44 research outputs found

    How to share the leadership competence among the team members in active learning scenarios: Before, during and after COVID-19 pandemic

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    Teamwork is one of the most demanded generic competencies by international organizations, and higher education institutions train and assess that competence to prepare students for working life. Leadership is a crucial part of teamwork development, and previous research has shown that shared leadership tasks between team members present more advantages than the traditional concept of a formal leader. Shared leadership seems to be the best option in the academic context due to the university students’ characteristics. This paper aims to prove that students can identify, distinguish and exercise shared leadership actions based on the needs that arise during the development of teamwork and that derive from the teamwork method applied rather than by the training modality that is followed (face-to-face – online). The achievement of the aim has been possible through a qualitative study of the teamwork development of 40 teams of new university entrance (237 students) with the Comprehensive Teamwork Competency Formation Model. The research has been carried out during three consecutive academic courses, with different training modalities for each course, forced by the COVID-19 pandemic (face-to-face for the pre-COVID-19 course, online for the COVID-19 course and face-to-face during the post-COVID-19 course). The shared leadership tasks and responsibilities, defined by students, were categorized in the same way independently of the training modality, which validates the proposed ontology. Also, the three academic courses studied the evolution of the primary shared leadership responsibilities by category. Besides, it is concluded that the primary responsibilities for each category remained unchanged during the three academic years but that some other categories were affected to some extent by the exceptionality caused by COVID-19. The ontology validated here constitutes a recommendation for future teams working with an evidence-based methodology

    Flipped classroom insights after nine-year experience applying the method

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    Any new trend in Educational Innovation creates many expectations about its impact on the teaching context. This happens with the Flipped Classroom method, it presents numerous advantages: personalized learning, increased active participation, meaningful learning, autonomous learning, motivation, among others. This work collects the experience of applying the Flipped Classroom Method from 2012 up to the present. An analysis of the empirically demonstrated impact of this method on student learning is carried out. The outcome of this work is the real impact of this method in three educational environments: theoretical classes, practical classes, and teamwork competence

    A method to propose good practices of teaching educational innovation

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    The MAIN method for the application of educational innovation was designed to make it easier for teachers to apply educational innovation so as to achieve a good practice of educational innovation. In this work the mentioned method is used not to apply educational innovation but to make a proposal of educational innovation that has great possibilities of becoming a good innovation practice. Twenty-four professors have made proposals for educational innovation following the MAIN method. Once these proposals were presented, teacher’s perception of the processes of the method was studied, as well as the effort to develop the different phases of the proposal following the MAIN method

    Flipped Learning 4.0. An extended flipped classroom model with Education 4.0 and organisational learning processes

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    This article integrates two visions on the creation of knowledge by students: an academic vision where the person who creates knowledge uses high-level cognitive abilities and, therefore, acquires deeper learning, and an organisational learning vision, where the creation of knowledge adds value to the organisation and the individuals who work in this matter. It starts from a validated flipped classroom model and then adds procedures and cycles of knowledge that make it an active methodology, in such a way that it simultaneously supports organisational learning, using cooperative competencies characteristic of Education 4.0. This proposed hybrid model has been applied online during confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic and, subsequently, in dual mode (students partly in person and the rest online at the same time) and face-to-face mode. The evidence of this research shows that the creation of knowledge by the students, cooperatively and with an organisational learning perspective, has repercussions for improvements in their academic performance by producing deeper learning. In addition, the development of cooperative skills is observed to create and manage a large amount of helpful knowledge for them and other students in their learning process

    Revisión crítica del método de aula invertida desde una perspectiva basada en la experiencia

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    El método de Aula Invertida es una tendencia de innovación educativa que está en la fase de sobre-expectativas. Este trabajo recoge la experiencia de trabajar con el método de forma científica durante nueve años y aplicándolo a contextos docentes diferentes: clases teóricas, competencia del trabajo en equipo y clases prácticas de laboratorios. Toda la experiencia se aplica en asignaturas universitarias de varias titulaciones de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. El resultado recoge el impacto real del método de Aula Invertida

    Role of VHL, HIF1A and SDH on the expression of miR-210: Implications for tumoral pseudo-hypoxic fate

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    The hypoxia-inducible factor 1a (HIF-1a) and its microRNA target, miR-210, are candidate tumor-drivers of metabolic reprogramming in cancer. Neuroendocrine neoplasms such as paragangliomas (PGLs) are particularly appealing for understanding the cancer metabolic adjustments because of their associations with deregulations of metabolic enzymes, such as succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), and the von Hippel Lindau (VHL) gene involved in HIF-1α stabilization. However, the role of miR-210 in the pathogenesis of SDH-related tumors remains an unmet challenge. Herein is described an in vivo genetic analysis of the role of VHL, HIF1A and SDH on miR-210 by using knockout murine models, siRNA gene silencing, and analyses of human tumors. HIF-1a knockout abolished hypoxia-induced miR-210 expression in vivo but did not alter its constitutive expression in paraganglia. Normoxic miR-210 levels substantially increased by complete, but not partial, VHL silencing in paraganglia of knockout VHL-mice and by over-expression of p76del-mutated pVHL. Similarly, VHLmutated PGLs, not those with decreased VHL-gene/mRNA dosage, over-expressed miR-210 and accumulate HIF-1a in most tumor cells. Ablation of SDH activity in SDHD-null cell lines or reduction of the SDHD or SDHB protein levels elicited by siRNA-induced gene silencing did not induce miR-210 whereas the presence of SDH mutations in PGLs and tumor-derived cell lines was associated with mild increase of miR-210 and the presence of a heterogeneous, HIF-1a-positive and HIF-1a-negative, tumor cell population. Thus, activation of HIF-1a is likely an early event in VHLdefective PGLs directly linked to VHL mutations, but it is a late event favored but not directly triggered by SDHx mutations. This combined analysis provides insights into the mechanisms of HIF-1a/miR-210 regulation in normal and tumor tissues potentially useful for understanding the pathogenesis of cancer and other diseases sharing similar underpinnings.Instituto de Salud Carlos III FIS PI11/929Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Cáncer RD12/0036/0015 Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo RegionalFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (CIBERONC

