19 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Microcontroller technology is a computer-controlled technology that can be applied in everyday life. Microcontroller technology that has been packaged into an Arduino module is an example of a simple digital technology made to implement the command desired by the programmer by conditioning an event or determining the input by the programmer and then the input is processed by Arduino into the output expected by the programmer. In this journal, it discusses the design of an automatic score counter in a soccer game based on Arduino Mega 2560 in order to reduce the level of cheating in scoring football matches, this automatic score counter uses a photodiode sensor which functions to detect balls crossing the goal line. Using the Arduino Mega 2560 which functions as a control center for processing input data from the photodiode sensor, then to the output in the form of a 16x02 Graphic LCD, seven segment, and speakers. Using a 16x02 Graphic LCD which functions to display the score results in the form of characters, letters, numbers or graphics. Using a seven segment which functions to display the score results in the form of a decimal number. And the last is using a speaker that functions to output the processing results by Arduino which are forwarded to MP3 in the form of audio / sound. In the design of the Arduino-based automatic score counter, an experiment was carried out using a miniature soccer field with good functioning results Keywords - Automatic score counter, Arduinomega 2650, photodiode sensor, graphic LCD 16x02, seven segment, speake


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    Bekatul padi berpotensi menghasilkan minyak untuk konsumsi sehingga dapat menambah nilai ekonominya dari yang semula hanya digunakan sebagai bahan tambahan pakan ternak. Pembuatan minyak bekatul padi dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan gelombang mikro pada oven microwave untuk mengekstrasi bekatul padi. Metode penggunaan gelombang mikro untuk ekstraksi dikenal dengan MAE (Microwave Assisted Extraction). Untuk mendapatkan minyak, 50 gr bekatul padi yang berukuran 60 mesh diektraksi dengan menggunakan microwave selama 20 menit dengan variasi daya 100, 380, dan 700 watt serta menggunakan pelarut etanol dengan variasi volume 100, 200, 300, dan 400 ml. Setelah ektraksi selesai, bekatul padi dipisahkan dari pelarut dan minyaknya menggunakan centrifuge. Pelarut dan minyak bekatul padi dipisahkan menggunakan peralatan distilasi. Selanjutnya minyak ditimbang untuk mendapatkan rendemen dan dianalisa GC-MS untuk mengetahui kandungan asam lemak dari minyak bekatul yang dihasilkan dengan cara MAE ini. Rendemen terbanyak diperoleh saat volume pelarut sebesar 400 ml dengan power microwave 700 watt yaitu sebesar 11,52%. Dari hasil GC-MS, minyak bekatul padi mengandung asam linoleat, palmitat, oleat, miristat, stearat, aracha

    Assessment of Ecological Disturbance Caused by Flood and Fire in Assam Forests, India, Using MODIS Time Series Data of 2001-2011

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    The forest area of Assam State is known for its rich biodiversity. In the present study, the disturbance regime within the Assam forest area caused by periodic flood and forest fire, was assessed using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) time-series (2001–2011) data. The MODIS Global Disturbance Index (MGDI) images were generated using MODIS derived Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and Land Surface Temperature (LST) images. The temporal intensity of flood and forest fire in sixteen representative forests was analyzed to develop the MGDI based thresholds for detecting the disturbed area. The threshold for the non-instantaneous disturbance, i.e. flood, was found to be 107% whereas it was 111% for instantaneous disturbance, i.e. forest fire. The thresholds were applied on the MGDI images to delineate disturbed caused by flood and fire, separately for each year. The time-series disturbance areas were integrated over the years (2001–2011) to generate the classified disturbance prone maps

    Estimated GFR and Incident Cardiovascular Disease Events in American Indians: The Strong Heart Study

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    In populations with high prevalence of diabetes and obesity, estimating glomerular filtration rate (GFR) by using the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation may predict cardiovascular disease risk better than by using the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) Study equation

