102 research outputs found

    Ecological and Physiological Assessment of Animal Anesthesia Methods

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    The use of pharmaceuticals is indispensable in everyday medical practice. The patient’s life sometimes depends on the right dosages and the chosen method of administration of the drug, therefore, for the successful provision of assistance to the animal, the specialist should become familiar with pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drugs used to prevent undesirable side effects and to reduce the risk of adverse outcome of the disease. Currently, many veterinary enterprises have been opened in Russia, a considerable number of them are private veterinary clinics, where daily surgical interventions with the use of anesthetics are carried out. Depending on the equipment they use different methods of anesthesia of animals – inhalation, non-inhalation or a combined method. The article deals with pharmacokinetic factors in the field of veterinary anesthesiology, its peculiarities associated with different methods of introduction of different groups of anesthetics, which have a similar effect on the body when injected into anesthesia. Moreover, depending on the method of introduction, their absorption into the body varies, the depth of anesthesia changes and the time of exit from it is different

    Modeling of the integrated interaction of the innovation process subjects

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    Within the scope of the presented article, the category "integration" is used as development process, leading to a new type of innovative process subject interaction with the purpose of growth in competitiveness, uncertainty reduction of innovative product commercialization, cost reductionyesBelgorod State Universit

    The using of orthogonal basis for the steganographic coding of information in multimedia

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    This article discusses methods for steganographic encoding additional information using three different orthogonal bases. The bases are represented by the functions, which occupies a different bandwidth in the spectrum. There are comparison of the approach to the definition of DCT- coefficients with the approaches used in the methods of the spread spectrum and subband projections. The approaches of the coefficients of the implementation to ensure secrecy by adaptive determination of their value are considere

    Formation of initial data of the workpiece batch in simulation modelling precision forming

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Modern simulation model is limited to the creation of items. However, in actual production, we often have significantly more manufacturing products. In the article the question of the formation of the initial batch data is raised. This will more accurately simulate the processing of the party details

    Estimation of Innovative Activity of the University

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    On the basis of Belgorod region innovation activity analysis, positive relationship between shipped innovation items and domestic research and development costs was found. Semantic differential was used for multiple estimation of BelSU innovation activity and competiveness. BelSU integrated index showed high-enough innovation activity of this universityyesBelgorod State Universit

    Genesis of the Russia’s economy innovative development

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    The innovative development of economy in Russia is possible only if the way of development will be based on the objective basic components, i.e. the corresponding system of premises and factors determining the innovative process. Namely the latter ensure a transformation of the fundamental processes into the application ones, as well as the dynamic development of the economy under the new trends and patterns influenceyesBelgorod State Universit

    Gender features of depressive disorders in women

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    The authors give the data available in the literature and the results of their investigations of the gender features of depressive disorders in women. They analyze the results of studies relating to gender differences in the neurohormonal system from the embryonic period, as well as those in the lateralization of neuromorphofunctional provision of emotions. Based on their clinical observations, the authors discuss the varying roles of menopause in the etiopathogenesis of climacteric, psychogenic, and endogenous depression; in these forms of depression, menopause may be a cause, ground, or trigger, respectively. The influence of endocrine and sociopsychological factors on the development of postpartum depression is considered. The authors unveil the diagnostic and predictive value of premenopausal syndrome with depressive disorders at different stages of a depressive episode: the prediction of depression when depressive symptoms appear in the premenopausal period, as well as the reduction of premenopausal depressive disorders as evidence of intermission. Based on the data available in the literature, the authors consider the clinical features of depression in women: earlier onset; more frequent depressive episodes; greater presentation of atypical symptoms (anxiety, fatigue, increased appetite, weight gain, hypersomnia, and signs of somatization), as well as rarer suicidal tendencies as comparedto men. It is concluded that the gender features of depression in women are due to the whole complex of gender factors, such as neurophysiological, neuroendocrine, and sociopsychological ones


