33 research outputs found

    Alternative Pedagogies In Early And Preschool Education

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    Tema ovog rada su alternativne pedagogije koje su se javile kao odgovor na zahtjeve suvremenog djeteta. Znanstvenici i roditelji su kroz povijest izražavali nezadovoljstvo tadaÅ”njim pedagoÅ”kim konceptima te kao odgovor ponudili svoje koncepte za bolji odgojno-obrazovni proces prilagođeniji djetetu i njegovim potrebama. Posebno važnima ističu se djetetova samostalnost, poÅ”tivanje njegovih potreba te suradnja djeteta, roditelja i odgojitelja. U radu je navedeno nekoliko alternativnih pedagogija te viÅ”e o njihovim utemeljiteljima. Iznesena su pedagoÅ”ka načela, strategije poučavanja, te položaj djeteta i uloga odgojitelja. Alternativni koncepti odgovor su na danaÅ”nji ubrzani razvoj suvremenog svijeta kako bi djetetu ponudili Å”to cjelovitiji rast i razvoj u okolini koja je djetetu poticaj i u kojoj se dijete osjeća slobodno i ostvareno.The theme of this paper are alternative pedagogies that have emerged in response to the demands of the modern child. Throughout history scientists and parents have expressed dissatisfaction with pedagogical concepts of that time, and as response they offered their concepts for a better educational process more suited to the child and his needs. Particularly important are pointed out the childā€™s independence, respect for his needs and the cooperation of children, parents and educators. The paper lists several alternative pedagogies and more about their founders. The pedagogical principles, teaching strategies, position of the child and the role of the educator are presented. Alternative concepts are response to todayā€™s accelerated development of the modern world in order to offer the child complete growth and development in an environment that is stimulating to the child and in which he can feel free and fulfilled

    Alternative Pedagogies In Early And Preschool Education

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    Tema ovog rada su alternativne pedagogije koje su se javile kao odgovor na zahtjeve suvremenog djeteta. Znanstvenici i roditelji su kroz povijest izražavali nezadovoljstvo tadaÅ”njim pedagoÅ”kim konceptima te kao odgovor ponudili svoje koncepte za bolji odgojno-obrazovni proces prilagođeniji djetetu i njegovim potrebama. Posebno važnima ističu se djetetova samostalnost, poÅ”tivanje njegovih potreba te suradnja djeteta, roditelja i odgojitelja. U radu je navedeno nekoliko alternativnih pedagogija te viÅ”e o njihovim utemeljiteljima. Iznesena su pedagoÅ”ka načela, strategije poučavanja, te položaj djeteta i uloga odgojitelja. Alternativni koncepti odgovor su na danaÅ”nji ubrzani razvoj suvremenog svijeta kako bi djetetu ponudili Å”to cjelovitiji rast i razvoj u okolini koja je djetetu poticaj i u kojoj se dijete osjeća slobodno i ostvareno.The theme of this paper are alternative pedagogies that have emerged in response to the demands of the modern child. Throughout history scientists and parents have expressed dissatisfaction with pedagogical concepts of that time, and as response they offered their concepts for a better educational process more suited to the child and his needs. Particularly important are pointed out the childā€™s independence, respect for his needs and the cooperation of children, parents and educators. The paper lists several alternative pedagogies and more about their founders. The pedagogical principles, teaching strategies, position of the child and the role of the educator are presented. Alternative concepts are response to todayā€™s accelerated development of the modern world in order to offer the child complete growth and development in an environment that is stimulating to the child and in which he can feel free and fulfilled

    Merkmale der landwirtschaftlichen Erzeugung in den Siedlungen der Starčevo-Kultur im Gebiet zwischen dem heutigen Vinkovci und Slavonski Brod, Kroatien

