Alternative Pedagogies In Early And Preschool Education


Tema ovog rada su alternativne pedagogije koje su se javile kao odgovor na zahtjeve suvremenog djeteta. Znanstvenici i roditelji su kroz povijest izražavali nezadovoljstvo tadašnjim pedagoškim konceptima te kao odgovor ponudili svoje koncepte za bolji odgojno-obrazovni proces prilagođeniji djetetu i njegovim potrebama. Posebno važnima ističu se djetetova samostalnost, poštivanje njegovih potreba te suradnja djeteta, roditelja i odgojitelja. U radu je navedeno nekoliko alternativnih pedagogija te više o njihovim utemeljiteljima. Iznesena su pedagoška načela, strategije poučavanja, te položaj djeteta i uloga odgojitelja. Alternativni koncepti odgovor su na današnji ubrzani razvoj suvremenog svijeta kako bi djetetu ponudili što cjelovitiji rast i razvoj u okolini koja je djetetu poticaj i u kojoj se dijete osjeća slobodno i ostvareno.The theme of this paper are alternative pedagogies that have emerged in response to the demands of the modern child. Throughout history scientists and parents have expressed dissatisfaction with pedagogical concepts of that time, and as response they offered their concepts for a better educational process more suited to the child and his needs. Particularly important are pointed out the child’s independence, respect for his needs and the cooperation of children, parents and educators. The paper lists several alternative pedagogies and more about their founders. The pedagogical principles, teaching strategies, position of the child and the role of the educator are presented. Alternative concepts are response to today’s accelerated development of the modern world in order to offer the child complete growth and development in an environment that is stimulating to the child and in which he can feel free and fulfilled

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