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    Comuunity-acquired pneumonias in aged patients is the significant epidemiology problem for the public health of almost all the countries. Even more important the problem of microbiological monitoring and epidemiology surveillance for the S. pneumoniae strains as one of the ubiquitous pathogens causing as the community-acquired pneumonias as well the other infections of respiratory tract, what defines their different epidemiological meaning.Multilocus sequence typing is the perspective method of molecular epidemiological surveillance allowing to define the epidemiologically dangerous clones of the ubiquitous microorganisms as Streptococcus pneumomiae. The aim of our research was to conduct the multilocus sequence typing of pneumococci strains isolated in patients with community acquired pneumonias, bronchitis in aged patients.Materials and methods. There were taken 14 strains of S. pneumoniae, isolated in patients with community-acquired pneumonias (seven of them were multiresistant), eight strains were isolated from patients with the chronical onstructive lung diseases and four strains from carriers. Multilocus sequence typing was conduected according to method to M.C. Enright and B.G. Spratt (1998).Results. The strains, isolated in all populations were the related isolates of the species S. pneumoniae, the most of them had the unique genotype defining the sequence type for every strain. There were 6 strains of Taiwan 19F-14 genotype from 14 strains isolated in aged patients with community-acquired pneumonia. Among strains isolated from carriers there were prevailing the strai of R6 genotype.Conclusion. Multilocus sequence typing allows to identify the new genotypes and to prognose the appearing of epidemiologically dangerous strains with new peculiarities.Внебольничные пневмонии у лиц пожилого возраста являются значимой эпидемиологической проблемой для здравоохранения практически всех стран. Особенно актуальна проблема микробиологического мониторинга и эпидемиологического надзора за штаммами Streptococcuspneumoniae, как одного из убиквитарных возбудителей, вызывающих внебольничные пневмонии и другие инфекции дыхательных путей различной степени тяжести, что определяется их различной эпидемической значимостью.Мультилокусное сиквенстипирование – перспективный метод молекулярно-эпидемиологического мониторинга, позволяющего идентифицировать эпидемически опасные клоны S. pneumoniae. Целью исследования являлось проведение мультилокусного сиквенстипирования штаммов пневмококка, выделенных у пациентов с внебольничными пневмониями, бронхитами и у носителей пожилого возраста.Материал и методы. Было проведено исследование 14 штаммов, выделенных у пациентов с внебольничными пневмониями (из них 7 полирезистентных), 8 штаммов от пациентов с хронической обструктивной болезнью легких, 4 штамма от носителей. Мультилокусное сиквенстипирование было проведено согласно методике M.C. Enright и B.G. Spratt (1998).Результаты. Все штаммы, выделенные в трех популяциях, представляют собой родственные изоляты вида S. pneumoniae, большинство из которых (18 из 26) обладают уникальным генотипом, определяющим наличие одного сиквенстипа для каждого штамма. Из 14 штаммов, выделенных у лиц пожилого возраста с внебольничной пневмонией, 6 относились к профилю Taiwan19F-14. Среди штаммов, выделенных от носителей, превалировал штамм, идентичный штамму R6. Среди штаммов, выделенных от пациентов с хронической обструктивной болезнью, превалирования какого-либо генотипа не выявлено.Заключение. Мультилокусное сиквенстипирование позволяет идентифицировать новые генотипы и дать прогноз относительно появления эпидемически опасных штаммов с новыми свойствами

    Understanding informal payments in health care: motivation of health workers in Tanzania

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is growing evidence that informal payments for health care are fairly common in many low- and middle-income countries. Informal payments are reported to have a negative consequence on equity and quality of care; it has been suggested, however, that they may contribute to health worker motivation and retention. Given the significance of motivation and retention issues in human resources for health, a better understanding of the relationships between the two phenomena is needed. This study attempts to assess whether and in what ways informal payments occur in Kibaha, Tanzania. Moreover, it aims to assess how informal earnings might help boost health worker motivation and retention.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Nine focus groups were conducted in three health facilities of different levels in the health system. In total, 64 health workers participated in the focus group discussions (81% female, 19% male) and where possible, focus groups were divided by cadre. All data were processed and analysed by means of the NVivo software package.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The use of informal payments in the study area was confirmed by this study. Furthermore, a negative relationship between informal payments and job satisfaction and better motivation is suggested. Participants mentioned that they felt enslaved by patients as a result of being bribed and this resulted in loss of self-esteem. Furthermore, fear of detection was a main demotivating factor. These factors seem to counterbalance the positive effect of financial incentives. Moreover, informal payments were not found to be related to retention of health workers in the public health system. Other factors such as job security seemed to be more relevant for retention.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study suggests that the practice of informal payments contributes to the general demotivation of health workers and negatively affects access to health care services and quality of the health system. Policy action is needed that not only provides better financial incentives for individuals but also tackles an environment in which corruption is endemic.</p

    Мелоксикам: перспективы примененияпри узловатой эритеме

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    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are widely used in rheumatology in the complex therapy of pain syndrome. The paper describes the pathophysiological mechanisms of development of acute and chronic pain. The action of cyclooxygenases (COX) (types 1 and 2) is detailed. The key role of COX-2 in the induction and transmission is shown. The stepwise course of meloxicam relieves pain syndrome in the shortest possible time. The presented case demonstrates the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of meloxicam (Movalis) in a female patient with erythema nodosum.Нестероидные противовоспалительные препараты широко используются в комплексной терапии болевого синдрома. Представлены патофизиологические механизмы развития острой и хронической боли. Подробно описаны функции циклооксигеназы (ЦОГ) 1-го и 2-го типа, показана ключевая роль ЦОГ 2 в индукции и трансмиссии боли. Ступенчатый курс терапии мелоксикамом позволяет в короткие сроки купировать болевой синдром. Представленное клиническое наблюдение демонстрирует выраженный анальгетический и противовоспалительный эффект мелоксикама (Мовалиса) у пациентки с узловатой эритемой