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    Obavljena su istraživanja deset lokaliteta starčevačke kulture u istočnom dijelu Hrvatske. Starčevačka je kultura na prostoru naÅ”ih istraživanja trajala od 6000. do oko 5100. prije Krista. Lokaliteti su smjeÅ”teni na povrÅ”ini od oko 1100 km2 između gradova Vinkovaca i Slavonskog Broda. Analizirane su tehnologije poljoprivredne proizvodnje, procijenjena mogućnost obujma proizvodnje i, na osnovi toga, mogući rast brojnosti stanovniÅ”tva. Upotrebljavane su efikasne tehnologije proizvodnje žitarica i mesa goveda. Za uspjeÅ”nu i opsežniju proizvodnju žitarica i mesa goveda bile su potrebne Å”umske biljne zajednice. Zaključeno je da je stanovniÅ”tvo doseljeno, jer nema nalaza koji bi dokazivali postupni razvoj poljoprivrednih tehnologija. Uzgajali su emmer (Triticum dicoccum) i einkorn (Triticum monococcum) te već domesticirane ovce, a mjesto domestikacije emmera, einkorna i ovce su područja Palestine i Anatolije. S istraženoga područja nastavilo se seljenje prema zapadu Hrvatske gdje se javlja linearnotrakasta keramika koja se daljnjim seljenjem, uz prenoÅ”enje žitarica (emmera i einkorna) i ovčarske proizvodnje, proÅ”irila do područja Nizozemske i Ukrajine, a brže seljenje odvijalo se u smjerovima na kojima su se nalazile Å”umske biljne zajednice. Prijelaz iz starčevačke u sopotsku kulturu koji karakteriziraju veće druÅ”tvene promjene, mogao je ubrzati iseljavanje stanovniÅ”tva iz južne i zapadne Panonije.Research of ten sites of the Starčevo culture in the eastern part of Croatia has been published. The Starčevo culture, in the area of our research, existed from 6000 to 5100 B.C. The sites are situated in an area of 1100 square km between the towns Vinkovci and Slavonski Brod. The authors of the research analysed technologies of agricultural production, assessed the possibility of production volume thus estimating the possible growth of population. Efficient technologies of cereal crops and beef production were used. For a successful and more extensive production of cereals and beef woodland plant communities were needed. It has been concluded that the inhabitants were settlers because there are no findings to prove a gradual development of agricultural technologies. They cultivated emmer (Triticum dicoccum), and einkorn (Triticum monococcum) and raised already domesticated sheep, Palestine and Anatolia being the places of domestication for emmer, einkorn and sheep. From the area researched movement continued towards the west of Croatia where linear-stripped ceramics could be found, moving further again with the crops (emmer and einkorn) and sheep raising, spreading all the way to the Netherlands as well as Ukraine, while a faster movement took place in the directions where there were woodland plant communities to be found. The transformation from the Starčevo to the Sopot culture, characterised by significant social changes, could have quickened the pace of emigration from southern and west Panonia.Der Artikel berichtet Ć¼ber die Erforschung von Siedlungsresten an insgesamt zehn LokalitƤten der Starčevo-Kultur im Osten Kroatiens. Die in diesem Raum nachgewiesene Kultur dauerte von 6000 bis etwa 5100 v.Chr. Die Siedlungsreste befinden sich auf einer FlƤche von ungefƤhr 1100 km2 zwischen den StƤdten Vinkovci und Slavonski Brod. Man analysierte die zu jener Zeit verfĆ¼gbare Technologie der Feldbestellung, unternahm eine SchƤtzung des landwirtschaftlichen Ertrags sowie aufgrund dessen eine SchƤtzung des Bevƶlkerungswachstums. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass wirksame Methoden zur Getreidegewinnung und Rinderzucht angewandt worden waren. Zur Steigerung der Erzeugung von Getreide und Rindfleisch war der Aufenthalt in der unmittelbaren NƤhe von Wald-Pflanzengemeinschaften notwendig. Die Forschung kam zum Schluss, dass es sich bei den Menschen der Starčevo-Kultur um ZuzĆ¼gler handelte, da es keinerlei Nachweise gibt, die die allmƤhliche Entwicklung landwirtschaftlicher Technologien bestƤtigen. Angebaut wurden Emmer (Triticum dicoccum) und Einkorn (Triticum monococcum), als Haustiere dienten bereits domestizierte Schafe. Es ist jedoch bekannt, dass die genannten Getreidearten sowie das Schaf im Gebiet PalƤstinas und Anatoliens domestiziert wurden. Die Menschen der Starčevo-Kultur setzten ihre Wanderung in das Gebiet Westkroatiens, wo die ersten GefƤƟe aus Schnurkeramik gefunden wurden, fort. Von dort weitete sich die Schnurkeramik mitsamt dem darin transportierten Getreide (Emmer und Einkorn) wie auch die Schafzucht bis in das Gebiet der heutigen Niederlande und der Ukraine aus. In waldreichen Gegenden gingen die WanderzĆ¼ge schneller vor sich. Der Ɯbergang von der Starčevo- zur Sopot-Kultur, den bedeutende gesellschaftliche Wandel charakterisieren, hat mƶglicherweise die Auswanderung der in SĆ¼d- und Westpannonien lebenden VolksstƤmme beschleunigt