    Attitudes to Politics among Students in Czech republic

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá tématem, které v České republice dosud nebylo zkoumáno. Práce je zaměřena na politickou participaci studentů vysokých škol v České republice. Cílem výzkumu je zjistit, zda studenti vysokých škol v České republice participují na politice. K tomuto postoji chceme najít důvody, motivaci i způsoby, jakými participace probíhá. Dále chceme určit, jak studenti vnímají sami sebe z pohledu socioekonomického, na levopravé škále nebo s jakou ideologií, politickou stranou či režimem se ztotožňují. S ohledem na dlouhodobý trend podpory strany TOP 09 mezi mladými lidmi, a zejména studenty, se pokusíme o detailnější charakteristiku této skupiny občanů. Data jsou získána z 365 dotazníků strukturovaných do několika tematických celků na mikro, mezo a makro úrovni, které odpovídají předpokládaným vlivům na politickou participaci. Dále se zabýváme vztahem studentů k režimu, otevřenosti systému k participaci a jejími formami, vnitřní efektivitou apod. Analýza ukázala, že 95 % studentů na politice participuje. Nejvíce užívanými formami jsou, stejně jako v případě celé české populace, volební účast, podpis petice a účast na skupinové akci. Mezi nejčastější důvody a motivace patří zájem o vlastní okolí, občanská povinnost, projev svobodné vůle a další. Zájem o politiku projevuje 96 % studentů....The thesis is focused on the political participation of university students in the Czech Republic. This topic has not been studied there yet. The aim of the research is to find out whether university students in the Czech Republic participate in politics. To this attitude we want to find the reasons and motivation and the forms in which the participation takes place. We also want to determine how students perceive themselves from a socioeconomic point of view, on a left-right scale, or with which ideology, political party or regime they identify. Taking into account the long-term trend of TOP 09 support among youth and especially students, we will try to get a more detailed characterization of this group of citizens. The data are obtained from 365 questionnaires structured into several thematic units at micro, meso and macro levels that correspond to the expected impact on political participation. We also deal with the relationship of students to the regime, the openness of the system to participation and its forms, internal efficiency. The analysis showed that 95 % of the students participate in politics. The most used forms are election attendance, petition signature and participation in group action. The most common reasons and motivations are interest in the surroundings, civic duty or the...Ústav politologieInstitute of Political ScienceFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Reasons for Voting Right among Students in Prague

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    The bachelor's thesis deals with the topic that has not been examined in the Czech Republic yet. This thesis is focused on voting behavior of students at public universities, specifically the students of social sciences and humanities in Prague. With regard to the results of foreign studies, wherein these students generally tend to select left-wing parties and candidates, this research focuses on students who vote for right-wing parties and candidates. The aim of this thesis is to determine the reason why Czech students have the opposite preferences than their counterparts in Western democracies. Data are obtained from the interviews with students who cast their vote in the elections to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic between years 2010 and 2013, and at least in one round of the presidential elections in 2013. Interviews are structured into several thematic areas, such as family, friends, studies, etc., which correspond with the expected effects on voting behavior. Analysis of the interviews showed that the respondents' voting preferences are mostly influenced by the family, high school education and the media, including Facebook. Function of friends lies more in the mutual confirmation of own attitudes. The analysis also revealed that not only the respondents do not know..

    Attitudes to Politics among Students in Czech republic

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    The thesis is focused on the political participation of university students in the Czech Republic. This topic has not been studied there yet. The aim of the research is to find out whether university students in the Czech Republic participate in politics. To this attitude we want to find the reasons and motivation and the forms in which the participation takes place. We also want to determine how students perceive themselves from a socioeconomic point of view, on a left-right scale, or with which ideology, political party or regime they identify. Taking into account the long-term trend of TOP 09 support among youth and especially students, we will try to get a more detailed characterization of this group of citizens. The data are obtained from 365 questionnaires structured into several thematic units at micro, meso and macro levels that correspond to the expected impact on political participation. We also deal with the relationship of students to the regime, the openness of the system to participation and its forms, internal efficiency. The analysis showed that 95 % of the students participate in politics. The most used forms are election attendance, petition signature and participation in group action. The most common reasons and motivations are interest in the surroundings, civic duty or the..

    Organocatalytic Asymmetric Michael-Hemiacetalization Reaction Between 2‑Hydroxyacetophenones and Enals: A Route to Chiral β,γ-Disubstituted γ‑Butyrolactones

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    The first highly enantioselective organocatalytic reaction employing 2-hydroxyacetophenones is disclosed, namely Michael-hemiacetalization reaction of 2-hydroxyacetophenones with enals. The combination of a primary amine and a secondary amine catalyst was found to be the best choice for this methodology. The products of this reaction were obtained in high enantio- and diastereoselectivities and were converted to a variety of biologically important γ-butyrolactones