    The RADMED monitoring program as a tool for MSFD implementation: toward an ecosystem based approach

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    In the western Mediterranean Sea, the RADMED monitoring programme is already conducting several of the evaluations required under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MFSD) along the Spanish Mediterranean coast. The different aspects of the ecosystem that are regularly sampled under this monitoring programme are the physical environment and the chemical and biological variables of the water column, together with the planktonic communities, biomass and structure. Moreover, determinations of some anthropogenic stressors on the marine environment, such as contaminants and microplastics, are under development. Data are managed and stored at the Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO) Data Centre that works under the Sea- DataNet infrastructure, and are also stored in the IBAMar database. In combination with remote sensing data, they are used to address open questions on the ecosystems in the western Mediterranean Sea.Postprint2,293

    Chromatin regulation by Histone H4 acetylation at Lysine 16 during cell death and differentiation in the myeloid compartment

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    Histone H4 acetylation at Lysine 16 (H4K16ac) is a key epigenetic mark involved in gene regulation, DNA repair and chromatin remodeling, and though it is known to be essential for embryonic development, its role during adult life is still poorly understood. Here we show that this lysine is massively hyperacetylated in peripheral neutrophils. Genome-wide mapping of H4K16ac in terminally differentiated blood cells, along with functional experiments, supported a role for this histone post-translational modification in the regulation of cell differentiation and apoptosis in the hematopoietic system. Furthermore, in neutrophils, H4K16ac was enriched at specific DNA repeats. These DNA regions presented an accessible chromatin conformation and were associated with the cleavage sites that generate the 50 kb DNA fragments during the first stages of programmed cell death. Our results thus suggest that H4K16ac plays a dual role in myeloid cells as it not only regulates differentiation and apoptosis, but it also exhibits a non-canonical structural role in poising chromatin for cleavage at an early stage of neutrophil cell death

    Terms of reference for the mediterranean tuna habitat observatory initiative

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    [EN] We present the Terms of Reference for a case study on a Mediterranean eco-region focusing on the environmental component of the Ecosystem Report Card. The objective of this case study is to describe and monitor the variability of environmental processes in the Mediterranean Sea that affect the ecology of large pelagic fishes, with a particular attention on tunas, and the possible role of climate change on this variability. Here we define the objectives and activities of the initiative, the participant roles, primary indicators and the methodological approach[FR] Ce document présente les termes de référence d’une étude de cas sur une écorégion méditerranéenne consacrée à la composante environnementale de la fiche informative sur les écosystèmes. L'objectif de cette étude de cas est de décrire et de suivre la variabilité des processus environnementaux en mer Méditerranée qui affectent l'écologie des grands poissons pélagiques, en accordant une attention particulière aux thonidés, et de déterminer le rôle possible du changement climatique sur cette variabilité. Nous définissons ici les objectifs et les activités de l'initiative, les rôles des participants, les indicateurs primaires et l'approche méthodologique.[ES] En el documento se presentan los términos de referencia para un estudio de caso sobre una ecorregión mediterránea centrado en el componente medioambiental de la ficha informativa sobre ecosistemas. El objetivo de este estudio de caso es describir y hacer un seguimiento de la variabilidad de los procesos medioambientales en el mar Mediterráneo que afectan a la ecología de los grandes peces pelágicos, con especial atención a los túnidos, y el posible papel del cambio climático en esta variabilidad. A continuación, se definen los objetivos y actividades de la iniciativa, las funciones de los participantes, los indicadores principales y el enfoque metodológico.Peer reviewe

    Protocolos RADMED (versión: 1.01 – 2014). Procedimientos a seguir en las campañas del proyecto RADMED

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    Los protocolos RADMED se pueden considerar como una guía de mar de las operaciones a realizar en el desarrollo de una campaña de ese proyecto, en donde figuran: el montaje del equipamiento científico, las secuencias de las diferentes operaciones y muestreos, la identificación de las estaciones, cómo rellenar los diferentes estadillos, las determinaciones de variables oceanográficas a bordo y el post-procesado de los datos hidrográficos. Detrás de todo ello está la intención de homogeneizar la información, para facilitar el post-procesado y el fiel tratamiento de las muestras y análisis.[Abstract] The RADMED protocols can be considered as a guide to work at the sea in the development of a campaign of this project and to conduct its different operations. They include: installation of scientific equipment, the sequences of the different operations and sampling, identification of stations, the filling of the various work sheets, determinations of oceanographic variables on board and the post processing of hydrographic data. All this pretend to standardize the information to facilitate post processing and accurate treatment of the samples and analysis