    Der Ausgangspunkt des pythagoreischen Lehrsatzes in der Vu~edol-Kultur, Kroatien

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    Van der Waerden, u knjizi Geometry and Algebra in Ancient Civilization početke matematičke znanosti smjeÅ”ta u srediÅ”nju Europu u vrijeme između 3000. i 2500. godine prije Krista. Waerden navodi da je već tada spoznat račun koji je kasnije definiran kao Pitagorin poučak, jer je bilo poznato kako nacrtati geometrijske crteže kojih se duljine stranica odnose kao cijeli brojevi. Ove spoznaje su se iz srediÅ”nje Europe proÅ”irile do Engleske i Å kotske na zapad, te do Bliskog istoka, Indije i Kine na istok. U vrijeme u kojem Waerden drži da su spoznata navedena matematička znanja u srednjoj Europi, na prostoru između Jadranskog mora, Karpata i Alpa razvila se vučedolska kultura koja je trajala od 3000. do 2200. god. prije Krista. Istraživanja su dala rezultate na temelju kojih je bilo moguće zaključiti da su prva poljoprivredna naselja podignuli doseljenici čije je podrijetlo iz Palestine i Male Azije te da su s početkom uporabe drveta kao građevnog materijala morali dolaziti do matematičkih spoznaja koje nisu bile potrebne kada se gradilo u kamenu. U vučedolskom druÅ”tvu onoga vremena postoje obredi vezani uz astronomske događaje, a svetiÅ”ta se grade po određenim matematičkim pravilima. Geometrijski crtež na kojemu su sve stranice četverokuta, trokuta, dijagonale četverokuta i visine trokuta cijeli brojevi postaje simbolom koji se na prostoru Hrvatske održao 3000 godina. Izneseno omogućava zaključak da su njegovi crtači spoznali račun Pitagorina poučka, Å”to, uz ostalo, potvrđuje stajaliÅ”ta B. L. van der Waerdena o vremenu i mjestu početaka, te pravcima Å”irenja matematičke znanosti.Van der Waerden in his book Geometry and Algebra in Ancient Civilization places the beginnings of mathematical science in Central Europe between the years 3000 and 2500 before Christ. Waerden states that the calculus, later defined as Pythagorasā€™ Theorem, was discovered as early as then, because it was known how to make geometric drawings whose side lengths interrelated as whole numbers. This knowledge was spread from Central Europe to England and Scotland in the West, and to the Near East, India and China in the East. In the period in which Waerden considers that this mathematical knowledge was perceived in Central Europe, in the region between the Adriatic Sea, Carpathian Mountains and the Alps, the Vu~edol Culture developed lasting from 3000 to 2200 B.C. In our research we looked for those phenomena in the area of development of the Vu~edol Culture which entailed certain mathematical knowledge. Research provided results based on which it was possible to conclude that the first agricultural settlements had been raised by settlers originating from Palestine and Asia Minor. Furthermore, at the initial stage of using wood as building material they were bound to come to mathematical solutions, quite unnecessary when the material for construction used to be stone. In the Vu~edol society of that time certain rituals existed connected to astronomical events, while shrines were built according to defined mathematical rules. The geometric drawing on which all sides of the quadrangle, triangle, quadrangle diagonals and triangle perpendiculars are whole numbers has become the symbol to survive in these Croatian parts for 3000 years. A symbol of such features enables the conclusion that its drawers knew the calculus of Pythagorasā€™ Theorem. It is therefore possible to assume that perception about the period between the years 3000 and 2500 B.C., taking place in the Vu~edol Culture in Croatia, as well as knowledge of the period prior to the Vu~edol Culture, confirm the statements of B.L.van der Waerden concerning the time and place of the beginnings of mathematical science. Perceptions which form the basis of Pythagoraā€™s Theorem have occurred in the area and time of the Vu~edol Culture, whose origins are on Croatian territory, and from here they spread to the East and West in the exact direction pointed out by Van der Waerden.In seinem Buch Geometry and Algebra in Ancient Civilization lokalisiert Van der Waerden die AnfƤnge der mathematischen Wissenschaften im mitteleuropƤischen Raum, in der Zeit zwischen 3000 und 2500 v.Chr. Van der Waerden fĆ¼hrt an, dass schon zu jener Zeit die Rechnungsweise bekannt war, die spƤter als pythagoreischer Lehrsatz definiert wurde; man wusste nƤmlich bereits, wie man geometrische Kƶrper zu zeichnen hatte, deren SeitenlƤngen sich wie ganze Zahlen zueinander verhalten. Diese Erkenntnisse breiteten sich bis nach England und Schottland im Westen sowie bis in den Nahen Osten, Indien und China aus. In der Zeit, die Van der Waerden fĆ¼r die Entstehungszeit der genannten mathematischen Erkenntnisse in Zentraleuropa hƤlt, entwickelte sich im Bereich zwischen dem Adriatischen Meer, den Karpaten und den Alpen die aeneolithische Vu~edol-Kultur, die von etwa 3000 bis 2200 v.Chr. dauerte. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse lieƟen den Schluss zu, dass die ersten Siedlungen von Zuwanderern aus PalƤstina und Kleinasien errichtet worden waren. AuƟerdem mussten die Menschen der Vu~edol-Kultur mit Beginn der Holzbauweise zu mathematischen Erkenntnissen kommen, die nicht notwendig gewesen waren, solange man noch Stein zur Errichtung der Behausungen verwendete. In der Menschengemeinschaft jener Zeit gab es bestimmte Rituale, die an astronomische Ereignisse gebunden waren; HeiligtĆ¼mer wurden nach bestimmten mathematischen Regeln angelegt. Die bekannte geometrische Zeichnung, in der alle Seiten eines Vierecks, eines Dreiecks, ferner die Diagonalen eines Vierecks und die Hƶhen eines Dreiecks ganze Zahlen darstellen, wird zum Symbol, das sich auf dem Raum Kroatiens durch drei Jahrtausende erhalten hat. Die Merkmale dieses Symbols lassen den Schluss zu, dass denjenigen, die es entworfen haben, das Prinzip des pythagoreischen Lehrsatzes bekannt war. Daher kann man schlieƟen, dass die auf dem Raum Kroatiens in der Vu~edol- Kultur zwischen 3000 und 2500 v.Chr. gewonnenen Erkenntnisse sowie das heutige Wissen Ć¼ber den Zeitabschnitt, der der Vu~edol-Kultur unmittelbar vorausging, den Standpunkt B. L. van der Waerdens Ć¼ber die AnfƤnge der mathematischen Wissenschaften bestƤtigen. Die dem pythagoreischen Lehrsatz zugrunde liegenden Erkenntnisse wurden auf dem Ausdehnungsgebiet und in der Zeit der Vu~edol-Kultur gewonnen, welche wiederum auf dem Gebiet des heutigen Kroatien angesiedelt war. Von hier aus breitete sich dieses Wissen nach Osten und Westen in ebenjenen Richtungen aus, die auch Van der Waerden anfĆ¼hrt


