue sin duda el más ilustrado y erudito ideólogo de la emancipación de Nueva España, revistiendo un especial interés para la comprensión del ambiente cultural de su época, la biografía intelectual que puede ofrecerse de su persona, en virtud de la fortuna de la conservación de la relación de libros que obraban en su biblioteca personal, así como de las demás noticias que tenemos de sus intereses y lecturas. Abstract:This article provides, as discussed in his Presentation, an approach to the National Congress of Fray Melchor de Talamantes, as the first draft constitution for the Independent Mexico, which proposes the articulation of a kind of Commonwealth of the Hispanic Kingdoms.  For such purpose, under the section The Man (Melchor de Talamantes) and his circumstance (New Spain, 1808) a brief biography of Talamantes is included, since its formation in Lima, through his stay in New Spain, as well as the political situation in which he lived.Thereafter, in the section Intellectual radiography of the ideologue the main features and influences of the political and legal thought of Talamantes is presented, highlighting the ascendancy of rationalist natural law, the Enlightenment and the second Spanish scholastic and in particular of Francisco Suarez. Finally, in the section called The National Congress of the Kingdom of New Spain a summary of said document is offered, also exposing his main contributions to the Mexican and Ibero-American constitutionalism. This articleis the result of an extensive research, which took into account the existing literature around Talamantes and his work, but specially the direct sources consisting on his manuscripts and papers of the process instructed against him for infidelity to the King, which were consulted both in its current edition and directly in the General Archive of the Nation of Mexico. The main conclusion of this article is that Talamantes’ National Congress is the first constitutional project for the Independent Mexico, despite being barely known and despite its limited influence among his contemporaries, given the untimely and decisive way in which the movement of 1808 was conjured.Notwithstanding, the document is of particular interest to students of the history of law and specifically to students of the History of Mexican and Ibero-American Constitutional Law. It also concludes that Melchor de Talamantes was undoubtedly the most learned and erudite ideologue of the emancipation of New Spain, with and special interest for understanding the cultural milieu of the time, since the intellectual biography that can be offered of his person, thanks to the fortune conservation of the list of the books that were in his personallibrary, as well as other documented information on his interests andreadings.Title:The first constitutional project for independent Mexico and its proposalof a Hispanic American Commonwealth: the Congreso Nacionalof TalamantesSummary:I. PRESENTATION. II. THE MAN (MELCHOR DE TALAMANTES) AND HIS CIRCUMSTANCES (NEW SPAIN, 1808). III. THE INTELLECTUAL RADIOGRAPHY OF THE IDEOLOGIST. IV. THE CONGRESO NACIONAL OF THE KINGDOMOF THE NEW SPAIN

    Legal integration and American “ius commune” as utopian project for the western legal tradition

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    Este artículo presenta una serie de reflexiones sobre la globalización y la integración jurídica para la conformación de un derecho común americano. Para ello, se intenta una reflexión histórica sobre la tradición jurídica occidental, considerando especialmente la crisis de la dogmática contemporánea del positivismo legalista formalista. Posteriormente se expone la conformación de un nuevo derecho europeo, a partir de la dinámica entre el derecho comunitario de la integración, los derechos nacionales y el nuevo derecho común. Enseguida, se perfila un espacio científico y un método que partiendo de la Ciencia Nueva de Vico, pretende articular la historia, la filosofía, la prospectiva y el derecho. Finalmente y desde las anteriores reflexiones, se sugieren algunas líneas de investigación para la conformación de un derecho común que permita la armonización e integración jurídica del continente americanoThis article presents several reflections on globalization and legal integration, in order to provide a frame for the development of a series of common legal principles for the Americas. An historical reflection on the Western Legal Tradition is attempted, especially considering the crisis of Formalist Legal Positivism. Subsequently, the formation of a new European Union Law is exposed. Then, a new scientific space and method based on the Scienza Nuova of Vico is presented, in order to articulate the history, philosophy and prospective in the study of the Law. Finally and from the above considerations, some research lines for the creation of a new “ius commune” that allows legal harmonization and integration in the Americas are suggested1. INTRODUCCIÓN, 2. EL AGOTAMIENTO DE LA DOGMÁTICA POSITIVISTA, 3. DEL DERECHO DE LA INTEGRACIÓN AL MOS EUROPAEUS, 4. LA CIENCIA NUEVA COMO PARADIGMA METODOLÓGICO, 5. EL ESTADO ACTUAL DE LA INTEGRACIÓN AMERICANA Y 6. HACIA UN NUEVO IUS COMMUNE AMERICANUS, BIBLIOHEMEROGRAFÍ