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    As a special forest vegetation reserve, the PraÅ”nik rain forest is a highly protected area which owes its protection not only to a unique composition of trees, but also to its geographical position and, to an extent, historical events. It is situated on the Sava River left bank, north of the city of Stara GradiÅ”ka (cca. 3 km). The study area belongs to the southwestern part of Pannonian Basin, specifically the Sava Depression. The aim of this study was to assess a possible impact of war activities in Croatia (23 years ago) when numerous mines were laid in this region and to establish a major and trace metal baseline concentrations for future investigations. Ten topsoil (S) samples were taken randomly with adjacent vegetation (bark and leaves) at each site. Major and trace metal concentrations were measured for all three types of samples using the ICP method. Analysed soils are composed of quartz, micaceous mineral, 14ƅ mineral, plagioclase and mixed layer minerals. All metal values in the sample taken from an ex-mine crater are 2-4 times higher compared to other. Generally, positive statistically significant Kendallā€™s Tau correlation coefficients of trace metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn) were found for all combinations of the S (soil), B (bark), and L (leaf) groups. Such results indicate that the war activity have played a certain role in a distribution pattern of soil as well as vegetative trace metal levels.PraÅ”uma PraÅ”nik kao poseban rezervat Å”umske vegetacije visoko je zaÅ”tićeno područje, ali ne samo zbog jedinstvenoga sastava drveća, već zahvaljujući i geografskomu položaju te u određenoj mjeri povijesnim zbivanjima. Nalazi se na lijevoj obali rijeke Save, oko 3 km sjeverno od Nove GradiÅ”ke. Područje istraživanja pripada jugozapadnomu dijelu Panonskoga bazenskog sustava, području Savske depresije. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je procijeniti mogući utjecaj ratnih zbivanja u Hrvatskoj (od prije 23 godine), kada je ovo područje minirano, i utvrditi koncentracije metala. Deset uzoraka tla nasumično je prikupljeno zajedno s korom i liŔćem. Koncentracije glavnih metala i metala u tragovima mjerene su za sve 3 grupe uzoraka ICP metodom. Analizirano tlo sastoji se od kvarca, tinjčastoga minerala, minerala 14ƅ, plagioklasa i mjeÅ”ovitoga sloja minerala. Sve vrijednosti metala u uzorcima uzetim iz nekadaÅ”njega minskog kratera veće su 2 ā€“ 4 puta u odnosu na ostale. Statističkom analizom dobiveni su pozitivni, statistički značajni Kendallovi tau-koeficijenti korelacije tragova metala (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn) i za sve kombinacije uzoraka tla, liŔća i kore. Takvi rezultati upućuju na to da je ratna aktivnost odigrala određenu ulogu u distribucijskome uzorku tla i vegetativnim razinama metala u tragovima

    Otkriće ugljikovodika u kompleksnom strukturno tektonskom sklopu duboke drave (istražna buÅ”otina severovci-1)

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    Regionalnom analizom ā€žplay-aā€œ hrvatskog dijela Panonskog bazena otkriven je dodatni potencijal unutar strukturne jedinice duboke Drave. Plinsko-kondenzatna polja Molve, Kalinovac i Stari Gradac unutar istražnog prostora Drava-02 smjeÅ”tena su u spuÅ”tenom krilu glavnog potolinskog rasjeda-Dravski rasjed i predstavljaju transpresijski antiklinalni kompleks. SeizmogeoloÅ”ka interpretacija struktura na prostoru geotektonske jedinice duboke Drave na 3D seizmičkim podacima (Molve i Molve jug) rezultirala je definiranjem prospekta Severovci. Prospekt predstavlja izduženu antiklinalu s dva maksimuma čija duža os ima pružanje SZ-JI. Sa sjeveroistočne strane struktura je omeđena normalnim rasjedom za koji se pretpostavljalo da predstavlja barijeru prema eksploatacijskom polju Ferdinandovac. S jugozapadne strane struktura Severovci od susjednih polja Molve, Kalinovac i Stari Gradac odvojena je ā€žStrike slipā€œ rasjedom pružanja SZ-JI istovjetnog kao i glavni potolinski rasjed. Cilj istražnog buÅ”enja bilo je masivno ležiÅ”te, analogno poljima Molve i Kalinovac. LežiÅ”ta na ovom poljima predstavljena su sa 4 litofacijesa: lit. I vapnenci (kalkareniti), lit. II dolomiti (dolomitna breča), lit. III kvarciti i lit IV. dijaftoriti. Primarni cilj istražne buÅ”otine Severovci-1 bio je nabuÅ”iti lit. I vapnenci i lit. II dolomiti koji su pretpostavljeni na osnovu analize seizmičkih podataka i njihove analogije sa seizmičkim podacima na polju Molve. Tijekom buÅ”enja istražne buÅ”otine Severovci-1 (KD 3410 m), u razdoblju od prosinca 2017. do ožujka 2018. godine, registrirano je 46 pojava novog plina Å”to je ukazalo na prisustvo zasićenja ugljikovodicima. Točan model brzine i strukturna interpretacija rezultirali su zanemarivom razlikom između prognozirane i nabuÅ”ene dubine ležiÅ”ta te potvrdili rasjed prema polju Ferdinandovac kao barijeru. BuÅ”otina Severovci-1 nabuÅ”ila je litofacijese I i III (vapnenci i kvarciti) čiji je udio u proizvodnji ugljikovodika okolnih polja gotovo 70 %. Pojava novih plinova tijekom buÅ”enja, relativne koncentracije do 17,1 %, u trajanju od 40 minuta, kao i analiza karotažnih mjerenja, usmjerili su istraživanje na 4 intervala unutar kvarcita podloge neogena. Sukladno podacima jezgre-1 intervala 3293-3302 m, ležiÅ”e unutar litofacijesa kvarcita je petrografski određeno kao metapjeŔčenjak / metapelit s mjestimično gustim pukotinskim sustavom, visokim sadržajem pirita i UV pozitivnosti. Petrofizikalna XRMI interpretacija dokazala je postojanje ležiÅ”ta s dvojnim porozitetom i prisutnoŔću dva pukotinska sustava prema regionalnoj analizi naprezanja Å”to je potvrdilo inicijalnu strukturno tektonsku interpretaciju. Analiza jezgre kao i rezultati ispitivanja buÅ”otine ukazuju na slabo propusno ležiÅ”te s poroznoŔću 3-11 % i propusnoŔću od 0,1-3 mD, veća propusnost vezana je uz pukotinske zone. Stimulacija buÅ”otine koja je izvedena unutar slabo propusnog ležiÅ”ta je povećala ukupnu proizvodnju na cca. 53 000 m3/dan uz visoki udio vode (GWR 1800 cm3/m3) u opadanju, te proizvodnju kondenzata od 4 m3/dan. Nakon istražnog buÅ”enja te ispitivanja buÅ”otine dobiveni su podaci o proizvodnji ležiÅ”ta, količinama ugljikovodika, tlaku i radijusu crpljenja, koji su bili potrebni za objavu komercijalnog otkrića