    Legal Latin American integration. Retrospective, perspective and forecast

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    Este artículo plantea la importancia de la integración regional para el derecho dentro del contexto de la&amp;nbsp; ‘glocalización’, explorando las características del derecho de la integración y del nuevo ius commune principalmente en Europa y en América; presentando un balance y una perspectiva de las principales propuestas, mecanismos y proyectos de la integración americana desde el siglo XIX hasta hoy en día.This article discusses the importance of regional integration for the Law in the context of ‘glocalization’, exploring the characteristics of integration Law and the new Ius Commune mainly in Europe and in America, presenting a balance and perspective of the most significant proposals, mechanisms and projects of the American Integration, from the nineteenth century to our days

    Legal integration and American “ius commune” as utopian project for the western legal tradition

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    Este artículo presenta una serie de reflexiones sobre la globalización y la integración jurídica para la conformación de un derecho común americano. Para ello, se intenta una reflexión histórica sobre la tradición jurídica occidental, considerando especialmente la crisis de la dogmática contemporánea del positivismo legalista formalista. Posteriormente se expone la conformación de un nuevo derecho europeo, a partir de la dinámica entre el derecho comunitario de la integración, los derechos nacionales y el nuevo derecho común. Enseguida, se perfila un espacio científico y un método que partiendo de la Ciencia Nueva de Vico, pretende articular la historia, la filosofía, la prospectiva y el derecho. Finalmente y desde las anteriores reflexiones, se sugieren algunas líneas de investigación para la conformación de un derecho común que permita la armonización e integración jurídica del continente americanoThis article presents several reflections on globalization and legal integration, in order to provide a frame for the development of a series of common legal principles for the Americas. An historical reflection on the Western Legal Tradition is attempted, especially considering the crisis of Formalist Legal Positivism. Subsequently, the formation of a new European Union Law is exposed. Then, a new scientific space and method based on the Scienza Nuova of Vico is presented, in order to articulate the history, philosophy and prospective in the study of the Law. Finally and from the above considerations, some research lines for the creation of a new “ius commune” that allows legal harmonization and integration in the Americas are suggested1. INTRODUCCIÓN, 2. EL AGOTAMIENTO DE LA DOGMÁTICA POSITIVISTA, 3. DEL DERECHO DE LA INTEGRACIÓN AL MOS EUROPAEUS, 4. LA CIENCIA NUEVA COMO PARADIGMA METODOLÓGICO, 5. EL ESTADO ACTUAL DE LA INTEGRACIÓN AMERICANA Y 6. HACIA UN NUEVO IUS COMMUNE AMERICANUS, BIBLIOHEMEROGRAFÍ

    La integración jurídica latinoamericana. Retrospectiva, perspectiva y prospectiva

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    Este artículo plantea la importancia de la integración regional para el derecho dentro del contexto de la ‘glocalización’, explorando las características del derecho de la integración y del nuevo ius commune principalmente en Europa y en América; presentando un balance y una perspectiva de las principales propuestas, mecanismos y proyectos de la integración americana desde el siglo XIX hasta hoy en día

    Centrally formed acetaldehyde mediates ethanol-induced brain PKA activation

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    Centrally formed acetaldehyde has proven to be responsible for several psychopharmacological effects induced by ethanol. In addition, it has been suggested that the cAMP-PKA signaling transduction pathway plays an important role in the modulation of several ethanol-induced behaviors. Therefore, we hypothesized that acetaldehyde might be ultimately responsible for the activation of this intracellular pathway. We used three pharmacological agents that modify acetaldehyde activity (α-lipoic acid, aminotriazole, and d-penicillamine) to study the role of this metabolite on EtOH-induced PKA activation in mice. Our results show that the injection of α-lipoic acid, aminotriazole and d-penicillamine prior to acute EtOH administration effectively blocks the PKA-enhanced response to EtOH in the brain. These results strongly support the hypothesis of a selective release of acetaldehyde-dependent Ca2+ as the mechanism involved in the neurobehavioral effects elicited by EtOH.This research was supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (PSI2011-28934/PSIC). Pablo Baliño was supported by a fellowship from the CICYT (BES-2009-024438). Ernesto Tarragon was supported at the time by Red de Trastornos Adictivos, Ministerio de Sanidad y Politica Social (RD06/0001/0028), Spain