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    Uloga liječnika opće/obiteljske medicine u prevenciji bolesti i promociji zdravlja potvrđena je rezultatima istraživanja te u zdravstvenoj politici. S obzirom na položaj liječnika opće/obiteljske medicine u zdravstvenom sustavu i njegov bliski, trajni kontakt s populacijom koja ga je izabrala te s lokalnom zajednicom u kojoj djeluje, razumljivo je da je liječniku opće/obiteljske medicine preventivni rad uključen kao neodvojivi dio redovitog, uobičajenog rada u praksi. Skrb za bolesnika u općoj medicini je kompleksna i proteže se od intervencija u determinantama zdravlja do palijativne skrbi. Preventivne aktivnosti su viÅ”e ili manje prisutne na svakom odsječku tog procesa. Postoji značajan raskorak između znanja liječnika opće/obiteljske medicine i postojeće prakse u koriÅ”tenju na znanstvenim dokazima utemeljenih preporuka za aktivnosti u promociji zdravlja i prevenciji bolesti. Opisali smo ulogu liječnika opće obiteljske medicine u preventivnom radu i prikazali podatke o preventivnima aktivnostima u službi obiteljske medicine u Hrvatskoj. Za pravu ocjenu preventivnog rada obiteljskih liječnika potrebno je raspolagati objektivnim na znanstvenim dokazima utemeljenim podacima koji će pokazati Å”to obiteljski liječnici rade u praksi. Zbog toga je nužno da liječnici sistematski bilježe i evaluiraju relevantne preventivne aktivnosti i aktivnosti koje provode u promociji zdravlja, a da se njihovo izvrÅ”enje programa redovito prati, evaluira te profesionalno i financijski vrednuje. Prema tim je principima Stručna radna skupina za koordinaciju, praćenje i usmjeravanje reforme u obiteljskoj medicini Ministarstva zdravstva i socijalne skrbi Republike Hrvatske izradila program preventivnih aktivnosti u obteljskoj medicini koji je prikazan u ovom raduThe role of general practitioner/family physician (GP/FP) in disease prevention and health promotion is strongly supported by research and health policies. The position of GPs/FPs in the health care system and their close, sustained contact with their patients and local community makes preventive care an integral part of GP/FP routine work. The spectrum of caring for patients in general practice/family medicine is actually very large, going from intervention on health care determinants to palliative care. The prevention-related activities are more or less present at each step of this ā€œhealthcare continuumā€. The significant gaps between GP/FP knowledge and practices persist in the use of evidence-based recommendations for health promotion and disease prevention. We describe the role of GP/FP in preventive care and report data on preventive care activities in the Croatian Family Medicine Service. More objective evidence is needed to see what GPs/FPs actually do in practice. For this reason, it is critical that GPs/FPs systematically record the most relevant preventive and health promotion activities that they perform. Furthermore, their performance of the preventive program should be regularly monitored, evaluated and professionally and financially validated. We present the preventive program based on these principles in Family Medicine Service proposed by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare Working Group on Reform of Primary Health Care


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    Uvod: Hrvatsko druÅ”tvo za dijabetes i bolesti metabolizma Hrvatskoga liječničkog zbora izradilo je 2011. godine prve nacionalne smjernice o prehrani, edukaciji i samokontroli te farmakoloÅ”kom liječenju Å”ećerne bolesti tipa 2. Sukladno povećanom broju dostupnih lijekova te novim spoznajama o učinkovitosti i sigurnosti primjene već uključenih lijekova, pokazala se potreba za obnovom postojećih smjernica za farmakoloÅ”ko liječenje Å”ećerne bolesti tipa 2 u Republici Ā­Hrvatskoj. Sudionici: Kao koautori Smjernica navedeni su svi članovi Hrvatskog druÅ”tva za dijabetes i bolesti metabolizma Hrvatskoga liječničkog zbora, kao i ostalih uključenih stručnih druÅ”tava, koji su svojim komentarima i prijedlozima pridonijeli izradi Smjernica. Dokazi: Ove su Smjernice utemeljene na dokazima, prema sustavu GRADE (engl. Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation) koji uz razinu dokaza opisuje i snagu preporuke. Zaključci: Individualan pristup temeljen na fizioloÅ”kim principima regulacije glikemije nuždan je u liječenju osoba sa Å”ećernom bolesti. Ciljeve liječenja i odabir medikamentne terapije treba prilagoditi oboljeloj osobi, uzimajući u obzir životnu dob, trajanje bolesti, očekivano trajanje života, rizik od hipoglikemije, komorbiditete, razvijene vaskularne i ostale komplikacije, kao i ostale čimbenike. Zbog svega navedenoga od nacionalnog je interesa imati praktične, racionalne i provedive smjernice za farmakoloÅ”ko liječenje Å”ećerne bolesti tipa 2.Introduction: The Croatian Association for Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders of the Croatian Medical Association has issued in 2011 the first national guidelines for the nutrition, education, self-control, and pharmacotherapy of Ā­diabetes type 2. According to the increased number of available medicines and new evidence related to the effectiveness and safety of medicines already involved in the therapy there was a need for update of the existing guidelines for the Ā­pharmacotherapy of type 2 diabetes in the Republic of Croatia. Participants: as co-authors of the Guidelines there are listed all members of the Croatian Association for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, as well as other representatives of professional societies within the Croatian Medical Association, who have contributed with comments and suggestions to the development of the Guidelines. Evidence: These guidelines are evidence-based, according to the GRADE system (eng. Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation), which describes the level of evidence and strength of recommendations. Conclusions: An individual patient approach based on physiological principles in blood glucose control is essential for diabetesā€™ patients management. Glycemic targets and selection of the pharmacological agents should be tailored to the patient, taking into account the age, duration of disease, life expectancy, risk of hypoglycemia, comorbidities, developed vascular and other complications as well as other factors. Because of all this, is of national interest to have a practical, rational and applicable guidelines for the pharmacotherapy of type 2 diabetes

    Hrvatske smjernice za farmakoloÅ”ko liječenje Å”ećerne bolesti tipa 2 [Croatian guidelines for the pharmacotherapy of type 2 diabetes]

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    Introduction: The Croatian Association for Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders of the Croatian Medical Association has issued in 2011 the first national guidelines for the nutrition, education, self-control, and pharmacotherapy of diabetes type 2. According to the increased number of available medicines and new evidence related to the effectiveness and safety of medicines already involved in the therapy there was a need for update of the existing guidelines for the pharmacotherapy of type 2 diabetes in the Republic of Croatia. Participants: as co-authors of the Guidelines there are listed all members of the Croatian Association for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, as well as other representatives of professional societies within the Croatian Medical Association, who have contributed with comments and suggestions to the development of the Guidelines. Evidence: These guidelines are evidence-based, according to the GRADE system (eng. Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation), which describes the level of evidence and strength of recommendations. Conclusions: An individual patient approach based on physiological principles in blood glucose control is essential for diabetes' patients management. Glycemic targets and selection of the pharmacological agents should be tailored to the patient, taking into account the age, duration of disease, life expectancy, risk of hypoglyce- mia, comorbidities, developed vascular and other complications as well as other factors. Because of all this, is of national interest to have a practical, rational and applicable guidelines for the pharmacotherapy of type 2 diabetes